MEMORIZE Chapter 859

00859 Be Infected, Six. ————————————————– ———————-=

“In my short opinion, I think what Thanatos says makes some sense.”


Akirov sharply questioned. Ian smiled awkwardly.

“Well, first of all, it’s God. The same goes for the correction of truth… .”

“no. How to call it is none of my business. “Are you saying you believe that?”

“That doesn’t mean I trust it 100 percent. But unless the angel’s intentions are clear, isn’t there room for thought? Well, I don’t mind living like a puppet like this, as long as I’m not in this position.”

“… … .”

As Ian explained it in detail, Akirov remained silent with a complicated look on his face. Then Natalie, who was looking at the two people in turn, cautiously opened her mouth.

“okay. Let’s say it’s like you said. But now, will the angel tell me in a clear way?”

“Probably not. Even if you consider it directly, there is a high possibility that it will be overlooked. So we’ll have to find out for ourselves. Either she listens to the woman, or she guesses.”

“It sounds like you’re on to something.”

“Hmm. actually… .”

Ian suddenly reached into his arms, took out a fairly large map, and laid it out on the desk. The gaze naturally focused on the tabletop.

“It’s a map of the continent. Of course, I drew it based on my own imagination, so it would be difficult to expect accuracy.”

After saying that, Ian calmly pointed to the bottom of the map.

“This is the southern continent. That is where we first started.”

Then he slowly raises his index finger upward and continues speaking.

“As a result of crossing the Orc Castle and heading north, we found Ragnarok, where we are now. The northern continent advanced south through the Steel Mountains and reached Atlanta. … Of course, the situation in other continents is similar. For example, it is said that the eastern continent is blocked by a barren wilderness in western Jin, and the western continent is blocked by a frost canyon in eastern Jin.”

“We know that. I said it once last time. “What do you want to say?”

“So, what happens next?”

“huh? after?”

“Think about it. We’ve just discovered it, so there’s plenty to do, but Ragnarok will eventually reach its saturation point. Well, they say that when that time comes, we will have to discover a new continent again… .”

“… … ?”

Ian, who was speechless, suddenly tapped the desk. The index finger was pointing exactly at the center of the map. Soon, a thought caught the eye of three or four of the Knights of the Round Table who were looking blankly at the map. Those who turned their heads quickly finally realized what Ian was trying to say.

“no way.”

“That’s right.”

Ian nodded his head heavily.

“The eastern continent moves west, the western continent moves east, the southern continent moves north, the northern continent moves south… . Of course, the only continents that have yet been successfully conquered are ours and the North Continent. But one thing is certain: the distance between them has become closer. That is, to the center.”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute.”

At that time, Ryan Winters, a handsome man with white hair, raised his hand as if he was embarrassed.

“So what you’re saying is that the next new continent will be surrounded by four continents, north, south, east, west, and competing?”

“That’s right. Well, in reality, there is a high possibility that it will be a competition between us and the Northern Continent.”

“Ian, aren’t you getting ahead of yourself? Nothing has been revealed yet. For example, it could be a way to cooperate with each other to attack… .”

“Oh dear.”

Ian raised his index finger, which was pointing at the map, and waved it.

“If you truly think that way, you are very optimistic about the situation.”

Winters gave an awkward look. This is because Ian’s slightly smiling face felt a bit uncomfortable.

“If the direction was really to cooperate with each other, we would have already given some indication. Even if that wasn’t the case, wouldn’t they have at least made arrangements to prevent war from breaking out in the Northern Continent?”

“Northern Continent? War? … ah.”

Winters, who was wonderingly questioning the question, momentarily let out a sigh that was like a sigh. It reminded me of the incident two years ago when the Western Continent invaded the Northern Continent. In reality, it was controlled by demonic forces using seeds, but the southern continent, which was sheltered from the storm, was unaware of the details.

After those words, there was silence for a while. I feel like something is strange, but somehow the words fit together. Even if I want to dismiss it as nonsense, I can’t think of anything to refute. It seemed as if the pendulum of thought was gradually tilting to one side.

“… “So, what awaits us here is war?”

What broke the silence was Edward’s heavy voice.

“haha. As I said before, this is just my guess. “It would be difficult if you already accepted this as fact.”

Ian, whose expression suddenly cleared, smiled kindly and began organizing the map.

“The story went a little bit wrong, but anyway, what’s important now is that woman. Ah, Thanatos.”

“Is it important?”

“yes. The current inhabitants have accepted us in the name of revelation. But he is different. It’s hard to believe, but he has the status of a god and is beyond the control of angels. Perhaps we have been given a powerful weapon ahead of the coming storm. Perhaps even surpassing angels… .”

“Shouldn’t I tell Eldora about this too?”

Natalie muttered with an anxious face, as if she couldn’t bear something. Ian shook her head lazily.

“no. It doesn’t have to be that way. If I know it, Melinus probably knows it too. “We’re probably having a similar conversation right now.”

After saying that, Ian smiled brightly as he put the folded map into his arms.

“First, let’s wait for the two of you to act.”


Eldora was lying on the bed in her dorm, staring helplessly at the ceiling. Her face, which shows no change other than the occasional blink, seems to be in deep thought. In fact, many thoughts were swirling in Eldora’s head like a storm.

Several days have passed since the woman woke up. The behavior Thanatos has shown so far has been in the category of being considered perfectly normal, such as talking with Melinus and Ian or going out to be curious about how the world has changed. On the surface, yes.

Now that the worries have been alleviated, it would be normal to decide how to treat the woman, but Eldora’s current intentions were not like that. Aside from the fact that Thanatos was a god, he knew that the agenda before him was not that simple. Actually, the question came too suddenly.

Of course, there are ways to simplify this complex situation. It’s not that I didn’t think of angels. If it were not for the uniqueness of the situation, he would have decided that it was not up to the user to decide as he had the status of the guardian of the southern continent, and would have immediately rushed to the temple and asked for help. And he just does what he’s been told and that’s it.

but… .

‘Humans are still acting as angels’ minions. Just like in the past.’

‘That’s why it’s sad. If you don’t know the purpose and intention, you will end up being taken advantage of.’

To just do that, I am concerned about what Thanatos said.

It wasn’t just this. The conversation with Melinus also played a role in Eldora’s hesitation.

‘So Melinus, you believe what that woman said?’

‘no. Not at all. Although he has declared himself to be God, nothing is certain in the end. … but.’


‘I don’t believe in angels either. He claims to be a helper on the outside, but no one knows his true feelings.

‘… … .’

‘Clan Lord. The only thing you can trust is yourself and us. Please keep this in mind.’

okay. The only ones to trust are us, humans. You can’t act rashly in a situation like this where everything is unclear. In the end, what I needed most now was information. Whether it’s true or false.

Thinking that, Eldora immediately got up and pressed the call button. Not long after, an old man wearing a white robe opened the door and came inside.

“Melinus. “I want to talk to that woman.”

“Is it because your heart has decided?”

In response to the gentle question, Eldora shook her head resolutely.

“no. That’s not it. … “I just didn’t think it was something that could be easily overlooked.”

“… … .”

“Ian said so. Maybe, if we use it well, this could be a good opportunity. “I think so too.”

“What do you mean by a good opportunity?”

“We will reveal the truth. First, let’s listen to the woman’s story and then the angel’s words. Then you will judge for yourself. “No matter what the results are.”


Melinus nodded softly with a smile on his face. El Dorado responded with a faint smile. This is because she felt as if Melinus was flattered that she was doing well.

“All right. “Let’s prepare a place right now.”

After a while.

Eldora sat across from Thanatos, who was dressed lightly, in the living room.

“You want to talk to me?”

“That’s right.”

Eldora’s tone was still harsh, but unlike before, it had become more relaxed. Due to Thanatos’ polite appearance and behavior so far, the hostility she felt when they first met had faded considerably.

“It won’t be difficult. I wanted to talk to them anyway. “Then, shall we at least touch the crystal again?”

Eldora calmly shook her head, indicating that there was no need for that. Rather than relying on tools, I was inclined to make decisions and judge on my own.

“I heard this the other day. “We are angels’ minions.”

“is it so. And after listening to the story for a few days, unfortunately, that opinion has not changed. “I’m almost certain now.”

“What on earth happened in the past?”

“hmm. “How much do you know about Ragnarok?”

“If you are talking about the war of the gods, I have heard of it to some extent.”

“Then I’ll keep it brief. A long time ago, several gods fought a war over this world. Of course, I was among them. However, in the endless war, at some point, each side began to attract followers in order to gain the upper hand.”

“So, are you saying that humans were tricked by angels into joining forces opposing you?”

“Angels were originally on the opposing side, but humans were neutral. … That’s why I felt sad. “Because I did not want humans to participate in this war that will never end one way or another.”

At that moment, a strong golden light flashed through Eldora’s eyes.

“If it’s a never-ending war… . “Are you saying it’s still going on?”

Thanatos was silent for a moment and stared at Eldora.

“no way? Ha, that’s a very meaningless question.”

“… … ?”

“Humans don’t even really know about this war to begin with. How fierce it is and how long it has been going on. Since I haven’t actually experienced it or seen it in person, I have no choice but to not know. “It is absurd for humans, who live only 100 years, to understand a war that has been going on for tens of thousands of years.”


“It is simply used as a long-term horse for the advantage of one era and the affiliated force. “It means nothing more or less than that.”

“… … .”

Eldora gritted her teeth for a moment. Thanatos said, ‘I am being used.’ I suddenly felt like the words were reaching me little by little.

“So, this is probably what you’re curious about. For some reason… . no. Exactly why are they, who have no relation whatsoever, summoned to this world and used as users? is not it?”

Thanatos, who had said that much, looked at Eldora’s reaction for a moment. After checking the face that was horribly focused,

“I guess that’s right.”


“Then perhaps?”

And then he spoke slowly.

“Zero code… . Do you know that?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I thought a lot during the day.

What made me a little sad while reading the comments was that there were parts of the readers’ opinions that I had not thought about.

There was definitely a better direction than I thought.

However, now I feel that it is too late to do so.

Looking back, I think there were a couple of similar cases over the course of over 800 episodes.

Once when Kim Soo-hyun joined as an instructor, and once when conquering the 3rd region of the Steel Mountains.

One difference between then and now is that the weight of the content being serialized now is much heavier.

If you really want to skip it, there is content scattered here and there that is difficult to omit.

So should I just end the Southern Continent episode here and go straight to Kim Soo-hyun’s point of view, or should I insert the Northern Continent story in between to make it as boring as possible… .

I had a lot of thoughts, but in the end I decided to go ahead with it.

Currently, the journey to completion of Memorise has been planned out in every detail, and we are taking it one step at a time.

However, if I end the episode here and there, I don’t think I will have the confidence to edit the steps and lead the writing.

However, let’s shorten it.

Kim Soo-hyun’s perspective returns from episode 4.

Originally, the remaining episodes were planned to be a minimum of 8 episodes and a maximum of episodes 12 to 14, but we will cut out and condense episodes 6 and 5 that are currently being serialized as much as possible.

Of course, there is no problem with content that is difficult to omit.

I think this is the best choice I can make right now.

I don’t know if it would have been completed, but I think it would be a bad idea to make the extreme choice of a remake.

If you’re having a hard time with it, I think one way would be to sit back and read it for a while, and then binge-read it when Episode 4 is listed in the subheading.

‘I’ve read it over 800 times, so just keep reading.’ I am not serializing it with that in mind.

I always do my best when I write.

As it has already received so much love, I think what I can do now is not to end it abruptly, but to bring it to a proper conclusion as originally envisioned.

… It’s been a while since I wrote a long review, but I can’t help but feel sorry.

Have a restful night, all readers. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode