MEMORIZE Chapter 862

00862 D-Day, Five. ————————————————– ———————-=

Bao’s barrage of questions began after the meal and barely stopped when the sun rose in the sky. Erwin barely escaped and left the log cabin and walked through the center of the fairy forest. Perhaps because it is a clear day, many young fairies are playing freely in the light green greenery bathed in warm sunlight. It was a peaceful scene.


At that time, my steps on the grass as fine as green velvet suddenly stopped. And after a while, Erwin, who had been standing still, collapses into his seat as if collapsing. She was fine when she woke up in the morning, but she suddenly felt very dizzy because she was in a lot of pain. She then put her hand on her left breast and said, “Whoa, whoo.” She caught her breathing.

“… … .”

Did I feel a little calm after breathing in the fresh air? Erwin, who had been keeping his head down for a while, suddenly let out his breath and lay down in the bushes. As he looks at the clear sky, the depth of the water that he could not hide is shadowed on his face. His right hand is still resting on his left chest.

Suddenly, memories of the day my heart began to suffer flashed through my mind. To be more precise, it was a memory from when I first encountered Thanatos after unsealing the ruins.

Although he received the call as soon as he returned to Ragnarok and immediately left for the Fairy Forest, Erwin was most opposed to lifting the seal at the time. He doesn’t even know why he did that. There was no basis for it, it was just a feeling. He just felt an unexpected sense of nervousness before the stone gate.

However, as time passed, that feeling grew exponentially along with the pain. In severe cases, there were days when the memory of the stone door opening and being enveloped in black smoke would reappear as a terrible nightmare. It felt like something I couldn’t see was slowly squeezing me.

‘Why why… .’

I constantly asked myself, pressing down on my heart, but if there was an answer, it would have come long ago.

Erwin gently closed his eyes, feeling as if he was wandering through a labyrinth with no exit. And she quietly entrusted her body to the horse carried by the cool wind. She thought she would wake up before afternoon.


How much time has passed?

Erwin slightly opened his eyes, feeling a little more at ease. And when he noticed a red color spreading slowly like paint in water through his blurred vision, his eyes flew open. It was because I fell into a deeper sleep than I thought, but it wasn’t necessarily because of that.

A pair of light green eyes, contrasting with the red color of the sky, were looking down from directly above.

“You’re awake now. “My old friend.”

The moment a sweet voice was heard, Erwin hurriedly stood up and straightened his posture. He eventually tried to get down on one knee, but

“are you okay. “I’m staying comfortably.”

I stopped moving at the tone that was almost like an earnest request. The silver-haired fairy sitting with her knees together smiled brightly at Erwin. Erwin barely opened her mouth.


“how is it. “Are you feeling okay?”

Erwin closed his mouth. Of course she wanted to say it was okay, but that would be lying. As Erwin looked at her, unsure of what to do, she noticed a look of concern on Nimue’s face.

fairy. A child born as a fairy finds a suitable role for himself while growing up until awakening, and when he becomes an adult, his affiliation changes depending on his role. Affiliation refers to a group that performs duties appropriate to its role, such as combat, reconnaissance, assassination, support, protection, and life. It is divided into a total of six groups, and the fairy at the head of each group is specially given the title ‘Hi’.

Furthermore, there is one fairy who oversees the six organizations, and one fairy who specializes in protecting these fairies. And now there is one elder who represents the Queen, which is vacant.

This is the current organizational system of the race that currently leads the Fairy Forest, and the fairy in front of Erwin is none other than Hi, Nimue, who is in charge of overseeing the group.

“It’s a big deal. It’s a disease whose cause cannot be found… . “Did you hate coming back to your hometown like that?”

“Ni, Nimue.”

When Erwin glanced slightly, Nimue smiled and looked away. She said and she sighed deeply.

“I felt so uncomfortable that I came out for a while. But then I found Erwin sleeping.”

“My heart feels tight… . “Are you worried about something?”

“It’s a bad habit to ask questions when you already know. Erwin.”

“… ah.”

When I spoke in a pouting manner, Erwin made a stinging expression. Nimue let out another long breath.

“Living with worries like this every day is something I haven’t experienced in nearly a hundred years. Even more so than when Erwin had no choice but to be sent to the human world. .”

“You don’t want to sit in the queen’s seat?”

Erwin finally asked a key question.

“The elder is worried.”

Nimue said bitterly.

“We are definitely happy that the Arcone Orcs have been destroyed. However, it seems that we have become more wary of the human power that actually achieved this.”

“Humans must be allies with us. But why like that?”

“Yes, an alliance. To be exact, close to inviolability. Of course, the elder has no intention of breaking this alliance, nor does he have any intention of opposing humans.”

“then… .”

“However, you must be afraid of people whose lives are increasing day by day. “I think they are probably wary of situations where they might be subjugated in some way.”

“… … .”

Suddenly, the sound of sneezing and weak laughter came out.

“Well, that’s probably why we’re bringing up the topic of queen selection again, which had once died down. Because we need leaders now more than ever.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a moment of quiet silence.

“… “I have similar dreams sometimes.”

At that time, a sound that seemed a bit unexpected came out quietly. However, since the opponent was the opponent, Erwin calmly asked back.

“dream? “What kind of dream is this?”

“It’s a little funny, but… . In my dream, I see a small child riding a white horse and holding a yellow lump. Oh, I saw your face too. “The pretty yet noble silver hair resembles Margarita when she was young.”


“So, it’s like seeing Margarita’s child.”

Nimue smiled calmly as she said that. Erwin looked surprised for a moment, then smiled and sat down next to Nimue. As if he wanted to hear more.

“If you look closely at the dream, it seems like the child was very happy. He is always smiling, surrounded by people. “When I see that smile, I feel happy too.”


“I go up to the child. Slowly, very slowly. And he places the crown of thorns in his hand on the child’s little head.”

“Hehe. “It’s a story that makes you feel good just listening to it.”

Erwin’s eyes sparkled.

“Oh, maybe it was a precognitive dream? For example, Nimue is looking for Margarita’s child… .”

“Maybe so.”

It was then.

“… But, there.”

Suddenly, Nimue’s voice became lower.

“When you put on a crown of thorns and look back with joy… .”

The sound of words that suddenly and sparsely continues.

Erwin looked back without thinking,


It was very exciting for a moment.

Nimue’s eyes, which had been shining light green a moment ago, suddenly turned colorless and were staring at her. Erwin blinked her eyes reflexively and quickly shook her head.

And when I looked again, Nimue was repeatedly opening and closing her mouth as if she were about to say something.

“Looking back… .”

However, as he was unable to continue speaking, he finally calmly got up.


The gazes of the two fairies became intertwined in the air. A moment of silence. But the silence did not last long.

“Promise me just one thing, just one thing.”

Without any warning, Nimue’s words flowed out like a torrent of words.

“The elder’s will is firm. Of course, the same goes for other highs. The new queen selection will be officially announced soon. “For me, it’s hard to refuse any more.”

“Yes, I know. There are a lot of people who don’t like it very much. And to remain still by empathizing with the necessity.”

While Erwin was gaping with a blank expression on his face, Nimue said all these words very quickly. She didn’t even give me a chance to respond.


Erwin quickly tried to get up as the atmosphere suddenly became unusual. But at that moment Nimue stretched out her hands and pressed both of his shoulders.

Although it was a gentle movement that did not require the strength of a fingernail, there was a mysterious magical power in that action that one could not dare to resist. In the end, I ended up sitting down in the bushes.

“So, I promise you right here and now. “My old friend and my only sword.”

My slender body trembles at the gentle voice whispering in my ear.

“No matter what choice I make, only Erwin will trust me and help me, right?”

“yes yes.”

“No matter what happens to me, no matter what happens to me?”

“Well, of course. “That is always natural.”

Erwin nodded frantically.

“Really, really?”

Soon, when the same question was asked a third time, Erwin finally realized what was strange. There was a huge difference from Nimue’s usual words and actions, and more than anything, I was starting to worry about the content of the dream that was interrupted earlier.

But Erwin had no choice but to keep murmuring. At least for now.

“… is it so.”

After receiving this promise several times, Nimue let out an inexplicable sigh and sigh. She stared at Erwin for a moment, then smiled a somewhat sad smile and turned away sadly. And as if it was difficult for her to remain in this position, the silver-haired fairy quickly disappeared through the forest.

Erwin, who had been staring in the direction where Nimue had disappeared for a while, tilted his head back, feeling as if he were possessed.

Before we knew it, the sunset-colored sky had reached its peak twilight, casting a deep purple light over the fairy forest. Rather than just being beautiful, it was a color that was thought to be somewhat hideous. It was that moment.

“… … .”

For some reason, the moment he thought it was ominous, the thought of Eldora passed through Erwin’s mind for no reason.

Meanwhile, at the same time.


“I beg your pardon?”

Ragnarok, in the Blue Palace, an untimely shout was echoing throughout the hall.


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not work with dark mode