MEMORIZE Chapter 892

00892 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

Thanks to Kim Soo-hyun, the North Continent Salvation Army was able to come over without any hindrance. Starting with Mercenary and Rivers, nearly 3,000 people had already crossed over. Users of the Northern Continent were able to go straight to the battlefield without panic because they were told to be well prepared as they would be able to see the battlefield as soon as they crossed over. The time has come for a counterattack.

“We are going east! Group of 50 people! “Go into the city and destroy it!”


The Rivers Clan members responded loudly to Kim Deok-pil’s shout. The pre-arranged group members gathered together and dispersed in all directions as soon as they were confirmed. It literally moves in perfect order! And without hesitation, he rushed towards the wandering Southern Continent users who had not yet grasped the situation.

Naturally, southern continent users who thought they had already won did not react immediately. The moment I felt something strange and turned around, my head was cut off by a spear knife that was swung without hesitation and my stomach was pierced. As 340 people fell helplessly, unable to use their hands, only then did they barely come to their senses.

“Who are you?”

“W-what is it?”

Users of the Southern Continent, who were spread out everywhere, realized what was happening and began to gather in groups. Although it is said to be only an advance party, so many people came that fifty to sixty people gathered in an instant. Considering that it is a melee situation, this is a number that cannot be taken lightly.

However, far from slowing down, the users of the Northern Continent did not stop at all. After looking around for a moment, the wizards in the group all stretched out their wands.

“────! ────!”

Flash! Several fire magic shots hit the surrounding buildings accurately.

Whoosh, whoosh!

The next moment, a large hole opens around the impact point, and huge boulders begin to roll down the slope. Of course, it goes without saying that users from the southern continent were gathered below. It has become a good prey for the powerful falling building fragments.



Coo thump!


When a heavy stone hit the top of my head, blood poured out. Those who were hit squarely at the landing site died instantly. A few people reflexively threw their bodies or raised their shields to defend themselves, but it was a meaningless struggle. That’s because the melee classes that were waiting for the fall to end rushed in.

Kicking confused enemies and slashing their throats with a spear. At least the Northern Continent users who appeared in this city did not have the slightest hesitation when it came to killing their enemies. Because he knew very well that the moment he showed a little mercy, he would die.

It was then.


While dozens of people were being dealt with in one go, a sharp sound that tore through the air suddenly rang out. At the same time, the wizard who was reciting a new spell burst out bleeding on his chest, and the members of the Rebirth Clan suddenly turned their eyes. The melee classes rush to block the point where the attack came, and the priest clings to the fallen user while reciting a recovery spell.

As soon as the phalanx was quickly formed, countless shadows began to appear beyond the thick smoke. Kim Deok-pil’s eyes frowned and a harsh curse came out.

“Sipal. “Why are there so many?”

There were enemies walking out there that looked like they had more than a hundred men at first glance. A few moments ago, he made a great connection using the terrain, but because the attack was so noticeable, nearby enemies flocked to it.

“If we do this wrong, we will be wiped out. Should I request support from another group?”

Deokpil Kim slowly shook his head as the subordinate standing behind him began to think.

“no. “Have you made it past the magic tower?”

“Maybe so. “It’s our turn next.”


“All right.”

The man immediately nodded and took out the crystal from his pocket. The other wizards and priests immediately deployed layers of shields, and the subordinate quickly explained the situation as soon as communication was established. Meanwhile, several magic shots and dozens of arrows flew at random, but they were blocked by the curtain and no additional injuries occurred.

“Yes, yes… . Request for concentrated fire… . no. There’s a risk of accidental explosions, so don’t use fire magic… . The enemy point is… . “Then let me ask you a favor.”

After a while.


From somewhere, a large chunk of water glides across the sky accompanied by a cool sound. It then seems to draw a gentle curve, and then descends exactly to the point the man said.


“Um, what is that again?”

Users from the Southern Continent gaped at the sight of it flying across the sky. Perhaps he didn’t know that magic would come from an unseen place, and before he could react, he ended up getting covered in lumpy water. Some hit the ground, but most of them struck hard, disrupting their balance. It was that moment.

The enemies, who were drenched in water and chasing after each other, instantly became gaunt. Because the wizards in the opposing group were already aiming their wands.

“────. ────. Lightning!”

At that moment, yellow lightning stretched straight ahead in a zigzag pattern. Eventually, the moment the lightning, which left a long tail, touched the user who was in the lead, a truly spectacular scene was created.

Grumpy, crunchy!

The moment the lightning flowed in, it immediately caused a chain explosion.


“Keeeeek, keeeeek!”

In no time, users are screaming and rolling around. The electric current takes over the body in the blink of an eye and burns the flesh, no. The flesh was so scorched that it turned black and died. Before long, everyone who was in the water was reduced to a pile of charred charcoal without exception.

Those who barely survived managed to crawl out, but even they were completely skewered by the arrow attack that followed this car.

“Tsk tsk… . what is this? “The tramps are better.”

As Deokpil Kim clicked his tongue and shook his head, the subordinate next to him calmly agreed.

“I see. Actually, I was a little nervous, but this is it… . Uh, Clan Lord? “Do you see one of them with black hair?”

“uh? Is that so?”


“uh! “You see one next to me, right?”

The subordinate immediately shut his mouth. Kim Deok-pil, who was growling, led the group in search of new prey with his eyes flashing.

Before we knew it, the situation was slowly turning. no. Although less than thirty minutes had passed since the northern continent arrived, the southern continent was being hunted to the point of almost massacre.

Of course, Southern Continent users are neither stupid nor weak. However, the reason why the current situation occurred was because the current situation and the characteristics of the northern continent intertwined.

First of all, a melee. Currently, in Seongnae, there is no strategy or tactical movement under the big picture, but a chaotic fight between allies and enemies. It was natural that the Southern Continent, which had only been through the process of breaking down castle walls, invading and occupying the area based on overwhelming military power, was not used to it.

On the other hand, users of the Northern Continent are experts in melee. It’s a bit ironic, but I guess I should say it’s thanks to the tramp.

Even though they have stopped the seeds now, until a few years ago, vagabonds continued to harass the northern continent like cancer cells. They only chose places with rough terrain to hide and run away, and the Northern Continent fought thousands and tens of thousands of battles while chasing such vagabonds. As a result, at some point, they became adept at not only surprise raids but also small-scale disruption and destruction activities.

Think about it. Would it be easy to stay hidden and deal with a group of vagrants who hit and run like guerrillas? Or ‘Catch me and catch me!’ Would it be easy to deal with a group of people from the southern continent wandering around like that?

This was the reason why the Northern Continent was currently demonstrating its extreme combat power.


If they are pushed out in organizational capacity like this, there is only one way the Southern Continent can take. A powerful user appears and pushes with force.

However, the problem was that in terms of individual power, we were further pushed back.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

Even though the North Continent had crossed over, there were a few people who could not understand the situation.

To be more precise, the guys who deliberately went to a corner and committed gang rape had not yet come to their senses. Of course, the woman’s pain continued, but now her body seems to have given up. Just looking up at the sky with her blurry eyes.

It was then. A dark shadow suddenly rose above the gray building. As I was watching without thinking, a man looked down with a frown on his face. Blue gi and red belt gently fluttering. Soon, their gazes became intertwined, and it was a moment when the woman’s eyes widened slightly.


Suddenly, the man jumps down from the building and rushes in, swinging his sword fiercely.


Tuk, Degururu… .

At that time, the body that had been shaking back and forth incessantly suddenly stopped. After a while, a moment of confusion flashed through the woman’s eyes as she looked down blankly. This was because instead of the head of her man, who had been laughing like an animal just a moment ago, she could only see a cross section of her body spouting red blood.

“Thomas? Thomas!”

“W-what is it?”

The four or five men who were watching and giggling were in disbelief. It has to be that way. I was shaking my back vigorously, but suddenly my neck went away. However, before I could control my embarrassment, the sharp blue blade of the sword flashed once again.


Tap, tap!

The moment a cool breeze passed by, two more heads fell. I can’t even make a sound and my body collapses helplessly. The woman covered in hot blood screamed, and only then did the others turn their eyes to look at the other person.

A young man holding a sword in one hand is walking towards me, glaring menacingly. The user who approached with an extremely angry face was none other than ‘spell sniper’ Jin Su-hyeon.

“You damn bastards… .”

Jin Soo-hyeon let out a trembling voice and adjusted the hilt of his sword. It’s as if they want to strike and kill you at any moment, and the murderous force spraying out from all over their body overflows like a river whose dam has burst.

The men, weighed down by that ferocious energy, couldn’t even think of resisting and retreated. In fact, he was a user who was rated A at Mercenary, but it was impossible for a mere scumbag to handle it.

“f*ck, f*ck. Why are you so angry? No matter how much they say they are enemies… !”

“Ho, could it be this bitch’s lover?”

The men who thought so arbitrarily quickly threw away their weapons and raised their hands.

“stop! stop!”

“Surren, Ah, Hey? GG! GG! Good Game!”

He uses all kinds of body language and takes a step back. If you are wise, it is a wise choice.

However, Jin Soo-hyun’s steps did not stop. If there is one thing that southern men misunderstand, it is that Jin Soo-hyun has no relationship with women. no. He wasn’t angry when he saw the gang rape scene in the first place.

“It’s because of you… .”

Suddenly, Jin Soo-hyeon, who lowered his head, let out a boiling voice. Her face is so angry that she bites her lip so hard that blood comes out.

“It’s because of you… .”

Memories from just a few hours ago flashed through Jin Soo-hyun’s mind one by one.

‘sister. ‘Why were you laughing earlier?’

Ansol, who asked innocently,

‘huh? ah. Because of the red bean paste and the dark dog.’

Jegal Haesol calmly smiled and explained.

Just a few days ago, Jin Soo-hyun thought of himself as a noble ‘mage hunter.’ Actually, I don’t know how anyone sees it, but he thought that way himself. But, but… .

‘The two words are originally a mistranslation of the Japanese words Aang and this guy?’


‘But it’s a mistranslation that mainly appears in p**nographic games.’


‘Beautiful girl dating simulation. In short, Miyeonsi. therefore… . You know how I taught myself, right?’

‘Hehe. ‘Ottakku!’

From then on, whenever I turned my back, I could hear whispering coming from all directions and felt strange stares.

“If it weren’t for you… .”


A grinding sound comes out of Jin Su-hyeon’s mouth.

There is a saying: He got slapped in Jongno and went to the Han River to vent his anger.

“If you hadn’t come here… !”

In any case, in front of the indirect cause, a maddening rage erupted.

“Give me back my image! “You bastards!”

Jin Soo-hyeon, who shouted like that, threw his body away like a tiger, holding his sword tightly. He took all the shame and resentment he had accumulated so far.

In the end, until the moment the knife was stuck in his neck, the men did not know the true intention of Jin Soo-hyun’s anger.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Well, as many of you know, GG is a chat that was once used in StarCraft, and is often used right before the end of the game. So, it can be seen that there is some sense of surrender.

So, in the case of the guy from the southern continent who shouted GG, he was a promising boy who dreamed of becoming a StarCraft professional gamer in modern times. So, I often accessed the Asian server, which is a star powerhouse, and that’s why I know the word GG… .

Anyway, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts! 🙂


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not work with dark mode