MEMORIZE Chapter 908

00908 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=


Thanatos’ laughter vibrated in the air and echoed far and wide.

Scribble, squeak!

At the same time, an indescribable sensation comes over my whole body. The energy released by Thanatos was twice as stimulating as before, but it also pressed down on me with tremendous pressure. Without realizing it, I felt sick to my bones at the terrifying and blind way of living. Even though I try to calm down, my body continues to tremble against my will.

Is this the true form of Thanatos, the god of death?

– An insignificant human… . How dare you touch my vice?

A quiet but terrifying voice rang through the air. At first, I thought it was Hwajeong who said that, but that wasn’t the case. Even his voice exerts pressure with magical power. At some point, the whites disappeared, and the two eyes, colored only with black, distorted hideously and glared at me.

Damn, did I provoke you for no reason?

– okay. How can I get past this when he’s begging me so hard to want to die? I will give you the best death that you will never forget.


In an instant, black gas flowed out of Thanatos’ limbs. The smoke, which was neither thin nor thick, soon enveloped my wrists and ankles. Then, it wriggles, twists and turns, resembling a poisonous snake with its tongue lashing out.

It was then.

In a split second, the back is bent at an angle and the light rushes in like a beam to the point that the hair flutters. I swallowed and shifted my center of gravity back. This is because the rush of the moon felt like a black tsunami.

– Don’t block, avoid!

At that time, Hwajeong’s voice rang out, and I reflexively threw myself backwards.



The moment I thought I was being crushed before my eyes, Thanatos disappeared. All I could see was the white heel hitting the top of my head as if it were splitting open. As he hurriedly lifted his chin, a sharp wind swept the bridge of his nose.

I narrowly avoided getting my head smashed, but I couldn’t stop it from hitting my breastplate.



I felt my heart explode with shock.

That was it.

When I finally came to my senses, my body had already been flying and was plummeting to the ground. Should I say that the film of memories was cut off in the middle?

– Wake!

I came to my senses, but the problem was that Thanatos was catching up with me at a faster pace. He has such incredible speed that you’d think he’d paid for all the fighting he’s done so far.

I maintained my balance as best I could and activated my sword light. As Victoria’s glory spewed out clear blackness, dozens of sword lights instantly flashed around the opponent.

However, Thanatos’ charge did not stop. He glanced at the group of lights and shook his hand as if he was annoyed, and the sword lights melted all at once like a lie.

There was no time to be surprised. That’s because Thanatos kicked through the air once more and delivered a lightning-like stab.

– Never think about stopping! Avoid it unconditionally, unconditionally!


I don’t know why it kept telling me to avoid it, but I gritted my teeth and turned my body as I could. The fist narrowly grazed his side. However, before he could even take a breath, he had to face a kick coming in a bizarre twist. The moment even that attack was passed away by heavenly luck, Thanatos bumped into him with his shoulder as if he had been waiting.


I was out of breath. It’s a simple attack, but it’s that powerful. I need to catch my breath first, but my vision is all dizzy.

The moment I thought that, I suddenly felt a stinging breeze that made my cheeks tingle. My skin is tingling. Thinking something was dangerous, I quickly launched Caligo Abraxas.

– Kick.

A light snorting sound.

As my body lost its balance and collapsed, I automatically opened my eyes. And what I could see was Caligo Abraxas soaring vertically, and Thanatos reaching out and descending from the other side.

Next moment,


The back of the knife was wrapped like paper and exploded with a loud noise. When I saw the iron fragments flying endlessly, I suddenly felt dizzy. Aside from the fact that the knife was broken, it seems like only a few minutes had passed since the provocation, but the situation took a turn in an instant.

no. This is normal, but when it happens, I can’t hide my feeling of despair.

What’s scarier is that Thanatos’ attack isn’t over yet.

Oops, in an instant, Thanatos was right in front of me. A bizarre smile that stretched the corners of his mouth up to his ears. As if he was going to finish this attack, he grabbed both of his hands and suddenly threw them into the sky. He tried to get out of the way on top of Lee Hyung-hwan, but Thanatos was already hitting him with all his might.


Can’t stop it.

I thought it would be difficult this time, so I closed my eyes tightly.

It was that moment.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Suddenly, the magic power of the circuit seemed to be draining away,


A deafening explosion of sound and a considerable vibration enveloped my entire body. The balance, which was already disturbed, was completely destroyed by an unexpected shock wave.


My back scraped against the ground and I slid down. As I rolled on the ground and hurriedly raised my eyes, a red curtain flowed across my vision and soon disappeared. And Thanatos stops attacking and looks at me with an unexpected look on his face.

Only then was I able to let out the breath that had built up to my chin.

is it. Has Gehenna’s protective fortress been activated? Until a little while ago, I didn’t feel like I was lacking in magic power, but I feel empty because I only used it for a second.

I am glad that my life was saved, but it would have been better if it had been activated earlier.

– I can’t help it. Because I couldn’t read Thanatos’ attack.

‘You couldn’t read it?’

– okay. Just looking at the speed alone, it’s more than twice your maximum speed, so how can you stop it? I wouldn’t know if I kept it on.

‘… … .’

Yes, that is true. And if it had been left on as Hwajeong said, its magic power would have run out in just a few minutes.

Anyway, I’ll go around. More than twice my maximum speed? So what do you mean your agility ability is?

– Contains the power of fear.


As I put the sword in the ground and got up, Thanatos said with a chuckle.

– really.

“I guess we’ve met before?”

– It’s a lie.

“It wasn’t, right?”

Uh, what is it?

Thanatos’ voice is strange. After releasing the power, the loud voice suddenly changes to a raised voice and then back again. It seems like the microphone is turning off and on again.

– Listen carefully. You’re doing well right now, so don’t think about anything. Just focus on holding on and avoiding it. Do you understand?

‘Are you doing well?’

What are you doing well? She was regretting that she provoked her for no reason.

‘hey. What are you going to do now? ‘You’re angry.’

– You idiot! Can’t you even see the other person?

The moment I inadvertently looked at Thanatos at Hwajeong’s shout, power suddenly entered my eyes. This is because the limbs that were previously covered in smoke had suddenly become translucent. No, it looked like something dripping with an unknown liquid was slowly melting.

“Get on, Thanatos!”

Suddenly Lucifer’s panicked cry came,

– Shut up.

“can not!”

Thanatos responded sharply. And as soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the ground so hard that there was a loud bang.

Although I was very nervous, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

I don’t know what’s going on, but

– come. Get ready.

I understand at least one thing.

Thanatos is in a hurry to win the game.


With Thanatos rushing in, the two began to engage in a huge melee that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Every time Thanatos extends his fists and feet, a huge gust of wind arises, and Kim Soo-hyun also responds by swinging his two swords like a storm.

At the same time, black and red intersect, and dozens of afterimages are embroidered in the air. It is a fearsome speed battle that not only ordinary people, but even elite users, can keep up with.

A moment later, another loud explosion sounded. The hot air that erupted from the point of impact swept in all directions and reached the walls of the castle.

Marr, who was staring blankly, raised his eyes when he saw a slightly cracked brick falling.

– Like a rat!

“You’re so good at avoiding it!”

At that time, Thanatos’ shout shook the battlefield. All Mar could see was Kim Soo-hyun retreating as far back as possible. Thanatos had already penetrated deep inside and kicked Kim Soo-hyun’s abdomen.

Kim Soo-hyun crossed his swords with a grimace on his face, but in the end, he was pushed out of his power and flew through the air, slipping again, and fell to the ground.

Thanatos took advantage of the gap and leaped into the air. Then he opened his hands wide and swung them vigorously toward the spot where Kim Soo-hyun fell. Then, the black aircraft that was coiled in a circle stretched out in a straight line and bombarded the ground mercilessly.


Great explosion. Not only the spot where Kim Soo-hyun fell, but also the ground ten meters nearby shook loudly. The ground cracks and shatters like an eggshell, and the dust rises high into the sky as if a series of anti-electronic mines have been set off.


Mar shouted urgently as he looked at the scattered debris. I didn’t want to assume the worst case scenario, but the thought of what could not happen kept creeping over me.


Finally, Marr can’t stand it anymore and turns around. As she did so, she felt a certain uneasiness, but she didn’t have time to think deeply. The thought of saving her father took precedence over her own feelings.

So, the moment I was about to quickly run down the castle wall,


My chin and shoulders were grabbed.

I was startled and turned around to see a woman looking at me intently.

With eyes that are completely sunken, different from usual.

“Oh, Ansol?”

As I stuttered, not knowing what to say, Ansol shook his head gravely.

“Don’t go out.”


“Because you don’t want to be seen yet.”

“… I beg your pardon?”

The moment it dried, I couldn’t believe my ears. Even though he couldn’t guarantee that he could deal with Thanatos, he thought he could at least help Kim Soo-hyun.

“This battlefield is the opponent’s play. However, there is no room for you on this stage.”

“Well, what do you mean? “Why are you telling me not to go out?”

“Because I don’t know you. “If I find out, I will definitely respond.”

“What are you talking about!”

Mar, who knew the situation was urgent, got angry. And just as he was about to somehow swat his hand away and pass by,

“If you go, you will die.”

A cold voice pierces my ears.

“The moment you stand out on stage, your beloved dad will die. “Maybe, almost.”

Even though he thought it was not worth hearing, Mar unconsciously stopped. I don’t know why, but Ansol’s words had enough weight to be difficult to ignore.

In a way, it was an ironic thing. If Hwajeong had seen it, she probably would have been quite interested.

The Fairy Queen, who says there is a reason for everything she says and does, and Ansol, who predicts the future with an unprecedented luck of 105 points.

“sister… .”

Mar looked at Ansol with a sad, disbelieving expression. However, the grip that can be felt from her shoulder is so strong that it cannot be assumed that it is Ansol. As if you should never go out.

“Hey, just a moment.”

While silence passed, a silver-haired woman suddenly and carefully stepped between the two. It was Nimue who was protecting Mar.

“If the queen doesn’t work out, how about I leave?”


Mar’s face strangely fell at the unexpected suggestion. But Ansol quietly closed her eyes and she slowly nodded her head.

“As long as you show your appearance.”

at that time.

-What are you doing?

“going to be!”

Thanatos’ conflicting voices rang in the ears of the three women.

As I quickly look down, the thick dust is slowly settling. And Thanatos was still floating in the air, grinding his teeth.

– Don’t waste time thinking about it!

“Won’t it pop out quickly?”


Then, as if in response, a figure rose through the hazy dust and smoke into the sky.

It was Kim Soo-hyun who took out the wings of a dragon.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I definitely feel healed after taking a day off.

But it’s difficult to serialize at midnight. -_-;

I started writing two hours earlier than usual, but one hour later than midnight… . OTL

sorry. Hit me hard.(?)

Ah, a reader asked a question. If Thanatos and an evil spirit fight in the middle world, Thanatos will naturally win overwhelmingly.

Have you seen the scene where Gehenna beats up the evil spirit before?

Thanatos can do the same.

The only reason Thanatos is currently doing this is… . Eup!

Anyway, long live Godsol!


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not work with dark mode