MEMORIZE Chapter 913

00913 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=

It seems like they enjoyed the festival until late at night, but they seem to have fallen asleep at some point. When she opened her eyes, cold air stung her nostrils. It’s hard to say it’s morning yet, and it seems like it’s early morning. It must be around four o’clock.

As I rubbed my blurry eyes, stretched, and looked around, I heard a soft breathing sound. She was sleeping soundly, with Ansol burying her body in her blanket and her sleeping bag. When she returned from yesterday’s chase, she found that she had reattached her severed arm on her own, and it felt amazing to see her holding up so well on her own.

It must have really hurt. Now that I think about it, Ansol also seems to have changed quite a bit. The child who seemed a bit lacking when first seen as a rite of passage has grown into a great user after nearly five years. If Ansol wasn’t by my side, there probably wouldn’t have been a victory like yesterday. Now that I think about it, I also benefited a lot from Ansol.

“Hmmmnya…” . Brother… . More violently… . Made me a mess… .”

I don’t know what I’m dreaming about, but I feel good. As I pat her head, being careful not to wake her up, she grins. I stared at Ansol for a while, then quietly opened the door and went outside.

Perhaps because it is still before dawn, it is dark outside. Traces of the festival were scattered throughout the streets. My mind became clearer as I caught the wind that had a slight scent of alcohol mixed in.

As I walked step by step, I suddenly felt a subtle presence. Yesterday, where I enjoyed the festival, I saw a couple of vague shapes. As I slowly approached, I saw Vivien happily grilling and eating meat alone, and on the other side, Geunwon was observing Vivian with surprised eyes. And a little distance away, a Behemoth was lying down.

Putting aside my thoughts on Vivien’s gluttony and the mysteries of the human stomach, I stopped and stared at the Behemoth. Because he just rolled over and looked like he was asleep.

While staring at it for a while, the Behemoth showed a variety of tossing and turning movements. Rolling to the left and rolling to the right are the basics. After banging your forehead on the ground, you sigh in a sitting position and look up at the night sky with your eyes moist(?) shining.

As I was looking at it, I suddenly felt something unfamiliar. Now that I think about it, I have a similar memory. Maybe it was when Private First Class was on leave. The day before I returned, I couldn’t sleep and felt like I was going crazy, but I think that’s exactly what I was like then. Then I suddenly felt overwhelmed. This guy, he really didn’t want to go back.


As I carefully sat down next to him, Behemoth glanced at me.

– Oh, are you here?

Cracking, crackling, even this crashing sound is faint.

– You’ve arrived at the right time. She was thinking about going to wake her up.

“You don’t want to go back like that?”

– Wouldn’t it be me who wouldn’t want to go back… .

“Why are you doing that? How much did we talk about?”

Behemoth stole the part where the nose was supposed to be. And he continued speaking in a weak voice.

– Well, the situation is as I mentioned earlier.

“I shouldn’t have tried to comfort you. “After all, he’s a kid.”

– I tried it, I tried it. We took and mobilized every means possible without adding a single lie. I sincerely did my best to the best of my ability.

“… … .”

– Can I be honest with you? I am. I even imitated the words in front of my subordinates to please Suna. Just thinking about that time still makes me mad. But no matter what you do, nothing works, so what should you do?

“No, calm down first. If your child is angry, you need to find the cause first. “If you soothe it blindly, it will be bitter.”

Even though I said this, every single thing was vague. I know very well that Suna is an unusual child. As soon as she was born, she looked at me and said, ‘This is my father.’ I sighed with that expression on my face, so maybe I had no choice.

– So I’d like to ask. Is there anything you can point out? Sometimes, when I see Suna and Gehenna fighting, a lot of the story about my father comes up.

It’s my story. Actually, there is not much to point out. I’m not sure, but I think Gehenna may have been very upset when she secretly left me. When Suna saw the past with her third eye, she was crying. She waved both her hands as if trying to find me.

When I told him about the situation at that time, Behemoth nodded as if it made sense.

– That certainly could be the case. Well, why did you break up like that when you could have just come back on good terms? .

He grumbled softly and suddenly rolled his hollow eye sockets.

– Oh, I didn’t tell you this. Do you know Helena and Magna Carta?

I was a little surprised because the name came out unexpectedly. Of course I know. Helena, the great hero of the mythical era, and Magna Carta, the last dragon. How could I forget these two?

– Both beings currently reside in Hell.


– To be more precise, Gehenna brought it out again. No, is it correct to say resuscitation?

“You took it out? revival?”

Words I couldn’t understand continued. No, it is an impossible story in the first place. At that time, the two chose to sacrifice themselves as part of their effort to force Gehenna to return. In other words, it disappeared at the cost of activating the dimensional movement circle.

– huh? Why are you doing this?

Behemoth must have read my expression as he continued speaking.

“That doesn’t make any sense. How did she survive? “Even his soul would have been completely lost.”

– Didn’t you know? The Jin that was activated on our side was clearly an official dimensional moving Jin, but the Jin that was activated on my father’s side also had the function of supplementing the power of the summoned target.

For a moment, I thought, oh no. It certainly was. When Gehenna was summoned, weren’t nearly 2,000 Eastern users divided into two groups?

– Of course, most of the power of existence was used to activate Jin, but there must have been a small amount of polarization. If even a single particle has fallen into Gehenna, it is not difficult to revive it with a magic beast. That’s how I became a witch in the first place.

Before I knew it, Geunwon had crept up next to me and was listening intently to the conversation. I looked back to the source to see if it was really possible.


What. What is it that is negative as soon as you see it?

“I do not know. In the first place, an existence of that level is something I cannot dare to judge carelessly. “I’m cautious about even speaking.”

Geunwon firmly told me not to ask any more questions.

Anyway, regardless of whether it worked or not, I had one more question.

“But why did you revive them? “Is there any reason to save it?”

– there is. These are people who are related to your father.


– Didn’t I tell you? I tried everything I could. Gehenna hoped that Suna would calm down a little if the two told him various stories about his father.

… Am I mistaken if I heard that it was meant to be used as a toy for Suna?

“Hyo, what is the effect?”

– I do not know. I guess I’ll find out when I go back. Tsk.

well. Seeing that he was licking his lips as he spoke, it seemed like he didn’t think it would have much effect.

– Anyway, so that’s it. I have a favor to ask your father. Would you please comfort Suna?

“I? how? “I can’t even go to hell.”

– I know. If your father gives you a gift, I might be able to deliver it to you. Then, wouldn’t Suna’s mood be relieved?

“It’s a gift.”

As soon as I heard those words, I remembered the ornaments I had previously bought to give to Gehenna and Suna. But unfortunately, since I’m in Atlanta, I don’t think I can give it to you right away. But why bother asking them to wait until I return?

Anyway, it’s not a bad idea, but what kind of gift would suit that picky girl’s tastes?

“Oh, how about a record bead?”

– yes?

“I’m sending the bead that recorded my video to Suna. Of course, my face and voice also appear.”

– Oh, oh oh!

The Behemoth’s mouth opened wide. After screaming strangely for a while, he suddenly fell flat and showed all his might.

– Of course, our father! What a great idea! viceroy! And I almost did it! If you really do that, I won’t even tell you that you seemed to be having a good time with other human women, laughing haha!

Hoo. I’m sure you did, but did you mean to say something like that? No, this snitch will say it clearly. But I have no intention of being taken lightly.

“good. “Just wait a moment.”

I returned to where I was sleeping under the pretext of getting the beads, and spent some time recording the video. Then he returned to where Behemoth was and handed him the marble. Of course, I didn’t forget to put saliva in my mouth.

“ruler. But it would be best to show Suna first.”

– huh? why? Can’t I see it? Isn’t it strange that you recorded it?

“Unfortunately, it’s disposable. I don’t mind watching it together, but if you want to watch it, why don’t you watch it first?”

– Oh, no. okay. I will risk my life to protect it and deliver it without fail.

When I smiled, Behemoth immediately stopped giggling. Still, are you sure that this gift will work? Suddenly, his demeanor changed like that of a late-stage sergeant who was about to be discharged, and he hurried to the summons and disappeared, repeatedly thanking me for saving his life.

hmm. By the way, what did Behemoth say to Suna earlier? Did I say it was a baby topic?

After confirming that the Behemoth had completely disappeared, I quietly put my hands together.

May the souls of the deceased refrain.


As soon as morning dawned, I ordered all personnel to clear the battlefield. As it is difficult to say that the war is completely over, it cannot continue to spread. One day of rest was enough.

In fact, there were no major complaints from users on the Northern Continent either. This is because throwing away the body and incinerating it was a bit cumbersome, but stripping the body of its equipment was directly related to obtaining results.

While everyone happily participated in clearing the battlefield, I walked around the castle walls alone. And I slowly pondered the war one by one.

As I organized them one by one, the unclear corners were revealed one by one.

first. Of the six great demons, three were captured, but three managed to escape.

This means that there is a high possibility that Thanatos is still alive. Thanatos was equally divided into six pieces, but three pieces remained.

Hwajeong had similar thoughts as me. Since it lost the piece, it may not have the same power as before, but it is still dangerous, so be careful.

second. The demon did not appear.

Actually, this was the most unsettling part. Since tens of thousands of angels who ruled the southern continent were sacrificed, it was clear that a significant number of demons also crossed over. However, looking at the results, only demons appeared and there were no demons to be seen.

Why didn’t they reveal their full power all at once? What is your intention?

third. does not exist.

Eldora’s body was not there. No matter how hard I searched, I couldn’t find her. It is possible that one of our allies took the lead, but it is safe to say that this is highly unlikely. This is because Excalibur, as well as the equipment I had personally removed, remained intact.

Then, it becomes more likely that the enemy took it while escaping, which is incomprehensible. It’s not even alive, so there’s no reason to take it.

These three reasons were confusing in my mind, but it was difficult to come to a conclusion on any of them.

One thing is certain: we won the war greatly, and the Southern Continent and the Devil suffered a huge blow. But I wouldn’t give up yet.

In the end, all I could do was keep it in mind and do what I could. All I have to do is watch how things progress and act until I return to Atlanta. Anyway, returning to Atlanta was the priority for now.

However, before returning, I discussed with the clan lords and decided to take the eastern continent to the northern continent. Although it was just a coincidence, the enemy could have been hiding somewhere waiting for us to leave.

Aquino, the representative of the eastern continent, was reluctant at first to the relocation plan, but when he said that he would not be able to protect them if they invaded again, he agreed without any hesitation.

So, after putting an end to the affairs of the Eastern Continent, we left the castle, escorting the survivors of the Eastern Continent.

When I came, it took a whole day to get there, but I didn’t do that this time. If it took five weeks to reach a small city on the outskirts of the eastern continent, it took exactly fifty-six days, or eight weeks, to return to the northern continent.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

After Kim Soo-hyun leaves, Knight Commander Obelo returns to the castle: Ugh… . Lord of Swords, I am sorry! Missing the enemy… . huh? Uh, where have you been?


Originally, I wanted to write about Suna, Gehenna, and Behemoth, who received Kim Soo-hyun’s recording beads… .

I’m so sleepy. ^_ㅠ


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not work with dark mode