MEMORIZE Chapter 850

00850 Meanwhile, Same Time: Seven —————————- —————————–=

After washing with hot water, Eldora picked up a dry cloth and wiped her body. As she lightly shakes her hair, the flowing, curly blonde hair sprays out her dazzling sparkle. Eventually, Eldora hung the soaked stained cloth on the bed and went to the window where clear light was shining. The warm sunlight landed on her freshly brushed hair, and soon it spilled over and soaked into her white skin.

As if the sunlight warming my naked body felt good, my eyes gently closed, and then my right hand slowly clenched.

‘This time… .’

After a while, Eldora narrowed her eyes and slightly tilted her chin to stare into space. There, information that only Alone could see was being output.

< Player Status >

1. Name: Eldora Cornelius (6th year)

2. Class: Secret, The Golden Knight, Master

3. Nation: Ragnarok

4. Clan: Odin (Clan Rank: AA)

5. True name • Nationality: Owner Of The El Dorado • England

6. s*x: Female (20)

7. Height • Weight: 164.2cm • 52.2kg

8. Tendency: Lawful • Good

[Strength 100(+6)] [Durability 94(+2)] [Dexterity 90(+2)] [Stamina 92] [Magic Power 95(+4)] [Luck 100]

(Remaining abilities are 0 points.)

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun

[Strength 99(+2)] [Durability 95(+2)] [Dexterity 101] [Stamina 101(+2)] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(Remaining abilities are 0 points.)

Total: 582Points

2. Eldora Cornelius

[Strength 100(+6)] [Durability 94(+2)] [Dexterity 90(+2)] [Stamina 92] [Magic Power 95(+4)] [Luck 100]

(Remaining abilities are 0 points.)

Total: 571Points

Strictly speaking, Eldora’s original user information, excluding the increase due to external influences, is somewhat inferior to being considered the best. (Of course, it is based on the northern continent.)

However, considering that he has a lot of good equipment, takes a lot of elixirs, and even has a secret class, he can definitely be considered top class.

However, like any other user, Eldora did not settle for the present and hoped to rise to a higher level. I want to become strong enough to actually feel it, not just judge it by feeling. I know a way to do that. This is why El Dora risked her life to search for her scabbard.

‘This time, I’m sure… . No, if I can at least get a clue.’

Eldora tied up her fine hair and bit her teeth. She started acting as if she couldn’t control something, as if her sheath was growing before her eyes.

After quickly putting on his clothes and putting on his gloves, he quickly walked out the door holding a greatsword wrapped in a clean cloth.


“Well, if you have any questions, please ask.”

Melinus, who had just finished explaining, looked back with bored eyes and asked.

Excluding Melinus, who stands alone, there are twelve other users sitting at the ivory table around them.

The table was a round table with no top or bottom, and a sword symbol was drawn at regular intervals on each of the thirteen chairs. And there was a circular groove about fifteen centimeters in diameter in the center where the tips of the swords came together, and there, a torch in a large cup was burning like a holy fire.

“This is where God is. “I was curious why the Elphin Lord came to visit, and he brought some interesting information.”

Natalie, leaning back in her chair, played with the horn around her neck and smiled brightly.

“To be exact, this is the place where the gods had their final battle. “It’s not a place where God is.”

“You said it was sealed? Isn’t that what it is anyway?”

When Melinus corrected her words, Natalie tilted her head to the left and right.

“that’s right. “Maybe he’s not dead?”

“that’s right. “What if I accidentally touch it and the god wakes up?”

Then, two young voices were heard simultaneously, agreeing with Natalie.

Were they each in their mid to late teens? Unusually, the two women whose voices had just been spoken were almost identical in appearance from head to toe. Aside from the fact that each of her braids had her hair turned in opposite directions, you could almost believe she was an identical twin sister. Maybe it really is.

“Hmm, we certainly can’t rule out that possibility.”

At that time, one user cautiously opened his mouth. The bespectacled man had a gentle and weak appearance, but he was an attractive young man with intelligent eyes.

“If the sealing ritual was performed with a sacred object, we must also keep in mind the opposite case, that is, the situation in which the seal is lifted by taking the sacred object. “Maybe it could be a good opportunity.”

“A good opportunity?”

This time, a low, deep voice asked. Across from her, a large man with a shaved head was looking at the young man with his arms crossed, covered in gnarled muscles. Although he has black skin, he is wearing a white priest’s robe without sleeves, which feels a bit awkward.

“It doesn’t mean much. “If the seal is truly lifted, it may be a golden opportunity to catch God.”

“… You sound too optimistic. “Have you ever thought that it’s dangerous?”

“Of course it’s dangerous. But I don’t think it’s completely impossible. Although this is a story from another continent, there is a case of defeating a god. “There’s nothing we can’t do, right?”

“Oh, that’s a little interesting. “Go ahead, Ian.”

As the giant showed a flash of interest, the young man named Ian put on his glasses and swallowed hard.

“Eh, do you know about the Steel Mountains in the North Continent?”

“Steel Mountains… ? no.”

“Just as we discovered Ragnarok beyond the orc castle, the North Continent is similar. “We conquered the Steel Mountains and discovered a new continent called Atlanta.”

“Ah, that’s what it means. understood.”

“yes. Anyway, if we passed through the advance base and finally captured the Orc Castle, the Northern Continent is said to have passed through the Steel Mountains divided into a total of four regions. Among them, a monster called God appeared in the third area.”

“A monster called God? “What does that mean?”

“Hmm. So, they say he is the king of giants there. He was cursed in the Titan War and downgraded to a monster, but originally rose to the rank of god… .”

“Giant War?”

As the questions continued endlessly, Ian closed his mouth and made a confused expression. Since the other person lacked basic knowledge, he seemed worried about how to explain it. The man must have felt the same way, stroking his bald head and smiling awkwardly. It was then.


A cold voice cut through the momentary silence at the round table.

“Because there is no one here who cares about other continents like you do. “Keep it to yourself.”

The faint voice that followed had a very mysterious ability to make one feel uncomfortable just by hearing it. This is evidenced by the slight frowning of several users who had remained silent.

In reality, the protagonist of the voice was sitting in a very unattractive posture, with his body fully buried in a chair, his legs crossed, or his head tilted back, looking up at the ceiling.

As Ian blinked blankly, the dark-skinned giant who had asked him earlier quickly opened his mouth.

“Akirov. That’s a bit harsh. And it was me who asked.”


At that moment, a short snort was heard. Eventually, her red hair slowly tilted down, and the face of a man named Akiro Pra was finally revealed.

At first glance, he was a handsome man with a sharp ear, but if you look at his raised eyebrows and slightly slit eyes, he gives off a sharp impression. If you say it in a nice way, it’s arrogant, but if you say it as it is, it seems arrogant.

“I’m really curious about everything.”


“Is that so? The yellow monkeys succeeded, how can we fail? huh?”

“… “That insults me too.”

The giant’s face quickly hardened. Clearly, no matter who it was aimed at, what I just said didn’t seem excessive. But Akirov’s actions were truly spectacular. He opened one of his eyes as if asking why the dog was barking, and even picked his ear with his little finger.

Perhaps because he felt the stinging gaze, he immediately said, “Huh.” He blew out her breath and shrugged her shoulders.

“No, why are you like that? These are the guys who robbed the Yankee continent, so why are they bragging about how great they are? “It’s like we’re falling behind.”

“I never flattered him, and Ian never said that. I’m just taking issue with your words and actions. Akirov.”

“Oh yeah? Then I didn’t tell you either. I wish you wouldn’t interpret it in an expanded way. “Edward.”

“Well, I… .”

As the voices gradually grew louder, Ian looked around the round table, not knowing what to do, looking for help.

Such a moment.

“I find it a little hard to believe what Ian says.”

Suddenly, a quiet voice flowed between the two.

The person who responded to Ian’s request was a woman so beautiful that she could hardly be considered human.

The slender body covered in green leaves and the voluptuous breasts protruding from the slender body and resting on the table attract a lot of attention, but the lithe limbs extending through the gaps have a distinct yet mysterious feel. Just looking at the blue eyes, reminiscent of a calm sea, gives you a refreshing and cool feeling.

It definitely feels strangely different from humans. Above all, its two ears were pointed and not round like a human’s.

“Eh, Erwin… !”

Ian, perhaps happy to receive a response, opened his mouth with tears in his eyes.

“What is so hard to believe?”

“God… . He is literally a god. “Of course, fairies are beings on a different level from humans.”

“So you’re saying it’s impossible to win?”

“That’s generally true.”

Perhaps influenced by Erwin’s calm voice, the loud noises gradually began to die down. Before we knew it, Akirov and Edward had stopped arguing and were looking at Erwin.

“Maybe if what Ian said is true… . If you are not a full god, you could say a demigod, for example. Or maybe he had the means to murder God.”

After Erwin finished speaking, the round table became quiet again. Most of them have thoughtful expressions. As the race of fairies did not speak vainly, each word was not something to be heard lightly and passed over. At least you realize that it’s not something you just think about.

“Okay, enough. Stop with Akirov and Edward. And you have to go anyway to find out. “Nothing has been clearly revealed yet, so even if I argue about it here, it’s just idle talk.”

Melinus waved his hand as if he thought it was a good time and spoke softly. Akirov and Edward looked at each other again, but they quickly looked away and did not raise their voices like before. In particular, Akirov had such a strong sense of pride that he was often called useless, but he had no intention of ignoring the words of a prophet who was respected by many.

After a while, Melinus secretly gave Erwin a greeting and then gazed at the door in front.

Coincidentally, the sound of people trotting along was regularly echoing beyond the door.

The moment the presence was heard, the twelve people sitting around the round table all began to stand up. It was a preparation to welcome the lord, but it was also a preparation for departure.

Anyway, I heard the basic information from Melinus’ explanation, and you have to go there to find out more. Of course, since Eldora has called you, you will go through the basic convocation process, but it is only a ceremonial procedure.

Eldora’s role at this round table is to lead from the front. It was always Melina Nurse’s job to support El Dora, like she did today, by gathering her information or organizing the situation in advance. This is a tradition that has continued since the founding of the Odin Clan, and no one considers Melinus’ role as excessive interference.

Because we all know how much Eldora and Melinus trust each other.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

* Eldora’s strength has been modified from 101 to 100. (08:17)


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not work with dark mode