MEMORIZE Chapter 898

00898 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=


While I was dazed, a cluster of lights rising into the air colored my vision white. And the moment I saw that Jin was slowly taking shape, I couldn’t help but be amazed. I thought it couldn’t be possible, but it really was a monster summoning box. Moreover, since it costs 1 million GP, ​​it is clear that it is the most expensive ‘4’.

“────. ────.”

What I was most curious about was when I bought that, but it wasn’t over yet. Ansol is still muttering with an exasperated look on his face. Looking at the unusual flow of magic power fluctuating nearby, I think they might use a miracle.

Suddenly, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu. Should I say that it is a sight I have experienced once before?

Yes, it was like that back then too. Just before being attacked by the resurrected ancient evil spirit, Ansol threw the box and used a miracle. And it produced the incredible result of summoning Gehenna.

So should we just leave it alone? Or should I block it?

A severe conflict arose.

If only there was a guarantee that things would be like that then, it would definitely be perfect. There are close to 20,000 users, so even a sacrifice would be enough. But even so, can we expect the same situation this time?

Wasn’t Gehenna like that too? She said that the reason she was summoned was an unprecedented event brought about by a series of great coincidences and miracles. Moreover, since there is a waiting period of three months, her miracle is not an ability to be used carelessly.

… More than anything, for some reason, I felt disgusted by the idea of ​​dragging Gehenna in for my own good.

The moment I thought that,


I quickly grabbed Ansol’s shoulder.

“f*ck… ! yes yes?”

Ansol, who was about to shout out an order, was startled and hesitated. Fortunately, the timing was right.

“That’s it. “There are no miracles.”


“calm down. “The battle hasn’t even started yet.”

“okay. The first throw was over. And there’s still a lot left, right?”

When I spoke forcefully, Lee Yu-jeong helped me out by slapping Chaos Mimic. Then, I felt Ansol’s momentum, which was like an active volcano, gradually subsiding. There was a clear look of regret, but in the end, he quenched his appetite and looked ahead.

While I was comforting Ansol, outside, the magic circle that had already turned black was emitting a dusky shadow.

“That… .”

The first thing that caught my eye was a sturdy horse wearing black barding. Dark smoke is emitting from its entire body, and its eyes are shiny with blood. And sitting on top of the horse is a knight the size of an adult man.

It looks almost like a human, but looking at its rusty red armor and hollow eyes inside the helmet, it doesn’t seem like it’s alive. Did you really summon a death knight?

– uh? Are you a knight of Obello?

‘Knight Obelo?’

The moment I heard Hwajeong’s words, I felt a mixture of disappointment and relief. As for the Obello Knight, I have a history of dealing with him once, and I can say that he is a fairly easy opponent. Actually, I was expecting a monster the size of Kushan Thor to come out and fight, but somehow Thanatos wasn’t summoned.

– What are you talking about? When did you deal with him?

‘huh? You dealt with it. The boots I’m equipped with right now are the ones worn by Knight Obello.’

– That’s just a normal Obello article. He’s the general manager.


– Yes, you idiot. Commander of the Knights of Obello. You can tell when you see someone riding a horse, right?

‘… … .’

If you look closely, it’s definitely different. The Obello knight I faced before was not riding a horse, and his armor was black.

‘They are the ones who wander around the fallen kingdom even after death. But judging by the fact that he didn’t ride a horse, he wasn’t a captain. Oh, that’s a shame. ‘If the knight commander had come out, he would have been a pretty good opponent.’

‘then. In their lifetime, each and every one of them was a hero. Even if it’s not as strong as you, it’s definitely strong. In particular, the hero of heroes, the Knight Commander, will be able to compete with the awakened Kushan Thor, right?’

Now that I think about it, Hwajeong said those words back then… .

– Khaaaaaa!

The moment I barely remembered Hwajeong’s words, an angry scream rang out everywhere. The leader of the Obello Knights, who has already completed his summons, is pulling out a greatsword as tall as himself. And without the slightest hesitation, he drives his horse and begins swinging his sword indiscriminately.

Just as Hwajeong had said from the beginning, Knight Commander Obello showed off his terrifying military power. With one swing of the sword, all users caught in its path are cut into pieces and scattered. He then hits the other side hard with the back of his sword, causing the hit opponents to fly into the air with blood spurting from their entire bodies. With just two swings, two meters, north, south, east, and west, were completely cleared.

“Ugh, wow!”

“W-what is this guy!”

As if he had finally come to his senses, the people around him screamed and ran away. It wasn’t running away, but it quickly widened the distance and faltered. Surrounded in a circle, the leader of the knights, Obelo, calmly looked to his left and right alternately and then vigorously grabbed the reins.

At that time, Eldora, who had been hesitant in front, started running towards there.


With youthful spirit, he swung Excalibur as if to sweep down, but the horse easily dodged it by raising its front legs high. It looked like he was going to take the shot, but Eldora escaped like a spring and ended up kicking in vain.

Eldora immediately turned to the side and launched a spinning attack, and at the same time, the Knights of the Round Table joined in and attempted a joint attack.

“Be judged!”

‘Knight of Judgment’ Edward shouted, and the words faltered along with the explosion of courtesy. In the meantime, Eldora and the white-haired man jump in from left and right, stabbing in with their swords, so they quickly clear them and are on guard in all directions.

However, there were more than ten knights at the round table, and they seemed to get along well with each other. Moreover, while we were buying time, complex spells were flooding in like a tide from all directions, so it would be natural for us to rush into defense.

But I couldn’t help but tilt my head slightly. He has now inherited the Sword Lord class, and has the guardian fortress of Gehenna, so he can easily deal with a guy like that, but when he was a swordsman expert, he had a very difficult time dealing with him.

But, is it comparable to the awakened Kushan Thor? Of course, the situation was different then, and it was amazing to endure alone in enemy territory… .

“It doesn’t look much like Kushan Tor.”

“Negative. “Subjectively, I think Kushan Tor’s win rate is around 60%, but objectively, it’s safe to say that it’s almost the same.”

The moment I unconsciously muttered to myself, a hard mechanical sound flowed into my ears.

“And if I were to give you one piece of advice, I would recommend staying out of the sight of Commander Obello.”

What does this mean again? I stared to the side, asking for further explanation. Geunwon, who was looking down with colorless eyes, glanced at me and continued speaking.

“Because the Lord of Swords and the Knights of Obello have a deep relationship with each other. It would take a long time to explain in detail, but to sum it up, the Lord of Swords left the Obello Kingdom due to friction with the leadership. When foreign powers learned of this, they raised an army and invaded the kingdom, and the Knights of Obello fought until the brink of destruction, waiting for the Lord of Swords to return.”

“But the Lord of Swords never returned, so I think he was abandoned. Is this the story?”

“Precisely because I did not keep my oath to return when the kingdom was in danger. Of course, the Sword Lord also had his own circumstances, but the Knights of Obello did not know that fact. Therefore, they still roam the kingdom bound by the covenant they made back then, and although they sincerely respect the Lord of Swords as a warrior, they also deeply hate him for not keeping the covenant. “Maybe as soon as he sees you, he’ll drop everything and rush at you.”

“… What is that? By the way, what do you mean by it being similar to before?”

“That’s literally it. Of course, if strength is the standard, Kushan Thor, who is gifted with innate divine power, would be overwhelmed, but the leader of the knights is human. That means he can also use magic.”


It was then.

– Ahaaaaaaaaaa!

Just as my ears were about to perk up, another roar suddenly shook the castle.

As I was listening to the story, I suddenly lost track of what was happening. And the commander of the Knights of Obelo, standing on the ground, tilted his head high and shouted at the sky.

“… “It has begun.”

Geunwon narrowed his eyes and muttered quietly.

Just as I was about to ask what this was again,


Suddenly, a tremendous amount of magical energy erupted around Knight Commander Obello. And the moment the great sword is raised high, as many as dozens of dark lights appear from all over the place.

Not long after, something almost like spirit takes shape in an instant.

There is no need to ask what they are. Their sizes varied greatly, but you could tell just by looking at the sinister eye glow inside the helmet or the dark armor. Isn’t that appearance exactly the same as the Obello knight I faced before?

The problem is why did they suddenly appear?

“It may not be the magic I learned during my human days, but the knight leader summoned his knights. During his lifetime, the Knights of Obello consisted of one hundred people, probably ninety-nine.”

The source must have read my thoughts and quickly expanded the explanation.

But I couldn’t take my eyes off the scene below. This is because the Obelo knights who were summoned quickly formed a formation centered around the knight leader.

– Ahaaaaaa!

– Ahaaaaaa!

This is because they all shouted and started charging at once. The scene in which they moved in perfect order while moving forward with great force was truly spectacular. It pushes forward with unstoppable force, just like angry waves swallowing up the beach.

“What is this again?”

“Help me!”

On the contrary, the Southern Continent camp, which had gradually found stability, fell into chaos again. When the monster, who thought they had almost caught everything, suddenly summoned his subordinates, Eldora shouted loudly and cursed.

However, the Knights of Obello did not competently deal with the Knights of the Round Table, but instead chose to attack their rear in a cone formation. In other words, they targeted the wizard and priest class users who were relatively placed in the rear.

Rumble, rumble!

As a result, frantic users scatter in all directions, and soon the entire line, which was initially orderly, begins to shake.


As I was staring blankly, someone touched my shoulder from behind. I turned around and saw my brother looking at me with a slightly flushed face. With his eyes colored golden.

“I don’t know what happened… . It’s an opportunity. “It’s a golden opportunity.”

That moment,

“Let’s go out.”

I came to my senses.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

With such an advantage, isn’t it time for Gehenna and Suna to appear yet? 🙂

Of course, Shin Sang-yong too. haha.


Below is the battle between Kim Soo-hyun and Knight Obello in the past.

Suddenly, a strange black sound began to sound from the point where the martial sword and the great sword collided. Next, I felt a loud vibration in my hand, and a strong hostility exuded from the sword. Hostility directed at the other person, not at myself.


Eventually, Knight Obelo, holding the great sword, hesitates and retreats. In a way, it seemed like he was surprised. How did this happen?

“… Sovereign?”

Surprisingly, a muffled voice came out from inside the helmet.

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not work with dark mode