MEMORIZE Chapter 911

00911 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

After the smoke flowed from Thanatos’ body, there were signs of subtle changes on the battlefield where time seemed to have stopped. As everyone was staring blankly, not knowing what to do, Lucifer winked at someone.


It was a quiet voice, but something flashed through the old wise man’s eyes. Soon, Melinus secretly moved somewhere, and the six great demons instantly circled in the air and gathered by Thanatos’ side.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was supporting Ansol, frowned. Even if only the arm was strong, it would have been impossible to deal with that level of power at once. Of course, Kim Soo-hyun’s allies, who realized the devil’s intention, quickly surrounded the area.

But Lucifer didn’t care at all and was hurriedly playing with his hands. A hand as beautiful as a woman sweeps Thanatos’ whole body. Thanatos had an angry expression on his face, but he didn’t seem to be rejecting it in any way, and soon his entire body began to emit a faint light and was engulfed in some kind of energy.

Eventually, when Lucifer turned around resolutely, Kim Soo-hyun could not believe his eyes. At one point, Thanatos split into six and was panting.

However, before realizing the cause, Lucifer shouted something for a long time. Before the echoing sound had even stopped, the great demons held each of the six Thanatos and spread their bat wings wide. Only then did Kim Soo-hyun realize Lucifer’s intention and quickly activated his third eye.


However, it soon had no choice but to become the flagship. I thought five of the six images were fake and one was real, but I couldn’t read any information about any of them. In other words, all six were real.

The next moment, Lucifer, Baal, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Astaroth, and Lilith. These six great demons soared into the air at once, and each began to fly in different directions. Kim Soo-hyun, who had never thought that he would run away, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Get everyone!”

A voice so great that it made you want to cover your ears shook the heavens and earth. Almost at the same time, everyone, including Kim Soo-hyun, attempts to chase in one direction.

From that moment on, the battlefield began to change rapidly.


The users of the southern continent, who were resisting at the edge based on their last name, became confused. This is because they saw great demons flying above them at high speed. Not heading towards the castle, but in the opposite direction.

Users hesitated for a while due to the sudden retreat. However, I was aware that the war situation was actually bad. Moreover, the Northern Continent suddenly gains even more momentum and comes rushing in like a tsunami, so it eventually turns its back and begins to fall like a low tide.

However, the Northern Continent was moving in like a tide at a faster rate than that. Seonyul, who took over command, gave instructions to quickly chase after them. Perhaps because they instinctively sensed victory, the morale of the Northern Continent soared to the sky, and they relentlessly pursued the enemy.

Of course, there were no users who stayed still.

In a war, the most casualties occur in a chase-and-purse situation rather than a large-scale battle where people fight each other with all their might. However, even though Kim Yu-hyun had this golden opportunity, he was standing on the ground. He didn’t even participate in the demon chase group.

“Ha, run away.”

It’s just sending out yellow currents all over its body.

“Whose will it be?”

Grumble, rumble!

The sky, which was already cloudy, became even darker. However, Kim Yu-hyeon did not activate her power right away and waited. If there’s one thing I realized while dealing with Astaroth earlier, it’s that even if the power of the Thunder God is split into several parts, it can’t inflict much damage.

It would be nice if you could kill him with one hit, but it’s close to impossible in the first place, and there’s no need to do that. In the current situation, holding back is enough. Then there was only one answer.

A thunderous sound shook the whole world. At the same time, a very thick pillar, or rather a huge thunderbolt that looked like a pillar, revealed itself through the dark clouds colored with bright yellow light. Like a dragon chopping off its neck, a snake shoots out and hangs on the ground.

After a while, Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes, which were staring into the distant light, burst into transparent golden light. This was the characteristic when I assimilated sight with Jjorongi. Then, she raised both her arms to the sky, and then slammed them down with force as if she had caught something.

The sky shook once. Users nearby at that moment could clearly see it. A gigantic pillar of thunderbolts, made up of hundreds and thousands of bullets, descended in an arc and fell in front of Baal, who was flying at tremendous speed. It was a very accurate attack that even calculated the opponent’s speed.

In fact, it took less than a second for the lightning to strike, and Baal was swallowed up as if he was jumping into the yellow pillar without even a moment to think.



The long scream was drowned out by the roar that instantly filled the landing zone. The ground is dug up and then broken into pieces, and piles of earth mixed with electric current explode into the sky. Baal disappeared into the pillar for a moment, and when he reappeared, he was fluttering in the air.

Eventually, even as it bounced to the ground, it seemed to be alive as it held its wings together, but its flight had already completely stopped. And a group of knights flew towards the place and succeeded in immediately surrounding it. It was the 3rd Corps.

When Baal finally came to his senses, Behemoth was already aiming its sword in front of his nose.

“Hehehehehe! Hey, didn’t our corps commander lose his life once? “I’m really, truly happy to meet you!”

In the end, Baal, who allowed the chase, had a gloomy look on his cruel face.

Same time.

Baal wasn’t the only one caught in the chase. Beelzebub was also caught in the air and surrounded. Ha Seung-woo, a clone of Asmodeus, and about 40 Valkyries wearing silver armor were surrounded in a circle. Soyoung Han took off her magic lady mode and summoned the queen’s army.


Beelzebub groaned in exasperation and flapped his wings again. In fact, if you are at the level of a great demon, you can easily deal with a battle maiden. Not to mention fake demons that aren’t real. But that only happens when the other person sticks to it.

As Beelzebub flew forward, the Valkyries scattered in all directions, aimed their spears and fired beams of light. All the silver rays flying around are aimed at the wings and pour down like a shower of rain. As he was wondering how to escape, Ha Seung-Woo was looking for an opportunity and crashed into his body, so his flight speed naturally slowed down.

Beelzebub ground his teeth as he was constantly harassed like a mosquito. I thought I wanted to give up the plan and everything and have a fight, but that was exactly what the other person wanted. Since you came prepared from the beginning, you have to act as best as possible according to the situation. Because now was the most important moment.

That’s what I thought, but I wonder if Beelzebub really knows. That his reinforcements, who could end his life, had already arrived just a stone’s throw away.

Meanwhile, Lucifer was flying in a straight line through the air along with the two demon lords. The direction chosen by the fallen angel is forward. As we reached top speed, we were almost out of the battlefield, but lights were still flashing constantly around us. I pass through the air with all my might without even thinking about looking back.

“Hey, they’re chasing me to death?”

Suddenly, I heard a giggling sound coming from my arms. Lucifer glanced down. Thanatos, held like a child, is giggling with a face that makes him want to die of fun. It looked completely different from when he hit the ground and got angry earlier.

Well, it’s strange. After Thanatos’ plan for conversion failed, the archdemons reacted too quickly and quickly. It was as if he had anticipated that situation.

“You don’t seem to be very sorry!”

Lucifer was struggling so hard that he shouted at the top of his voice.

“Well, it’s a shame. Earlier, it wasn’t acting, I was just really angry. Still, it seems like Satan has this situation in mind as well?”

“It would have been nice to succeed, but the possibility of failure was greater!”

“I am indeed. Anyway, these guys are really incomprehensible. Why are you doing this? What is the prophecy of that great world? . back!”


At that time, Thanatos acted evilly. The moment Lucifer, who was startled, tried to look behind her, something sharp passed by his cheek. I felt a group of people approaching at high speed behind me. She knew what it was without even looking back.

Lucifer frowned for a moment, but quickly regained his stance. And he continued to fly and shout.

“Demon Lord, stop the chase!”

Then the two beings on the left and right suddenly turn and fall. You’re not even a demon, but you’re using a demon lord to buy time. It was something I would never have thought of under normal circumstances, but I couldn’t help it. The chase team followed faster than expected, and considering what would happen next, the Archdemon had to live rather than the Demon Lord.

In any case, Lucifer thought that since he had left a guard behind, he would be able to gain the time needed to retreat. But that was a miscalculation. Because the chase team wasn’t alone either.

Suddenly, Lucifer’s son-in-law’s air began to shake and shake.

After a while, a man shouted loudly and clear flames erupted in all directions. A hot wind blew. A deafening festival of heavy drinking ensued, and Lucifer felt a burning pain in his back. Fortunately, there were no direct hits, but it couldn’t prevent them from being swept away by the explosion’s aftermath.

“Don’t miss it!”

Before he had time to catch his breath, an evil voice struck Lucifer’s ears. At that moment, Lucifer glanced back and was surprised for two reasons. In the distance, a fierce battle was taking place between two demon lords and a group, and through them, a familiar man was chasing after him, flying in the air as well.

Kim Soo-hyun, with his dragon wings spread out, was following closely behind with blazing eyes. The highly distorted face is like a demon, and the threatening energy radiating from the whole body is as if thousands of needles are piercing the flesh.

There was a hint of hostility in the air that he would never let go, or that he would kill him at all costs. Lucifer was relieved and smiled bitterly.

‘If everyone had run away in the same direction, something real would have happened.’

At that moment, a look of conflict appeared on Lucifer’s face. While the two demon lords blocked other pursuit parties, he was wondering whether he should take on Kim Soo-hyun alone and defeat him.

But I soon gave up. Even the powerful Thanatos couldn’t win, but he didn’t think he could win, and the risk was high. Above all else, safe escape was the top priority at the moment.

‘If only I could somehow get over this moment, just this moment!’

Just when I decided to focus on running away, the surroundings were once again engulfed in flames. Lucifer immediately gave up his straight flight and began circling.

Pop, pop, pop, pop!

The air is pounding and vibrating. Among the dotted flames, Lucifer draws an almost acrobatic S-curve to avoid the explosion. I almost lost my posture once, but I managed to break through and fly in a straight line.

“Damn it, come out! “Sea horse!”

After that, Kim Soo-hyun’s presence suddenly disappeared. But Lucifer was not relieved. Rather, he was possessed by a vague fear that something would appear at any moment from somewhere.

Since archdemons also have emotions, they naturally feel fear. I was hoping they wouldn’t chase me, but Kim Soo-hyun happened to be chasing me, so my appetite might be bitter.

Eventually, Lucifer could not stand it anymore and glanced away. And with her blank eyes she looked all around her. Kim Soo-hyun, who had been persistently pursuing her until just a moment ago, disappeared at some point.


At that moment, a sword flew from below and narrowly missed the left wing. Lucifer’s eyes reflexively looked down and widened to the size of a flower lantern.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

Kim Soo-hyun, who went down to the ground, was chasing Lucifer on a horse he had never seen before. He was a beautiful horse, with a body as white as jade and a mane as black as black pearls.

The problem is that the speed at which the horse runs is truly incredible. It’s like sliding on ice, kicking the ground and rushing as if it’s flying. Moreover, the more I ran, the faster my speed increased.

A horse is faster than a winged being? This cannot happen as it is.

But the phenomenon is actually happening. Alas, for a moment, he approached a line similar to Lucifer, and eventually succeeded in overtaking him.

At that moment, Lucifer saw Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes sparkle. Soon, dozens of deteriorated swords were created in an instant, shooting up vertically like a red carpet. The ensuing flames turn into a sea of ​​fire and block Lucifer’s path.


Lucifer screamed and hurriedly ran away. Fortunately, he was able to change direction just before reaching the curtain of inflamed swords. But even for a moment. Suddenly, a firework exploded in front of my eyes, and my barely maintained balance collapsed. Thanatos looks dejected.

“Ah, this is over.”

At the same time, Lucifer spins in the air as if dancing.

In Lucifer’s mind,

‘okay. The opponent is definitely strong.’

‘They are strong, have power, are lucky, and above all, they know us well.’

‘Furthermore, the great world is predicting our defeat.’

‘But Lucifer. Do you know the exact contents of the prophecy?’

Suddenly, memories of my relationship with Satan came to mind.

‘One king and four queens appeared. Our diversification defeat primary condition is satisfied.’

‘It’s up to your interpretation, but what you need to pay attention to is that it has the word ‘diversification’ attached to it.’

‘Diversification here means that it can change as much as you want.’

‘Then what we have to do becomes clear. How will we deal with an enemy stronger than us?’

My vision gradually fades. The sky slowly coming in flows like a panorama in Lucifer’s eyes.

‘It’s simple. You lose. ‘Be one step ahead and satisfy the defeat conditions.’

‘Then, would you mind leaving the defeat out of the prophecy?’

‘One king and four queens appear. Our primary condition for diversification is satisfied.’

‘Use defeat as bait to create opportunities.’

At that moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of Lucifer, who was slowly falling. Before he knew it, Thanatos had left his arms and his neck was being ripped out.

‘huh? And then what if they are completely annihilated? Ha, then there is nothing we can do. It’s an adventure to begin with. What matters is whether or not you can deceive the enemy. It depends.’

‘Admit it. We can’t beat Kim Soo-hyun. But it’s a different story in the northern continent.’

‘If only I could endure that defeat… . No, if it’s a defeat you can endure.’

‘Opportunity comes only once.’

After disposing of the pieces of Thanatos, Kim Soo-hyun glares down with cold eyes.

final moment,


‘Is there a possibility?’

‘During the Hell Plan, we demons collaborated for the first time.’

‘I saw potential there.’

The thoughts that had been flowing very slowly suddenly stopped.

“Satan… .”

Soon, the invisible sword struck down, spewing out clear flames, and at the same time, Lucifer muttered briefly.


After saying that one word, I gently closed my eyes, feeling the hot energy touching the back of my neck.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Forgive me for being late. Instead, I added a lot of capacity, so please forgive me… .(high heels and heels)

Oh, and I read the comment yesterday. Ansol did not block Kim Soo-hyun’s attack. Kim Soo-hyun lost his strength for a split second, and Ansol’s arm was torn off and cut off instead of Thanatos. After reading the first comment, I thought it might be misleading, so I changed the description a little. 🙂

Ah, episode 3 is finally over. I thought the biggest hurdles were 7-5, and then 3, but fortunately I think I managed to finish it.

We’ll see you tomorrow with Episode 2. Have a lively day, all readers!


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not work with dark mode