MEMORIZE Chapter 900

00900 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

A strong gust of wind blew. It was a terrifying storm accompanied by earth-shaking tremors that would make your spine tingle just by encountering it. A black whirlpool that seems to sweep away everything that passes by. The commander of the Knights of Obello, located in the center, raised his sword.


Then, a shout that echoes through the sky erupts as if in response. It was a completely different vibe from before. No, I should say that it has become even more ferocious.

In the distant past, when one hundred knights, each of whom had risen to the rank of heroes, were killed, a lion attacked them, and a major melee broke out. Of course, it wasn’t that there were articles that fell apart from time to time, but the losses were much more severe in the southern continent. The Obelo Knights suddenly attacked without sparing their bodies, and wherever the fighting took place, limbs and blood splattered and desperate screams erupted.

Dozens of people fell to the ground in an instant, spraying fresh blood on the dusty ground. In the end, the users of the southern continent, unable to withstand the fierce attack of the Obello Knights, began to disperse further.

The problem is that this is not the end. Although the power of the Knights of Obello is amazing, it is more than enough to deal with them if the Knights of the Round Table and their troops combine their strength.

However, the Northern Continent did not stand still. They poured a huge amount of magic and arrows from the castle walls, and eventually opened the castle gate and came out to engage in a melee. As a result, it was no longer possible to distinguish between the enemy and the friendly forces, so even organizing the unit seemed far-fetched.

‘It can’t go on like this.’

Natalie, who was standing there in a daze, clenched her fists as if they were crumbling. She was quick to notice and gritted her teeth as the ominous feeling creeped over her body. Alas, in a moment, the battlefield was quickly reaching a point where nothing could be done. She had a strong feeling that she had to do something, but in reality she had no idea what to do.

But did Natalie really know? The fact that there is a user targeting him in the Northern Continent.



Natalie quickly turned her head at the sudden sound of cutting through the air. Almost at the same time, something sharp grazed her earlobe, causing three or four severed strands of her hair to flutter. Natalie raised her eyes in shock, but immediately frowned at him again. Because where I looked, there was a woman with an alluring smile.

“It feels pretty good, right?”

The woman who spoke in a languid voice that did not suit the fast-paced battlefield was none other than the ‘Queen of Shadows’ Go Yeon-joo.

“Looking at it, it doesn’t seem to be a problem… . “Do you think Su-hyeon will like it if I kill him?”

As I said that and stretched out my right arm, I caught a dark red sword flying from somewhere in my hand. Soon, Go Yeon-ju’s eyes flashed in the darkness.


The demon sword Tyrving howls so harshly that it makes your skin tremble. Natalie quickly pulled out her dagger and took a fighting stance as the terrifying magical power pressured her entire body. She had an intuition that she would not be an easy opponent, but she was also a ‘search knight’. She didn’t think she would lose.

Of course, we’ll have to wait and see what the results will be.

Around that time.

“her… .”

Ryan Winters, a white-haired man who let out a short sigh, looked around with disbelief.

Corpses piled up in a circle, and a woman with long straight hair flying in the center of the circle. To be more precise, a woman wearing bloody ice armor was standing alone with her back turned. Like a flower blooming inside a corpse.

Winters clicked his tongue as if he was shocked, then his eyes lit up. A woman holding an ice knife in one hand was slowly turning her body. As soon as she met her cold, sunken eyes, she felt a slight chill from the cold life passing in front of her nose.

The next moment, the two men and women raised their swords and aimed them at the other. Eventually, the man’s sword let out a growl, with such fierce force that it resembled the lion, the king of beasts. In fact, Winters, who had a class called ‘Lion Knight’, was considered the best user among the Knights of the Round Table, excluding Eldora.

But women are not easy either. That’s because the woman was also known as ‘Geomhu’ and was considered the first user among the Mercenary Clan, excluding Kim Soo-hyun.

After a while, Winters, who had been watching, suddenly bent his upper body and started running quickly across the muddy ground. He closed the distance in one go and cut down sharply at a diagonal angle. At first glance, she seemed to have terrifying power, but Nam Da-eun lightly twisted her body and stabbed her sharply with her sword.


It was then. Winters, who was about to withdraw his sword and strike, instinctively turned when a light suddenly flashed on the other side. A bitter cold passed through her chest. The attack route must have been read, but counterattacks came from two directions. If it weren’t for the beast’s senses, he would have been seriously injured the moment he blocked it.

But this wasn’t the only thing.


Winters, who hastily retreated, glared at Nam Da-eun, who was standing quietly. As well as her unexpected counterattack, she somehow felt that the figure of the woman looking at her with emotionless eyes was very beautiful. She’s not just feeling it, it’s affecting her limbs directly. I feel like I’m losing strength without knowing it… .

‘It seems like he’s using an unknown ability.’

Winters’ guess was correct. The ice sword Fragarach that Nam Da-eun is currently holding is named Answerer, that is, a counter-attacking sword, and the armor also has the ability to seduce opponents. At least since it is about the size of Winters, it has some resistance. If it were an ordinary user, it would have lost its strength in the early evening and sacrificed its head in front of the blade.

‘Damn, what kind of monsters are there?’

‘… Anyway, if it drags on for a long time, it will be disadvantageous.’

Thinking so, Winters quickly kicked the ground, and Nam Da-eun also did not hesitate and grabbed his sword. Two sword lights intertwined diagonally in the air, and a clear iron sound rang through the air. We even separated from each other for a moment. Soon, white light and cold light dance together and begin to embroider black light in the air.

As the sound of swords clashing continued, the attack between the two men and women gradually became more intense. When Winters digs in like an animal and delivers a strong blow, Nam Da-eun dodges and counters like her ghost. Then, the scene continues as Winters counterattacks again and chases after him.

However, just after three minutes had passed, it was Winters who began to feel dizzy. The swordsmanship was definitely similar, and Winters had the upper hand in strength.

However, Nam Da-eun is using her superior agility to attack with strength, and at the same time, she is consistently putting in heart-warming counters. Although it is said that he is now attacking with the sense of a wild beast, it is clear that the longer time passes, the more likely it is that he will be attacked.

In the end, Winters gritted his teeth and took the fight. He had been thinking of a counterattack and still had the strength to parry, but at the moment, he pushed his opponent hard and crouched down as much as possible. And before the enemy can find his balance, he explodes his magic power all at once and rushes forward as if bouncing.


The sword spraying white light let out a loud cry. And like a lion swinging its front paw, it comes down from above with double the power. She must have felt bad about dodging, but even as Nam Da-eun was retreating, she quickly laid down her sword and prepared for impact.


But the moment the spark flew, the two quiet eyes opened for the first time. A shock that felt as if my grip would be torn apart. And although he succeeded in receiving it, it was because the opponent’s sword was pushed straight towards him. As if they were going to split it in two like this.

In a split second, as the blades came close to Nam Da-eun’s chest, Winters sensed victory.


But suddenly, the opponent’s body was colored with a divine light, and Winters’ sword came to a shaky halt as if caught in the gears. Looking up with her surprised eyes, the woman is laughing with a cold smile. Unique ability after the sword: ‘The queen never lets the sword go from her hand.’ has been activated.

Nam Da-eun knew the man’s intention to quickly win the game, so she saved the ability to increase physical ability. To seize a clearer opportunity.

Eventually, Nam Da-eun pushed the sword away, raised the blade right in front of his eyes, and stabbed sharply. With a moment’s wit, Winters dodged the man’s face and hurriedly launched his foot towards his opponent’s leg. However, Nam Da-eun flew up like a bird and moved her hands gracefully, while quietly opening her mouth.

“Direct cutting.”

At that moment, a sense of despair came over Winters’ whole body.

There were two attacks I felt with my senses.

An attack that was launched earlier, aimed directly at the chest.

An attack that cuts off the head from the side, using an unknown counterattack ability.

But I didn’t feel the third attack. There was just a flash of purple light momentarily in front of my eyes.

When you realize that fact.

To be precise, when the previous two attacks were eliminated, Winters felt death. Because a faint trace passed by his waist.

“… … .”

As soon as the afterimage disappears, a long stab wound is drawn at an angle,


Blood spurts out with a belated sound.

When Nam Da-eun took a quick step forward, Winters had lost his grip on the sword and was kneeling down. He tried to stand up somehow, but his body wouldn’t listen. No, my vision is already tilted and slowly becoming blurred.

As Winters exhaled with difficulty, Ian’s warning suddenly appeared in his mind.

‘It’s strong. Strong. The Northern Continent is by no means something to be underestimated.’

“haha… . more… . Should I have listened… .”

Those were Ryan Winters’ last words. Lay your upper body down on the ground and quietly close your eyes. And I couldn’t get up again.

It was the moment when the second death among the Knights of the Round Table occurred.

Meanwhile, at the same time.


High-pitched screams echoed from elsewhere on the battlefield.

“이 개새끼!”

Lee Yu-jeong, who was thrown down, rolled on the ground and distorted his face. On the contrary, the giant in front of me, no, Nox Lord, was standing still and grinning as if mocking me.

Lee Yu-jeong groaned and stood up, holding on to her left arm, which had had a handful of flesh torn off. Even though it wasn’t a minor injury by any stretch of the imagination, it seemed like she wasn’t the only one suffering. There were two holes in her giant’s abdomen as well. However, strangely, the hole in the wound closed on its own and disappeared without a trace. It’s like a troll regenerating flesh.

“Hmm… . “Giggle!”

Nox Lord, who was staring down at Lee Yu-jeong, approached with his arms hanging limply like a monkey, and chuckled as if he couldn’t hold back something. Just as Lee Yu-jeong was about to rush in with a puff of her snort, she suddenly took a deep breath. The moment he took a step, the new form of Nox Road suddenly dispersed like smoke, and then leapt up in front of his nose and opened his mouth wide.

“Hey, you crazy guy!”

Lee Yu-jeong cursed and crossed her daggers. Blood splattered out and two deep cuts were carved on Nox Lord’s face.

But that’s it. In an instant, the blood flowing out decreases, and the teeth-studded maw is pushed into the thin nape of the neck. Lee Yu-jeong hurriedly tried to use Lee Hyeong-hwan’s stomach, but her magic power did not work as expected. The success rate was extremely low to begin with, but as he was caught, his heart got the better of him.


As soon as the dense teeth touched the neck, the two struggling legs straightened up. It feels like my whole body is stiff, but my lower abdomen feels very tingly. Lee Yu-jeong’s red lips distort when she feels her instrument as her teeth tighten as if she is going to bite her like this. It was that moment.



In an instant, the Nox Road crashed down with a crashing sound.

How did this happen?

Lee Yu-jeong, who fell down, sat down and looked away. And he looked blankly at the sight of her log-like thighs dripping with blood as he passed by her. A man was stepping forward with a black scythe draped over her shoulder.

After a while, Lee Yu-jeong came to her senses and hurriedly screamed.

“Joe, be careful! “That guy’s regenerative ability is no joke!”


Then, as if what he said was true, Nox Lord, who had been lying down with half of his face blown off, stood up and growled. I might be angry because I was interrupted right before my meal, but… .


The moment he sees the person approaching him with great strides, he immediately shows a shocked expression and then hesitates to retreat.

“Hoo, is it really true?”

In front of me, a man a head taller than me was grinning with interest.

“Kha, you woke up even though you smashed your head?”

And with his whole body covered in fresh blood.

There is an old saying that a monster recognizes a monster, and a crazy person recognizes a crazy person.

“Hehehe… .”

Aside from his hair covered in blood, his eyes flash with a bloody madness that cannot even be compared to his own. And above all, the scythe, which emits ominous energy, makes you cringe.


‘Master of Surama Spear’ Gong Chan-ho burst into laughter.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

haha. We’ve already reached episode 900… .

I thought about writing a special feature, but decided to just stick with it as usual.

I think that would be better.

Unless there are any special days off, I think it will be completed sometime in July or August.

Thank you to those who congratulated me in advance.

Happy Saturday to all readers. 🙂

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not work with dark mode