MEMORIZE Chapter 858

00858 Be Infected, Six. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Was that the wrong question?”

After a long moment of silence, Thanatos tilted his head.

“No, it’s not the wrong question. just… . “I have to say it’s difficult to talk about.”

Ian waves his hands and looks around. He gave me a quick look asking for help, but all I got in return was, ‘Just figure it out on your own.’ only looks away. In the end, she carefully confesses the truth with a sigh.

“that is… . “In fact, we don’t know why they are here.”

“You don’t know?”

“yes. One day I opened my eyes and found this world… . So, I am in a situation where I have been forcibly summoned. Strictly speaking, we are also victims.”

“Forcibly summoned?”

As he continued speaking sparingly, Thanatos’ head became even more crooked. As he asks questions in increasingly loud voices, it is clear that he does not understand what he means. The more this happens, the more Ian says, ‘We are not your enemies.’ He spoke earnestly as if appealing, and Thanatos raised his hand, furrowing his eyebrows.

“wait a minute. So, are you saying that you were summoned without knowing the exact reason, and that you live in this world without any purpose?”

“I see, I see. “No, that’s right.”

“I don’t understand. “Are there many people in a similar situation to you?”

“to… . well. I don’t know the exact number, but I think it’s probably tens of thousands… .”


“… … .”

When Ian barely agreed, Thanatos let out a short sigh as if he was astonished. Then, all the knights of the round table could not hide their uncomfortable expressions. As I lived as a user, I tacitly accepted the current situation, but it felt like my secrets were being revealed forcibly. But what’s even more annoying is that I can’t think of anything to say in response to the problem Thanatos is pointing out.

“Although I have been asleep for a long time… . I don’t know. Something really crazy happened. “Who is it?”


“If you were forced to come here, there must be someone who summoned you?”

“Oh, yes. Yes. there is. An angel… .”


“Yes, yes. Could it be said to be a kind of helper role? So, it has a pair of white wings on its back… .”

Ian, who had used both hands to make a comical expression, suddenly closed his mouth when he saw Thanatos.

“… aha.”

And soon, a faint exclamation followed from Thanatos’ mouth. At the same time, the knights of the round table, who were sitting still, momentarily held their breath.

The moment the word angel was mentioned, Thanatos’ reaction suddenly changed. Of course, even if that were the case, the emotional changes were still at a level that would be considered human, such as widening the eyes or slightly raising the voice.

However, on the other hand, his face looked as if he had realized some deep secret, and a part of my heart was filled with curiosity.

“Could it be that this is still continuing without an end? .”

“Well, if they are angels… . It was like that before, so it’s the same this time too… .”

Thanatos kept his arms crossed and muttered to himself. However, perhaps because it was such a quiet space, everyone could clearly hear the flowing voice even without raising their hearing. The knights of the round table looked at Thanatos with slightly foolish faces.

It was then.

Thanatos suddenly raised his head,

“That’s sad.”

He slowly looked back at the table with pitiful eyes shining.

“I don’t know the details, but there is a saying that history repeats itself. “It seems like humans still haven’t escaped their role as angels’ minions.”

“That’s not true.”

Melinus brushed off his white beard, then suddenly grabbed his hand and retorted.

“Did you say Thanatos…? . I know you are a god, as the Crystal of Truth has acknowledged. But this is all we found. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but it seems inappropriate.”

“What is wrong?”

“You mean a stooge? Of course, I don’t know why I was called to this world either, but let alone agents, we are not beings who are moved by angels. Because even at this moment, I am moving with my own will. In other words, I think it would be correct to say that it is a partnership.”

“… That’s why it’s sad.”

Melinus’s words were a coherent enough explanation that made anyone nod their heads. However, Thanatos denied it firmly and sharply, much to the opponent’s dismay.

“Because you don’t know what’s at the end of the road you’re walking on. Then all you end up doing is being deceived and taken advantage of. But humans don’t really realize that. Just like it was in the past.”

The moment I said that, the Crystal of Truth suddenly emitted a bright light and crumbled into a heap of ashes. Melinus opened her mouth as if to say something, but then she fell silent. Thanatos smiled bitterly and slowly withdrew his hand.

“Maybe it’s because I heard such amazing things… . Or maybe it’s been so long since I woke up. “I feel dizzy.”

Then, he calmly raises his body and pushes the chair back.

“I can just rest for today, right?”

Thanatos, who left room with such subtle words, soon began to climb the stairs with brisk steps.

The atmosphere of an imminent explosion that seemed like it would explode at any moment suddenly disappeared. The hilt of the sword, which he was holding as if it was about to break, was suddenly released and the tip of the sword was touching the floor.

Thus, not only Eldora but also the Knights of the Round Table all just stared endlessly at Thanatos, who was slowly moving away.



Eldora, who returned to her room, collapsed onto the bed with a sigh as soon as she opened the door. Her body flopped onto the bed like wet cotton. She came just to tell her story, but a feeling of extreme fatigue came over her whole body.

Eldora quietly closed her eyes, asking herself why she was doing this. And she slowly recalled the meeting a little while ago.

It’s safe to say that you have one less worry. no. It’s not clear yet, but in any case, the woman named Thanatos doesn’t seem as dangerous as we thought. She was so polite and humane that it seemed like a lie that she was a god.

… however.

Thinking so, Eldora chewed her mouth slightly.


I feel uncomfortable. Confusing. Although the woman’s identity has been confirmed, there is something that is not clear and bothers me. Even though she tried to clear her head, the pityful look in her eyes kept popping into her mind.


It was a simple question, but I couldn’t find the words. I’ve never thought about it deeply. It was a problem I had forgotten about until an hour ago. Or perhaps it would be more correct to say that I resigned myself to it and accepted it from the moment I got used to it.

‘wait a minute. So, are you saying that you were summoned without knowing the exact reason, and that you live in this world without any purpose?’

If you think about it, yes. Of course, everyone would have had similar questions at least once when they were first summoned out of the blue.

But no matter how many times you ask, no matter how much you fuss and rave, nothing changes. Rather, they are forced to undergo a cruel survival test called a rite of passage as if they are being chased, and after completing a simple setup, they enter a new world called Hall Plain.

And as soon as you enter, the first words you hear from existing users are similar everywhere.

‘We who are standing here today were also humans who once lived on Earth.’

‘There is only one difference between us and you: order.’

‘Did you come into this world called Hall Plain first, or did you come late?’

‘That means we are not the ones who can send you home.’

Who said that? Humans are animals that adapt to their environment. Perhaps he slowly began to realize it when he heard those words. The fact that no matter what you do, reality does not change. The moment you give up, you are eliminated, and the moment you are eliminated, the only thing that awaits you is death.

In the end, there is only one path left. People who still have a desire for life, even if it is as small as a fingernail, gradually face reality, give up, and conform. And from then on, you begin to act as a user, not as a person.

In this respect, El Dorado can be seen as the same. She was an ordinary girl on Earth, but after being summoned to the Hole Plain, she was reborn as a revered user. no. Not only Eldora, but all the Knights of the Round Table would be in a similar position.

As such, no one has been able to answer this fundamental question. It’s not like being hit hard in the back of the head with a hammer, but it doesn’t change the fact that there’s nothing to say.


It was then. The moment I was lost in thought with my face buried in the bed sheet, I suddenly heard the door quietly opening. Eventually, Eldora glanced back, and a little color appeared on her face.


“Hehe. “Is it okay for this old man to be rude?”

The user who opened the door and came in was none other than Melinus. Eldora laid her half-raised upper body back. Because Melina Nurse was approaching him waving his hand as if it was okay.

“It looks complicated. Clan Lord.”

As I said,

“just… . Because I suddenly felt like I heard a big story. “I feel dizzy for some reason.”

Eldora’s face, smiling awkwardly, was much more stable than just now.

“okay. “Then shall we talk for a moment?”

Soon, he gazed at Melinus, who was sitting at the end of the bed and smiling softly, with eyes full of trust. Even though her mind is so complicated that she can’t figure out what to do… . Still, whenever Eldora encountered a problem, she firmly believed in the ‘prophet’ Melina Nus, who always found a reasonable answer. Just like she always has.

Meanwhile, at the same time.

Thanatos, Eldora, Melinus. In the place where these three left, the twelve Knights of the Round Table are still sitting without leaving the table. Everyone was talking in a whisper with serious faces, and even an unusual energy was flowing.

“we… . Are you being deceived?”

“Isn’t it too early to make such a conclusion? In fact, I don’t even know what I’m talking about.”

“I’m embarrassed. “I was just thinking it might be some kind of entertainment.”

“Either way, it feels the same. … Ian, what do you think?”

When Natalie suddenly asked, Ian, who had been sitting in a daze, suddenly came to his senses.

“yes? “Well, I don’t know.”

As a habit, I push up my glasses with my palms.

… So, no one saw it. As Ian secretly glanced at the stairs, his eyes drew a mysterious arc, and her mouth drew a wry smile.

‘I never thought I’d be so shaken up when we first met… . At this rate, D-Day won’t be far away.’

Today Thanatos performed his role well. While he solidified the fact that he was God, he also talked about the identity of angels and sowed seeds of distrust.

Did you say that you mix lies with truth? It is an immutable fact that angels use humans as their agents. In other words, you only need to tell the truth about what is certain. Then, whether it’s the past or history, how do you fit the rest together?

Melinus would probably have approached Eldora by now. Then, the remaining knights of the round table… .

After thinking this far, Ian slowly lowered his hand. The expression had already returned to Ian’s original face.

After a while, Ian quietly opened his mouth.

“I think so.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hmm… . Yes.

It’s nearing completion, so it would be a good idea to do a new illustration as well.

I said before I finished it that I would draw an illustration of the main character.

Then I have to go with Kim Soo-hyun + a, but I’m worried about my partner.

After thinking about it, I’m thinking of one of Gehenna, Go Yeon-ju, Im Hanna, Hwa-jeong, and Han So-young (in the new version).

If you’re asking why these five people, you know. *-_-*

Oh, of course, Hwajeong has not been revealed yet.

Anyway, if you can think of any other good partners, please let me know without hesitation.

Soon, I will organize the comments, select the top four or five, and vote on them.

thank you _(__)_


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not work with dark mode