MEMORIZE Chapter 882

00882 All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Three. ————————————————– ———————-=

“First of all, the Northern Alliance contacted me saying they would support 900 people.”

“Nine hundred people? hmm. “If you look at the northern part as a whole, it seems to be a bit small.”

“yes. So I asked, and there were 1,500 users who met the criteria.”

“Are you saying that the remaining six hundred people will support the defense of the North Continent?”

widely. Hanbyul Kim nodded her head as she carefully closed the door. And then he walked steadily and stopped for a moment right in front of me. Soon she returns to the side of the desk and avoids eye contact. While he was wondering if this could be possible, he subtly bent his knees and eventually crawled under the desk. I sighed and cupped my face.

“Hanbyeol… .”

Even when I desperately call out to him, he doesn’t care at all and just grabs the hem of my pants. My bottoms slid down and I felt cool for a moment, but then I immediately felt the sticky, soft texture of flesh wrapping around my center. I glanced down and saw Kim Han-byul teasing his pink tongue.

Lick lick, lick lick… . Is there anything special about flicking the urethra with the tip of the tongue one after another? As I felt the penis slowly swelling, I lowered my hand that was covering it.

“Why are you like this? “You weren’t like this before.”

“Istantel Rowe and Hamill… . Clap clap clap… . Six hundred people, including affiliated clans… . Ha, the smell of a man… .”

“No, Hanbyeol? “Are you listening to me?”

“Korea decided to support 500 people… . Oh, and former Sipang Seo Jin-woo and Death Knight Yoo Ji-tae are also participating… .”

Are you already not hearing what I’m saying? Are you saying that you will focus on satisfying desires under the guise of reporting? What you are doing is truly outrageous. If this has happened, should I just go deep throat?

“Two hundred people from Asasin… . He said he would select and send only professional assassins who meet the conditions… .”

A penis that is extremely angry becomes erect and glistens with saliva. Kim Han-byeol, who was looking at her with drunken eyes, gently opens her mouth. He gradually swallowed his hard pole and finally buried his head completely. It’s quite surprising that he swallowed it all the way to the root with that small mouth.

“Si koa yeaaaireu pabae ye…” .(Eight hundred people in the New Quran Union….) Ei xiao huihaehao…. .(They said they would also prepare spare food….)”

Eight hundred people from the New Qur’anic Union. I barely understood this either.

“… “Just eat and do it.”

It’s funny that he wanted to report while performing fe!!atio in the first place, but in reality, I wasn’t in a situation where I could listen to it. This is because the feel of the uvula touching the pillar or the sensation of the glans penetrating the throat was unbearably irritating.

Still, he doesn’t move his head up and down, probably because he feels a bit stressed. Instead, fill your mouth with water, guzzle it, and start sucking it in as if you were sucking on ice cream. Although it looks a little difficult, seeing him sucking with care makes me feel hot without even realizing it. Is it that delicious?

Suddenly, Kim Hanbyeol pursed her lips vigorously and began to lift her head. As she held her tongue together and pulled it out, she let out a moan as she felt the sensation of her penis being ripped out by the roots.

Before long, the lips were on the side! He let go of her glans with a sound. The mouth is still slightly open, so it looks like there is a lot of saliva inside. Kim Han-byeol opened her wide eyes and began to swallow her accumulated saliva. Every time you take a sip, gulp, the white throat that draws small elevations is very obscene.


Only after inhaling completely, the ground disappears and the breath is exhaled. Then, after taking a moment to catch his breath, he quietly opened his mouth.

“And in Rivers.”

… okay. Are you saying you just watch? There are times when he becomes this naturally virtuous.

“They said they would support 1,100 people.”

“huh? “1100 people?”

“yes. This is the largest number among the ten clans participating in the salvation of the Eastern Continent. In fact, almost everyone participates. Of course, including subordinates.”

“But it can’t be that many. “Didn’t someone just put it in there?”

“I suspected that too, but it wasn’t. Do you remember what it used to be called the warrior clan?”

“If it’s a warrior clan… .”

well. I don’t think I can remember.

“Ah, was this clan included in the expedition to this area during the Iron Mountains?”

“It turns out that the clan lord died during the raid on the Steel Mountains. So it was almost disintegrated, but someone introduced it and merged with the Rivers Clan.”

“Oh so… . “But how did you know that?”

“Uncle Jaeryong told me.”

“User Shin Jae-ryong?”

“That someone’s identity is Mr. Jaeryong. “I guess we have some connection.”

Now that I think about it, I think I heard something similar at some point.

Anyway, to summarize, there are currently a total of eight clans that have responded, including us. And the total number of troops was 4,700… . huh?

“wait for a sec. “Out of ten clans?”

“yes? yes.”

“Didn’t I calculate it wrong? I told you to leave out the central management organization. “He is in charge of commanding the defensive battle there.”

“i know. However, the Light Clan contacted me saying they wanted to be included in the Salvation Army. “The number of people is two hundred.”

“Light Clan? Where is it again?”

“We were in the same group when we conquered the Steel Mountains. And if you look at the organization status later, you will see that the number of priests in the Salvation Army is absolutely insufficient right now, right? However, the Light Clan is famous for having many priests, so I thought it would be okay and said I would tell you first.”

is it. If it’s true, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider it. Then, assuming the Light Clan is also participating, the total number of troops is 4,900. If you add the numbers rounded down to 10 or less, it seems like the number would somehow exceed 5,000. It’s a perfect fit, but it feels a bit lacking.

“What about the magic tower?”

“No contact yet.”

Hanbyul Kim shook his head and lowered his head back towards my crotch. I gently stroked the top of my head, which went up and down repeatedly like an elevator. I was just about to fall into quiet thought while feeling the active movement of the tongue soothing my angry penis.


“brother Brother!”

“Huh, huh!”

Lee Yu-jeong suddenly burst through the door and chewed her mouth for a moment. Not only was he surprised, but Kim Han-byeol also bit his teeth in shock for a moment. Oh, it hurts.

“You have to knock and come in.”

“Oh sorry.”

Seeing Lee Yoo-jeong smiling, I slowly pushed the chair inside. And as she tried to open her mouth, she reflexively let out a trembling breath. I thought he would stay still, but Kim Han-byeol started moving again, as if mocking my expectations. Now, he even bites it with his mouth.

“Well, so? why?”

“Oh~. Nothing else. “Oppa, do you have any spare GP?”


“huh. “If you have any, please lend me some.”

“It’s not like there aren’t any… . GP cannot be traded. So, I can neither lend nor repay.”

“I know, but given the situation, I’m going to say something. In other words, all you have to do is say that you are lending it to me. “I will repay you with my body.”


Damn it, don’t suck it out loud. They say they got caught.

I cleared my throat and opened my mouth a little loudly.

“Stop talking nonsense. “Why are you asking me to borrow it?”

Then Lee Yu-jeong grins and puts both hands on her waist.

“That’s B~mil!”


“Hehe. “As you know, you are quite busy preparing for war these days.”


“So, are we preparing something ourselves? Should I say it’s a kind of secret weapon? Anyway, I need a GP for that preparation. A lot!”


“But it is also a very expensive product, and the more you buy, the more?”

Lee Yu-jeong, who was talking excitedly at that time, suddenly frowned. Did I feel something strange? Blink her eyes and look at her left and right alternately. I hurriedly signaled by touching with my foot.

Lee Yu-jeong tilted her head for a while, then began to speak hesitantly.

“Anyway, as an investment concept.”


What is it, Kim Hanbyeol? Are you really doing this on purpose? Otherwise there’s no way you could keep the beat like this.

As I slowly raised my eyes, I saw Lee Yu-jeong glaring at me with narrowed eyes. She then had a hunch that she was caught the moment she felt her magic flowing instantly into the room. This guy only has a good sense of humor in situations like this.

Side, side, side, side?

okay. Now you’re sucking like you’re listening too. However, if I felt like I was making fun of the other person, would I be mistaken?

Just as I was thinking that, Lee Yoo-jeong came rushing towards me and bent down. Checking inside her desk, she contorts her face into a look of half surprise and half anger.

“Ki, Kim Hanbyeol? Are you crazy?”

“yes? why?”

“Well, what are you doing there?”

“Are you having s*x with your brother?”

“What what what, what?”

“Well, it’s an oral s*x device, though.”

The tone of voice is as if you are asking something when you have already seen everything. Lee Yoo-jeong opened her mouth wide as if she was shocked. I am surprised to see her speak so calmly. She just lets out a laugh.

Lee Yu-jeong opened her mouth like a carp and then suddenly shouted.

“Cheo, Cheo, Cheo, Cheolmyeonpi!”



“is it so.”


“Because I understand.”


“Can I continue?”

Kim Han-byeol snorted as if it was something special and then shrugged his shoulders. And then he resumes fe!!atio with a look on his face that says, “I’m going to suck you and you go about your business.” That too, with a face that says it’s so delicious that you’ll die. The problem is that Lee Yoo-jeong is not the kind of person who will just sit back and watch it.


Lee Yu-jeong, who was making strange noises, suddenly nervously took off her coat and threw it away. She even took off her underwear, exposing her perky breasts, and before I could say anything, she jumped inside her desk. Kim Han-byeol also looks at him with a surprised face, as if he had never thought of a foreign invasion.

“What are you doing?”

“Then what do you do? “My breasts are also small.”

“This is not right. I first… . I beg your pardon?”

“Aaaah~. “I can’t hear you~.”

Lee Yu-jeong didn’t even listen and pushed Kim Han-byeol hard with her shoulder. She then opened her mouth and bit down on her glans. She also did not lose to Kim Han-byeol. She focused her eyes as hard as she could and hurriedly secured the stake, locking cheeks with Lee Yu-jeong.

After a while.

“profit! Whoop~! Yikes! “Hurrururup~!”

“Yes! Jjook~! Ugh! Jook chook~!”

The two tongues are intertwined and fiercely lust after the penis. I fell helplessly onto the desk, looking at the two red and blue hairs wriggling competingly in my crotch.

They’re about to leave, but aren’t they nervous?


It was around late afternoon when I received a call from the Magic Tower.

(I was very late in contacting you, right?)

“it’s okay. “As long as you don’t break the schedule.”

When I say it in a euphemistic way, the melody in the communication crystal bursts into laughter.

(Don’t worry. There will be no delay in the advance. It just took time for internal persuasion, but preparations are quick. Isn’t that what wizards are like?)

“It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it matches the date.”

(And… I’m sorry.)


(I heard it all from an angel. I understand to some extent why they had to do it so hastily. I was a bit sharp back then, right?)

“no. “I think it was a natural reaction.”

For a moment, do you really think an angel told you everything? I wanted to say that, but I held back and spoke politely. I don’t know what they said or how they persuaded me, but do I really need to know? Because, as someone says, good things are good things. If a hostile frame arises like before, it will be just as annoying.

When I think about it, it’s ironic. No matter what the situation is, we must acknowledge the angel’s resourcefulness.

(Thank you for saying that. Anyway, I guess the persuasion is over. There are a whopping 400 skilled wizards who meet the conditions! I will officially participate in the salvation army.)

“welcome. Oh, is that user also participating?”

(If it’s curser Kang Tae-wook, of course. I saw him humming a song earlier? Ugh, that’s creepy.)

“oh. “That’s good news.”

(What kind of bastard is this? There’s something more important than that. It’s a bit too much to just say sorry.)

“Yes, yes. then.”

Pop. I immediately cut off communication. It’s obvious even if you don’t listen to what follows. He’s probably saying that apologies made with his mouth aren’t sincere, so he’ll repay with his body.

In this way, the formation of troops consisting of ten clans was completed. Since the wizards from the Magic Tower are participating, I have no doubt that the power of the salvation army will increase further. Especially since each and every proven magician is a valuable force.

Anyway, this makes about 5,300 people? If you include the number of people discarded, I think there will be more than 5,500 people.

Lee Hyo-eul has decided to take charge of the defense, so there is no need to worry. I stood up, thinking I would take a closer look when the status came up later. Since I finished the most urgent work, I thought I would get some air.

It was then.


Suddenly, a familiar sound rang in my ears. Immediately afterwards, two short messages begin to appear in the air. what? Have there been any changes to the mission?

『User Lee Yu-jeong uses GP as a representative.』

『1,000,000 GP will be deducted from user Kim Soo-hyun’s Gold Points.』

At that moment, I couldn’t help but shout loudly.

“Pear, a million?”

The request was granted, but I thought it was around 3.4 million at most.

How did they spend a million GP?

What on earth did you buy?

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The fierce and rough wild male bear that roamed the jungle,

Unable to overcome the all-nighter,

In the end, I pass out.

Kuoooo… . ㅇ<-

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not work with dark mode