MEMORIZE Chapter 895

00895 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

“no. That’s not allowed.”

It was then.

While Thanatos was nodding with an annoyed expression, a sweet yet gentle voice passed between them. Where Melinus looked, a devil with a decent appearance was walking.

Lucifer, standing in front of Thanatos, bowed his head respectfully.

“First of all, I would like to apologize for any confusion.”


“We, the six great devils, will also go to the great city. Of course, I plan to take not only the Fourteen Demon Lords but also several top-level demons.”

“Master Lucifer!”

Melinus, who had made a loud noise, quickly lowered his voice when his sharp eyes turned to him.

Although Belial is said to be Satan’s closest associate, his official status is the Fourteenth Demon Lord. There is a difference as much as heaven and earth from the ‘fallen angels’ who compete for supremacy among the great devils.

Eventually, Lucifer withdrew his gaze and Melinus also took a couple of steps back.


“Belial, no, Melinus. “Satan’s plan did not go astray.”

“… yes?”

“The North Continent arrived faster than expected. It’s definitely a variable. But if I do as you say, then the plan may go awry.”


“The remaining demons are enough to clear a path to the Temple of Promise.”

Lucifer spoke in a firm voice, as if he would not accept any further disagreement.

It wasn’t that he had nothing to say, but Melinus decided to remain silent.

Currently, all demons are operating within the framework designed by Satan.

‘We are given only one chance.’

However, this is just a simple result and cannot be said to be a process. In other words, no one knows what to do, but no one knows how to do it.

no. There is only one person. Lucifer is the only devil that Satan encountered before he became a seed. So, wouldn’t it be possible to know Satan’s heart to some extent? At least more than yourself.

This was precisely why Melinus kept quiet.

“It’s okay to do as you please, whether you go together or not… .”

Thanatos lightly licked his lips and stretched out his hand in another direction. Then another pile of humans begins to gently dissolve.

“Are you going to be okay?”


“what… . “I don’t know the details, but I have accepted much of Satan’s knowledge.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“huh. To put it bluntly, if you keep this up, you might lose?”

“Probably so.”

After speaking, Thanatos gently rolled his eyes.

However, rather than being upset, Lucifer immediately agreed. As if asking why you are saying something so obvious. A look passed through Thanatos’ sunken eyes.

After a while, the excited atmosphere suddenly subsides.

‘We already lost. yes? Lucifer.’

While there was an awkward silence, Thanatos stared at the other person with dark, sunken eyes. As if trying to see through his intentions at once.

However, Lucifer just smiles calmly and does not react further.

In the end, it was Thanatos who reacted first. He snorted indifferently and lifted his small shoulders.

“Anyway, they are funny guys. “What is making this so difficult?”

“It’s actually difficult. There’s very little we can do there, right? Well, I won’t deny that the situation has become a lot more complicated.”

“Heh~. If it were a human, it would have already been in hand, right? “Is it really necessary to do this?”

“If it were as easy as it sounds, we wouldn’t have come this far. And since the main force has already turned to the eastern continent, it would be okay to take the remaining wanderers.”

Lucifer muttered in a whisper and slowly turned around.

“however… .”

And just before leaving, he turned his back on Thanatos and spoke in a soft voice.

“There is no way Thanatos wouldn’t know this.”


“The Temple of Promise, no, Zero Code.”

“… … .”

There has been some strange talk going on since a while ago. Thanatos giggled and withdrew his outstretched arm.

“just? “As much as I don’t know anything, I have to keep in mind that I might get stabbed in the back, right?”


“Don’t misunderstand. “I’m not saying you shouldn’t betray.”

“… … ?”

“First, I will move according to your wishes. “Because it’s fun.”

“… “No way.”

Lucifer responded a little late. Then he turns again and continues speaking with a smile on his face.

“You mean betrayal? Also, don’t you already have hostages?”

“Well, that’s true.”

Thanatos obediently agreed.

“If Satan, whom you so strongly believe in, is to return, he will still need me, right?”

“That’s part of it, but it’s also for the fairies’ participation in the war.”


“Oh, it’s nothing special. “I just made some arrangements when liberating Thanatos.”

Then Thanatos shook his head and stretched as hard as he could.

“Oh~. I don’t like it. “You just keep spouting nonsense.”

“haha… .”

“Anyway, going means going. “But they can eat and leave, right?”


When Thanatos pointed to the human pile, Lucifer smiled as if there was nothing that could not be done. She then placed one hand on her chest, bowed leisurely and spoke.

“Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.”


As the night passed, the eastern sky brightened.

It was a clear and quiet morning that made last night’s battle seem like a lie, but the city was still a little bustling.

It was not difficult to drive out the enemies who entered the city, but post-war handling was a problem. Because the East Continent was so unilaterally crushed, there were a lot of injuries that occurred before we arrived. It was too much for the surviving priests to handle, and in the end, even the priests of the Northern Continent were mobilized. From the looks of it, it looks like the treatment activity took place all morning, and it seems to have subsided to some extent now.

Anyway, that aside.

Wouldn’t it be fair to say that we won the Battle of Twilight by a landslide?

Of the additional units that rushed in yesterday, three units turned back immediately after securing an escape route, and one unit ran straight after being attacked by its brother’s thunderbolt. Although there were no casualties on our side, they were extremely small, and in the southern continent, two to three thousand users died.

Of course, the enemy’s main force is alive and well, and the remaining number of people will be twice as many as ours.

Above all, the devil has not yet appeared. In other words, it would be correct to say that the battle has barely reached its conclusion.

As I was about to set out to look around the castle, coincidentally, my older brother came to see me. Her face looks a little tired, as if she was lost in thought and couldn’t sleep.

“Suhyun. “I think we need to talk for a moment.”

“Did you have a meeting scheduled?”

“no. Personally.”

“… … ?”

After saying that, the older brother turned and started walking somewhere.

The interior of the castle was broken in various places, creating a grim scene, but it was much better than yesterday. Users groaning from injuries or ugly corpses, which were all over the place yesterday, are barely visible.

The place where my brother stopped was a quiet and quiet place across the street where people were busy running around. As soon as he stops walking, he immediately looks back at me.

“I… . Oh, did you hear what I said? “The southern continent has widened the distance considerably.”

I nodded slowly.

You can easily check it with just your brother’s abilities without needing to recruit scouts. The Southern Continent quickly widened the distance after helping its allies escape yesterday. It’s not that they ran away, but they set up camp about two kilometers away. And there is no movement.

It was the same with us. We need to recover the wounded on the East Continent, and on the other hand, we need to recover our stamina as we ran in such a hurry.

“And the devil hasn’t even seen his snout yet.”

Let’s look at it in the sense of what you want to say,

“So I did some thinking.”

My brother suddenly looks serious.

“Could it be that the southern continent is also bait?”


“okay. bait. Just like they did with the western continent, they will use the southern continent to capture us, and in the meantime, the devils will go to the Temple of Promise… .”


Although I said it in a serious way, I ended up laughing without realizing it. I asked what he was talking about. My brother widened his eyes as if he didn’t know I was going to laugh.

“That would be highly unlikely. “Satan is not stupid.”


“It’s simple. “Angels and demons cannot enter the Temple of Promise.”


“listen. For convenience, I said it was the Temple of Promise… . It’s safe to say that places with zero code are a kind of protected area. It is a place where not only angels and demons, but also gods, monsters, and beasts cannot come. In the first place, only a few humans were allowed to enter, and only humans could touch it. In other words, should we say that it is a legal area where the most powerful law in the world operates?”

“Law… ?”

My brother blankly repeated what I said and showed that he did not understand. Let me explain it a little more simply.

“lets think. If that was possible, why didn’t the devil go to the Temple of Promise in the first place? “Angel, we were in a disadvantageous situation at the time, but why did you bring us here?”

Then, as if he barely understood, my brother’s face slowly began to relax.

“wait for a sec. So what are the chances of this happening?”

It quickly became more serious, though.

“It’s possible that the devil is taking users from the southern continent, right? “We are using the people who are confronting us now as bait.”

Umm. This is definitely a possible story.

“well. “I don’t think Satan would have made that choice.”

But I denied it without hesitation.

“Even if that’s the case, I’m still grateful.”


“As I said before, that is the legal area. “Because it is a place where the rules are so strong, there is nothing the average user can do.”

“You say humans can enter? “You said that earlier.”

“So you said it was a minority. “In the first round, no users were given permission to enter, and we attacked them step by step from the outside.”


My brother’s questions continued endlessly. I don’t know if I was that curious about it, but I spoke step by step with the feeling of a teacher teaching students.

“It is true that the law must be broken in the first place, but lifting it does not end everything. The Shadow Zone, the Sword Zone, the Blood and Iron Zone, the Holy Zone, and even the Test Zone… . Do you know how many traps we passed along the way and what guardians appeared?”


“okay. It is said that 10,000 elite men went on 18 expeditions and finally discovered the Temple of Promise. It was scary inside too. “It probably took half a year to get there, including the travel time.”

“then… .”

“If what Brother Jeong said is correct, we can do it like this. Destroy the main force of the southern continent as quickly as possible, then return to the northern continent and go to the Temple of Promise. And after killing the finger-sucking demons, we kill the remaining people on the southern continent who are suffering for a long time inside. “I think it can be done in four months at the latest, right?”

“aha! “All you have to do is attack each individual.”

Only then did my older brother exclaim and sigh in relief.

“In the end, it’s a matter of hope. “It would be more credible to say that they widened the distance to lure us away.”

“Okay. i get it.”

When I said this, my brother grinned, probably relieved.

But soon he blinks and tilts his head. Wow, maybe the explanation wasn’t enough.

“But didn’t you say earlier that there are a small number of people who are allowed to enter?”

“huh? huh.”

“So what conditions must be met to enter without any problems?”

“that… .”

I was speechless and scratched my head.

Actually, I don’t know much about that part. At that time, attention was focused solely on the zero code, and all we knew was what was revealed on the surface. I don’t know the details.

therefore… .

“One king… . “Did you say she was your queen?”

… I don’t really remember.

What did you hear then?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I believe there are readers who missed this episode.

I think you might be able to find the old content.

In case you’re having trouble finding it, I’m going to copy and paste today’s review. _(__)_

– The zone of the dead demon army is modified to the zone of blood and iron. (01:51)


Marr, who was looking around in the same way, soon had her eyes sparkling. She has no choice but to be like that. She had been so bored just a moment ago, but suddenly something strange-looking caught her eye. Compared to Kim Soo-hyun’s extremely bleak office, this place is probably no different from Shincheonji.

In the end, it’s just a moment to watch quietly.


Mar begins to crawl to one side with his mouth wide open.

“see… . What I came across last time was the decision of light and darkness. Where are the other two crystals?”

Lee Yu-jeong is completely unaware of Mar’s movements. I’m just engrossed in organizing the warehouse, imagining that if I complete this mission well, Kim Soo-hyun might kiss my forehead again.

But does Lee Yu-jeong know?

What will happen if you bring Mar to this warehouse today?

Because of that incident, something that Lee Yoo-jeong doesn’t know about has been shaken.


Kim Soo-hyun’s irreversible decision to punish Yoo Hyun-ah even though he had the opportunity to embrace her twice in the past was dramatically reversed.

We’ll probably never know.


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not work with dark mode