Memorize Chapter 86

00086 一瀉千里 ———————————————— ————————=

They probably had already entered the ruined laboratory when they entered the entrance. However, looking around, it was difficult to tell whether we were standing in the forest or in front of the research institute.

Rather than pushing out the forest to establish a research center, the building seemed to have been built without damaging the existing nature as much as possible. Perhaps that’s why the ruined laboratory had a feeling similar to a natural fortress.

A tightly closed iron gate can be seen ahead. Needless to say, the group walked towards the iron gate with fascinated faces.

When I pushed the iron door, which looked heavy at first glance, with my hand, the rust on the door started to fall off. At the same time, there was an unpleasant squeak of the door. I opened it just enough for one person to enter and took a step inside.

and. The group of people who followed me soon stopped holding their breath at the sight before their eyes.

“Light magic… “Is it maintained?”

“It’s not perfect. As I see it blinking intermittently, it looks like its lifespan is almost over. Rather, Su-hyeon.”

Hearing Jeong Ha-yeon’s further explanation, I came to my senses and looked ahead again. A white and wide hallway reminiscent of a hospital hallway. And the light stones still glow dimly. However, the passage of time seemed unstoppable, and overall, all parts of the building were severely worn out. The children seemed to be horrified by the eerie chill that lingered around them, so they further shortened the distance between them and me.

It was then.

“Well… Black… .”

Suddenly, a faint voice was heard. Although the sound came from a bit far away, it was clear that it came from someone. The group was quiet, and the hallway was quiet. As if I wasn’t the only one who heard it, everyone’s faces hardened.

“brother. Like last time… .”

I shook my head at Yujeong’s anxious voice. Not Ramic. As I spread my senses forward, I noticed a figure that clearly had the appearance of a human being. However, there was a subtle sense of strangeness in seeing it as a person.

After thinking about it for a while, I soon decided to move forward. You can’t just stand here forever, and you can tell when you get closer. I felt someone’s hand holding my collar tightly behind me, but I took the lead and started to move forward little by little.

“Well… Black… Huh?”

The hallway continued endlessly. Literally a long passage and an old, rusty wall surrounding the passage. As I went further, the faint voice became more and more clear.

“Well… Black… “Are you here?”

Black. You came. After reducing the distance to a certain extent, I was finally able to slightly understand the words. A sobbing voice and the words, “You have come.” However, the tone in those words was clearly hostile, not welcoming at all.

A little more. A little more.

Even though I didn’t say anything, my companions were very nervous. Seeing everyone already taking out their weapons and looking ahead, I thought they must have been quite scared.

This was a psychological feeling of fear. It is not a physical fear where one’s life is threatened before one’s eyes, but a psychological fear that stimulates a person’s mind. Everyone finds themselves in a situation similar to a horror movie they saw while on Earth, so they cringe without even realizing it.

Of course, I was an exception. Having fallen to the abyss of hell in the first episode, most ghosts and grotesque monsters seemed just cute. Hell was really… back then. . When I remembered that time, I got goosebumps without realizing it. And the anxiety of the children who saw me like that was increasing even more. There seemed to be some kind of misunderstanding, but despite this, I was steadily reducing the distance to the epicenter of the voice.

yet. We were finally able to vaguely see the figure making the voice. There was still some distance left, but I could see a figure kneeling carefully in front of the intermittently blinking light. And at the same time, a hand hugs me tightly from behind.


“egg plant… do not… .”

“Ansol. calm down.”

Anhyeon, who sensed something strange behind him, quickly came out and consoled Ansol, but Sol’s trembling did not stop. no. If anything, she was getting worse. This wasn’t just whining. If left as is, he was on the verge of having a seizure. I quickly put my hand on Sol’s head. And just like that, it created magical power.

“ah… .”

As the magic power penetrated inside, I could feel the magic power of the hard frozen sole. It comforts and soothes one by one with warm magic. As I watched him react little by little, I continued to calm Ansol down.

It was only then that a blush appeared on Sol’s pale cheeks as if he felt a little relieved. But Sol seemed to still have some fear left in him, and he didn’t let go of his arms around me. She savored my magic coursing through her body for a while, and then she opened her mouth in a stuttering voice.

“Great malice… therefore… Such blindness… .”

All the kids who heard Sol’s words frowned. Her words I can’t understand at all. Sol also seemed like she wanted to say something, but she kept pressing her mouth, but she couldn’t seem to find a way to express it. However, Jeong Ha-yeon was an exception.

“I’m the same too. Wizards and priests are naturally sensitive to the flow of souls and minds. A great deal of resentment is flowing out from In-young, who I can see vaguely right now. “To be honest, it makes me cringe.”

As Jeong Ha-yeon continued her explanation, Sol quickly nodded. The same was true for Shin Sang-yong. Ahn Hyeon had a blank face, but her steps were hesitant, whether she knew it or not, as if she felt uncomfortable. Seeing them like that, I opened my mouth in a light voice.

“Anyway, it’s a monster in the hole plane. In the end, we have no choice but to move forward. Everyone, don’t be scared. “Let’s take a closer approach first.”

“Brother… .”

“Oh, brother.”

Yujeong and Sol looked at me with pleading eyes. However, as if he had read my determined face, he soon resigned and took out his weapon. After the arm holding my body fell, we started moving forward again. And as the distance from the seal decreased, the voice I first heard and the sight of the seal became clearer.

On the outside, the seal had the appearance of a human being. A white but worn and faded gown. And In-yeong, with her long, bald hair, turned around and knelt down. In other words, we were looking at the back of the person’s head.

And when I got close to that person, the sobbing that was ringing around me stopped like a lie. At the same time, a cold silence fell between us and Inyoung.

The group stared at her back, holding their breath. I took a step forward and opened my mouth in a quiet voice.

“Is this person related to this research institute?”

“… … .”

There was no answer from Inyoung. I slowly placed my hand on my sword and then winked at my companions. At that time, Inyoung’s quiet voice came through the surrounding air and into my ears.

“how… “Are you here?”

An annoying voice heard just before entering battle. We had no choice but to stop our action. Someone behind me swallows their saliva. I answered that question with a calm face.

“I discovered it by chance. Anyway, if you can, I hope you can answer our questions. “Who are you?”

“how… “Are you here?”

“If you answer the same letter again, we will regard you as a clear enemy and will take appropriate action. This is your last chance. “What connection do you have with this institute?”

Inyoung did not respond to my declaration of war. A moment of silence passed. And that silence was so eerie and uncomfortable. and… .

“In this place.”

“Ppa-deuk!” Inyoung’s neck was seen to be broken along with the sound.


“Paddeuk!” Does that sound like your bones are twisting? Inyoung’s neck was broken halfway.

“Are you here?”

“Wood-dud-duk!” At the end of the sound, Inyoung’s neck was completely twisted. His body was still kneeling facing forward, but only his neck was rotated 180 degrees. And only then were we able to see the person’s face in detail.

Bulky eyes and a nose that is sunken inwards. A mouth that has lost all its teeth and is now loose. It had an appearance worthy of being literally called a ghost. And a hostility that could not be hidden was flowing from his face.


At that sight, Sol couldn’t bear it anymore and ended up screaming. Behind her, she felt Yujeong covering her mouth. Also, the breathing of all the companions was rough. Everyone seemed quite surprised. Inyoung, who was slowly nodding her head as if she was enjoying our reactions, soon opened her mouth once more as her wide eyes drew attention.

“Hehehe! How did you get here? Hehehe! Heeheehee!”


Seeing Inyoung smiling hysterically, several members of the group went into a state of panic. It was not possible to overcome psychological fear. The moment Jeong Ha-yeon’s urgent cry was heard, the light stone that occasionally illuminated the hallway began to emit more intense light.

Literally pitch black. And the light stones that illuminate the hallway like flickering fluorescent lights. Inyoung’s movements began to match the flickering lights of the hallway. Every time the light stone blinks, it raises its body, stretches its arms and legs, and runs, swinging back and forth. It’s like taking each photo separately. It felt like watching a slide show.

Finally, as I saw him with his wide open mouth in front of me, I held out my right hand. My outstretched right hand caught something sharp, and I could tell that it resembled an animal’s tooth rather than a human’s tooth. However, as I was in a hurry, I just grabbed the tooth in my hand and gave it as much strength as I could.

“Gyeong! “Keeeeeeee!”


The feeling of something being torn open was conveyed to the fingertips, and at the same time, Jeong Ha-yeon’s light magic was revealed. I sighed as I saw my vision becoming brighter. Suddenly, I turned around and saw all the kids holding weapons and poised to attack me.

“These guys. Could it be a betrayal?”

To lighten the tense atmosphere, I made a joke and it was only then that I got a response.

“Uh, huh? no. I’m sure my brother had that ghost… .”

Ahn Hyeon, who had just turned his head to the surroundings, soon looked at my hand and his face became shocked. I laughed once and dropped it on the floor. Hana’s jaw fell to the floor as it rolled around and stopped when it touched Inyeong, who was holding his mouth.

Seeing my companions looking at me blankly, I shrugged my shoulders and squatted down where I was. She ran at him with such vigor that In-young was already writhing in pain, writhing in pain. So why did they appear with such an atmosphere when it was just a monster theme? This is going to happen anyway. I went a little too far in my actions for daring to surprise our precious Geumdong and Silverdongs, but it didn’t bother me one bit.

After wiping my hands, stained with dark red blood, on his gown, I had a chance to take a closer look at him. He was a little creepy looking, but he was still a lot better than the hell bastards.

“Xie… .”

I could hear the sad sound of all the wind being gone, but I didn’t care. Because all I wanted was one piece of information about this guy. I just grabbed his long hair and pulled it up. I smiled softly as I looked at the face of the monster ghost that came in helplessly.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ah. Something urgent happened this morning. Then, as it was getting close to midnight, I asked an acquaintance to upload it. I asked him to upload only the novel and write a review later, and he said he would.

I stayed out this morning and came back at 9 this morning. I couldn’t come to my senses and fell asleep. I wrote this in a hurry, but I still feel a little dazed. I think I should at least take a quick shower after uploading episode 86. ha ha ha.


1. MT Gom: Congratulations on first place. ah. Thank you so much for your kind words. However, there are countless interesting works in Yeonbe and Noble. ha ha ha.

2. Human Life: Human Life always makes me happy through his own sacrifice(?). ha ha ha. You don’t have to get too hung up on being first. The passion that Saram Saeng-nim has shown for being number one has been great enough to be called a legend. So, please retire now and start nurturing the next generation… huh?

3. zjekfksqlc: Oh my. I will go and check right away after checking 86 times. You are truly an eagle-eyed reader. thank you 🙂

4. Nitro: Ansol “Now all the dungeons in Hall Plain are mine.” If Sol and Suhyeon join forces, it will be easier to find dungeons in the future, right? ha ha ha.

5. Ramude: This was exactly what I was aiming for. With this, Sol’s fans who were taken away by Vivien might come back… ?

6. Fallen Dove: Huh. no. sound… hmm. Is it really difficult to see you as someone in your 20s? ha ha ha.

7. Hwieul: Thank you for the question. Something very urgent came up. yes. 1 is enough to raise it from 100 to 101. And you can raise it to 101 or higher. However, it is just not realistically possible. There can’t be such a user. Except for Soohyun. 🙂

8. Amish: I am currently writing a review. please wait for a moment!

9. Road Wash: Actually, these days, I really like things that are a bit dull. Sobbing.

10. Ethersion: Hehe. I am also looking forward to it.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode