MEMORIZE Chapter 891

00891 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

At first, no one spoke. Aside from the sudden intrusion, Kim Soo-hyun’s attitude was very strange.

The battlefield, which had been stormy just a moment ago, calmed down for an instant. At least all the users in the square stopped working without exception. Although it only appeared, it attracted all the attention of those around it.

Of course, Kim Soo-hyun was not the only one who crossed through the warp gate. She is followed at some distance by a woman with an explosive body wearing a black jewel necklace and a woman wearing armor that exudes an icy chill. ‘Shadow Queen’ Go Yeon-joo and ‘After the Sword’ Nam Da-eun.

Behind him, a long-haired man leisurely swinging a long sword as tall as himself to the side of his shoulder, and a woman swinging a glowing sphere with an innocent look on her face. They are ‘Silent Executor’ Heo Jun-young and ‘Chimera Summoner’ Vivian.

Where is that? ‘Arcus Valkyrie’ Cha So-rim with a silver-spraying spear and a solemn face, ‘Cheongung’ Seon Yu-un with a tight-lipped mouth but piercingly sharp eyes… .


Aquino, who had been staring frantically, reflexively stretched out his arms as Kim Soo-hyun approached. However, his hand, which was trying to touch his shoulder, stopped for a moment and ultimately failed to achieve his intention. Because his partner just passed by without saying anything. Leaving the dazed Aquino behind, Kim Soo-hyun kept walking and walking.

The first user to come to his senses was Carpe Diem Lord. “hot!” He let out a sigh and pointed his finger at Kim Soo-hyun, who was walking towards him with strides.

“Well, what are they doing! It’s the enemy! Enemy! “You can’t tell just by looking at it, right?”


Only then did a commotion and whispering begin to arise among the siege net surrounding the square. It was around that time that Kim Soo-hyun, who had been very relaxed, stopped walking, as if he were having a picnic in the front yard. The Southern Continent users looked at each other and swallowed dry saliva. Then they grabbed their weapons and started to rush indiscriminately.



In an instant, dozens of people came out from all directions. Each person raises their sword or spear and charges towards Kim Soo-hyun.


Aquino screamed out loud, but the person involved remained calm. no. He just sighed slightly and lightly shook his hand. It was then.

At the same time as the sound of the wind blowing, three swords flew up from Kim Soo-hyun’s waist. It unsheaths its own sword, stands up at an angle, and begins to swim in a circle, almost as if it is guarding itself.

The moment those who were close enough to feel something strange was the moment they got so close that they all fired their weapons at once.

“Uh, huh?”

“Uh oh!”


While he was saying this, red sparks flew out along with a harsh iron sound.

The eyes of the dozens of people who rushed in widened in disbelief. There must have been a rush of people rushing forward, backwards, left and right a little while ago. But at some point, she felt like she was being forcibly sucked in, and all the tips of her swords were blocked by the three swords. As if someone had guided it.

But it is still too early to be surprised.

“Ugh! “Keuuuuuu!”

“Why, why are you like this?”

I understand that it suddenly got blocked. However, no matter how much strength and effort they use, the weapons each person holds out cannot be taken away. There is no visible movement, as if it were stuck to the blade.

It was a truly strange phenomenon. The sight of a user over 30 unable to do this or that while holding the hilt of a sword or a spear… .

Meanwhile, Kim Soo-hyun had already finished preparing. To be more precise, he just took the earring off his ear and held it in his hand, but that was enough. Because the earring soon turned into a beautiful sword boasting a pure white blade.

Without delay, Kim Soo-hyun raised his sword high in the sky and spoke quietly while standing still.

“Sword light.”

Cry rumble, rumble!

At that moment, Victoria’s glory radiated white light with a clear resonance.

On the outside, it was just a burst of light. However, in reality, less than a second passed, the jet of light swept through the siege net.

After a while.


The blood rising in all directions splits like a spider web and decorates the air.

Fresh blood spurted out from all over the limbs, including the neck, abdomen, armpits, and thighs. There were even users whose necks were split in more than half. As his field of vision became strangely tilted, the man absentmindedly touched his neck. And only then did she burst into tears and feel the blood flowing, and then her eyes grew as big as a flower lantern.

“Huh, huh!”


Flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter!

A scream broke out later. It was an unbelievable scene. As many as thirty people fall down all at once, cut into pieces like millet cracks.


“ah… ?”

At this moment, both Carpe Diem Lord and Aquino were thinking the same thing. However, by the time the scattered blood dotted the ground, Kim Soo-hyun was already preparing a second attack.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

A loud ringing sound echoes from the sky. When I looked up in surprise, Victoria’s glory was burning white.

no. It is burning like a flame in the shape of a sword. The energy was so strong that it even burned the surrounding space, causing the faces of the Southern Continent users to harden as if they instinctively sensed danger.

Of course, it was already too late.

Kim Soo-hyun calmly adjusted the hilt of the sword. And after glancing to his side, I swing his right arm as hard as I can, and his red afterimage remains in the air, drawing a semicircle-shaped trace. Soon, Kim Soo-hyun slightly dropped his sword, and it clanged and shot out like an arrow.


Did he notice the ferocity that that energy gave off? The users were terrified and hurriedly took a step back. He tried to widen the distance somehow, but the red sword energy hit the leading user like a storm in just two seconds. And the moment it sharply cuts into her abdomen, despair appears in the woman’s eyes as she puts her hood down.



Torn limbs are scattered in all directions along with screams of death. A terrifying explosion erupted as if a bomb had been placed inside her body and exploded. Even then, the heat became more intense, to the point where the blood spread by the explosion melted like salt in water.

It’s not over yet.

The red sword not only exploded the woman, but also mercilessly attacked the group behind her.

Quack, quack, quack, quack!

A tremendous roar is heard one after another. Users falling one by one like dominoes.

What happens if landmines explode in succession? Every time the heavens and earth tremble and shake, three or four people in the crowd rise vertically. The body that bounced into the air exploded in a grotesque way, and fell with a thud, soaking the ground.

When the series of pushes was over, there was no place where the red sword energy swept through. The figure that had been a human just a moment ago had turned into a piece of rice cake mixed with blood, and the floor was so cracked that it turned over.

‘I… . ‘What are you looking at?’

The man who brought Aquino hastily rubbed his eyes. If that isn’t enough, I keep rubbing it two or three times. Twice, only twice. It wasn’t a violent movement, just a hand gesture or an arm movement. But in an instant, nearly 100 enemies are rolling around on the ground.


However, Kim Soo-hyun nodded as if this was enough and looked back.

“Hey~. “Are you already having fun with this?”

There, Deokpil Kim was trudging down the warp gate stairs. The Mercenary Clan had already crossed over a long time ago, and the Rivers Clan had just finished crossing over as well. While attention was focused on Kim Soo-hyun, almost one-fifth of the people came over.


“Do, run away! “It’s a monster!”

As the number of people quickly increased, those surrounding the square turned and started running around. no. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that they were surprised by Kim Soo-hyun’s inhuman appearance and ran away.

“Kim Soo-hyun~. “Can I kill them all?”

Vivian looked at the guys running away with all her might and asked in a sonorous voice. Kim Soo-hyun nodded as if he didn’t have to think twice.

“of course.”

“good. then… .”

Vivian smiled and raised the Ordo of Order high.

“come! Pierre! “You crazy flame clown who rules the Fourth Legion!”

– Hehehehe, hehehehe!

As if all preparations had already been completed, a magic circle was immediately drawn and dark fog began to flow. Vivian shouted with a confident smile as she saw the commander of the 4th corps slowly emerging through them.

“Pierre! “It’s been a while since I had a party!”

– Hi-Hi?

“You can run around as much as you want! “Eat it up, every bit of it!”

– Hehe, hehehe!

As if he liked those words, Pierre laughed out loud and opened his mouth. And he bit Vivien’s head, who was also giggling.


Vivien flailed her arms and glowed like a crazy octopus. He barely escapes her and jumps, shaking his hair, which is now soaked in her spit.

“You idiot! “They should eat it, not me!”

– Huhe?

When Pierre tilted his eyes and looked away, the group of Eastern Continent users who had been standing blankly took a step back. Vivien waved his hand at the flagship.

“no! Not them! There are kids running away over there! you stupid!”

Pierre chuckled as if he finally understood. Then she suddenly stops laughing and starts to rush into her scary face. Vivien grumbled quietly as she watched the army of demonic beasts follow behind her.

“That guy, Kim Soo-hyun. “I would have done that even if I knew.”


“No, no! “I told you to leave this to me!”

“… … .”

Vivien smiled and played it cool. Kim Soo-hyun shook his head with a sigh and then spoke to Kim Deok-pil, who burst into laughter.

“We’ll clean up this place, so hurry up Rivers.”

“Tsk! Ah Okay. “All we have to do is clean up the castle first, right?”

After saying that, Deokpil Kim took out a huge sword from his back and held it tightly.

“You guys!”

A loud cry.

“let’s go! “Kill everyone except the one with the black hair!”


The cheers in response shook the city into disarray.

Isn’t this a very simple way to identify a peer?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Forgive me for being late.

I started writing late today… . 8ㅅ8


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not work with dark mode