MEMORIZE Chapter 860

00860 Be Infected, Six. ————————————————– ———————-=

“I thought about it carefully. Why, why on earth did they summon the humans from this world? .”

Before I could say what that was, Thanatos continued.

“As you know, I’ve been asleep for a long time, so I don’t know the details of the angel’s inner life. But a man named Ian told me the history of the current continent in quite detail.”

“Ian… .”

“As a result, we were able to make a highly probable guess.”

“Is that speculation related to the zero code you just mentioned?”

“is it so.”

“What on earth is that?”

Eldora asked back as if she didn’t understand.

“If I were to unravel and explain the story behind his birth, it wouldn’t take a few days and nights to explain.”

Thanatos still spoke in a beautiful, yet hushed voice.

“To put it simply, it can be seen as an object containing omnipotent power… . Considering the current situation, we can say this. From an angel’s point of view, this is something that must be kept unconditionally. However, from the perspective of the hostile forces, it is absolutely necessary.”

An all-powerful power, something that must be protected unconditionally, a necessity… . A detailed explanation followed, but my suspicions deepened. It felt like I was wandering through a maze with no end in sight, trying to find my way out.

But if it was going to go on like this, I wouldn’t have started in the first place. I think this event was created because I thought it wasn’t something that would just go smoothly. As always, ‘I see.’ It is my preference to just move on like a river. Eldora came to her senses.

“I don’t understand what you mean. “Why do angels have to protect the zero code, and why do hostile forces need it?”

“It’s simple. “I told you that the Zero Code is an item with all-powerful power, right?”

Thanatos lifted his chin and continued speaking calmly.

“If we distinguish between this word ‘all-purpose’, the zero code contains a kind of key function.”


“is it so. key. “Eldora, don’t you have a hometown to return to?”

“… That’s right.”

Eldora reacted late without realizing it. For some reason, the words ‘homecoming to return to’ slightly touched her heart.

“Every being has a hometown. This is the same for me and angels. It exists in a much higher dimension, not this hole plane. For example, in the case of angels, we could call them heaven. “In the language of humans.”

Thanatos’ tone was consistently calm, like a teacher teaching a student who knows nothing step by step.

“Only in this heavenly world does the zero code serve as the key. “The key that allows hostile forces to invade, that is, the key that unlocks the lock that protects the heavens.”

The moment I said this, I suddenly looked straight at the other person. As if he was about to come to a conclusion now.

no. The main point has already been made.

“A device that protects the hometown that angels must protect at all costs. However, the opposing forces must obtain the key to heaven. This is the current address of Zero Code, the center of the whole plane competition. “Do you understand now?”

Eldora looked confused. It wasn’t that I didn’t understand, quite the opposite. My mind, which had been vague, was gradually being cleared up. Seeing the disbelieving stare, Thanatos snorted slightly as if there was nothing worth saying.

“therefore… .”

The voice coming out was shaking slightly at some point.

“That amazing thing actually exists in this hole plane.”

“… Are we standing in an extended battle between angels and hostile forces? Because of that zero code thing?”

The conversation stopped and continued repeatedly. Thanatos quietly nodded his head with a sad expression and watched his opponent’s reaction. Eldora herself doesn’t know, but before she knows it, the corners of her eyes are fluttering, and her fists on her thighs are clenched so hard that her fingernails are digging into her flesh. The moment the puzzle pieces floating around in her head came together, her heart began to boil.

Suddenly, a memory from six years ago randomly flashed through my mind.

I remember waking up and being spread out in a strange space.

I remember saying I was wrong and begging to be sent back, but I was forcibly kicked out as a rite of passage.

The horrific sight of the murder of a friend who had been summoned together still remains a trauma.

More than anything, I clearly remembered the angel’s cold gaze as if he was looking at a laboratory mouse, as I cried out desperately.

Suddenly, a hot anger surges from deep within my heart.


An obvious, but intentional question that was finally raised.

“I don’t understand that either.”

And Thanatos received the word as if he had been waiting.

“Maybe it would be better if you were a resident of this world. Why are you bringing in unrelated strangers… .”

“Anyway, I don’t know. “This is just a guess, but I think the angel camp is probably at an extreme disadvantage.”

Thanatos’ words were extremely simple. In Hole Plain, there is an object that the hostile forces called Zero Code are drooling over. Here, the angels summoned the Zero Code and humans for the purpose of protecting their home, Heaven. In other words, the user is playing a kind of proxy role, indirectly participating in the battle for the angel.

Eldora, who had realized this far, suddenly took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. As she repeated this several times, her insides, which had been boiling like lava, gradually cooled down.

‘The only ones we can trust are humans.’

Melinus’ advice just before the explosion helped me regain a glimmer of reason.

‘okay. ‘Nothing is certain yet.’

I got the information I wanted. Now we need to check the angel’s position as well. Judgment comes next. And that judgment is made by humans.

Thinking that, Eldora suddenly appeared with a shocked look on her face. Before I knew it, Thanatos had turned his head and was staring at the door. The moment I turned my eyes in confusion, a knock was heard and the door opened.

“I apologize for interrupting the conversation. It’s a messenger. Clan Lord.”

The man outside the door bowed politely and immediately took out the business.

“It’s an angel’s call.”


A twilight glow appeared on the brilliant blue palace, and then complete darkness came. Soon, the light that illuminated the area disappeared like a candle blowing out, and blue moonlight fell on the window. Are you looking at the night scenery? Thanatos was lying alone in bed, staring at the moon outside the window.

How much time has passed? Thanatos, who had been staring for a while as if he were dead, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

“Why… .”

That’s an obvious mockery.

But the disdainful smile soon disappeared.

Today’s meeting with Eldora was sufficiently fruitful. Because it definitely sowed the seeds of distrust in angels. Since I told the truth as it is, there is nothing to hesitate about.

But not yet. The plan is going better than expected, but we have only taken one step forward. Just sowing seeds is not enough. Water and nutrients are not a problem. The real problem is that you have to wait for the seeds to germinate, sprout, and bear fruit.

The situation remains in a dilemma. Just being called to Eldora made me anxious, but executing the plan step by step while waiting for the fruit was virtually impossible.

Of course, you can do it if you want to. But the risk is too great. We can no longer expect a situation of complete encroachment and manipulation as was the case during the Western Continent. Even if it is not perfect, we must deal with it as quickly as possible. In the end, we have no choice but to accept the confusion that will inevitably arise.

“If you make a mistake… .”

Everything will go to waste.

In the end, time was the biggest obstacle.

Finally, Thanatos let out a deep sigh and suddenly quietly opened his mouth.

“Is it Melinus?”


A low voice answers the sudden call from the darkness of the corner of the room.

“sorry. “I couldn’t tell you because I thought you were thinking deeply.”

“What happened to Eldora?”

“Oh, it wasn’t a big deal. I think I just called to say hello. … but.”


“I heard you mentioned me and Ian.”


Thanatos’ eyes narrowed. Melinus must have sensed a hint from the tone of voice and quickly continued speaking.

“This is not a big deal either. There are many other humans mentioned besides us. “I guess he’s trying to convey his message through Eldora since he hasn’t been responding to calls lately.”

“… is it.”

After saying that, Thanatos slowly looked back at Melinus.

“Anyway, you arrived in the right place. “I was just thinking about changing my schedule.”


“We may need to bring the third plan forward.”

“As for the third plan, the Eastern Continent… ?”

As soon as he said that, Melinus suddenly stopped speaking. This is because Satan suddenly sent a signal. Coincidentally, even though it was late at night, he was seen walking quietly down the hallway outside the door. Someone is approaching.

Eventually, the figure stopped exactly in front of the door. And after wandering around nearby for a while, he began to slowly move away in the direction he had walked.

About ten minutes had passed since the presence had completely disappeared.

“Melinus. “Ian, tell Olivia.”

Thanatos, buried in the darkness, opened his mouth in a lower voice.

“Just in time for D-Day… “I’m going to start.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

After careful consideration, we have decided to conclude this episode with Episode 6.

Originally, there was room for two additional pieces of content.

However, after organizing the notes for a day, I decided that one could be included in the branched out Episode 5, and the remaining one could be inserted into a later episode.

Therefore, this is the end of Episode 6.

Episode 5, the final episode of the Southern Continent + Demon POV, begins from the next episode.

The protagonist’s perspective returns from episode 4.

Have a nice day, all readers.


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not work with dark mode