MEMORIZE Chapter 874

00874 Battle Of The East Continent, Four. ————————————————– ———————-=

haha… .

Is it because I screamed at the top of my voice? Before I knew it, my breathing had suddenly become rougher. No matter how I manage to control myself, my insides show no signs of calming down at all. Still, perhaps because it exploded once, my mind felt strangely cold. It’s hot, but it’s cold.

With a boiling throat, he spoke even lower.

“Someone please say something… .”

But still, no one opens their mouth.

After a while.

“Our and the devil’s positions are different.”

A soft voice came from ahead, and I glanced up.

“The reason the devil comes out like this is because he can. On the other hand, there is a good reason why we can’t go out.”

Gabriel’s voice is consistent. From the moment he first met me, he had maintained his composure throughout.

“well… . How about it? “Even if I reveal our true situation, will you really understand?”

In the end, it was said that there was no need to tell or know. Even if there are truly unavoidable circumstances, this terrible reality and the user’s position does not change. Gabriel was talking about that point.

Then, suddenly, my eyes met an angel. Seraph slowly droops his eyes, then closes his distorted eyes. With his mouth tightly closed.

“Hmm… .”

He let out a boiling moan and covered his face with both hands. Cooling her face in her palms, she breathed in and out for a long moment.

“Huh… . Whoa… .”

“… “I think it will be difficult to talk more.”

“… … .”

“You can leave today. “We’ll gather more information, so we’ll call you back then.”

A euphemism for congratulating guests. I was definitely not in a state to talk more. I understood and accepted it, but I couldn’t think rationally. Actually, I wanted to grab any angel and tear them to pieces.

But even when I thought about it, it was impossible. In the end, I turned around.

Finally, just before turning back, I stopped walking with the flickering portal in front of me. Then he looked in front of him and quietly opened his mouth.

“Still, I understand one thing.”

“… … ?”

“I understand one thing: why the Southern Continent joined hands with the devil.”

“… … .”


As soon as I came out, I was able to recognize two facts. One is that it is still dark, and the other is that the body is drenched in sweat. As I hit the cool breeze, I feel like my senses are coming back a little.

I was thinking about going back to Mercenary Castle, but I turned to the north. It wasn’t the time to enjoy the festival, but there were more important things to do. The only person I can tell everything to. I headed to the Hamill Clan House.

Actually, it was quite late. When he suddenly visited without any contact, the Hamill Clan members reacted in a very absurd way. Still, they weren’t the ones to stop his younger brother from wanting to meet him.

As I opened the door to my brother’s dorm and entered,

“huh? who… .”

I saw my brother looking back while lying on the bed. Fortunately, he seems to have not yet fallen asleep.

“uh. Su, Suhyeon?”

But as soon as he saw me, his smiling face instantly turned into embarrassment. Even droplets of saliva are dripping from the corners of his mouth.


I just called, but he quickly stands up and quietly hides his hands. As I glance at her, blue light is gently seeping through the cracks of her fingers. That probably looks like a crystal ball. Were you looking at records being modified? Why bother hiding it? .

“What’s going on at this hour? No, welcome back. “Sleep, sit down.”

I felt something was strange, but I sat down obediently as my brother recommended. My brother ducked under the bed for a moment, then quickly came over to me and sat down across from me. And he suddenly opens his eyes.

“Is something wrong?”


“no. “Because my face doesn’t look good.”

“… okay?”

My brother knows my condition like a ghost.

“say it. “That’s why you came here, right?”

A soft, soothing voice. Thanks to that voice, I calmly told Gabriel about the incident I heard about. From the users’ rebellion to wanting us to go to the southern continent. Seeing his brother listening with a serious face, his heart gradually calms.

“hmm… . “The southern continent has joined hands with the devil.”

When I finally finished the story, my brother’s reaction was unexpectedly calm. Of course he looked a little surprised. However, it wasn’t as severe as mine, and my complexion recovered quickly.

“Huh. It seemed to be a bit quiet recently, but finally to the southern continent… .”

“Aren’t you really surprised?”

Then my brother let out a long sigh and shrugged his shoulders.

“Because I was expecting it. It would have been better if I had given up, but it seemed like I would have to resort to some kind of trick. … Well, I didn’t know that the southern continent would be crossed over.”

“Same. why… .”

“But what about you?”

“huh? me?”

“What did you do after hearing that? “It looks like he kicked down the door earlier.”

“… “Then did I do something wrong?”

Could it be that he was secretly watching? When he asked, his stomach aching, his older brother rested his chin on the back of his hand and shook his head.

“no. good job. “It’s a situation where nothing is certain, so we can’t move rashly.”

In a way, it was the most brotherly thing to say. My brother never acts the way he wants. Although it looks relaxed on the outside, your mind is probably calculating numerous possibilities.

“And it came to the right place. “Rather than being driven by emotions, it’s much better to take a breather like this.”

On the other hand, I was jealous of being able to do that. Whether in one episode or another, his brother remained cool and never lost his composure in any crisis.

“What do you think, brother?”

“I think I need to think about it first. Of course, you too.”

“… I don’t know.”

“Of course. Anyway, let’s not worry too much and let’s get our thoughts together. … Oh, and I’m going to sleep here today.”

“Go to sleep?”

“Okay, you guy. “Isn’t your clan in the middle of a festival right now?”

I looked at my brother blankly. I didn’t tell my brother about today’s festival, but now I even felt uncomfortable. Are you really watching my every move? scary.

“But if you go back in a fuss, you’ll definitely be in trouble. The situation is what it is, but let’s play today. Because in the future… .”

My brother felt a little bitter and licked his lips. Anyway, after hearing it, he seemed like the right thing to say, so I nodded my head. The incident has already occurred, and if it’s on the southern continent, there’s nothing we can do about it right away. It would be a good idea to take a nap first and then find your composure. Countermeasures must be prepared later.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

“no. “The food doesn’t taste good.”

“okay. Then, I will vacate my room so you can sleep well. And let’s talk again tomorrow morning.”

“… huh.”

My brother chuckled and stood up.

“Ah, Suhyeon.”

And just before opening the door and leaving, he looked back at me as if he had forgotten something.

“You should never look under the bed. got it?”

… What do you think there is?


The next morning dawned.

For the first time in a long time, Kim Yu-hyun was able to act as a proper older brother to his younger brother. He comforted me by telling me not to worry too much and that I should wait for now, and fed him well until the morning.

After sending my younger brother off, I dressed up and went out around noon. After checking the spells and putting on a thick coat, it looks like they are going to fight. My steps were heading towards the temple.

After a while.

“long time no see. Brain Emperor.”

Kim Yu-hyeon encountered Gabriel in the summoning room. She was not the assistant in charge, and she asked for a separate seat. Of course, since he is the head of the angels, it is not possible to meet him unconditionally just by request.

“Is this your second meeting?”

“maybe. “I first met him during the Guardian incident.”

However, with Kim Yu-hyun, the story is different. In that he is Kim Soo-hyun’s older brother.

“I see. Thanks to you, I was able to appoint Kim Soo-hyun as my guardian… . Anyway, what did you want to meet today?”

“I guess you’re expecting it.”

“Hmm~. “Did your cute little brother come alone and complain?”

“huh. He said so. When I got to the bathroom and opened the toilet, it looked like someone had pooped in it. “And it’s very sloppy.”

When Gabriel sarcastically smiled, Kim Yu-hyeon also sarcastically continued without changing his expression. Gabriel clicked his tongue.

“Tch. “I have nothing to say.”

“I didn’t ask to see you to blame you.”

“What about Kim Soo-hyun? “Are you very angry?”

“huh. “It would be best not to call for a while.”

A person who does not know the situation may think that they are talking comfortably with each other. But in reality, this is not the case at all. Kim Yoo-hyun asked to see her because she had a purpose, and Gabrielle, who knew it, was in full swing with his head.

“Hey. To that extent… .”

“I heard you told me to think of it as a good opportunity? “I think he exploded at those words.”

“kid. It’s a misunderstanding, it’s a misunderstanding. I really think so… .”

“i think so too.”

At that moment, a look passed through Gabriel’s eyes.

“Before that, there’s something I need to make clear. Has the Southern Continent joined hands with the devil? “It’s not encroached upon?”

“huh. That’s highly likely… . no. that’s right.”

“is it… . “Then it could be a really good opportunity.”

“… “Why do you think that?”

Let’s say yes once more, and Gabrielle asks with sparkling eyes.

“We chose coexistence, not encroachment like the Western Continent… . “I don’t know how much time I spent on it, but I don’t think humans on the southern continent are that stupid.”

“Hehe. I know everything. “Did you hear that too?”

“well. Anyway, you can applaud it for being successful, but it doesn’t take any account of progress or follow-up… . In other words, it feels like it was quite forced.”

“That’s fun. “Tell me in more detail.”

“I was just thinking about it as a countermeasure. “I don’t think I would have proceeded in such a hurry.”


“Of course, if they were in a situation where they couldn’t do this or that… . Well, I understand how you felt that you had no choice but to shake hands at the end of the argument.”

“Hehe. Brain Emperor, do you know anything?”

Gabriel nods repeatedly and smiles cheerfully.

“There are times when the guardian position is vacant. Originally, it wasn’t Kim Soo-hyun, but you received overwhelming support. “Within us.”

“why. Are you trying to control Soohyun through me?”

As I joke, Gabriel throws his head back and bursts into laughter.

In that split-second moment, Kim Yu-hyeon’s eyes flashed fiercely.

“Actually, Suhyun said something like this before.”

“huh? “What?”

“I like this hole plane. “I’m still thinking about it, but I feel like I have some intention to continue living.”

“… okay?”

Suddenly, the laughter stopped. Actually, it was a random remark, but Gabriel didn’t feel that way. Kim Yu-hyeon still has a smiling face, but at some point she looks at her with cold eyes. The temperature of the air flowing between them suddenly became cold.

“That’s a good idea.”

“There, a thought suddenly occurred to me.”

Gabriel interrupts, and Kim Yu-hyeon continues.

“If I’m going to keep living here, do I really need a zero code?”

When the word “zero code” came out, Gabriel’s face stiffened. He may have thought he heard it from Kim Soo-hyun, but he couldn’t help but have a reflexive reaction.

“Oh, of course it would be nice to have it. But anyway, neither I nor Suhyun are in a situation where we are really lacking… . “Isn’t that really necessary?”


“So, rather than taking risks, I think it might be better to live peacefully like this… . is not it?”

“… … .”

Gabriel, who was about to say something, momentarily closed his mouth. Both eyes have suddenly become extremely narrow and are glaring at the other person. Kim Yu-hyeon smiled while receiving those sharp eyes.

“What do you think?”

“… “What do you want to say?”

Despite the harsh threats, Kim Yu-hyeon moved his arms leisurely. Her fingers, long and thin for a man’s, lightly touch the bottom of her chin.

After a while.

“The Southern Continent has joined hands with the devil… . okay. good.”

Kim Yu-hyeon pretended to be thinking deeply and caressed her chin.

“by the way.”

Suddenly, he raised the corners of his mouth with a grin.

“If we join hands with the devil… . What will happen?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

If you thought yesterday’s content was cut, here’s Song9(?).

I said in the past that I would not amputate, but I feel ashamed because I hurt the feelings of my readers.

Actually, I personally didn’t think of it as amputation, but I think the focus of what I think of and what readers think of as amputation may be slightly different.

I tried not to cut today, so I hope you enjoy it leisurely. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode