MEMORIZE Chapter 912

00912 A Poisoned Chalice, Two. ————————————————– ———————-=

When I came to my senses and looked at the sky, the sun caught in the clouds was slowly setting over the border between heaven and earth. The red twilight falling to the ground soon mixes with dark stone and begins to take on a dusky glow, as if black paint had been poured.


A huge roar rang out under the seemingly dark sky. Thousands of users were raising their fists and cheering for the night to go away.

The battlefield was already completely over.

My toes were tapping every time I walked back to the castle. It felt like the North Continent was chasing the South just as I was chasing Lucifer to death. The ground where the battle ended was filled with at least 45,000 corpses, and the ground turned into bloody mud and was soggy.

After a long time, the shouting slowly died down. Immediately after the battle, users who fully enjoyed the joy of victory walked around the battlefield. Some people recovered the bodies of their colleagues, while others took care of the injured. Occasionally, there were people searching for corpses with excited faces.

While crossing the leisurely flowing river of fresh blood, a strange feeling suddenly comes over my whole body.

won We didn’t just win, we won overwhelmingly. Although we do not yet know the extent of the damage to the Northern Continent, it would be enough to say that it was a great battle on the Eastern Continent.

First of all, the Southern Continent left behind nearly half of its total troops dead. If you add up the casualties from the urban battle on the first day, it will be about that much. In addition, they defeated many of the Knights of the Round Table, the best military unit in the Southern Continent, and killing Eldora was a definite achievement.

The devil’s side is also formidable. I will need to receive a report to find out more details, but the opponent has contributed tremendous power to the battle called Lucifer, the ‘fallen angel’. Considering the title of Great Devil, it was almost like catching a ball. Additionally, he was able to kill the two demon lords who followed Lucifer as a bonus.

In fact, I was prepared that this war would be very difficult, but when I opened the lid, it turned out to be the exact opposite of what I expected. Of course, there was unexpected luck with the appearance of the Obello knight, and it was not without dangerous and dizzying moments, but it worked out very well.

So it was strange. What should I say? I can’t believe I won so easily. A part of my heart felt uneasy, but I couldn’t stop the corners of my mouth from rising.


Anyway, I’m happy. From the beginning of this episode, I tried to be fully prepared with the devil in mind. He destroyed the arrangements he knew one by one, passed the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period, and gathered and preserved his strength as much as possible.

So, how could you not be happy that as a result of doing your best to face the challenge, it led to such great results? I feel like my hard work over the past 14 years has not been in vain and has been rewarded.


The situation was completely reversed from the first episode. Now, instead of humans being cornered, the devil is on the edge. If I could, I would like to ask Satan in front of me. Just one word. How does it feel to be like this?

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Seeing that you were smiling happily, I guess you succeeded in the chase?”

Just as I was laughing out loud, I heard a familiar voice. In front, my brother and a group of people were standing looking at me in the dusky sunset. Especially next to my brother, “Oh! He was your father’s older brother. lol.” The skeletal knight who rubs his hands and then looks back towards where I am is also familiar.


– Hey, it’s been a really long time?

Crackling, the Behemoth raised its handsome long sword, making a unique clashing sound. At the tip of her sword hangs a small, white-blond-haired girl with her throat impaled. She had a cute overall appearance, but her face was extremely distorted.


The moment I saw my face, I screamed without realizing it. Even if I check it two or three times, it is indeed Baal, the ‘King of the East’. Since he had already lost his life to Gehenna once, it would have been a shame to miss him, but he seems to have succeeded in pursuing him.

“Brother too?”

“I only held back, and this guy took care of it himself.”

When my brother glanced to the side, Behemoth spread out his chest.

– Hehe hehe. It’s not just this. Please also add the two demons that followed this bitch and the disposal of Thanatos’ fragment.

“Originally, I was going to snipe all six… . I thought I would miss everything if I did that, so I focused on one guy. Well, I never imagined he would run away like that in the first place.”

My brother smiled and shrugged his shoulders. At that moment, I couldn’t contain my joy, so I wrapped my arms around my brother’s neck and hugged him.

“Uh, huh? Su, Suhyeon?”

My brother looked embarrassed, but I acted guided by my emotions. I can’t believe it even when I see it right in front of my eyes. No, I was just grateful. There are now two archdemons and four demon lords. In an instant, the performance doubled.

“Merchionary Road.”

A quiet voice flowed to my ears. When I looked back, I couldn’t help but be surprised again. Han So-young and Ha Seung-woo were already approaching. Ha Seung-woo smiled and put down what he was dragging with his hand. It was Beelzebub who was lying in disgrace with his entire body torn to shreds. Power naturally entered my eyes.

“no way.”

“yes. “Just as you see.”

Soyoung Han simply dismissed the explanation. ‘Gluttony’ Beelzebub also could not leave the battlefield. Once again, performance tripled. Now I was at a point where I was completely out of my wits.

“Anyway, I was successful in my pursuit.”

Han So-young particularly emphasized the word ‘me too’. She suddenly looked back and forth between me and her brother, then she cleared her throat awkwardly and gently walked forward. And she blushed and slightly hunched her shoulders.

The moment I was about to ask if you were hurt, I suddenly felt another group approaching where we were. Seon Yu-un and Cha So-rim were trudging along. I naturally had high expectations, but looking at his bitter face, I think I probably wasted it.

“sorry. After hearing the command to catch him, I immediately went in pursuit… . “I missed it.”

I knew it. Cha So-rim apologized by bending his waist at a right angle. He was ready to commit seppuku.

“I missed it a little too close. Just before the sniper was successful, the guy who was guarding him got hit instead… .”

Seon Yu-un calmly licked his lips and expressed regret.

“Then what happened to the guy who shot you?”

“Of course I took care of it.”

The moment I heard those words, I wrapped my arms around Seon Yu-un’s neck and hugged her.

“uh… . “Clan Lord.”

Seon Yu-un calmly expressed his embarrassment. Her eyes blinked rapidly and she asked, ‘Why are you doing this all of a sudden?’ This clearly revealed her personality. I know she wasn’t like her usual self, but for some reason she couldn’t control herself. It was a shame that she missed the archdemon, but taking care of the demon lord was a very remarkable achievement.

“I am Mercenary Lord.”

At that time, Soyoung Han came next to me and touched me.

“Now that I think about it, I think I took care of one or two more… .”

“Oh, is that so?”

Indeed, there is no way to miss Han So-young, the Queen of Iron Blood. Perhaps she is referring to a demon lord and one of the pieces of Thanatos. So you’ve disposed of the three arch-demons, six demon lords, and three of the six pieces of Thanatos? Haha, hahahaha.

“You did a great job.”

I smiled brightly. Then Han So-young lowered her eyes and hunched her shoulders again. huh? Why are you acting like that earlier? Did she hurt her shoulder? I tilted my head.

“Istantel Low Road. “Are you hurt?”

“… yes?”

“I think you have some discomfort in your shoulder… .”

“… … .”

At that moment, Han So-young’s face became as frozen as ice. Next, she looked more pouty than ever and glared coldly at me. I reflexively wondered what I had done wrong. However, no matter how much I think about it, we just hugged each other tightly and were happy together.

After a while.

“Ah yes. “It’s okay, so don’t worry.”

Han So-young shot back in a barbed tone and turned her body so that a loud noise was heard. And she stomped away, blowing away the bitter cold. I stared at Han So-young, who was slowly moving away.

– Tsk tsk.

Suddenly, the sound of someone clicking their tongue was heard.

-My father too… .

Behemoth sighed heavily and shook his skull.

why not? What did I do wrong?


By the time dusk fell, we were able to complete basic battlefield cleanup, including confirming the deaths of our troops.

Of course, the post-cleaning process was not completed neatly. There were still corpses scattered on the ground. However, I decided to put off cleaning up until tomorrow and then go back to the castle to rest first. The tension that had been building up was relieved, and as soon as we crossed over, we had to fight fiercely without stopping, so we were in desperate need of rest.

When we returned to the castle, we received welcome greetings from the East Continent. The representative of the eastern continent named Aquino was clearly aware of their situation. They were so overly grateful that it felt a bit burdensome, and in addition to providing a place to sleep, they even held a simple festival.

At best, they only offered some alcohol and food, but I gladly accepted them without hesitation. As much as I was happy, my allies were happy with the victory, and I thought it would be good to relieve fatigue by eating and drinking with the clan.

The only thing that bothered me was the Knights of Obello. According to eyewitness testimony, it seems that the Obello Knights also participated in the chase.

In fact, it is said that the chase would have stopped once the distance had grown to a certain extent, but Knight Commander Obelo chased it all the way, screaming for some reason, and eventually disappeared into the distance. I don’t know what happened after that.

Actually, I guess we’ll have to fight once we get back, but when I heard that, I felt a little sorry for some reason.

Anyway, strictly speaking, the war is not over, but there is a risk that it will explode if it is tightened too much. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to put it all down for a day or so.

– Oh my, it tastes good!

However, I soon felt the need to change my thoughts.

– How much meat is this? Alcohol! Uhehehe!

The Behemoth, which had been secretly participating in the festival, was now very excited and buzzing. He honestly thought he would go back soon, but I still don’t know why he’s doing that. Is it possible to have a taste for skulls more than anything else?

Because they were so friendly, we got along quickly, but three or four of them were still glancing at Vivien with awkward looks. The person who had actually been summoned was busy inhaling food.

In the end, I decided to carry the gun.


– yes? why?

“Aren’t you going back?”

– Eh? What is it? viceroy. It sounds like you need to hurry up and turn it off.

“that’s right.”

– Wow, I’m sad. Let’s see. I almost cried just now.

Crazy guy.

“Stop talking nonsense. “You can’t even taste it.”

– What do you mean? Festival is an atmosphere. Don’t ignore it. Even so, it is a skeleton that was the king of a country.

I don’t know what that has to do with it. However, seeing that he was enjoying the drink, it didn’t seem like a lie at all. He felt it before too, but this guy is truly a man who can’t understand anything.

“But wouldn’t it be better to go back quickly?”

– I don’t like it. Please. I definitely don’t want to go back soon.

He offered it one more time, but Behemoth refused with one word.


– Huyu, that’s it.

Don’t get serious all of a sudden.

– The atmosphere these days is extremely brutal. It really is a living hell.

No, it’s hell over there.

– So, it was good until Gehenna came back after giving birth to the king. The problem is that the king is very angry… .

My ears perked up at those words. If you are a king, you must be referring to my daughter, Suna. Suna was angry?


– Mr. Ai, if I know that, I will do this. They don’t even tell me why, and whenever they see Gehenna, they just grit their teeth and try to scratch. On the topic of brats.

“Don’t talk nonsense. “She is my daughter.”

– i know. But would it be like this if I were to be embarrassed? There were many other incidents besides that. It is said that there was even a reorganization of the Hell Demon Legion. Ah, I guess it would be better to tell you this.

Behemoth poured out rapid fire and suddenly glanced at Vivian. But Vivien was swallowing the food off the plate.

– Anyway, I’ve made some progress this time, so let’s have some fun together. I’ll tell you everything before I go back. From the moment they return, they have to suffer from the mother-daughter war again.

As Behemoth said that, its hollow eye sockets brightened eagerly. (Actually, the flashing red eyes were a bit creepy.) I don’t know what happened, but in the end, it nodded hesitantly. Then the Behemoth crackled happily and then spun its body around.

– Come on, one more drink! Please follow along here quickly! Oh my, my arm is falling off! Aaaah!

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Taking a break for a while… . no see.

Oh, let me tell you something about the illustrations. We are currently requesting two illustrations from the illustrator. For one piece, I decided to show a new image of one of the illustrations I showed before due to my personal greed, and one piece will be Kim Soo-hyun + Hwa-jeong. First of all, the former will likely be completed by June 30th at the latest. 🙂


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not work with dark mode