MEMORIZE Chapter 889

00889 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

There was laughter for a moment, but given the situation, the atmosphere quickly calmed down. It seems that the clan members also checked the Memoria Stone held in the woman’s hand.

As the information was limited, I tried not to miss any movement of the figure. The woman was moving hurriedly, holding her memory stone tightly. The way she sometimes curls up her body or shakes her head as she scrutinizes all directions tells us one thing.

Trouble broke out in the city.

no. It would have exploded. If you think about it in relation to the current situation, you can easily guess what the problem is.

At that time, the woman’s frantic running suddenly stopped. Has she arrived at her destination?

– なに?

“Is it me? what? It means. “I think I probably saw something.”

Before we knew it, Jin Soo-hyun had quietly retreated, and instead, Jegal Hae-sol opened his mouth. If this was going to happen, it would have been better to have stepped forward earlier.

Anyway, it was definitely as Jegal Haesol said. The woman stands blankly for a few seconds, then sits down weakly. Then her voice came out as if she was terrified.

– なぜ… .どうして… .

“I… . Help… . why… . why… .”

Two overlapping voices echoed quietly in the space. A reaction like seeing something unbelievable.

“What did you see that made you do that?”

It was then. The moment someone muttered, the woman who had been sitting in confusion turned her head. She straightens up and starts running again. It was as if she was running away, as if she was being chased by something.

After a while, the woman stumbled as if she was tired and sat down, leaning against the stone statue. She then looked to her left and right and took out her Memoria Stone. Then, she said that the place where the woman sat down was the square in front of the temple. Could it be that she erased her traces on purpose?

Before I could finish thinking, I heard a sad sound of cheers. The woman punched the floor of her temple three or four times, then took out her memoria stone and struck it several times with her palm as if asking. She continues to play with her hands like that, and then her shape suddenly becomes transparent and she begins to wave wildly.

The video ended here. After a while, the woman’s image completely disappeared.

After the light faded, I walked over and bent down, feeling entranced. Eighteen stones still lie where the woman was last seen. Only now I noticed a crack in the floor.

It looked quite rushed, but it was put together with great care. Since it is such an old building, it is not unreasonable for it to be excessive.

When I gently applied force, the floor cracked easily. When I put my hand in, I was sucked into a deep hole, and before I could stir it a few times, something that looked like a hard rock got stuck. I held it tightly and slowly straightened my back. found. Memoria Stone.

“Is this the end?”

Anhyeon muttered belatedly. It was a hollow voice, but I don’t think so.

“I understand now. “This first marriage sign was a message for us.”

A few quick-thinking clan members seem to have already figured it out. Literally, the message this woman left was information worth a thousand pounds in the current situation.

Thanks to this message, I gained two additional pieces of information. First of all, I thought it could not be possible, but it seems that the Southern Continent and the Devil have at least partially succeeded in taking over the warp gate. And the East Continent knew that we were coming to save this city and took some action.

“Huh. “I can’t believe it.”

Heo Jun-young scratched his chin with his index finger and shook his head.

“There’s no way the warp gate could be taken over unless you’re a bunch of idiots… .”

“It could be that he lacked experience or that the opponent was overwhelming. Or maybe both. Anyway, it’s fortunate that there are smart users.”

After saying that, Go Yeonju licked her lips and looked at me.

“Su-hyun. “What are you going to do now?”

“We’ll have no choice but to wait.”

I answered without any hesitation. Go Yeon-ju nodded, but there were still people who seemed confused.

In other words, if the warp gate of the first city invaded was occupied, it is highly likely that most of the eastern continent would have fallen into the hands of the Allied Forces by now. Up to this point, this was the worst-case scenario I had carefully anticipated.

But fortunately, the East Continent did not stand still. As Go Yeon-ju said, the user who was smart enough to follow up quickly took action.

Since there are not one or two, but thirteen cities, there must be a last bastion that has managed to survive. Unless he was a real idiot, he would have cut off all links to the current warp gate. Then we just need to find that city.

no. You don’t even need to look for it. If we activate this city’s warp gate, they will know. The moment the other party saves the connection, it moves on immediately. This is what it meant to have no choice but to wait.

“But how would they know…” .”

“Bo-bo. “Don’t you know that warp gates are two-way, not one-way?”

When Lee Yoo-jeong spoke in a scolding tone, Cha Hee-young only then let out an exclamation. If Lee Yu-jeong understood, it would be safe to say that she almost understood.

After thinking that, I immediately opened my mouth.

“We will update you on the situation. “As of this time, we will stop investigating all troops and gather in front of the warp gate.”

Needless to say, these two words were enough. The wizards quickly took out the communication crystal and infused it with magical power. Soon, I walked towards the warp gate while listening to the sound of words flowing from all over the place.

The battlefield is just around the corner.


As Kim Soo-hyun predicted, most of the Eastern Continent had now fallen into the hands of the Southern Continent and the devil.

To be more precise, the time we arrived on the eastern continent was about three weeks ago. Although they arrived one step ahead of the Northern Continent, the Allied Forces knew full well that they had to occupy the Eastern Continent as quickly as possible. So, from the first attack, they poured out all their firepower using Thanatos’ immense power, and took advantage of the opponent’s confusion to invade the castle’s interior like a furious attack.

Of course, the East Continent was the lowest level and least experienced among the four continents, but it did not just sit back and suffer.

Aquino, one of the commanders of the East Continent, sensed that things were awry from the moment the first attack broke, and ordered his trusted subordinates to secure the warp gate of the city where the North Continent was expected to arrive. At the same time, he rushed to the warp gate and began to evacuate the users.

However, it was impossible to evacuate everyone in the first place. As the Allied Forces rushed forward with a determination not to let go, Aquino was able to bury himself in the portal just in the nick of time. And as soon as he moved to the big city, he immediately disconnected.

Some may say it was cruel, but it was an unavoidable choice in that situation. If you were a little late, the other person would have rushed in.

The Allied forces were disappointed that they had lost connection with the city with the highest defense, but they moved quickly. The devil spread throughout the connected cities, indiscriminately capturing users, and the southern continent moved to a regular city, and on the day it took over the small city, it immediately began marching towards the large city. It was truly a rapid advance.

As such, the great city, the last bastion of the Eastern Continent, was currently creating a scene of chaos that was no different from a living hell.

“Oh, here it comes! “It’s coming again!”

At the same time as someone screamed, thousands of magic lights that brightened the whole direction flew through the air.

The wizards and priests standing on the castle walls chanted evil spells and used defensive magic, but it was useless.

After a while, hundreds and thousands of attack spells that filled the sky attempted to descend all at once, drawing a sharp curve. In the blink of an eye, it came close, tearing the white curtain like a sheet of paper and crashing in like a tsunami.


The next moment, what users on the East Continent could see was a cluster of colorful lights that danced around each other.


What would happen if a nuclear warhead fell? The aftermath that exploded all at once was not something any individual user could handle. My vision became blurry and my hearing went deaf. All I could do was reflexively crouch down and lower my head at the faint sound of something collapsing.

Eventually, the light that had been there for a long time disappeared.

“… … .”

Aquino, who barely got up, had an indescribably vain expression on his face. Some of the strong castle walls that had held up until a moment ago disappeared without a trace, scattering into powder.

“Cruck, cluck!”

“Huh! “Huh!”

But there was no time to be dumbfounded. Because terrible screams began to erupt everywhere. It was the scream of some of the allies who were in the radiation exposure range who had barely survived. Most of them had torn limbs or torn bodies, so it seemed like they would die soon.


Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

Then came the shouts and the noise of the ground shaking. As soon as I heard that sound, the chaotic atmosphere of the castle gradually changed into despair and resignation. As soon as the castle wall collapsed, it was a certainty that they would invade.

Aquino suddenly came to his senses. Although it was a very difficult situation for him, he could not give up yet. So he wiped the soot from the corner of his mouth and shouted loudly.

“Priest, hurry and heal the wounded soldiers! And the rest… ?”


“People… .”

Aquino looked around,

“… … .”

I blurted out my words without realizing it.

no. I couldn’t speak any more. In an urgent situation, the walls had to be repaired and defended quickly… .

‘doesn’t exist… .’

No remaining users are visible. All I could see was my colleague groaning from his injuries and slowly dying.

The moment he recognized that fact, Aquino’s arms went limp.

“Wow… .”

A sad sigh bursts from the mouth. It has to be that way. They gathered all their remaining strength and defended themselves to the death, but the walls were broken in less than a day after the start of the battle.

‘The number of people who can defend… . There is no more… .’

Meanwhile, the shouts were getting closer quickly. In the end, Akino seems to have given up and kicks her ass.

How did this happen?

Why do we have to go through this?

All kinds of negative emotions swirl in my head. The more it happened, the more the eyes that once shone wisely slowly became dull, as if they had lost their sense. It was then.


Someone running from afar grabbed Aquino’s shoulders and shook him as he collapsed.

“I came, I came! Spes city, breath!”

Is there such a rush for nothing?

The man took a deep breath for a moment, then

“This is not the time to sit back! “The connection with Speth has been activated!”

I vomited all at once and screamed.

“Speth… ?”

It was that moment.

“okay! “It means that reinforcements from the Northern Continent have arrived!”

A strong look flashed through Aquino’s black, dead eyes.

I gave up everything and just before the city fell.

The North Continent has finally arrived.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Safe within 02:00 today! Hehehe.

Actually, yesterday I was quite worried about whether or not to add red bean paste or dark bean curd. I wondered if there were many people who knew… . Surprisingly, there were quite a few people who knew. haha.

Oh, of course I don’t know anything.(?) 😀

By the way, tomorrow is Buddha’s Birthday.

It is Binaida, it is Binaida. For the readers who make fun of me as Roy Yu-mi, please let me have a normal day at school or have work at work tomorrow, and for those who think of me as Ro Yu-jin, please let me have a restful holiday… . huh?

Oh, no. (ㅌㅌ)


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not work with dark mode