MEMORIZE Chapter 902

00902 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=


Eldora, which was rolling around while making a loud noise, surprisingly straightened up and took a stance. However, it looks like she was quite shocked as one of her eyes was squinting.

Yeah, you must have been surprised.

Although I could see it with my third eye, I felt it exactly the first time we clashed. Even considering the increased acceleration, Eldora had a slight advantage over me in terms of strength.

I took advantage of that and used my favorite flower grafting technique in the first round, and as a result, Eldora must have received not only the shock I inflicted, but also the shock she herself had inflicted.

It’s just a return of part of it, not everything, but that’s enough. Didn’t it actually bounce off like that?

Still, he must have come to his senses at least a little bit; he had been running across the battlefield at a stormy pace just a moment ago, but now his momentum has calmed down. He is still expressing his anger through his whole body, but his eyes are looking straight at me.

It’s a shame. It would have been easier to deal with him if he had lost his temper in anger. Still, you have to do this to have some fun dealing with them.

So, shall we take a closer look at the incredible skills of Lord Odin?

Coincidentally, El Dorado must have had similar thoughts and stamped his foot hard enough to make a thumping sound. A strong wind blew as the ground cracked. Then, after running lightly, she quickly footworks and zigzags to narrow the distance.

hmm. Are you planning to shake the direction to disperse the impact?

Thinking like that, I lightly moved my feet and walked towards Galjija (之) in the same way. And as soon as they were diagonally close to each other, they took a powerful step forward with their right foot and struck first by raising their swords at an angle and thrusting.

Eldora leaned back and dodged it, as if she had expected it, but my sword wasn’t the only one. At that moment, Victoria’s glory, which was moving in front of her, flew towards her opponent’s tilted head, and it was almost at the same time that her flagship, Eldora, hurriedly raised her sword and struck it down.

Victoria’s glory went off the rails, but perhaps because it was an unexpected attack, Eldora’s body lost balance, swayed, and tilted to the right. She took the opportunity to kick up the ground, step on her left foot, and bring down her sword with all her might with her shoulder.



With the sound of swords colliding, Eldora let out a groan and was pushed backwards again. It was a leaping attack with a lot of weight, but Excalibur was able to successfully defend it because its blade was so wide. Eldora jumped back and stared at me with even more tense eyes.

As he steps forward slightly, he holds the sword firmly and raises his shoulder. As a result of the first simple exploration battle, it seems that we succeeded in subduing the steamer.

Well, it’s worth it. Since the sword is not visible, it is difficult to measure the distance, and the phenomenon of the previous shock coming back must also be taken into account. Of course, the complexity of the opponent was none of my business, so I immediately rushed forward as if I was flying and thrust my sword straight ahead.


Just before the tip of the knife touched the arm, it suddenly plummeted downward irresistibly. El Dora, who had been waiting quietly, struck down her Excalibur and drove her sword into the ground. She then tilted her sword and rotated her arms widely, making it seem as if she was trying to send her martial arts sword flying away, but she used this amazing sword technique to send three of her swords flying, so in the end, she was unable to achieve her goal and her I took a step back.

Because they retreated so quickly, Victoria’s glory did not reach Caligo Abraxas. However, there was nothing she could do until Ilwol Shingeom entered the counter, so she gritted her teeth and twisted her upper body to the left.


Suddenly, he turned his body in the opposite direction and made a large cut horizontally, and this time I bent my side.


A sharp blade-like energy passed through my chest, as if I was planning on splitting my waist in half. She waited for him to pass by, then instantly flipped her waist and struck with the force of her sword, as if coiling her sword.


Eldora quickly lifted her leg and ended up hitting the ground.

It was then.

“… … !”

While the earth is shaking, I suddenly hear a cool breeze and my collarbone feels tingly. Without even having time to look away, he twisted his shoulders back and thrust his sword in.

However, at that time, Eldora had already secured a sufficient distance, so it barely touched me, and on the other hand, Excalibur clearly touched my shoulder and passed by.

Eventually, Eldora, who skillfully dodged even the secretly thrown swords, lifted the sword with both hands straight up to her shoulder and aimed it at me. I also took a couple of steps back, adjusted the hilt of my sword, and caught my breath. When I glanced down, I saw a long line drawn on the shoulder blade.

her. King Chiucheon’s armor ignores hitting resistance, especially piercing attacks… . Should I say that Excalibur is good?

No, El Dorado is amazing. Not to mention his strength, the elasticity radiating from that small and modest body was truly no joke. Moreover, I can see that he is already familiar with the swordsmanship and is dealing with me, so he doesn’t just attack with all his strength, but also has his own flexibility.

I thought he had the upper hand only in terms of physical strength, but his swordsmanship, that is, the skill of fighting with a sword, seems to be at a similar level to mine or slightly higher.

I’m definitely a user.

good. I admit this.

After organizing my thoughts, I collected Victoria’s Glory and the Sun and Moon God Sword among the three swords. Since the other person is used to it, it is better to focus on one thing rather than splitting your attention on several things. On the other hand, horsepower consumption could not be ignored.

Anyway, I thought it was pretty good, but I don’t think I’m going to lose.


There’s no reason to compete with a princess who only knows swordsmanship, right?

『User Kim Soo-hyun’s magic flow increases by 2.5 times!』

When magic power activation is activated, the magic power becomes even faster and runs like crazy through the entire circuit.

My current magic flow rate is 4.5 times the usual rate. If you can control it properly, there is no user who can overwhelm you. Even Eldorara.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Eventually, when the flow reaches its peak, a strange vibration begins to shake the surroundings and fill the surrounding area. My body suddenly becomes hot, and it feels like red flames are shooting out into my vision.

Did El Dorado feel something? The moment Mokuldae started to move, it suddenly jumped in and attempted to attack.

It seemed like he was going to stab me from the front, but then he suddenly rotated his sword half a turn and slashed hard to the left. When I hurriedly strike it in the opposite direction, it retracted it at a speed that was almost instantaneous and then stabbed me straight away.

Suddenly, I felt like I knew what method Eldora had chosen to deal with me. This method uses the long and wide blade of Excalibur, and the sword is handled like a spear.

then… !

First, he used his feet to let Excalibur pass between his arm and ribs, then lowered his elbow as hard as he could to bring it into close contact with the sword body. With that he was fastened to his side and sent Caligo Abraxas flying, Eldora quickly crouching down on him. Taking advantage of that opportunity, I advanced my body and hit him with a physical bullet with all my might.

There was a thud, the sound of rocks hitting, and Eldora spread her arms wide and retreated. Is it a bonus that her eyes are wide open?

Hung, Hung!

I wanted to praise him for continuously swinging his sword in the meantime, but he attacked too half-heartedly. After dodging the first attack, the second attack was struck hard with the sword, sending it crashing to the ground, just like Eldora had done earlier. Then he bent his leg and went in next to him, and struck El Dora’s calf hard with his knee, causing her to lose her balance.


As soon as I felt a heavy sensation, a childish scream erupted. The next moment, I straightened my bent knees and stabbed the sword like an uppercut towards my small chin.



Instead of feeling like something is caught, the tip of the knife just goes straight up. Next to her rising arm, two eyes were staring at me calmly, with his chin tilted back.

… I don’t know what you were doing so calmly, but I expected you to avoid me?

Immediately, I struck Eldora’s face with my elbow, and she fell badly, letting out another loud scream. It’s not over yet.

Kaligo Abraxas was moving down with great force, aiming for the point of retreat.

Eldora quickly raised her sword to defend herself, but the moment she got close to her nose,

“Broken Fragments.”


Caligo Abraxas unleashed a wild explosion. As if a grenade had exploded, finely broken jet black fragments spread out and engulfed Eldora.


As if this was too much to endure, the quiet battlefield called Eldo screamed for it to leave.

huh? Be quiet?

Now that I think about it, the battlefield has entered a lull. Everyone stops fighting and looks towards me and Eldora.

“… … .”

I’m not sure if the battle was that fierce.

However, one thing is certain: the faces of users from the southern continent are not very good. No, it was not good, it was almost despairing, it was unbelievable.

After a while.

A storm of debris sweeps past, and the cloud of mud smoke begins to clear.

The image of Eldora that is gradually revealed is extremely gruesome. She has red ripe flesh and a white haze rising from her whole body. Her beautiful light armor is scratched and tattered by debris, and her confident eyes have lost their shine and she looks up blankly at the sky.

Finally, at the moment when my legs gave way,

“ah… .”

A faint sigh escaped me, and my half-bent knees became stiff. He then sinks his sword into the ground with a grinding sound and finally takes up his stance again.

I thought so. Because it seemed like the energy of the person being detected still had some energy left.

Well, compared to the beginning, it has become a lot duller.

“Keuuuu… !”

It seems as if it is difficult to open its mouth, making a sound that resembles an animal howling.

Then, suddenly, I felt the other person’s magical energy fluctuating unusually.

Before long, countless bright golden spheres appeared around Eldora. My eyes naturally strained at the sacred yet destructive force I felt once again.


I stamped my foot in mocking admiration. Then, the magic power of the circuit flows out like an ebb in an instant.

Grumble, rumble!

The result was dozens of deteriorated swords that were soon blazing.

I don’t know how strong that ability is, but… This deteriorating sword is an ability that even Gehenna recognizes… .

What would it be like?

As I glanced at Eldora, a feeling of despair was spreading like a spider web on her face.

I thought it was time to end this, I shouted to myself.


– huh! Leave it to me!

Hwajeong responded with an excited voice.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Dear readers. sorry. Today, I will borrow a moment from my review.

I’m really sorry.


Hey, Brother?

Don’t act like you don’t know, you know everything, right? I’m sleeping right now, and I’ll probably go to work tomorrow and read this review.

How did you know?

You said it out loud in the car yesterday.

It will be completed soon? No, this is good.


But why is the main character’s name Kim Soo-hyun? Why are we repeating 10 years of painful times?

When I told you not to say anything, you laughed? Ha ha ha ha ha.


I asked you not to read it that way, but no no. Let’s say it’s okay to give in 100 times. If you really want to read it, how can I stop you?

But I told you. Please stop showing off. Please don’t make fun of me. But since I stay still, does it look like a sack?

Oh right. Do you know this? I know three of your secrets too.

1. The purple square plastic packaging found in your room. D… . Let’s stop here.

2. When I returned from my last trip, I found XX in your bag. I can’t say more about this because it’s embarrassing to my readers. How on earth can you do that? I really reflect on this.

3. When you were taking a shower before going to work, someone called your phone and I took a quick look and, wow, it was great that you saved their name. You know what I’m saying, right? lol

Now, Brother? If I expose numbers 1, 2, and 3, what will happen to you? Number 3 is just teasing, but you know that number 1 and 2 are really just a bunch of cant, right? You know that my mom is very, very, very, very conservative.

A threat?

huh. that’s right. Do you feel bad?

I felt bad too.

So, please let’s stop saying nice things to each other. huh?


… Sorry readers.

I thought I needed a warning at least once.

I’m sure you’ll be shocked after reading this review.

I sincerely apologize once again for having to borrow it out of necessity. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode