MEMORIZE Chapter 870

00870 Battle Of The East Continent, Four. ————————————————– ———————-=



As I closed the door and went down to the first floor, clan members came rushing in from all over. In an instant, we were surrounded by a tactical action reminiscent of a ten-sided ambush. Phew, great.

“What about dryness?”

“What happened? Well, what does the fairy say?”

Now that you’ve captured the prisoner, are you going to interrogate them? Can not help it. You have no choice but to respond sincerely.

“I’m still in my room.”

“So it’s just the two of you?”

“I said I wanted to talk to Mar in private.”

“oh. But do you leave the child alone? “What are you going to do if I kidnap you and run away?”

I don’t think that will happen, but Ko Yeon-ju got angry and jumped up. For some reason she is making the other woman more nervous than she needs to be. Even biting her fingernails.

“What should I do? Are you brainwashing me into calling you mom? .”

“Then do I just have to suck my fingers again?”

No, you weren’t worried about kidnapping?

After sighing and shaking my head, I was finally able to get through the layered siege and sit down.



I covered my face with both hands.

why. Why are you doing this? What did I do wrong?

I desperately wanted to rest alone and calmly organize things, but how could I ignore a flock of hungry hunting cats that were looking at me like they were prey? In the end, she spent quite a bit of time telling everything she had shared with Nimue.

“So you’re saying that even if you use that thorn crown, Mar’s condition can’t be guaranteed?”

“I guess so. Anyone who knows me knows that Mar is a unique and special being, right? So it seems that even that fairy can’t give justice to it carelessly.”

Nimueh was like that. He says he doesn’t even know what will happen to Mar. The only thing that is certain is that the problems faced when this secondary awakening is successful can be solved with the Crown of Thorns. Controls disorderly patterns and returns them to normal.

But this is the only thing that is certain. No one can know what effect the process of absorbing and controlling Bon will have on Mar, or how Mar will change as a result.

This is a problem that cannot be blamed on Nimue. Even when seen with the third eye, it is ‘the first appearance in history…’ .’ Because it is clearly stated.

At that time, Kim Han-byeol, who had been quietly observing, cautiously opened her mouth.

“then… . “Can’t you just not do it?”

“Hanbyeol. that.”

“i know. The current situation can never be considered safe. but… . “Mar is still a child.”

“… … .”

“It’s so, so harsh. It grows quickly, but in terms of years, it is still just a baby… .”

“hmm… .”

It’s not that I don’t know about worries. Perhaps they are saying that we should put the awakening on hold for now and find a more comfortable way. In fact, it would have been thought to make some sense as long as there was a guarantee that it would be safe for the time being if the status quo was maintained.

However, Marr is like a time bomb that wouldn’t be surprising if it exploded right away. In other words, it is an unavoidable situation and a choice.

… okay. The choice is not something I make, nor someone else. It may be possible, but I don’t think it should be so. I wanted Mar to think for himself and make his own decisions, so I stayed away.

“Let’s wait first… .”

In the end, for now, I had no choice but to wait.


As I slowly opened my eyes, the dazzling sunlight filled my vision.

“Is it already morning?”

As I stood up and stretched, I saw a neatly made bed. Perhaps because Hannah Lim uses it regularly, the sheets have a warm, fragrant milk smell.

Last night, the two fairies seemed to have talked until late at night, and thanks to that, they vacated the office. Since the three of us couldn’t ask each other to sleep together, it was considerate.

Well, I’m not particularly dissatisfied. For the first time in a long time, I was able to fall asleep while sucking Im Hannah’s breast. By the way, is it already gone? It would have been nice to wake me up and wash me.

On the way down after washing my face, the employee told me that the two fairies had woken up. It is said that the two have already finished washing their faces and eating. Now he’s playing in the garden and waiting for me. This means that Mar made a decision. Her heart started pounding little by little.

When I went out into the garden, there were already several clan members besides me. It wasn’t as bad as yesterday, but everyone was quietly looking at someone.

They were giggling with two spirits near the drying water canal, and Nimue was sitting nearby, smiling softly. As she cleared her throat and walked away, she perked up her ears, looked back at me, and quickly stood up.

“good morning. “I think you must have been very unfamiliar.”

“No, not at all. Thanks to your consideration, I was able to have a comfortable time. Thank you very much. “Kim Soo-hyun.”

As if it were a fairy’s greeting, she placed her hand on her chest and bowed politely. It was a truly discreet and dignified attitude. You speak beautifully.

“Soo-hyeon will do.”


“Kim Soo-hyun, I feel a bit unfamiliar.”

“ah… . yes. Then, Su-hyeon.”

Nimue brushed her hair over her ears as if she was embarrassed and nodded gently. When she saw that look, she really thought it would be okay to become Mar’s mother. I feel like no matter what harsh things I do, they will accept me kindly and warmly… . no. This isn’t important.

hmm… . Why does the back of my head sting? It may lead to misunderstandings, so it would be better to get straight to the point.

“I heard you were waiting for me.”

“yes. “I was waiting.”

“Are we finished talking to each other?”

“yes. Mr. Mar… .”

It was then.


Just as I was about to start talking, someone rushed forward, shouting cutely. You can tell who it is without even looking at it.

So, did you sleep well? Just as I was about to say,

“I want to do it!”

Suddenly my mouth fell silent. I expected a jab, but it feels like I got hit with an uppercut.

“Me. “I want to wake up.”

“… uh?”

“I want to wear a thorn coffin. “I want to write.”


I felt something was too early. If you’re just doing it because you think it’s good, I’ll definitely stop you. With a quick glance, Nimue calmly shakes her head.

“I never coaxed or persuaded. “I told it truthfully as it is, and Marr made the choice.”

“dad. I heard it all. “I still want to do it.”

Mar quickly added as if it wasn’t a lie. I was silent for a moment, then quietly opened my mouth.

“Are you saying you will do this even though you know?”


Now he nods his head vigorously.

Once speech was blocked, it was not easy to clear it. why? why? The words rose up to my uvula, but they just kept lingering in my head. Did you feel that sign? Mar, who was staring at me, lightly scratched her garden with her foot.

“Me. “I’ve been thinking about it.”


“yes. Me too, now to my dad… .”

“… … .”

And after taking a quick glance,

“Dear Dad, I want to be helpful.”

Conclude with a more powerful voice.

So, I want to help myself, so I will wake up.

“Marya. “That is.”

Of course, it is a great and unique idea. Moreover, if successful, there is a very high possibility that it will leap forward immediately. This much is an undeniable fact.

… But I wanted to say something. Something is wrong. I can’t pinpoint it exactly, but it doesn’t seem right.

“That’s a little… .”

At that moment, the clan members suddenly came into view in the distant light. Go Yeon-ju is shaking her head with a somewhat bitter look on her face. Not only she, but almost everyone has a similar reaction.

Then, suddenly, I realized why the clan members were retreating like that. Maybe they thought the same thing as me? I don’t want to let at least Marr participate… .

Still, I eventually backed out.

“… No?”

I barely came to my senses when I heard a sullen voice.

“… … .”

… Still, the reason he retreated was probably because Mar’s decision was that strong.

Hwajeong was like that. There is a good reason for the Fairy Queen’s actions. Mar wants to have her awakening. She wanted it more powerfully than ever before. And above all, didn’t she think and decide for herself? There is no room for me to interfere with this one thing.

The moment I thought that, my complicated mind cleared up.


When I gave permission, Mar’s eyes widened.

“If that is your opinion, I will respect it.”


“But it’s still scary, isn’t it?”

“… little bit.”

Marr smiled faintly.

“don’t worry. “If you ever run into trouble, I will definitely save you.”

I was a little embarrassed, but I really wanted to say this. Marr smiled shyly while twisting her body, and the next moment, loud words of encouragement broke out without even knowing who was speaking. Although it was mainly cliche words such as “cheer up” and “make sure you succeed,” the support felt sincere.

In the cheers for Marr, Nimue smiles brightly and brightly.

“Suhyeon, Mr. Ani. thank you Thank you very much.”

“You seem very grateful. “It’s almost burdensome.”

“Because I’m happy. I felt it while talking yesterday, but I felt like I knew how much love Mar had received from good people… .”

“… … .”

In the end, Nimue couldn’t bear it anymore and her eyes began to blush. It was a touching sight, but at the same time, it felt a little awkward. How often do you think of the queen before you react like that? If the total number of fairies was this high, I wondered what the average level of fairies would be like.

Of course, I put my curiosity aside for later.

“How much time does it take to awaken?”

“It depends on the situation, but it doesn’t take long. The fastest person was crowned as soon as he was crowned, and the slowest person didn’t take more than five minutes. … But Mr. Mar.”

“You can’t guarantee that.”

“… yes.”

So, I think it would probably be similar to the user going through a ritual of ownership of the equipment.

Anyway, it’s good.

The cheers slowly began to die down. After making eye contact with Marr, I slowly began to back away. When I retreated to where the clan members were, everything had already become quiet.

Eventually, Nimue looked up at the sky and held the thorn coffin with both hands like she had done yesterday. Still, she takes a moment to catch her breath, then takes each step carefully.

The two eyes that are only looking at Mar are quietly trembling and yet infinitely solemn. There was a very quiet and solemn atmosphere, as if they had lived just for this day.

Sudden silence. In the sun-drenched garden, the only sound is the sound of stepping on the grass.

Maybe it’s because of some emotion that is slowly rising, but my eyes are straining without me even realizing it.

Suddenly, my vision was shaken, and my magic power was raised to the highest level.

There is absolutely no need for that, but as I push all of my senses to their limit, I feel the surroundings more clearly.

Mar stands quietly with his eyes closed.

Nimue moves steadily forward, visibly shaking.

It’s nothing special.

It is not a battle situation where life is at stake, nor is it a situation where someone is dying.

Just wear a crown of thorns.

Nevertheless, a heavy tension is creeping up around them.

Im Hanna turns her head as if she can’t see him anymore.

Jin Soo-hyun is chewing his mouth with his eyes wide open.

Ansol praying with both hands clasped together.

Everyone here thinks about Marr in their own way.

Finally, suddenly, my eyes met Mar.

And Marr smiles faintly as if telling her not to worry.

When I encountered that smile, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

The same feeling I felt when I first saw Marr comes over my whole body.

It was that moment.

Grrrr… .

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

At the same time, Nimue’s steps also stopped, leaving some distance behind.

And then he slowly stretched his arms towards the sky,

Just like that, I let go.

“… … !”

In an instant, a silent exclamation erupted.

It was definitely a light wind.

It was just a ray of wind that could lightly brush my hair.

Yes, if you will.

“Nonsense… .”

Rather than falling, the thorn tree crown gently flies away in the wind.

I blinked several times, but it was clearly flying towards Mar.

One clear and quiet morning.

The fairy’s wish for eight hundred years is now being fulfilled here and now.

Suddenly, the thorn tree crown spins and stops gliding.

Marr is standing exactly below the stopping point.

Eventually, it spins around three or four times as if dancing, and begins to descend just as it spins.

Slowly, very slowly… .

And after a while.

In the flow of time where each second feels like ten seconds,

The thorn coffin,

Like a light feather,

It settled down easily.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Looking at the April serial cycle, I definitely feel like I was not good at it.

I will try to be more sincere in May. 🙂


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not work with dark mode