Memorize Chapter 85

00085 一瀉千里 ———————————————— ————————=

The sword, which was swung with such force that it seemed to split the earth, passed by Jeong Ha-yeon and sunk deep into the ground. After inserting the sword into the ground, I injected magical energy into it as it was. “thud!” As the sword was struck with a sound, the ground around it trembled and a subtle crack appeared.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was looking at me with startled rabbit-like eyes, soon sighed in relief as she saw the blood leaking out onto the ground.

“after. thank you.”

“It was nothing.”

Twist the sword once, pull it out, and then swing it lightly. At the same time as the sound of a snap, the blood on the sword splattered onto the floor. Shin Sang-yong looked shocked at first when I attacked him with a sword, but he soon smiled humbly when he saw Jeong Ha-yeon calmly talking to me.

Anhyun and Yujeong were running around so hard that they were competing to see who could kill the most. To be honest, the guys who were standing were literally just standing, so it wasn’t even a fight. It was a process no different from just confirming and killing.

“I have twelve.”

“I have fourteen. and. “I won.”


My companions and I were able to laugh as we saw Ahn Hyeon cheering with both hands up and Yujeong sulking.

This was the battle fought by proper users. Of course, it was difficult to see it as ordinary. At least in my opinion, Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong have a lot of experience working together, and they showed a high level of fighting.

Even the kids who had always been fighting with fists looked at them with amazing eyes, as if they were unfamiliar with this type of fighting. And at the same time, I could see an emotion burning in Anhyun’s eyes. It was just resentment. Having roughly figured out why, I patted his shoulder a couple of times.

The wasteland was a paradise for land malls. It was so barren that not only users but also quite a few monsters refused to live here and left. There are only land malls that live underground. As such, the barren land could be said to be a paradise for land malls.

The most exciting battle was definitely the battle with 100 Land Malls. After two days had passed and they were massacring land malls, it seemed like they got so fired up that they gathered in a group and attacked. That too while we were sleeping in the open.

However, there was no user who could not detect that large number of troops moving, and I also always had detection activated. As the day was dark and people were coming from all directions, this time, Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong also looked embarrassed. You can handle it if you want to, but as your field of vision is limited, you have no choice but to be careful.

Meanwhile, this time my children (…….) showed their strength. Because I had trained myself to get up and fight while sleeping several times, I responded with such agility that no one would have thought I was a 0-year user. He instantly formed a phalanx, coordinated with each other, and protected the wizards and priests, showing better skills than ever before. Perhaps they secretly felt inferior to their display of skills during the day.

Of course, Vivian’s chimera beasts were in charge of the rear and I was in charge of the front, so Hyun and Yujeong’s defense range was narrowed, but that alone was a great feat. As we advertised, wizards and priests were able to memorize spells more comfortably.

“It’s amazing. “Are they really 0-year users?”

This was the first thing Jeong Ha-yeon asked right after the battle was over. You may not know it yet, but it’s hard to say that these kids have already been users for 0 years. In terms of ability and experience, the title of having successfully completed one exploration was worthy of being called a mid-level user.

“That’s amazing. Creating and maintaining this level of dust protection is not an easy task… .”

And it seemed like they received high scores for forming a platoon in an instant, cooperating effectively with each other, and maintaining the platoon. I had the illusion that the children’s standards of opinion had risen a little due to Jeong Ha-yeon’s praise. In particular, Anhyeon’s coughing was very noticeable.

still. Up until that point, you must have been feeling pretty good. However, Yu-jeong, who smelled like licorice in a pharmacy, intervened again.

“sister. “My dad taught me.”

“huh? dad?”

Yujeong looked at me quietly and then turned around. Ha-yeon Jeong stared at me with her calm face, then sighed inexplicably and shook her head. It was just that she looked at me with pitiful eyes after that, which strangely bothered me.

“Why do you look at it like that?”

“… “You were driving too fast.”

“… … .”

“Ho Ho. just joke.”

We thought it wouldn’t be beneficial to sleep any longer in a place full of corpses, so we moved to another location and made up for the sleep we lost. The kids whined that they couldn’t sleep, but they forced themselves to go to sleep so as not to interfere with tomorrow’s activities.

After squeezing Yujeong’s head once, who said she would sleep when I sang a lullaby, I went to bed, leaving her crying bitterly behind. As soon as I went to bed, the crying stopped and I immediately said, “Shh.” A clicking sound was heard.

And the next day. So, it was the third day. I had already arrived at the place I had marked. And of course, the ruined laboratory was not visible. I activated my third eye to see if there was another barrier to my path, but this time there was no barrier. In that case, it means that it is still hiding in a place that is out of my range.

In the end, I decided to go a little further and was just about to look at the various paths ahead and think about where to go.

“Ansol. Where.”

I raised my head at the sudden sound of Yujeong’s voice, and before I knew it, Sol was walking down the street carrying a backpack. Sol, who had just been walking with a dazed look on his face, soon turned his head to his senses.


“What is eh?? uh?”

“Ouch. “It hurts.”

“Then what if you get lost, so you want to take personal action.”

“Huh… That’s not it… .”

Sol, who was being held by Yujeong and was rubbing his sagging cheeks, opened his mouth with a sour expression on his face. Sol’s words were very simple. In other words, he thought it would be better to just go down this road without feeling anything, so he carried his backpack and walked without realizing it.

Most of the people in the group smiled at her words, but not Anhyun and I. Anhyeon turned her head to me with her blazing eyes.



Of course, on the outside, I thought it would be better to take this path too, so I marched along the path Sol chose, but luck was definitely one of my abilities. All I could do was get as close as possible with the information I already had. In that case, it might have been better to trust the 100 points of luck ability rather than taking whatever I wanted. I also thought that it would be nice to at least get as close as I can reach.

Battles occurred frequently along the way. However, not everyone was particularly tired from the battle. This is because there was no shortage of supplies and they were able to take sufficient rest along the way. Above all, it seemed like the kids’ skills had reached their limit after battling 100 Land Malls. Everyone’s movements were getting better and better.

We had escaped the barren land to some extent and were now entering the green land again. But it wasn’t something I liked. In the wasteland, you only have to deal with land malls, but from here, other monsters are likely to appear as well.

From now on, it was safe to say that it was literally an unexplored area. Of course, if you look at the map, the unexplored area is marked much further up, and there are traces of other users’ visits to the place where we are now.

However, there were quite a few things that literally just came and went, with only marks going in and no marks coming out. Since it had been less than two months since Mule was pioneered, it was safe to say that this place was also part of an unexplored area.

Before I knew it, Sol was at the front of the line with me. She didn’t feel a little anxious, but she was still wandering around while exploring, which was uncharacteristic of Sol. Every time I came to a fork in the road, I had Sol stand in front of me, and Sol quietly pointed his finger in one direction.

Shin Sang-yong looked like he was okay with it, while Jeong Ha-yeon looked a little suspicious. However, when Anhyun reflected on Ansol’s feelings and assured me that he had saved the lives of children, it was only then that I looked at Ansol with new eyes. Since it was an unexplored area anyway, as long as you were careful not to lose the way you came, everything was the same no matter where you went.

To be honest, I didn’t know if I would use the brush for this purpose, but I also thought that if I found a ruined laboratory, I could make an excuse. Because it was Sol who led the way, not me. Although I can’t say that the luck points were high, it was a very good excuse to say that beginner’s luck was continuing.

As the sun was setting, the entrance to the forest came into view. To be honest, it’s embarrassing to even call it a forest. As soon as we left the barren area, everything around us was green. It was a natural scene untouched by human hands that cannot be seen in modern times.

However, I felt an unfamiliar feeling at the entrance. Of course, there was a trail leading in another direction, but Sol kept wanting to go inside the entrance. I thought it was time to activate my third eye and quickly activated my magic power.

And at that moment, I was able to understand the identity of the sense of discomfort I felt at the entrance. The entrance to this forest was artificially created, not natural. I walked into the entrance with an excited expression.

The road became clearly visible after a while. It was not the uneven ground we had walked on so far, but there were traces of human hands, albeit only slightly. On the way, I ran into a group of monkeys for the first time in a long time, but I had no trouble dealing with them as I had hunted them to death during the rite of passage. The kids were happy to see Mankey after a long time and dealt with it in an instant.

Previously, they had marched at a normal pace, but this time they marched at a fast pace. And, when Sol, who was running next to me while holding my hand tightly, smelled sweet smell from his mouth, I stopped walking.

I looked ahead with quiet eyes. And there, the ruined research center that so many users had been searching for stood tall before their eyes. There were old and rusty parts here and there and it was covered with bushes, but the building still maintained its shape despite the passage of time.

It was dark under the lamp, and the ruined laboratory was three days away from the small town of Mule. It made me wonder why it wasn’t discovered until a long time had passed. However, I thought about the feeling I felt at the entrance earlier and lowered my head.

I just saw it as the entrance to the forest and thought there was no way the lab building could be here. I probably would have passed it by if I hadn’t felt uncomfortable with the entrance or if Sol didn’t keep trying to get in. It occurred to me that the ancient inhabitants must have been amazing people, to have built a building like this in the forest.

“I discovered a ruined laboratory.”

I opened my mouth to my companions in a quiet voice.

The group was left speechless as they saw the magnificent majesty of the research institute unfolding before their eyes. In particular, Shin Sang-yong and Jeong Ha-yeon were speechless. It seems that it was a bit difficult for even them to accept the current situation as is.

“mind… Nonsense. Even if it’s just beginner’s luck. This, this… .”

“under. little… “It’s amazing.”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who seemed to have finally come to her senses, turned her gaze to Ansol, who was standing with a blank expression on her face. I smiled slightly, walked closer to Sol, and placed both hands on her waist.

“Our Sol is truly a blessing.”

Even though Sol touched his body, he showed no objection. He just tilted his head and turned his head towards me with innocent eyes.

“Am I lucky?”

“cancer. Anyway. “Our Sol is truly the best.”

Only then did Sol realize that I was praising him, and a wide smile appeared on his face. I just picked Sol-i up, rocked her up and down a few times, and picked her up on the plane.

“Wow. Wow.”

Sol also seemed excited, raising both hands and cheering quietly. I put Sol on the floor for a moment and then turned around again. On the third day after leaving Mule, we found a ruined laboratory.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I will update the review later in the morning. sorry.

* This is a review update on February 16, 2013.

ah. sorry. We will update the next episode right after writing the review. More details will be written in the next episode.

And thank you to those who recommended numerous works. There are a lot of things I’ve read, but there are also a lot of things I haven’t read. ha ha ha. I guess I’ve been blessed with reading these days.


1. Sad: Hahaha. Congratulations on first place. Those are very happy words. We will reward you with more meaningful content in the future.

2. Groin: Since I quit what I was doing, I have some free time. If I find a new job, I might go back to daily serials. 🙂

3. Fallen Dove: Oh. Now that I think about it, that position is good too. Food is good too. Let’s consider it.

4. I am just me: The main character is not a eunuch. Why are you like this? ㅜ.ㅠ

5. A mournful soul: Huh. You shouldn’t do that. I am looking forward to studying Norse mythology. So, hurry up and get your 20th anniversary… ( –).

6. Lizad: Huh. hmm. hmm. hmm… . It’s a run away. (Tt!)

7. GradeRown: The correct answer was to capture the land mall under the ground. Thank you for recommending the work. 🙂

8. Amabel: Wow. That’s a very long comment. Personally, I am very happy that there is someone who likes Hanbyul. ha ha ha. This is a kid who put a lot of effort into it. But I was so hated. ㅜ.ㅠ The next episode will probably be updated within 30 minutes. Please wait a minute. 🙂

9. Overwhelming: That’s right. That work is really fun. I too am anxiously awaiting when the next episode will come out. ha ha ha.

10. [priest]Priest: Ah. Thank you for the coupon. I’m also glad that you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy the next episode as well.

I will start editing the 86th draft and writing a review right now.


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not work with dark mode