Memorize Chapter 89

00089 Ruins Laboratory ———————————————– ————————–=

Instead of clearing the path straight to the second floor, you go up after completely clearing the first floor. It would be nice to speed up the strategy, but I changed my mind after reading the ancient record that Shin Sang-yong read. If you can find a Qigong master, it is definitely not a waste to invest 2 or 3 months rather than 2 or 3 days.

To be honest, I was a little skeptical. I found Chimera Alchemist just recently, will it come out again? Maybe I’m being too greedy. Will secret and rare classes turn out as I expected?

Nevertheless, the reason I had a strange sense of anticipation was because I was currently on an upward trend. That’s what human life is like. When you fail even in the first round, you really fall infinitely. In fact, I have had the experience of falling to the lowest level of hell.

however. Even if I go down to the abyss. So, when you go up, you go up endlessly, all the way to the top. Now I was on an upward upward trajectory. I had that feeling. We don’t know how long this upward trend will continue. Still, I wanted to take advantage of this trend as much as possible while it lasted and lean into it.

In the center of the hall I reactivated my third eye. It’s really useful and I use it.

“leader. “Which direction will you go first?”

Are you telling me to decide where to go first? Detection is done through a combination of sensing in each direction and the third eye. As Shin Sang-yong said, the hall was in the center of the first floor structure. then. Excluding the direction of the hallway we walked in, there were three directions to go.

As it was a research lab, there were countless things that got caught in the middle. However, there were only a few of them that could be considered rooms or spaces worth entering. 6 towards the west and one staircase, 4 towards the north. And one in the east direction and one staircase. I could guess that the stairs lead to the second floor.

“For now, let’s go in this direction first.”

I turned to the passageway to the west. It is better to sell first. I thought it would be better to attack from the west, where there are the most places to stop. If we were in a difficult state, we would have gone east first, but now our stamina had been restored through rest.

Of course, I am currently at the head of the group. As a rule, the caravan leader and ranger should take the lead, but since there was no ranger, I was standing alone. I led the group, hoping that the next user to recruit would be one of the archers.

The leader plays a very important role. Depending on how you prepare for an unexpected surprise attack and which direction you lead your party, your caravan can prosper or fail. For those of us who don’t have a ranger, it would have been right for Shin Sang-yong or Jeong Ha-yeon to take the lead, but we can’t put a wizard in the lead. Also, as a result of following my lead, which was much better than that of the Rangers, they had no complaints about putting me in the lead.

Without any hesitation, I walked down the hallway and down the street. Walking speed is normal. The laboratory may seem to have a complicated structure at first glance, but if you can tell which rooms to enter and which rooms to not enter, it is quite a simple structure. When I first came in, I couldn’t feel any presence in the other hallways except for one person in the hallway. In other words, you only need to be careful about the room or space.

Of course, there was no guarantee that the 2nd and 3rd floors would be the same as the 1st floor, so these ideas were limited to the 1st floor.

After a while. We found the first space. It was the outermost space based on my perception of the western passage. The room I could see as I headed south had the feel of a regular hospital room, but this space had the exact opposite feel.

There were still faint dark red blood stains on the tightly closed iron door and walls. And inside this… There was a hint of something alive and breathing. What on earth? What is it that has kept me alive and breathing for this long? I stopped in front of the iron gate and turned towards my companions.

“Before coming to the center of the hall. “When you open one of the doors, people suddenly pour out, so everyone must have been shocked.”

I stopped talking and stared at Yu-jeong. “huh? “What is this?” Yu-jeong, the main culprit who opened the door, lowered his head. I clicked my tongue and continued speaking.

“I can’t feel that many presences in this room right now. However, rather than just retreating backwards like before, it might be better to leave the door and fight. “It seems like he knows our presence, so you must never let down your guard even if you open the door.”

A look of tension appeared on the faces of the companions. After watching each person make their own preparations, I approached the door.

“I will open the door. An attack may occur as soon as you open the door. Sol immediately casts a restraining spell, and the two wizards place magic inside to limit its activities. And Hyeon and Yujeong are deployed a little further forward in the current formation. “Just in case, you shouldn’t neglect the side guard.”

There is no answer. However, everyone was quietly nodding to my order. After I added one word.

“No matter who is there, if we fight over the door, we have the advantage. then… .”

I put my hand on the handle of the iron door. From behind, he heard Yoo-jeong whispering, “I hope it’s an empty room with no one in it,” and Ahn Hyeon, “I told you there was an older brother.” But he didn’t care. The handle was caught in his hand, and I grunted and strained. Originally, the iron door was so heavy that I couldn’t open it by myself, but it was nothing compared to my strength ability.


It was a door that had been closed for a long time, so when I forced it open, I heard the sound of the frozen organs being forcibly loosened. The moment I opened the door with a little more force, the sound of something breaking was heard and an unpleasant smell invaded my entire body. And at the same time.


A huge fist came aiming for my body. But we didn’t just sit still.


Sol’s spell exploded and I saw a white light pass by me. I came in at the right time and shouted “Nice” to myself, but the scene that followed was anything but nice.

“Ugh… iced coffee!”

The arm, which had stopped for a moment, soon wriggled, ignored Sol’s binding spell, and punched me again. under. You resisted a spell with a magic power of over 80? I felt surprised, but I raised my sword and defended myself from his attack.

“Soo-hyeon is in danger… !”

Pow! Uddangtangtang. Boom boom.

“Kerek! Kelek! Kelek!”

Do you have good strength? I didn’t use all my strength, but I ended up taking half a step back after being attacked by him. However, I once again brought out the technique I had shown against the boss monster during the rite of passage. My own technique based on the principle of Saryangbal Cheongeun (manipulating Cheongeun with the power of Neoknyang).

I combined the impact of the creature that entered my body with my own strength and returned it to the creature. Then, I could see his right hand exploding from the impact and flying backwards. The guy who fell down with a loud noise screamed in pain.

“… “It’s a giant.”

“Well, this is my first time seeing a giant in person.”

The guy holding his hand in the room was none other than a giant. Although he was quite spectacular at over 5 meters tall, it was difficult to see him as a full-fledged giant. He had various organs and artifacts hanging from his body. Is it correct to think of it as a transplant?

First of all, I could understand why Sol’s order wasn’t working properly. The blood flowing through the bodies of the giants of the Hol Plain naturally has strong magic resistance. Normally, it should have gone beyond resistance and even reflected, but since it has weakened so much that it is visible, it doesn’t seem to have gone that far. It can be inferred that although the lifespan was slightly increased by adding visible organs and artifacts, the characteristics of the giant weakened over time.

“Crumbling… Crumbling… Whoosh, whoosh.”

“Everyone, come to your senses. Although it is a giant, it is currently in a greatly weakened state. However, it seems that magic resistance is still alive, so wizards and Sol-i, please step back for a moment.”

“hmm… “Although direct help is difficult, indirect help is possible.”

“I won’t stop you. Yujeong, Keeper. “Ahn Hyun, Vivian is behind me.”

“brother. “Support?”


When she was chosen instead of Yu-jeong, Ahn Hyeon ran as if she were flying. Vivian is an alchemist, but he understood why I called him and he came right up next to me. I turned my head back to the front as I saw my companions changing formation again in an instant. And the giant was standing up with his free arm on the ground.

The giant’s eyes meet mine. This giant may also be a victim of the residents’ experiments. Its eyes were burning with a hostility that could not be hidden. But that was all. I didn’t experiment on him, so I didn’t feel sorry or guilty.

Giants originally have strong racial characteristics. In fact, in the first episode, the leader of the giants was a guy who was almost called a demigod. However, they were honest and naive by nature, so they were quite trustworthy when made as companions. However, I had no intention of making the guy in front of me my colleague.

I heard Vivien muttering a spell behind me. The giant’s face became even more murderous after seeing that.

Hung. I saw the guy’s remaining left arm flying away with a sound. Wherever the innate strength he originally possessed went, there was a huge difference from the blows of the giants I knew. however. Nevertheless, the fist he swung contained fierce power.

When I tilt my head back slightly, the guy’s fist splits the air. However, it was too much of a waste to just let go of that fist. He lifted the sword with his left hand and adjusted the blade so that it gently touched the guy’s fist. And as I intended, the moment my sword face and his fist touched, I created magical power. Have a taste.

The scene that followed was enough to make everyone gasp. During the first round, I studied one sword technique to make up for the lack of strength and magic compared to top users. The essence of swordsmanship is based on Taegeuk (太極). It is based on softness and flowingness rather than violent force and interruption.

The giant’s hand and the face of my sword were only touching, but the man’s arm was being guided as my sword moved. Naturally, the guy cannot keep his body’s balance and sways back and forth. He takes a sharp turn to the left, then turns to the right again. It’s like showing a string to a cat and shaking it around. It was the moment when a large figure over 5 meters tall was reduced to a mere pet. And, Ahn Hyeon was not the one to miss that opportunity.


With a powerful combination of energy, An Hyeon thrust out his long spear. He seemed to have aimed at the giant’s torso with the intention of striking him once the body shook. However, even though he was rotten, he still had the instincts of a titan, so he was not left to his own devices. Even as his body was shaking, the giant saw the tip of the spear and struck the pole with the wrist of his free right arm.

“What… !”

Ahn Hyun’s body tilted downward due to that force. The collision between the two made a loud noise, probably because she had used all of her magic power, but Anhyun’s attack was too direct. She would have been better off aiming for the square.

At the same time, the giant used the dragon once, and I felt that the magic connecting my hand and my sword was suddenly cut off. I had a strange look in my eyes. Well, I didn’t have any regrets because I initially planned to have some fun. And with Ahn Hyun and I playing, we had already given Vivien enough time to memorize the spell.

As if in response to my expectations, Vivien’s sonorous incantation echoed throughout the room.

“come! Imprisson! “O iron redeemer who rules the 49th Legion!”

Now a familiar magic circle appears, and hazy smoke flows into the room. Soon, the magic circle began to activate brightly, as if answering Vivien’s summons. The giant who was rushing towards us instinctively widened the distance between us, perhaps sensing something unusual.

While I was quietly watching it. I heard Vivien’s calm voice calling me from behind.

“Su-hyun. The Imprison called this time will mainly be used as an assistant. “You and Hyeon give me a critical hit.”

“Are you planning on arresting him? “The blood of a giant must be formidable.”

“joy. My demon beasts are chimera beasts that I personally strengthened. Just wait and see. “I will show you whose power is stronger.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Vivian and I chatted leisurely. In particular, she smiled, showing overflowing confidence in what I said. Imprisone. I was very excited to see what kind of abilities he would show this time. As if I was angry that my first attack had failed, I also took a stance as I watched Hyun grasp his spear next to me.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

We are already past the middle of February. It seems like time flies. I am really enjoying reading the works recommended by readers in the past. Since I usually like reading novels, I felt that there were many gems.

Today I will recommend a work I did. There are works that I check out on Noblesse once a day. (One of them is Northwood’s Beautiful World.) But this time, Northwood’s new work was serialized.

The title of the work is I am a person with special abilities. I started reading from episode 1 and didn’t really notice how time passed. Later on, I felt like it was a waste to read each line. If there are any readers who are looking for pearls among numerous works, I recommend Northwood’s I Am a Talented Person. 🙂

and… A lot of selections, recommendations, comments, and coupons came in today. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the readers who always support my works. Nod. (__)


1. lDl: Oho. Nice to meet you. This is my first time meeting you, but you won first place. (Did you say this is Jin Royal Roader? Hahaha.) Congratulations on your first place. 🙂

2. Anyjani: Ah. Thank you. I hope you enjoy reading this episode as well. I hope you, Annie Janie, have a restful night.

3. Dangryong: Hehe. Thank you. You will be able to see the main character’s unstoppable actions in the future.

4. RainBows: This reply has been posted in comment number 88. Please check it out, and if you still don’t understand, look through previous serials or send me a message and I will reply.

5. Ramude: Hehe. Can we really save it? Please look forward to future developments!

6. Fallen Dove: Hahaha. thank you Since I quit my job, I have quite a bit of free time these days. If time permits, I would like to continue my practice. 🙂

7. Demon Temple: Ah. Thank you. I see that Demon Temple has been leaving comments on my novel almost from the beginning. Thank you for being with us so far. We ask for more interest and support in the future!

8. Koya: Hahaha. In a way, what Jeong Ha-yeon said is true. Soo-hyeon is so shameless, and Jeong Ha-yeon is worthy of being called a prodigy. However, because Soo-hyeon went through such a hard time in the first episode, I think I was emotionally upset without knowing it.

9. Hwieul: Hmm. If that happens, you may not be able to control your abilities because they are too high. Well, I don’t know what will happen if I practice. The reason Soohyun hasn’t raised her abilities right now is because she’s still thinking about it. haha.

10. Ma Dong-po: Yes. There will be some content that I think is somewhat erotic. (Of course, I still think some of it has come out. Won Hye-yeon, Lee Ji-young, Jeong Ji-yeon, etc.). But right now, the main character is not leisurely enough to have an affair, so it is not coming out. Our main character is definitely not a eunuch. Ugh.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode