MEMORIZE Chapter 886

00886 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

The small city in the southwestern direction of the eastern continent is structured in a diamond shape with four walls of similar length. In any case, it cannot be considered large as it is a small city, but considering the development status of the eastern continent, ‘something that looks sturdy may well serve as a castle.’ It was to the point where I could think:

To put it literally, this can be said to be a city of beginnings. In any continent, there will be users who have taken their first steps to the Hole Plane, and have been gradually expanding their influence over a long period of time. In other words, it could be said to be a kind of base, but the castle was especially tense today.

It is still dusky dawn, and on the frost-covered castle walls, shadows as many as hundreds of water scenes are lined up in a row. Needless to say, these are users from the Eastern Continent. After hearing the news of the advance to the southern continent through an angel, they quickly went into defense.

There are hundreds of people standing on the western wall alone, and more than twice as many people are waiting under the wall. They are all lined up with their eyes focused, almost like soldiers preparing for the final war.

However, rather than looking solemn, wouldn’t it be correct to say that they are afraid? Because most people were trembling and trying to overcome the approaching fear.

Among them, a man who was leaning against the castle wall and looking outside sighed deeply. He was a handsome man whose sad eyes stood out.

“Is it really coming? .”

The man muttered to himself and continued to glance over the castle wall while bending his neck from side to side. And next to her, a tall woman with her black hair neatly flowing down is sitting on the castle wall, staring into the distance.

Compared to her surroundings, she was a woman who seemed a bit unusual. Even though her beautiful appearance is the second child, her white top and rich red skirt with straps tied around the sleeves remind us of a shaman like her.

Above all, while most of the users were standing with stern faces, the woman was alone looking into the distant light with a natural expression.

At that time, the man who had been looking at the same place for a while quietly opened his mouth.

“Why don’t you just go down here?”

The woman opened her eyes and looked to the side. Her man continues without looking away from her.

“Because I will be here. Go down and control the warp gate. “If you have to, you have to run away.”

For a moment the woman said nothing. She just folded her legs and jumped down inside the castle wall. However, instead of going down the stairs, he slowly raised his arm and pointed ahead.


A voice like a quiet dawn. The place the woman pointed out was a point so far away that the sky and horizon met. The man, who had reflexively followed the woman’s hand, suddenly raised his eyes at her.


“It’s coming.”

Is it bothersome to keep repeating the same words, as if catching a random cloud? The man stared in front of her, squinting his eyes. She places her hands on the cold brick and looks around her carefully.

But there was nothing in particular that caught my eye. The only thing that comes in is the sun rising into the sky spraying sunlight and the empty plain spraying warm light. Other than that, nothing is visible.

However, there was one strange thing. Although the smoke was faint, it seemed like a very small amount of earthen smoke could be vaguely seen. The man who had been watching for a while eventually tilted his head. The woman blinked her eyes slowly a couple of times and spoke in a sleepy voice.

“death… . Yes, death is coming.”

“Aquino. I know your class, but as the situation is, can you be more specific? “I can’t see anything with my eyes.”

In the end, as if he couldn’t bear it anymore, he poured out a strong complaint, but the woman, or rather Aquino, just stared at him without change. She turned her body in the opposite direction as the man looked at her with a grumpy look on her face. She was then.


A sound as strong as the wind swept across the castle in an instant, and the clear sky suddenly began to turn into dark clouds.

The sky did not darken very quickly, but it was fast enough to panic the users standing on the castle wall. The murmur spread like wings, and the entire castle suddenly became noisy.

Next moment,


A huge roar that tore through the sky violently hit the users’ eardrums.

no. The sky was actually tearing apart. The gathering dark clouds parted like a beast opening its mouth, and a black sphere began to slowly descend between the gaping clouds. It was so huge that it seemed as if it could swallow up even the sun.

Is that all? The more I look at it, the more I feel like I’m being sucked in, a strange crushing sensation, and an evil energy that weighs down my whole body… .

Eventually, the black sphere, fully revealed, gradually accelerates and begins to descend. As if he was going to destroy the castle like this.



As if unable to overcome the terrifying energy, a scream finally broke out from somewhere. After all, we’ve only just conquered a large city. Where have we ever seen an attack like this before? So, it was natural for users to be frightened by what they saw for the first time, and users naturally fell into confusion.

By that time, the black sphere had already gained sufficient speed.

“Scatter away!”

Faced with this absurd phenomenon, the man screamed as if he were screaming.

But it was too late. The sphere was already falling to the castle wall, spewing out bloody smoke, and the users were unable to even control their bodies due to the pressure that felt like their flesh was about to burst. Just looking up with shadowy eyes at the sphere descending like a cannonball.

After a while.


At the same time as the sound of something exploding, a tremendous roar shook the heavens and earth.


As the sun slowly rose and the eastern sky became brighter, we were able to see the results of our all-night march. About three weeks have passed since we left the endless grasslands, the muddy swamps, and the curved hills like Im Hanna’s heart (according to Heo Jun-young’s words).

After walking straight for five weeks, a dry wilderness finally unfolded before my eyes.

I can’t brag about how great this is enough. The crossing of the continent, which normally takes eight weeks, has been shortened by almost half. Of course, I had to pay a price.

Anyway, things definitely changed once I entered the wilderness. I’m not just talking about a change in scenery.

If it felt like conquering an unexplored area, even the swamps, traces could be seen sparsely from the chest of Imhanna, or even from the hill area. And the dry wilderness clearly showed traces of human hands. In short, it is proof that we are getting closer to the city. Maybe it’s nearby.

I looked back to tell him this good news, but I hesitated without realizing it. This is because the clan members trudging after them looked like zombies. All of them were glaring at me with wide eyes, as if they were going to eat me at any moment. Although the procession was so long that it was difficult to see in detail, the entire relief force was giving off a similar atmosphere.

After all, I must have been tired since I ran all night. Even though Shin Jae-ryong was doing a sleepy march (?), he did not leave the line, and Cha Hee-young, who was in her arms, was sleeping with her whole body drooping.

Originally, I had planned to discover the city and rest inside, but I thought it would be better to rest for a while.

Thinking like that, I opened my mouth to see Anhyun yawning.

“stop. “I will rest here for an hour.”

As everyone worked hard, we decided to take a break. Then the clan members stopped at the same time as if they had made a promise. Next, the melee classes that were holding the wizard and priest let go of their hands all at once.

Thump thump thump thump.

Evil, evil, evil.

The sound of hitting one’s buttocks and small screams are heard one after another. It’s like watching human dominoes.

After a while, the melee classes began to lie down and sigh as if they were dying. I heard voices blaming me intermittently, but I decided to ignore them.

The wizard takes out a communication crystal and spreads the situation to the middle and rear troops, and the priest rubs his eyes and takes out bottled water and chews from his bag and distributes them.

The archers who managed to preserve their stamina quickly dispersed to guard the surroundings or inspect the terrain. Since we have been experiencing the same situation for 35 days, everyone is now moving on their own.

I sat down in a suitable place, chewed the dried meat that Ansol brought me, and drank some bottled water. As the cool liquid soaks into my parched body, my mind becomes clearer.


“I think I will buy it.”

Was it that difficult? Jin Soo-hyeon, who drank water greedily, lets out a loud scream, and Lee Yu-jeong lets out a sigh of relief while gurgling.

Anhyeon sat helplessly. The sight of him with his shoulders slumped and his head down made me worry that he might be dead.


Then someone called me. It was about two seconds later that I realized it was Anhyeon. He spoke lowly without even looking at me, so I guess he knew right away.

“When will this march end?”


“How many more times do I have to hear that word soon?”

“I’m not lying. You must have seen it on your way there too. “Can’t you tell if you look around?”

Then Ahn Hyun raised his head, and I tossed the half-remaining canteen to him. Surprisingly, Anhyeon took it right into his mouth and then tilted his chin and took a gulp. Applause poured in from all around.

Finally, Ahn Hyeon, who had been blowing on a bottle, spat out the canteen and continued speaking. The dark, dead eyes begin to come to life, even if only slightly.

“Whoa.” “So are you really arriving now?”


“… uh? wait a minute. Then, there will be war as soon as we arrive.”

“That’s not right.”

I thought I knew what he was worried about, but I just shook my head.

“lets think. We started from the southeastern city of Dana. So, based on the Eastern Continent, what is the closest city?”

And when I look around, I see Ahn Hyun looking at me with a puzzled look on his face. Jin Su-hyeon was staring blankly at the distant mountains. And I don’t know why, but Lee Yu-jeong was looking extremely embarrassed.

… It’s not a difficult question at all. Could it be that he has lost his mind?

Just as I was getting a little sad, Shin Jae-ryong smiled bitterly and raised his hand.

“It must be a northeastern city.”

“Yes. “Then what about the southern continent?”

Shin Jae-ryong calmly stroked his chin and continued speaking, looking a little confused.

“well. “We need to calculate a few cases, but I think the shortest route is probably to the southwest city.”

Shin Jae-ryong’s guess matched my thoughts. no. In fact, this is something that anyone can predict. But why are you still looking like you don’t know?

“… The marching speed will be normalized starting tomorrow at the latest. You’ll also get plenty of rest. If you’re lucky and discover the city quickly, you might be able to rest for a day or so. “The Eastern Continent will know that we are coming to save them, so at least they won’t treat us harshly.”

In the end, I ended up giving an explanation that was just right. The effect was clear. Because the complexions of the three people who were casting Out of Body came to life for a moment.

“older brother! Really? “You can reach the city soon, right?”

“If it’s a lie, I will take Mar away.”

Anhyeon tore into the dried meat and giggled. Instead of answering that nonsense that wasn’t worth responding to, I glanced sideways. Cha Hee-young, who was carrying a water bottle, stopped there with a shocked look on her face.

When I looked forward again, Anhyeon was already running away silently. And Cha Hee-young, smiling slightly, begins to follow her at her stride, putting one hand on her cheek.

Expecting Anhyeon’s screams to echo everywhere, I took out a piece of tobacco and asked. At that time, I heard Seon Yu-un’s cry along with the sound of him running hurriedly behind me.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

While I was dozing off in front of the computer with a cigarette in my mouth, ashes mixed with embers suddenly fell on my chest and I was in trouble… . ㅜ.ㅠ

It also happened to get inside my tank top and burned my skin.

When I looked, there was a reddish stain on the upper part of my solar plexus, and it was so bitter that I was dying. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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not work with dark mode