Memorize Chapter 91

00091 Awesome, awesome. And again, awesome. ————————————————– ———————-=

“… “For some reason, they all seem old.”

“I know.”

Yujeong and Ahn Hyeon’s disappointed voices were heard. However, I was pointing out the weapons one by one with my third eye activated. As time had passed, most of the weapons had become disheveled and were no longer functioning properly. And since the kids’ weapons had been adjusted a while ago, it was true that what they were seeing now seemed relatively small.

However, among these, objects with powerful magical powers tend to maintain their shape even after a long period of time. The kids were picking things up and throwing them away and examining them one by one carefully.

“Brother. what it this?”

When I heard Sol’s voice, I turned my head like a lightning bolt. I had a feeling that if it was an item chosen by Ansol, who had 100 points of luck, it would be something out of the ordinary. The kids seemed to have felt the same way, so they all turned their attention to Sol at the same time. As everyone’s eyes gathered, Sol took a step back with a prickly look on his face.


“This one… .”

The item Sol held out was none other than a bracelet. I was very rusty, but it was something that bothered me, so I accepted it right away. After receiving the bracelet and looking around for a moment, I looked at Jeong Ha-yeon.

“Hayeon. “Can you use the Restore spell?”

“Restoration magic? sure. However, it is literally only possible to restore the outer appearance and internal functions, so I am not confident about durability or other aspects.”

“That’s what blacksmiths do. “That’s enough.”

“Then give it to me.”

Finally, when I handed the bracelet to Ha-yeon Jeong, the children’s annoyed eyes sparkled. Unable to bear it any longer, Anhyeon asked me.

“brother. “What is that bracelet?”

“I don’t know yet. “I’m going to cast a restoration spell and see it again.”

Of course, since I saw it with my third eye, I had no idea what it was. And he had already made up his mind to give Anhyeon to him. The reason I asked for restoration magic was because I felt a bit uncomfortable using it as is, so I was trying to get rid of the rust as much as possible.

Jeong Ha-yeon quietly chanted a spell while holding the bracelet. Afterwards, when I lightly tapped the center of the bracelet with a thin finger, I could see the entire bracelet engulfed in bright light. Soon after all the light disappeared, the surface of the bracelet, where a lot of rust had fallen, was revealed. The bracelet, which had been restored to its original form, was emitting a soft moonlight. And when Jeong Ha-yeon saw that, her eyes turned round.

“This can’t be right…” .”

“Hehe. Sol did what he did.”

All the kids had curious faces. Ha-yeon Jeong looked around with her bracelet for a moment, then handed it back to me with an envious look on her face.

“congratulation. The mana utilization rate is much higher than that of regular steel. It’s just my guess, but… I think it probably contains a small amount of mithril. In other words, depending on how you use it, you may be able to use it to chase magical power.”

“Mithril? Sister, is that good?”

Jeong Ha-yeon lowered her head as Yoo-jeong interrupted.

“then. Mithril is a very rarely found mineral. It is lighter than regular steel and has stronger strength as well. hmm… “The mana utilization rate is very high.”


“… “It’s worth it.”

I put my finger in the loop and twirled the bracelet around. To be exact, it was a bracelet containing 5.7% mithril. Although it does not increase the abilities of the user who wears it, you can still increase your mana utilization rate just by equipping it. It was safe to say that it had higher efficiency than any other equipment we are currently equipped with. I handed the bracelet to Ahn Hyeon, who was drooling before I knew it.

“Kick it.”

“yes yes? No, bro. This is more like my brother than me… .”

“okay? “Then why not?”

In response to Anhyeon’s refusal, I coolly took the bracelet back. Then, Ahn Hyeon’s face changed strangely, and his gaze could be seen endlessly following her bracelet. I giggled once and handed him the bracelet again.

“joke. Anyway, don’t say anything you don’t like. “If I don’t use it, I’ll give it to Yoo-jeong?”

At those words, Anhyeon quickly took the bracelet and took it. As Ahn Hyun wore the bracelet under the envious looks of his companions, he could see it automatically adjusting to fit his wrist. Ohh. Is there an auto-adjustment function?

“… how is it?”


Ahn Hyeon tilted his head for a moment and tapped his bracelet with his finger.

“I’m not sure yet… My body feels energized. It seems like the speed of mana flow has also become faster.”

That’s enough. Ahn Hyeon stopped exploring his wonders and continued fiddling with his bracelet. We left him behind and started searching again. The kids who posted something thanks to Ansol seemed to search for the items even more diligently than before. Even Sol-i whetted his appetite looking at the items scattered everywhere.

In the beginning, the kids were throwing various things at me, but this time they did the opposite and whenever they felt like they had something, they brought it to me one by one. However, perhaps it was because of low luck or lack of insight, but what the kids showed me was nothing more than lumps of scrap metal.

Nevertheless, the kids eventually became irritated because they were pushed so hard that they became calm. I was planning to gather the things that seemed okay and check them all at once later.

Anyway, maybe because I made a lot of preparations for the equipment before coming on this expedition, I couldn’t find anything useful among the types of gloves. At best, it seemed better that the kids were equipped with chest protectors, decks, shields, etc.

As it seemed like it would take some time, I decided to take a break here. After scanning the surrounding area, I confirmed that no one was there and called Shin Sang-yong. Shin Sang-yong refused once or twice out of courtesy, but when I kept asking him to come, I could see him running towards me. Although he didn’t say anything, he seemed like he really wanted to participate. So we spent 30 minutes picking out the items we needed.

“phew. “Is it roughly like this?”

“sister. quickly.”

“This guy. “Just wait a moment.”

After a while, we threw the pieces of scrap metal far away and gathered the good ones in the center and sat around them. Ha-yeon Jeong was casting restoration magic on each item. While she proceeded with her restoration, I first counted the gold coins and jewels.

First of all, the money showed decent results with 32 gold coins worth 10 gold and 58 gold coins worth 1 gold. There was a total of 378 gold coins alone. There were a total of 8 large jewels, all of which were rubies. They were worth at least 100 gold each.

I needed a lot of money to register as an official clan, but I was relieved to know that I didn’t have to touch the bag of jewels Vivian gave me. The children all looked at the gold coins and jewels with dreamy eyes. These were items that compensated for all the hard work that had been going on.

When I turned my head, I saw Jeong Ha-yeon taking a deep breath. She was looking at the items with a wistful gaze, as if she had just finished her restoration spell. In front of her was a dagger, a cloak, and two rings. A total of four. Including the bracelet Ahn Hyun wore, as many as 5 items were saved. I quickly activated her third eye and at the same time, Ha-yeon Jeong’s mouth opened.

“I don’t know what to say, but first I want to say congratulations. First of all, the dagger is just one sword, but it probably has a magic effect that increases the wearer’s attack speed. hmm… However, it is not suitable for use in combat. “It just has a more decorative meaning.”

She raised her dagger. It looked a lot like a stiletto (a narrow, sharp, awl-shaped dagger.) It looked a lot like a dagger, but honestly, it didn’t look suitable for combat. I wonder if assassins use it… .

“sister. “Is it good?”

“If you think about it, this is also precious. “Weapons with these permanent special abilities are not available anywhere.”

“ah… .”

Yujeong immediately turned her gaze to me. I answered in a calm voice.



I couldn’t help but look away from Chorong’s eyes, so I barely nodded. Yu-jeong took the dagger at the speed of a hawk snatching its prey. The sword body was much shorter than the dagger I provided, but she still held the dagger in her arms with a very satisfied expression.

This time, Ha-yeon Jeong pointed to the cloak and then opened her mouth.

“This cloak looks like an ordinary faded cloak, but it seems to be enchanted with magic resistance. But I’m not sure to what level. “I think I’ll probably have to go back to the city and get it appraised to find out.”

“hmm. That much is enough.”

After receiving the cloak from Jeong Ha-yeon, I smiled softly. This cloak was one I was familiar with. It was a special cloak that could protect against chlorine-type magic. Maybe it was called Block Of Fire.

Anyway, if calculated in terms of damage, it was able to protect against a certain level of magic and reduce 40% of the damage even if excessive magic damage was received. That wasn’t all. On the outside, it appears to be just a cloak made of cotton, but physical resistance magic is also applied to the entire cotton, making it much stronger than regular cloth. Even if you bought it very cheaply, you would have to pay 600 gold to buy it. I guess this cloak… .


“Wow. thank you.”

Ha-yeon Jeong gave a jealous look as Vivian excitedly took the cape and wrapped it around her body. However, after quickly compiling her expression, she picked up the two remaining rings and placed them on her palm.

“I think these two rings are probably the best we’ve ever seen. These are really… .”

Ha-yeon Jeong paused for a moment when she saw the two rings. I smiled softly. I could hear Shin Sang-yong swallowing his saliva next to me. Finally, I got the ring I wanted. However, unfortunately, the ring had no effect on me.

Ha-yeon Jeong looked at the ring I had chosen and then turned her gaze to me.

“Suhyeon. Would you like to try this ring? I’m not sure, but this ring might increase your magic power. I don’t feel any magical abilities, but when I hold it in my hand, my body’s magic reacts automatically. “I’ve only heard about this, but this is the first time I’ve actually experienced it.”

At that moment, the sound of the entire group gathering was heard gasping for air. As you may know from the User Academy, items that increase ability levels are literally worth the price. I obediently accepted the ring that Ha-yeon Jeong gave me. And I tried it on a little bit. I checked the user information immediately afterward, but as expected, there was no increase in magical power. I let out a sigh of regret.

This ring clearly increases your abilities. However, like Vivian’s hack obtained before, it only applied to users with magical power of 90 or less. And there was an attribution function. The ironic thing is that if my magic power was 89 and I wore that ring, it would have risen to 90. Even if the magic power level grows and exceeds 90, the already bound ring still increases the user’s magic power level.

However, this did not apply to me, whose magic ability was already at 96. I sighed regretfully and took the ring off my hand. There was no concern that it would belong to the ring as it did not qualify for use.

“Soohyun… ?”

“Sol. Come on.”

I heard Jeong Ha-yeon’s questioning voice, but I called out to Sol in a soft voice. Ansol was just watching quietly, but when I called her, she suddenly raised her head. But soon, he clung to me with frequent steps.

“It would be better for you to use this.”

“to… ?”

I saw everyone staring at me with surprised faces. I just shrugged my shoulders in response to those piercing gazes.

“Suhyeon. One thing I didn’t say because I’m not sure is that the ring may have a binding function. Choose wisely. Will you give in like this, or… .”

Did you know? However, since I had already decided to give it, there was nothing to worry about. I shook my head firmly.

“it’s okay. “It would be better for classes where magical abilities are important to use.”

“… “If you sell it now, you can still get 20,000 gold.”

“I have enough money. It would be better for Sol to use it. Sol. Put it on quickly.”

“oh… Brother… .”

“wow… . leader. You are really… .”

Shin Sang-yong’s admiring voice was heard from next to him. And Jeong Ha-yeon was looking at me with something new in her eyes. According to the original principle of an exploration caravan, the best items are kept by the captain. That was the unspoken rule of the caravan. However, when I gave up my abilities to lead Sol to him, he seemed to see something differently. In reality, I just gave it to him because it was of no use to me, but I thought it would be better to just let this positive misunderstanding be misunderstood.

“oh… Brother… I don’t know. It’s just that my brother… . I can’t put it on… .”

When Sol heard that it was 20,000 gold, he looked at the ring with a worried expression, as if it was a burden. I let out a short sigh and held out Sol’s left hand with one hand and the ring I was holding with the other hand.

“phew. Give me your fingers. Not even a baby. “When will you grow up?”

Sol kept trying to pull her hand away, but the more she tried, the stronger I held on. When I tried to force his soft and delicate fingers, only then did Sol gently stick out his left ring finger.

“Can I join in here?”

There was no answer from Sol. I just looked away and nodded once or twice. Eventually, when the ring was placed on the small white finger, I could see the ring automatically adjusting just like when Hyeon put the bracelet on.

Soon after checking the user information, Sol quietly opened his mouth and said that his magic power increased by 1 point. The group’s exclamations shook the room. Everyone was jealous of her.

“Then the ring was resolved. rest of it… .”

I had no idea. However, for some reason, Sol was turning her head here and there with a more red face than usual and trying to avoid eye contact. Are you saying that they did something similar to what couples do when they get married?

I thought it was cute and ignored it, but until now. I had no idea what consequences this action would have later.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ah. I went to the convenience store today and there was sausage. Suddenly, I remembered my time in the military (it’s a sausage that you score on the outside with a toothpick and heat in the microwave. Those of you who know this will know this), so I bought one and ate it when I got home, and it was delicious. I don’t know if it’s because I’m hungry. ha ha ha.

PS. One of our readers (Gyeomxxx) sent us a growth item as a gift. I will use it to my advantage. Thank you. (__) In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who provided selections, recommendations, comments, and coupons. Nod.


1. Cho Chang-hyeon: Oh my gosh. This is my first time seeing you in the first comment. Congratulations on first place. I can’t believe you watched it all in one day. Please look forward to it in the future. 🙂

2. Kkoya: Our Shin Sang-yong is a very good friend. Maybe the group should consider themselves lucky to have met Shin Sang-yong. I set it up, but he’s such a nice guy. Hehehe.

3. GradeRown: Bingo. There may be plenty of such equipment. TS’s belt. ha ha ha. If there was, it would really be a mess. If you make Park Dong-geol TS… huh?

4. Wind Moon Master: Wow. That kind of thinking is also possible. I never even dreamed of it. ha ha ha. After looking at this and that, I will try to add it to the settings later if I can. thank you.(__)

5. zjekfksqlc: kkkkk. Same as me… Oh, no. Hmm. Yes. Sol likes to cry… . Ouch. ㅜ.ㅠ

6. Miwolya: Oh my. What on earth is Imprasone? ha ha ha. Edit has been completed. Thank you for pointing out the typo.

7. Brown Bear Liz: Kangkkang! If you don’t leave a comment next time, I’ll bite you! is a joke. ha ha ha. long time no see. Have you had a good time with the aircraft so far? 🙂

8. Red Moon Sky: Good. That’s a very good question. I bought it from a secret store, so the efficacy should be good, right? It doesn’t just raise the level, it raises the rank itself. ha ha ha. It’s really good.

9. Final Dragon: Argh! If Soo-hyeon is not enough, you also make me a virgin. no. I guess it’s a good thing they don’t treat me like a eunuch. haha. Look forward to it after your exploration is over. Of course, it may not be a true love story, but… ( –).

10. Nine Spiritual Feelings: Haha. I received it from Northwood. That’s really cool, right? I finally got the cover too!

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode