MEMORIZE Chapter 901

00901 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

That time.

‘this… . Hello… .’

Eldora was feeling like she was dreaming. She heard someone shouting something at the top of her voice, but did not see any response. She just stares at the chaotic battlefield with wide-open eyes.

The Black Knights are sweeping across the battlefield. Although they only have spirit, they destroy their allies and trample them mercilessly wherever they go. Then, the enemies who opened the castle gate rushed in, aiming for the collapsed space, and destroyed the camp in a melee.

It’s a very simple formula, but the problem is that there’s no way to do it. From the moment the Black Knights suddenly appeared, things went awry, but they went awry.

Is that all?

The enemies standing on the castle wall continuously fire magic and arrows at the rear, so you cannot retreat at will.

A situation where you literally can’t go forward or backward. It was obvious that if things continued like this, the entire camp would soon disintegrate.

‘If Melinus was there… .’

How on earth did things end up like this?

In the midst of confusion, Eldora could not overcome the rising regret and lowered her head.

I felt helplessness for the first time in my life. The eyes that used to shine with confidence darken, and a long sigh escapes from the bitten lips. To my horror, I felt like I had taken the lead in the fight for no reason.

I’ll just wait for Melinus and Thanatos, who are said to be arriving today.

No, it would be better to fight properly from the beginning and accept it if you were pushed back. Oops, the situation in the war suddenly turned, and I even felt a little unfair.

But now there was no time to feel resentful. If it’s a dream, you can just dismiss it as a bad nightmare, but no matter how many times you pinch your cheek, the scene before your eyes doesn’t change.

The scene Eldora was seeing was a stark reality.


At that time, a tearing scream flowed through the battlefield and pierced Eldora’s ears. It was a very loud voice, but at the same time, it was a familiar voice, so my eyes naturally opened.

I looked up straight into the sky and saw a woman being dragged up into the air, her hair caught by a black shadow. Her limbs were also wrapped in dusky shade.

Eventually, Eldora’s mouth opened in surprise as she saw the woman hanging in the air.

“Me, Natalie?”

‘Knight of Search’ Natalie. One of the knights of the Round Table and a precious friend of Eldora with an attractive bright smile. But today, for some reason, I was frowning. She fought back with great vigor, but she probably couldn’t handle the Shadow Queen and was captured.

After a while, Natalie’s limbs, which had been caught in the shadows and shaking like a doll whose strings had been cut, suddenly stretched out into a large shape. He didn’t stop there and kept pulling with force, so not only his neck but also his limbs trembled and stretched like taffy sticks.

Did he even anticipate the parade that would take place soon?

“ah… ! ah… !”

Natalie’s eyes, which were completely torn apart, were trembling with fear, like someone who was just around the corner from death. With wide eyes, she shakes her head frantically as if she doesn’t like it.

“Oh, no… .”

Eldora, who had not even thought about the death of her colleague, let alone defeat, could only stare blankly at the scene unfolding in the air.


Belatedly, an alarm bell rings in my head and my whole body is engulfed in severe anxiety.

I gasp and run to the place where Natalie came to mind, but it was too late at the very least.

Suddenly, Natalie’s eyes seemed to grow as big as a flower lantern.

Buzzing, buzzing!

Let’s do it ourselves!

The sagging fat has disappeared! It exploded and everything was torn apart.


A desperate scream rang out all over the place.

All five bodies torn apart at once, blood spreading out like an explosion, red organs flowing down… . Not long after, only a head distorted from pain was left hanging in the air. A chilly silence falls around you.

In particular, the impact received by users on the southern continent was much greater, and the same was true for Eldora. After witnessing such a grotesque scene, the expression on my face is indescribably devastated.

Because I couldn’t believe it.

A friend who I had been with for a long time, who always made me laugh by my side, died horribly. This is a situation that El Dora, who has only walked a path filled with success and victory, is experiencing for the first time. So it was not surprising that my vision turned white.

How much time has passed?

“Natalie… . Natalie… .”

Eldora, who had been repeating the same thing for a while with her shoulders shaking slightly, suddenly raised her head.


The angry shout continued for a long time and echoed. At the same time, the bubbling magic power exploded like a volcano exploding. The ground in the area of ​​influence shakes and cracks apart, and dozens of fist-sized lights appear around Eldora.


A cry close to a scream.

Quack quack quack quack!

The yellow light spreads like a bullet regardless of front, back, left, or right, and explodes, creating dazzling light. The ground filled with golden light was shaking greatly, but it wasn’t over yet.

No, this is the beginning.

The back of Excalibur’s sword, which was filled with the magical power pouring out of Eldora, hummed. With one large swing, the forced air quickly turns into a sharp wind and sweeps away the enemies in front. Wherever the storm passed, even the debris was blown away and nothing was left behind.

Truly a force worthy of the title of war god.

But still, it is still not enough.

Dozens of people passed away without knowing it, but Eldora’s heart boiled even more. I felt like I wouldn’t be able to quench my burning thirst unless I drank not only the guy who killed Natalie like that, but also all the enemies on this battlefield.

“Everyone is dead!”

Eldora shouted at the top of her lungs and began a one-man charge.

“In siege formation!”

The man closest shouted hurriedly. The surrounding Northern Continent users spread out in a circle and tried to surround the incoming Eldora, but they were soon startled and hesitated. You must have seen the siege, because the momentum of Eldora running without hesitation was very fearsome.


Rather than dodge, Eldora jumped into the siege on her own, and the moment she landed on the ground, she gave a powerful cheer and spun around. As the white-hot Excalibur elongated and spun around, without fail, something caught on the tip of his sword wherever it turned.

Eventually, when the rotation ended, as many as a dozen users separated their necks and bodies and burst out in blood at the same time. Those who had taken a step back had their faces frozen at the incredible sight.

But Eldora did not stop. As soon as someone screamed something, it ran as if it was flying and pierced their chest. He then mercilessly hits the necks of a couple of people standing next to him and then steps on their fallen corpses.

Eldora’s emotions were filled with anger. It doesn’t matter who it is. She just runs, runs, runs, killing whatever she sees.

It was then.

Black and red suddenly mixed before Eldora’s eyes as she struck the battlefield like a wind god. The wind that blew one beat late had a sharp anticipation that made her side tingle. In a split second, Eldora stretched out her sword with the momentum of her running.

Next moment,



A gasp came out of Eldora’s mouth along with a sensation as if her belly button was being pulled. She must have stabbed her with all her might, but the dizzying shock was transmitted to her and shook her body. She immediately plunges the knife into her ground and stops her body from rolling forward.

Eldora hastily regained her balance and was able to identify the color that had just disturbed her vision.

Jet-black armor and a fluttering red cloak. And a man holding a strange sword whose body cannot be seen stands quietly.

It was Kim Soo-hyun.

“Ouch, ouch… .”

He is shaking his left hand slightly as if he is also in shock, but his face is quite calm. Eldora reflexively adjusted the hilt of her sword and trembled.

Excalibur, who had been going crazy with his own energy until now, suddenly lost his momentum. Even his entire sword was shaking, to the point where I could feel some kind of anxiety.

In fact, it was the influence of the King of Hundred Soldiers, one of the abilities of the ‘Lord of the Sword’, but Eldora has no way of knowing. She just catches her breath, which has already reached the tip of her chin, and quickly begins to cheer herself up.

Should I say that it is a blessing in disguise. The shock from earlier had subsided a little, and a ray of reason had awakened my awareness.

Eventually, Excalibur, which received new magical power, is once again colored with platinum light and regains its grandeur.

Kim Soo-hyun chuckled and lightly shook his hand. Then, three swords suddenly rose up and started circling around Kim Soo-hyun as if to protect him.

“Come out. “Sword of the Annihilator.”

Buzz buzz buzz!

The transparent body of the sword began to shine brilliantly and tremendous magical power began to form. The blade itself was still blurry, but the energy was so powerful that the surrounding space was in shambles.

However, Eldora was not shaken at all and glared at Kim Soo-hyun.

Of course, Kim Soo-hyun still looks at Eldora with a calm face.

A woman called Odin Clan Lord and predecessor.

“Natalie… .”

‘The Golden Knight’ Eldora Cornelius.

A Mercenary Clan Lord and a man who inherited the progress of the Lord of War.


‘Lord of the Sword’ Kim Soo-hyun.

Two users representing the North and South continents finally met in a tangled battlefield.

The man and woman who were just looking at each other then kicked the ground together as if they had made a promise. In the blink of an eye, they narrowed the distance, crossed each other, and swung their swords at the same time.

Gold and red colors intersect precariously.

It was truly a moment that could be called a fleeting moment.


Finally, at the moment when an incredible explosion of sound erupted that one could not believe that the sword and sword had collided,


Why is one person’s eyes so bright?

A second later, Eldora came to her senses.

For a moment, without realizing it, my vision was tilted to one side.

When I finally came to my senses, my body was already falling towards the ground as if I was going down a slide.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The update time has started to be delayed again.

We will have a day off on June 8th (Monday).

It was none other than my father sighing again this morning… . lol;

We ended the cold war and reconciled, but I am sorry that we are showing the same behavior and saying we will not do so in the future.

And he asked me if I could make some time today, and I said yes.

I think I have to go today to get an indulgence(?) for this week. 🙂

See you on June 9th (Tuesday). _(__)_

We ask for your generous understanding.

Ah, readers.

I found out a funny joke.

Do you know what the opposite of download is?



That’s right, Doubt is Rod.

Or it may be a load that is not suitable.




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not work with dark mode