MEMORIZE Chapter 854

00854 Be Infected, Six. ————————————————– ———————-=

Red colored clouds cross the sky. As if rushing toward the end of the day, the evening glow that colored the entire city made the blue palace glow red.

“Mr. Melinus. “Can I come in for a moment?”

The main library located at the bottom of the spiral staircase was also covered in a reddish color. After finishing work, Melina Nus, who had been leisurely reading the records as always, blinked and raised his head.

“Please come in.”

Then, along with a clattering sound, a dark shadow appeared under the railing shaded by the sunset. When the tall young man who came down the stairs bowed politely and greeted him politely, a light of surprise appeared in Melinus’ eyes.

“Huh, who is this? “Isn’t this Sir Ryan Winters?”

“I’m sorry for coming to you so late.”

The handsome young man named Ryan Winters, who spoke in a polite voice, had unusually white hair. His hair, reminiscent of his white eyes, falls like a lion’s mane and softly covers his neck. A soft smile spread across Melinus’ lips as he saw Winters slowly approaching.

“It was nothing. “The Lion Knight, who is said to be the best of the Knights of the Round Table, has come to visit me, but I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“haha. “Can you please stop using that title?”

Melinus shrugged as Winters laughed bitterly.

“why not? “It’s a title I personally like very much.”

“Because it’s so unfamiliar. Just Winters is enough.”

“What if I say no?”

“Then I will do the same. Melinus is probably pursuing the stars… .”

As Winters spoke jokingly, Melinus raised his hands and expressed his intention to surrender. The two users laughed lightly at each other.

Eventually, Winters sat down comfortably in the chair that the other person offered with a gesture. Melina Nus opened her mouth as she closed the record on her desk.

“So, what brought you here?”

“I think you already guessed it.”

“hmm.” Melinus let out a short breath and his face sank a little.

“I don’t have a hobby of answering questions, but I’ll try anyway. “Is it because of a recent expedition?”

“That too, but… . “Eldora seems strangely lethargic these days.”

Winters spoke calmly.

“Actually, at first I thought it was because I was disappointed that I couldn’t find the scabbard during the last expedition… .”

After saying that, he slowly blurted out his words as if he were rhyming. Melinus smiled bitterly.

“Perhaps you would like to hear that from me.”

Then Winters showed a puzzled expression. As if I had hit the nail on the head.

Melinus calmly stroked his beard and nodded slightly.

“Well, keep trying.”

Winters was blank for a moment, then looked at the ground and began to speak calmly.

“It seems like the atmosphere has definitely become strange lately. “I would say it’s a bit stagnant.”

“On the surface, there doesn’t seem to be anything strange. But it’s different. Something is different than before. I can’t really pinpoint it, but… .”

After saying that, Winters suddenly raised his eyes and stared at the other person.

“Melinus must have seen that woman, right?”

“I saw the woman brought back from the recent expedition. “She came to see me again today.”

“How is it?”

“well. “You still haven’t woken up?”

Winters shook his head quietly as if that wasn’t the case. However, he did not open his mouth right away and remained silent for a moment.

“… “I mean.”

Then, finally, Winters spoke with difficulty.

“If you look at that woman… . “I’m talking about feeling anxious for no reason.”


Even though the twilight had already reached its peak, there was a strange coldness and gloominess in the room. Rather than simply feeling cold, this room has a particularly gloomy and gloomy atmosphere.

Eldora is staring at the bed with a slightly nervous expression. The woman lying in her bed was covered with a white blanket up to her chest, but just looking at her curves was enough to tell that she had a slender figure.

He seems to be barely over 150 centimeters tall, but for some reason he doesn’t feel young. The slim jawline looks a little thin, but it feels dry rather than weak. Looking at the beautiful eyebrows and slender shoulders, you can clearly feel something dangerous and erotic.

In other words, she was a woman who felt like everything was unclear even when she was looking at her like this. However, it was not her outward appearance that made El Dora hard.

The biggest reason is the feeling of heterogeneity. This was a feeling that even Eldora herself found difficult to define accurately.

If you look at it objectively, there is no big problem. However, looking at the woman’s ghost-like face and jet-black hair flowing with a soft light, for some reason it does not feel like a human being. Should I say that it does not have a unique human smell?

Even if you touch it thinking it might be a doll, checking its warm body temperature only strengthens the antinomy feeling.

As the contradictory emotions grew more confusing by the minute, Eldora quietly closed her eyes.

‘thank you.’

Those were the first words I heard after the stone door opened. As he returned to Ragnarok he had not heard a word more. Because after she collapsed on Eldora’s shoulder, the woman continued to sleep.

In conclusion, the expedition was neither a success nor a failure. Although the attack was successful, no results were obtained, let alone the scabbard that was desired. It would be more accurate to say that it was just a waste of effort.

Well, you could just ignore it, but strangely enough, Eldora couldn’t do that. All the way back, she had regret after regret, and she felt a sense of guilt for no reason.

If I knew the cause, I would feel relieved, but since I don’t know the reason, I just groan inside like I’m suffering from a cold heart. Moreover, the anxiety caused by this contradiction grew worse every time I saw the woman up close. Like right now.

It was then.

“… … ?”

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening slightly broke the silence in the room. Then, the lightly walking figure stopped right behind Eldora. Eldora glanced behind her and blinked her golden eyes as if she was a little surprised.


The person who opened the door and came in was none other than the fairy Erwin. She always wears clothes made of leaves, but today she has a bulky leather bag on her shoulder and a bow on her back. He was dressed as if he were about to go on a long trip.

“I was going to say hello before I left… . “You are here.”

At Erwin’s words, Eldora let out an internal sigh.

“I’m going back to the fairy forest today… . “I forgot.”

“Yes, I’m sorry. Because something happened that put the fate of the clan at stake. “I think I should definitely attend.”

“hmm. Now that I think about it, I heard that she is making a lot of noise about the queen election.”

“that’s right. Because we haven’t had a queen for a long time. “The story has been around for quite some time.”

Erwin lightly nodded, but he did not look very happy. Rather, a subtle depth of water is shadowed in a corner of the face. Eldora noticed that expression and tilted her head.

“But didn’t you say that a queen was born a few years ago? “I definitely remember hearing that.”

I asked as if I couldn’t remember, but Eldora remembered accurately. Because, which was rare for Erwin that day, the sight of him running around and being happy all day left an impression on me.

“Okay… . “Yes.”

Erwin paused slightly and smiled bitterly.

“The flower of Yggdrasil has certainly bloomed, but… . “That’s it.”

However, Eldora turned her head as if she did not want to say more, and decided not to ask any more questions. Because everyone has their own circumstances.

“okay. then… .”

Eldora, who was about to tell her to rest in peace, reflexively closed her mouth.

Erwin’s appearance, once as fresh as dew-covered grass, has become completely emaciated compared to before, giving off the appearance of a sick person. After welcoming her as a colleague in the Fairy Forest, she always seemed to be in good health while working together for over five years, so it would be a bit abrupt to say that it was because of homesickness.

And more than anything, to be exact, I felt noticeably withered right after my recent expedition.

But to think that way… .

“… … .”

I felt like I didn’t like something.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m worried about the Fairy Queen’s election, Eldora decided.

“… “Eldora?”

“Ah, I will see you off.”

Eldora quickly spoke eloquently.

“yes? Oh, no. are you okay. “It’s easier to go alone.”

“no. I won’t be able to see you for a while, but I’d like to chat with you while I’m there. So please.”

As if he couldn’t refuse the repeated requests, Erwin responded with a light smile.

With a click, the door closed carefully again and the two women left the room. And the sound of footsteps echoing in the hallway gradually became distant and soon quieted down completely.

In the space where Eldora and Erwin disappeared, only the woman was lying there.

The room once again fell into endless silence.


Ian looked at the pile of records filling one side of the library. The day was already dark and the surroundings were dark, but Ian went through his records one by one with familiar hands.

How much time has passed for that?

Ian, who was repeatedly going through the records and putting them back in, suddenly threw away the records in his hand and hit the study hard with his fist.


“Damn, these are all useless records.”

It was probably a sight that would have surprised even one of the Knights of the Round Table. This is because I know very well how much Ian cherishes and loves the records of this world.

When Ragnarok was discovered, Ian was the user who liked being able to read new records rather than equipment or elixirs. After work, I always go to the large library and stay up late reading records.

Isn’t the reason he was able to join the Knights of the Round Table as a non-combat user in the first place because he possessed so much ancient knowledge that the prophet Melinus was able to get in with one effort?

As such, what he just showed was definitely an awkward and awkward behavior.

“Who the hell did you wake up? “Why don’t you wake up?”

He chews his mouth as if he is very nervous, and then suddenly begins to walk at a brisk pace. The place Ian went to was none other than the bedroom where the woman was sleeping.

After sending the employee guarding the room out to rest for a while, Ian sat down on the bed and looked down at the woman. She doesn’t seem to have woken up yet.

After looking down at the woman for a while, he suddenly opened his mouth as if he felt uncomfortable.

“you are… . “Who on earth are you?”

Naturally, there was no reply. The woman had no facial expression, just kept her eyes closed and breathing evenly.

Ian’s face, as he looks at such a woman, is also filled with inexplicable regret or self-reproach, like Eldora. Of course, only she knows the meaning behind her emotions.

Ian observed the woman’s body closely for a while, examining and touching it, but there was no way he could reveal her identity. In the end, she hurriedly turned around with a deep sigh.

“I can’t do it. First of all, the bell… . To Linus.”

Ian stuttered slightly and cautiously opened the door. And after looking to his left and right once, he was just about to leave the room.

“That means.”

Suddenly, a quiet and clear voice grabbed Ian’s collar as he was about to leave.


At that moment, Ian’s body stopped for a moment, like a robot whose batteries had run out. He looked around the room in surprise, but saw that little had changed. The woman is still lying motionless on the bed with her eyes closed.

The only thing that has changed is that there is a very faint smile on his face.

“Are you curious about who took over this body?”

The moment he clearly saw that the small, pretty lips were opening, Ian’s eyes grew as if they were going to tear and his mouth opened wide. But soon she swallowed her breath as hard as she could and turned around, quietly closing the door.

At the same time, the woman finally opened her eyes and gazed clearly at Ian with bright black eyes.

After a while.

“And it’s not Belinus, it’s Melinus. “I think I confused him with Belial, but it was a pretty good improvisation.”

The moment I heard the next words, Ian suddenly sat down and knelt down.

“ah… .”

With trembling eyes and trembling mouth.

However, he barely opened his mouth with an expression of joy and disbelief.

“… Satan?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Satan: Now, tell me why you TS me.

Yoojin Ro: Haha.


… Oh, sorry.

Since I had been in the habit of going to bed at 22:00 for a few days, I dozed off without realizing it.

When I woke up and saw that it was 2 in the morning, I had a mental breakdown… . ^^;

Several readers asked whether the seal was released too easily in the previous episode.

I think it’s a natural question at this point.

However, this is something that will not be completely solved until Episode 2, so the answer will be revealed in the text then.

I guess I should go to sleep right away and maintain my body’s rhythm.

I hope all readers have a good night.

P.S. Episode 6, let’s begin. And the numbers after the episodes are intentionally going in reverse order. In other words, you can think of Episode 0 (Zero) as the episode where Memorise is completed.


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not work with dark mode