MEMORIZE Chapter 888

00888 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

There is a saying called Deus Ex Machina. This Latin word means ‘the mechanical appearance of God,’ and refers to the phenomenon of miraculously resolving a problem that seems to be impossible to solve by borrowing the power of God.

As I’m aware again, Ansol’s luck ability is 105 points. Even if you score 101 points in any ability, you can be considered superior to a human, but it’s hard to tell what 105 points is.

So this time too, I didn’t have any vague expectations in my mind. Just as it was shown from the Rite of Passage book, I wonder if it will show the right path this time too.

To be more precise, I thought it would lead me to a place where I could explain this twisted and twisted situation.

But unexpectedly, the place where Ansol first stopped was not a place, but a person. She lazily stretched out her index finger and suddenly stabbed her opponent in the side.


Then Cha Hee-young, who was engrossed in the investigation, turns around in surprise.


It was an obvious question, but Ansol said nothing. He just stands still and stares silently. Cha Hee-young blinked and looked at us with an incomprehensible expression. That expression said this.

Why is he like this all of a sudden?

For a moment, I was wondering what to say. But when he followed, Jegal Haesol said, “Shh.” After giving a signal, they suddenly began to quietly dance the cancan. I don’t even know what that dance means.

Cha Hee-young frowned at Ami mercilessly, but nodded hesitantly anyway.

Soon, Ansol started walking again, and we followed behind in silence.

Before long, we arrived at a place that could truly be called a place. Beyond the gentle stairs stood a gray dome-shaped structure.

I couldn’t shake off the shabby feeling that there were cracks here and there, but I think the temple probably had some scale.

As the temple is also one of the main buildings, as I climbed the stairs, I saw several users busy conducting research. One of them turned to look at us and pretended to know us.

“Oh, Sue?”

At that moment, my brother was startled and took a step back. This is because Ansol passed right in front of his older brother who had just raised his hand.

My brother stared blankly at Ansol, who was disappearing into the building, and then suddenly looked back at me with coy eyes. As if he had intuited something. As expected, he is quick-witted.

I quietly winked and my older brother slowly joined the group. And we hurriedly followed Ansol, who had entered earlier, and entered the temple.

The interior scenery was ordinary, with nothing special about it. It was a little dark because there were only a few places where there was light, and the light stone did not work.

On the one hand, it was considerably deeper inside than it looked from the outside, and suddenly a large stone statue caught my eye from afar. An empty space with nothing except a stone statue. Ansol stopped nearby.

The height of the stone statue was large enough to exceed five or six meters. With its muscular body, four sharp-looking legs, and even mane, it is so detailed that you can tell it is a lion at a glance.

Anyway, a stone statue is a stone statue. I immediately looked at the statue with my third eye, but I couldn’t find anything unusual. So it’s just an ordinary decoration, so why did Ansol bring us here?

“Maybe there is a device? “For example, if you press the claw, something will appear.”

“Maybe it’s connected to a secret passage.”

After each clan member gave his or her opinion, they began to examine the statue. However, as I just checked, I don’t think there will be a device. Rather, wouldn’t it be necessary to pay attention to Cha Hee-young? Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been brought here for nothing.

As I looked at Ansol with that thought in mind, I suddenly felt a strange feeling.

When I looked closely, I realized that Ansol was not looking at the stone statue. Even though the surroundings became noisy, he remained motionless and was staring at the floor to the left of the statue. She even felt a chill as she looked into those profound, endless eyes. It was then.


Cha Hee-young, who was looking around at that moment, tilted her head. Her Ansol looks down to where she is looking and kneels down to her bare knees to take a closer look. There were eighteen tiny broken stones that looked like they had fallen from a stone statue.

At that time, Cha Hee-young suddenly said, “Whoa!” She blew out her mouth vigorously, and she raised her body with a look on her face that showed she had noticed something. One thing that is surprising is that the rocks were not swept away even by a millimeter even by strong winds.

“As expected, it was a sign.”


“yes? Ah yes. You can think of this as a kind of unique language that shamans often use. In a word, it is a kind of way of expressing or informing something… ? Anyway, since I am also a dancer, I have studied to some extent about shamans. That’s how I knew.”

“So what does it mean?”

He asked right away, but Cha Hee-young hesitated and looked embarrassed.

“Eh, I know it’s a mark, but… .”


“It’s not like there’s nothing we can do…” . So, I need to know what this sign means so I can do something, but I don’t have enough knowledge… . ah! “Maybe Hanna would know.”

“Im Hanna?”

Now that I think about it, was Im Hanna also a class that inherited the steps of the ancient shaman?

Imhanna did not follow, but arrived at the temple in less than five minutes. Heo Jun-young, who was listening to the conversation, quickly found him and brought him to him.

As Cha Hee-young said, Im Hanna immediately recognized the mark as soon as she saw it.

“oh. “This is a sign of a first marriage.”

“Sign of first marriage?”

“huh. Among the powers I use, is there something called Kangshin? It’s not exactly the same, but it’s pretty close. “But why is it here?”

“Oh~. “It was your first marriage.”

Cha Hee-young, who had been listening quietly, exclaimed to herself. She then reached into her bountiful sleeves and pulled out her blue flowing fan.

Lim Hanna smiled sweetly, took a couple of steps back, and whispered in my ear.

“Take a look. First marriage can be seen as a type of witchcraft… . Heeyoung is probably better than me praying to God.”

Actually, I didn’t understand a single word of what was being said, but I just nodded. Anyway, there are other important things to do.

“────. ────.”

While I was watching, Cha Hee-young, who was muttering orders at a rapid pace, suddenly burst into laughter! She opened her fan so hard that it made a noise. The hand holding her fan drew a graceful movement line as if drawing a picture, but then suddenly stopped while pointing at the mark.

Then something strange happened. Each piece of stone began to emit a distant light, and soon something like a bluish haze began to creep up.

For some reason, the cold-looking smoke rose into the air, gathered together, and gradually began to take shape. It didn’t take long for the figure to feel human-like.

After a while.

– 危ない逃げて!

Suddenly, a loud shout pierced my ears. When she looked up in surprise for a moment, her eyes narrowed.

The blue shape was translucent, making it slightly difficult to see. At least we could tell that she was a woman by her flowing hair and the outline of her slender body.

One strange thing is that the figure’s entire body is shaking. It was almost as if he was terrified. Plus, it didn’t seem like he was watching us.

“Are there any users who speak Japanese?”

My brother looked around and took out two marbles from his pocket.

“You don’t have to be a wizard. “If you inject magical energy into this bead, it will automatically be translated and you can listen to it.”

Then, after a moment of buzzing, Jin Soo-hyeon cautiously raised his hand.

“I don’t know that very well… . Because I just studied it on my own… . “I can understand at least a little bit.”

“It’s better than having no one at all.”

My brother nodded willingly and handed me two beads. That’s amazing. All you have to do is insert magic power and it will automatically translate.

“When did you make something like that?”

“I didn’t invent it.”

My brother smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“there is. User Yang Gi-deok. I benefited from it a long time ago during the Steel Mountains, and I came back once more after conquering it. Since I had upgraded since then, they gave me some samples to test. “I forgot about it, but I never thought I’d end up writing it like this.”

My brother’s words were hard to hear because they were drowned out by the woman’s constant shouting.

At that time, the bead that Jin Soo-hyun passed over flashed light, and coincidentally, it rang out in sync with the woman’s cries.

– Run away! Minnaaa!


For a split second, someone burst into laughter and then immediately became quiet. When I glanced up, I saw Jegal Haesol covering his mouth with both hands. By the way, what does Minna mean? Perhaps the translation is not correct.

Anyway, Jin Soo-hyun said he didn’t know it very well, so I decided to keep watching for now. In the first place, the level of transmission of translation magic varies depending on what you know, so you have no choice but to take it at your own risk.

That was the moment I thought about it.

– Red bean paste!

huh? Red bean paste?


The woman said something strange again, and suddenly flew through the air and fell to the floor, as if she had been caught in an explosion. I don’t know why he was doing that, but Jegal Haesol was even breaking his waist.

“hey. “You know Japanese, right?”

Heo Jun-young also chided me, wondering if I was the only one who found it strange.

“Joe, you said you only know a little… .”

Jin Soo-hyun muttered quietly with a red face that looked like it was about to explode at any moment.

Meanwhile, the woman who was bouncing around like a baseball barely raised her head and muttered.

– Jinhan dog… . Yes, there is a dark one… .


Hearing something strange this time, Jegal Haesol suddenly started laughing, making everyone around him leave. She laughed hysterically for a while, and then wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, probably because she realized she was getting attention.

“After, after…” . “It is true that this translation is incorrect.”

“… … .”

“The Japanese word for red bean paste is anko… . So, if you mistranslate the word ‘Aang’ into ‘Anko’, then the Korean word ‘red bean paste’… .”

“… … .”

It may seem like a bit of gibberish, but anyway, it’s not red bean paste, it’s aang, or moaning, right? If you relate it to the situation of being caught up in the aftermath of an explosion, it seems to fit the bill. How did you study so much that people say you’re a red bean paste?

“Then what about Jinhan dog?”

“That’s also a mistranslation. If translated to normal, it means this guy. He seems to know how he taught himself Japanese. Ah, that’s so f*cking funny.”

Jegal Haesol laughed once more and winked softly. Jin Su-hyeon bowed his head and said nothing.

I quenched my appetite and focused on the road ahead. The woman’s figure lay down for a while with a devastated face.

He was just making a despairing expression with his mouth slightly open,

– Oh, no!

He suddenly shouted and hurriedly stood up.

The next moment, it seemed as if it was going to kick off the ground and run somewhere, and desperately stretched out its hand.

My heart felt tight as I continued to look at it. I don’t know if it’s her first marriage or what, but it would be nice if the surrounding scenery came out as well. It felt like watching a play as she spoke and moved alone.

It was that moment.

“… … ?”

The moment the arm that seemed to have been stretched out somewhere returned, my eyes tightened without me realizing it.

This is because in the woman’s hands was holding something small that had not been seen before.

This is the Memoria Stone.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

It’s a little later than yesterday, but I still tried to update as quickly as possible.

Yesterday was really… . under… .

As I wrote this while shaking, I felt traumatized… . ㅜ.ㅠ

We will continue to move forward and move forward in time.

If you work hard, it won’t be too much to do a midnight series or a daily series.

At least before Episode 1, I really want to go back to how it was when it was first serialized. 🙂


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not work with dark mode