MEMORIZE Chapter 890

00890 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

After equipping the Memoria Stone, there was only one thing we had to do.


Of course, I’m not just sitting still and playing. Would it be correct to say that I’m waiting?

If my prediction is correct, the eastern continent would have saved at least one city. I don’t know what the current situation is. It may be building a defensive line waiting for the Allied Forces, or it may be on the verge of fall. I don’t think it’s probably closer to the latter situation.

Anyway, the key is how quickly and quickly you can get through the portal when it opens.

However, no matter how much it is compressed and packed, less than thirty people can enter the warp gate at one time. Since the number could not be artificially increased, it was ultimately best to organize the troops in groups of twenty.

As the army was reorganized like that, time passed by and the sun was slowly setting. When I finished organizing and sat down to rest, the city was already immersed in the twilight of the setting sun, reflecting red light in all directions.

The warp gate connection was set up a while ago, but there is no sign of it working yet. I slowly looked around, trying not to get impatient.

Where I sat was in the middle of the first row. Among the ten clans, the Mercenary was tasked with going in first. Although he was in a very dangerous position, the faces of the clan members were calm.

no. The entire relief force is quiet. Only the occasional sound of conversation can be heard, and they maintain a calm and composed tone.

That probably means I have that much confidence. Of course, it is said that there is no fear in the face of a war that kills and kills, but at least it means that one knows how to keep it in mind without showing it outwardly.

As I slowly looked around at each person, a woman suddenly caught my eye. Mar, who had been bickering with Nimue a moment ago, tilted her head and stared at the red setting sunset. She then gently closes her eyes. For some reason, she felt that that was sad, so I spoke to her without realizing it.

“Are you afraid?”

Mar opened his eyes brightly. Soon, a pair of her kind eyes stared at me and drew a soft arc.

“no. dad. rather… .”

“… … .”

“It’s familiar.”

“… okay?”

Actually, it was an ambiguous statement, but I think I understand why they said it was familiar. It’s probably due to the influence of the wings.

It is said that Margarita, the former queen, was one of the heroes who saved the world, and she must have been through countless wars. But why do I think it’s good in this situation, but at the same time feel bitter?

“Do not worry. “I will never be a burden to you.”

As I continued to look at him, Mar smiled brightly as if telling me not to worry. For a moment she thought about what to say, but she just nodded once and turned in front of her. It was then.


In the midst of the silence, the sound of electricity suddenly broke the silence.

Partz tzu tsk, part tzu tsk!

Looking straight ahead, to my surprise, the air above the warp gate altar was rippling like waves. Next, the sea light leaks out, albeit minutely, and suddenly begins to be drawn in a spiral towards the center like a whirlpool.


“Clan Lord!”

okay. come.


I spoke reflexively and strengthened my hands on the ground. Then he got up and spoke softly.

“Ready for battle.”


It was after the wall collapsed that the Southern Continent advanced into the great city of the Eastern Continent. Eldora instructed the central army under Odin to focus on occupying the four city gates, while the Nox and Carpe Diem clans fought urban battles.

In fact, the siege of Hall Plain flows in a completely different way from modern times. There is no need to manufacture and mobilize siege weapons because the wizard takes over the role of siege weapons. The firepower unleashed by thousands of people at once is so enormous that it goes beyond imagination.

Concentrate your firepower to tear down the walls, invade there, and take over the city. This was the siege that the Southern Continent had been maintaining against the Eastern Continent.

Of course, if the opponent’s wizard power is similar, the story will be different, but unfortunately, the difference in power between the two continents is significant. Moreover, it was no exaggeration to say that after the first city was taken in vain, the world and the sky exploded.

In other words, in the current situation, even if the Southern Continent had attacked and attacked, it would have easily fallen. Maybe it’s just a small city. Since the walls of a large city are not easy, we simply chose the safest method.

Anyway, since he poured out magic without stopping, the opponent must have suffered serious damage. Victory is at hand. Eldora thought so.

Grumble, rumble!

Flames are rising everywhere. The red flame wriggled like it was dancing and spewed out a cloud of black smoke. Feeling the heat blazing from all directions, the half-white-haired man, Lord Carpe Diem, whistled.

In fact, when the castle wall collapsed, Carpe Diem Road was deliberately delayed. At first, I thought it would be quite a fierce battle as it was the city chosen by the East Continent as its last bastion. However, the opponent’s resistance was weaker than expected, and the castle wall collapsed so easily that anyone watching was shocked.

Still, just in case, I planned to let the Nox Clan in first and slowly see the situation. Because the opponent may have prepared a trap that threatens to use kamikaze.

But how did this happen?

Lord Carpe Diem, who entered the castle, could not hide his bewilderment. Instead of making a final resistance, his opponent was focused on running away.

In addition, everywhere I looked, there were corpses that had been blown up, so I was able to understand the situation in a short period of time and completely erase my doubts. As long as Nox and his clan, who entered earlier, were running wild with excitement, the situation was almost over.

“Okay, Clan Lord.”

At that time, the man walking next to me spoke in an anxious voice and swallowed. Lord Carpe Diem smiled bitterly. Only at this point did he feel sorry for procrastinating on purpose. Because he knows very, very well what his people want, just like he does.

“What are you asking?”

As he chuckled, his subordinate’s face turned bright red. It has to be that way. I was worried that there might be a suicide attack, but the battle in the city was all that was left to enjoy, a primal festival.

“They say Odin guards the castle gate, so there’s no need to pay attention, right? “As today is the last battle, you don’t want to spend it on a sad note, right?”

Lord Carpe Diem spread his arms wide as if he were a maestro. Then loud laughter and cheers erupted from behind. She responded to the call and her man screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Now, go! “Do whatever you want, do whatever you want!”


Carpe Diem and his clans let out a scream that was almost like a scream. And growling like an animal, it ran like a roar through the city streets. After a while, the constant screaming began to get louder.

The situation of war can easily cause even good users to become addicted to inertia. Moreover, there is nothing more to say about Carpe Diem clan members who are far from being good in the first place and rather dream of realizing Sodom and Gomorrah. Now that he had achieved an overwhelming victory and discovered the joy of subjugating his opponent, there was only one thing left to do.

Under the banners of Nox and Carpe Diem, those who stood as invaders ran wild with excitement. Looting, arson, robbery, murder, etc. Act regardless of whether the opponent flees, resists, or surrenders. As a result, the city was instantly filled with screams and screams. The city was truly a crucible of chaos.

Is that all?

“Oh, no! Shit, I hate it!”

In one place, a group even grabbed a woman by her hair and dragged her away. There was even rape taking place.

Of course, since it is only an advance team, it is not done openly in the middle of the city. However, since we are already intoxicated with the heat of war, is there any hesitation? The group soon found a quiet place, threw the woman away, and rushed in.

“Hey, isn’t it a bit harsh? Is it because she is a samurai girl after all? Kihihihi!”

“Say, please save me! Help me!”

“What are you saying? Do you want me to just stay still? “Why are you resisting when I say I will film you in AV?”

“Ha, don’t do it! “Ahh!”

When the two men forcibly pulled her crotch apart, the woman, who had been resisting harshly, suddenly let out a tearful scream. Because her one man was slamming into her lower back with all his might.

Not long after, the woman covered her face and began to sob mournfully. She said that sometimes there were users who frowned at the sight, but she was the only one. She just clicks her tongue and moves to another place.

“hmm! “This is war.”

At that time, a look suddenly caught the eye of the invader, who was watching with a happy smile. In a different scene of humiliation than the one that just started, a certain large man is engrossed in shaking his hips against a member of the same s*x. And that too alone.

“her? Nox Road!”

When I called out with a laugh, Nox Lord’s waist suddenly stopped moving. Then, the young man who was falling down and jumping around also let out a violent breath. However, there is no sign of movement, as if he has already given up. She just sheds tears endlessly with her blurred eyes.

For a while, the two clan lords said nothing. Is it because the war is not over yet? Lord Knox slowly stood up with an embarrassed expression on his face, but Lord Carpe Diem grinned as if he was okay. And then she gave her thumbs up. Then Noxlord, who had been blinking his eyes, smiled slyly and raised his ugly head high up.

“Crazy guy.”

Carpe Diem Lord smiled and walked away immediately. And with the accompaniment of screams coming from nearby, he walked through the city, waving his hands like a conductor.

How long did you walk?


The moment I entered the square, my eyes widened from giggling. This is because a significant number of users from the Eastern Continent were gathered around the warp gate that had just begun operation. However, our forces have already spread out widely and completely surround the square. Lord Carpe Diem chuckled.

“This is good too~. “But you have to resist a little bit, it’s fun, right?”

Also, even if the warp gate is activated, there is nowhere to escape.

“Anyway, it won’t be of any use, right? They’ve already taken over the whole city… . huh?”

Just as he was about to move forward hesitantly, Lord Carpe Diem fell silent for a moment.

Partz tzu tsk, part tzu tsk!

The gathering blue light spread out from the center, creating a large oval-shaped portal. okay. So far so good. The problem was the attitude of users on the eastern continent. Even though a portal has been created, they do not rush to escape, but form a circular square to remain on guard.

It was that moment.

“W-what is it?”

Before I could even solve the question.


The portal emitted a dazzlingly bright light. And beyond that light, a dusky shadow began to appear. After overcoming a long distance, someone finally arrives in the middle of this battlefield.

The first thing I saw was a sturdy young man wearing jet-black armor and a red cape. As soon as he bursts through the portal, he slowly comes down the stairs.

Step by step… . Step by step… .

Then came the distinct sound of footsteps.

All eyes were focused on someone who suddenly broke in.

“hmm… .”

However, the parties involved are completely indifferent. He just looked around with indifferent eyes, nodded a couple of times and walked slowly. Despite the swords flashing in all directions, his gait was extremely leisurely.

“Well, well… !”

Lord Carpe Diem, who was about to shout something, suddenly opened his mouth wide.

There are three reasons why I was surprised.

The first was because the voice did not come out properly for some reason, and the second was because the ally standing in the direction the young man was walking was hesitatingly backing away.

And the third one.

“… … !”

Before I knew it, my feet were slowly taking a step backwards.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The Chiucheonwang armor equipped by Kim Soo-hyun has fear, one of the crowd control effects. You can think of it as influenced by that.

By the way, there were quite a few people who went to school or work yesterday!

haha. Dear readers. Yesterday’s review was a joke. So it was just a joke. Wow, did I really pray like that?

We all get along without teasing each other. 😀


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not work with dark mode