MEMORIZE Chapter 876

00876 Battle Of The East Continent, Four. ————————————————– ———————-=

The castle in the early morning was quiet and cold. This is because it hasn’t been long since dawn, and the early morning frost has not yet gone away. Moreover, the garden is shrouded in white fog, giving it an eerie aura.

A few days ago, Mar, who had evolved(?) thanks to the Thorn Crown, was walking lightly through the corridors of the castle. no. As she walks with a trotting pace, it seems safe to say that she is no longer a toddling baby, but a pretty girl.

Mar’s face is as colorful as a newly bloomed flower. Like a child unwrapping presents one by one, he has an expectant face, and as he climbs the stairs and walks down the hallway, his steps become faster.

“dad! “I’m going in.”

After a while, Mar arrived at his destination and opened the door without knocking. Her behavior was far from the dignity a queen should have, but Nimue just smiled quietly and followed suit. Because she knew that this day, she had waited exactly how long she had been waiting for her dad’s call.

Marr slowly stopped walking along the red carpet decorated with gold thread.

“I heard you called me.”


As I spoke with my hands clasped together, I heard a calm nod of approval from the front. Kim Soo-hyun was sitting at the desk. He’s just turned his chair and is facing the terrace, so you can’t see his front face. As Mar tilted his head, Kim Soo-hyun spoke.

“heard. “I want to act as a proper clan member.”

Kim Soo-hyun slightly turned his chair. He reaches out his arm, picks up the record on the desk, and reads it out loud.

“Registering clan member levels, requesting permission to take out equipment, preparing a call table, etc… . “There have been several requests regarding you.”

Mar blushed and smiled softly. Since Kim Soo-hyun is still facing the terrace, it is not possible to see his face in detail. But he secretly felt that Nimue was. That the other person’s tone of voice or attitude is very desirable.

“yes… . “I want permission.”


Marr spoke in an earnest voice, but Kim Soo-hyun’s response was ambiguous.

In fact, it is true that Mar’s position has become ambiguous recently. Originally a ‘non-combat user’ who needed to be taken care of, he quickly rose to a ‘combat user’. In other words, there was a gap between the fact that he was a baby who was barely two years old and the fact that he had grown into a full-fledged clan member through awakening.

In any case, it is an issue that must be addressed at least once.

If you are simply going on an expedition or expedition, it is not a problem. However, with a huge continental war ahead, Kim Soo-hyun’s worries are bound to deepen. Ko Yeon-ju pointed out that point.

Will we continue to protect them as we have been doing up until now, or will we allow them to participate in a bloody war?

Of course, Marr himself wants to be active as a user and has enough power to do so. no. It’s at a level that’s overflowing. However, he said, there are people everywhere who think the opposite, and the biggest problem is that it is Kim Soo-hyun.

“Your thoughts are great, but I think it’s too early for this father.”

“… “Is it early?”

The moment Mar asked back a little late,


Kim Soo-hyun suddenly turned his arrow.

“What is Mar’s current power level?”

Sudden question. For some reason, I felt like the other person was asking knowingly, but Nimue explained it sincerely.

“I’ve only been able to serve one queen of the past, and that was for a short period of time… . “I feel a stronger energy than any other fairies I’ve encountered.”

“is that so.”

Kim Soo-hyun simply nods and asks again.

“So what do you think in terms of experience?”

Nimue suddenly noticed. I realized why I liked Kim Soo-hyun and what I was worried about. Finally, looking at Mar who was fidgeting, he spoke quietly.

“I told you about that when I explained wing transplantation last time.”

“The wings contain not only power and knowledge, but also experience. That includes combat experience. Is this what you want to say?”

“… yes. Of course, it takes time to get used to it.”

“I’m saying I don’t believe that.”

Just as she was about to elaborate, Kim Soo-hyun decisively cut off Nimue. At the same time, Lee Chae flashed across Mar’s eyes.

“A child who is only two years old will work as a user?”

Mar is not stupid. Rather, he was smart and intelligent, and I felt like I vaguely knew why Kim Soo-hyun behaved that way.

If you look at it as it is, Mercenary Clan members are the elite of the elite. Even in the Hall Plain, Mercantile is a clan that is synonymous with the elite few. It’s not for nothing that there’s a joke that members of the Mercenary clan are more than the top executives of other clans.

Above all, performance proves it. If you just look at the big things right now, you’ll see the ancient magic city of Magia, the Dragon’s Sleeping Mountains, Steel Mountains 2, 3, and 4 regions, the barbarian king’s tomb, the glacier snowfield, etc.

Combat users under Kim Soo-hyun are users who have been out and about in the firing line, going through mountain warfare, aerial combat, and urban warfare. In addition, I have steadily accumulated experience by performing missions, and I am still accumulating it.

In this case, it was impossible for Mar to suddenly be placed on equal footing with them. Even if you become stronger through awakening.

However, if you ‘prove’ it, the story is different. That is, if you prove your skills in a way that everyone can understand.

“Then what should I do so that you will believe me…?” ?”

It was a voice that could hardly hide its disappointment.

“Prove it.”

For a moment, a cool breeze flowed through the office.

“proof… ?”

“okay. Do you really know how to use your power properly? Or is it just a pearl necklace on a pig’s neck?”

Low, cold voice. However, for some reason, his tone had a feeling of the calm before the storm.

But, unexpectedly, Mar’s face was calm. Rather, he stands still and accepts Kim Soo-hyun’s energy in an easy manner.

Eventually it dries,

“yes. great.”

Then I very simply accepted it as if it was okay.

“If you are convinced, are you sure you will allow it?”


A sound that was unknown whether it was an exclamation or a sigh erupted. From Kim Soo-hyun’s perspective, it could have felt like he was being reckless. Because he is not anyone else, but a man who has reached the top of the world’s food chain.

Eventually, the chair spun around and Kim Soo-hyun slowly stood up.

“then… .”

At that moment, Mar and Nimue took a step without realizing it.

“You’re saying you’d agree if it were the other way around, right?”

Kim Soo-hyun’s face, finally revealed, is so expressionless that it’s creepy. He always showed a warm smile in front of Mar, but not like today. The two eyes staring intently at you, sprinkling red light, seem scary at first glance.

However, that wasn’t the only reason the two fairies reflexively took a step back.

The first thing you see is the earrings and the four swords hanging on the waist. Next, the Shirt of Hope, King Chiuchen’s Armor, TOPG, Obello Knight’s Boots, Red Moon Cloak, Rasilasi’s Blessing, Lucky Four-Leaf Clover… .

“Oh, Dad… .”

Kim Soo-hyun was literally fully armed.

The figure wearing black armor and a red cloak reminiscent of blood is truly terrifying. In addition, the message quietly creeping out, ‘Monarch, command loudly.’ The energy of puts tremendous pressure on the two fairies. Since I haven’t been on an expedition recently, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to feel even more awkward.

‘This is it…’ .’

Nimue, who had barely managed to calm down, glanced at the other person with nervous eyes.

‘The true face of that man… ?’

Suddenly, the conversation she had with Marr before her awakening flashed through Nimue’s mind.

‘I want to help Dad.’

‘yes. ‘Dad is a really good man.’

‘but… .’

‘sometimes… . Very occasionally… .’

‘There are times when I’m really scared… .’

‘I want to save my father from what I feel is a ‘false reality’.’



‘Go to the southern continent? No, no. There’s no reason to go yet.’


At the highest point of the independent space ‘Heaven’, Gabriel was nervously fiddling with his hands. A person who did not know the circumstances would probably have thought that the woman with the flowers in her hair was waving her hands wildly. If we purify it a little, can we say that we are playing the piano using the air as a keyboard?

‘First, you guys should gather information. ‘You can do that much, right?’


Meanwhile, a series of harsh swear words come out of her pretty mouth.

‘I repeat, gather accurate information first. Including all of the eastern, western, and southern continents.’

“Damn it.”

In reality, Gabriel had a grim expression on his face with his eyebrows raised. The deadly force emanating from both eyes is so burning that it reaches up to the endless heavenly ceiling. Because of this, without exception, even the angels around him are shrugging their shoulders.

‘Until then, don’t even dream about Suhyeon calling you. ‘We’ll decide what to do.’

“Aaaah! “Why!”

In the end, Gabriel exploded. He shakes his arms and slams them down with force. Is there something that doesn’t work out as expected? It’s like a child throwing a tantrum when things don’t go their way.

How much time has passed?

“after… .”

Gabriel rests his forehead with one hand and stares into space with tired eyes.

“Why can’t the connection be restored?”

His voice was weak, but his face suddenly became serious. He glares into space and glares again, as if he truly doesn’t understand.

“No matter how great the devil, or even Satan… . “Interference this wide?”

Of course, there is no chance of making a sharp move just by glaring at it.

“Oh, I don’t know.”

In the end, he spews out self-deprecating words and lies down in the air. Haaaa, long breaths come out one after another.

It was then.

“I… . “Gabriel.”

An angel cautiously approached Gabriel, who had a devastated face.


“It’s something you need to look closely at.”


“This is the current status of the Western Continent.”

Then Gabriel looked at me wide-eyed, asking what he was talking about.

“You already checked there, right? “I heard it was a little noisy in the past, but it’s become quiet recently?”

“that is… .”

“that is?”

“… … .”

Perhaps frustrated by his continued hesitation, Gabriel got angry and stood up. And the moment I immediately checked the data brought by the angel,

“… … .”

Gabriel’s eyes momentarily darkened to black.

“This… ?”

This question means only one thing.

“… What happened?”

Finally, angels and demons.

“You ask what happened!”

And the war between humans announced the beginning.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Dear readers.

I have an important appointment today (May 7th), so it will be difficult to publish the series tomorrow (May 8th).

It’s a family event and I’ll probably be coming home very late.

I will resume the series in one day on May 9th (Saturday), so I ask for your understanding. _(__)_

and… .

People who called me Woongnyeo yesterday.

I will never forget. s( ̄へ ̄ )z

See you in the third war. Hehe.(?)


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not work with dark mode