MEMORIZE Chapter 849

00849 Meanwhile, Same Time: Seven —————————- —————————–=

no. The woman on the balcony had the appearance of a girl rather than a woman.

First of all, the hair, tightly tied up so that not a single hair sticks out, gives off a dazzling shine, as if gold was melted and spun into thread. He is around mid-160s tall and petite, and his features are neat, but he still has a bit of a youthful look.

And perhaps because it was warm weather, the muscles that were clearly visible in the lightly dressed clothes were nicely developed. It is not a bulky, bulging muscle, but is held so tightly that you cannot tell unless you look closely. For example, firm thighs that look smooth and elastic.

In any case, whether she is a woman or a girl, it cannot be denied that she is quite a beauty. It’s not just about appearance, but an indescribable atmosphere surrounds the woman.

The girl was standing on the balcony and looking around at the scenery beneath her feet. Beautiful eyes that seem to be inlaid with finely crafted topaz are full of confident confidence. It seemed like a sense of accomplishment or pride in having accomplished something.

In fact, the girl was thinking about the war that happened a few months ago. To be exact, it was a great war against the Arcone Orcs who ruled the huge mountain range.

It is impossible to even guess how many users died while dealing with orcs. Each Orc received combat training from birth and was a strong warrior. Not only that, I still get goosebumps when I think about the orc magic that used strange tricks and the final battle with the orc lord that put an end to the great war.

Looking back, it was not an easy battle at all, but victory went to the southern continent anyway. They succeeded in capturing the orc castle, which was synonymous with fear, and eventually pioneering the path to Ragnarok.

One of the results was this city and this magnificent and luxurious palace. All users in the southern continent heaped praise on the Blue Palace. And the praise naturally led to the praise of the clan that occupied this palace and led the war against the Arcone Orcs.

The name is Odin.

After the war with the Arcone Orcs, users on the southern continent praised the Odin Clan as the best on the continent. Of course, there was an underlying mentality that the southern continent was best. Maybe they had that thought when the Western Continent was shut down and a large number of users came in.

Anyway, to be honest, I should add that it is limited to the southern continent, but the head of the Odin Clan did not bother to stop users from saying that. Because the girl was thinking similarly.

The city restoration work was already almost finished, and users were becoming more active following Ragnarok. As each day passed by in the city, the girl’s confidence became stronger. Although there was a lot of loss, Ragnarok itself was more than enough to make up for the loss. And above all… .

“… … ?”

It was then. The girl, who was lost in her thoughts, slowly turned her head as if she sensed something strange. She focused her gaze as she saw a dark shadow falling inside the balcony entrance. As she stared at her for a few seconds, she suddenly noticed that her beautiful purple hair was bouncing around.


At the same time as the cheerful voice, someone appeared with a sad voice. She is a slender woman, one head taller than the girl, wearing light brown leather armor.

The girl called Eldora turned and stared at the woman. The woman walked forward, showing off her model-like slender, long legs, and smiled brightly with her refreshing eye smile.

“You were here? Our Eldora. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

“Didn’t I ask you not to call me that? “Natalie.”

When Eldora spoke in a somewhat stern voice, the woman, or rather Natalie, opened her eyes slightly and tilted her head.

“huh? Then what do you say? Cornelius? “This isn’t pretty.”

“It’s fine no matter what… .”

Eldora, who continued speaking in a low voice, sighed lightly when she saw Natalie smiling.

“Anyway, what I’m saying is that I’ve been looking for you for a while… ?”

“Ah, our prophet was looking for Eldora. “And that’s very heartbreaking.”

Natalie continued to emphasize the word ‘we’ and laughed. Then, a subtle change occurred on El Dora’s face, which had always had a calm expression.

“Are you Melinus?”

“huh! and… .”

At that moment, Eldora began to move immediately. Natalie, who was about to say something more, followed the girl with her wide eyes. But Eldora had already entered the entrance and was walking away with her strides.

“Eldora, Eldora! Not yet… !”

Natalie’s voice was heard behind her, but Eldora did not stop. She walked quickly enough that it felt a bit rushed. Eldora’s face turned bright color as if she was going to meet an old friend of hers.

After a while, Eldora left the room, walked through a long corridor, crossed a skybridge leading to another building, and opened a luxurious wooden door beyond it.

The first thing I saw upon entering was a spiral staircase leading endlessly downwards. As I went down the stairs that were spinning like a conch shell, I saw a study room filled with neatly arranged tables and various records. As you can see, it was a large library that could easily be said to be a treasure trove of knowledge.

Eventually, as the endless stairs slowly came to an end, a sound echoing in the quiet library suddenly reached my ears.

“I can do it alone… ?”

“well. I’ll have to take a look, but maybe… .”

Eldora stopped at the end of the stairs and peeked inside. There, a white-haired old man wearing a gray robe was sitting at a large desk. With the white cane placed at an angle, the lantern shining alone on the desk, and the way he straightened his back neatly and read the records with soft eyes, he could easily be considered a wise man.

Eldora had a faint smile on her face as she looked at him occasionally stroking his white beard and nodding, or turning over records with his hands covered in saliva. Unlike when he met Natalie earlier, his expression was full of kindness.

Eldora, who was looking at me with trust, cleared her throat slightly.



Voices came from two places. The old man opened his eyes wide and raised his head as if in surprise. And on the right, I think he was in his mid-thirties. As she walked up, an elegant woman in rich white robes holding her record, she stood startled when she saw El Dora creeping up. El Dorado, who had not expected there to be one more person, looked a little surprised.

Seeing that reaction, the woman immediately composed her expression and smiled slightly.

“I guess Natalie didn’t tell you I was here?”

“no. I didn’t hear it. I’m sorry. “Olivia.”

Eldora bowed her head politely. “Oh my,” Olivia said, placing her hand on her cheek and grinning.

“You don’t need to apologize. Odin Lord is still the same.”

Like Atlanta in Ragnarok, it has a structure with four outer castles connected around the central city. And Olivia was the lord of a clan in charge of one of those cities. Of course, we have a very friendly relationship with Odin.

When Eldora responded with a smile, the old man chuckled and lightly gestured. Then the chair that had been sitting at her table came out, moved on its own, and was placed in front of Eldora. As if this wasn’t the first time this had happened, Eldora sat calmly in her chair without the slightest embarrassment.

“I heard you called me. Melinus.”

“That’s right. “I have something to discuss.”

“Is there something to discuss?”

“Well, that is.”

When Eldora asked curiously, Melinus glanced to the side. After the white-robed woman placed her pile of records on her desk, she looked pensive for a moment before she spoke quietly.

“Odin Lord. “I heard that you are still looking for the scabbard, is that correct?”

Eldora blinked a couple of times and then nodded with a puzzled look.

“That’s true, but… . “I haven’t paid much attention lately.”

“So, Olivia came with some pretty interesting information.”

Melinus, whose voice was different from what it appeared to be, immediately intervened. Before I knew it, the story was naturally getting to the point.

“Clan Lord, do you know the mythology surrounding this continent of Rachnarok?”

“Not in such detail… . All I know is that there was a huge battle between the gods a long time ago.”

“That’s enough.” Melinus said, gently stroking his bushy beard and leafing through his records.

“Ragnarok… . When translated literally, it is widely known as the twilight of the gods, but it can also be interpreted differently to mean the fate of the gods or the fall of the gods.”

“It’s a downfall… . “That doesn’t sound very good.”

“There is nothing to worry about. At the end of a battle, there will be a winner and a loser. In this case, we can link the loser to the downfall. Of course, how to interpret the word ‘downfall’ is a different matter.”

“yes. “But what does that myth have to do with the scabbard I’m looking for?”

At that time, Olivia took a step forward.

“I recently discovered ruins that are believed to be the end of the world. In other words, it is also called the final war. “You can understand it as the place where the gods fought their final battle.”

At that moment, Eldora’s eyes twinkled softly. She hadn’t heard the details yet, but somehow the smell of adventure was in the air. After conquering the orc castle, she had been in Ragnarok and her body was itching, and she felt something. She was given the title of Goddess of War due to her performance during the war against the Arcone Orcs, and she was an El Dorado user who did not skimp on battle by nature.

“Why do you assume that the ruins are in that location?”

“There was a mural.”

When Eldora asked, the woman answered right away as if she knew she was going to ask.

“To be exact, there was a painting along a long wall on the outskirts of the ruins. “We used experts in ancient knowledge to interpret the murals for about a month, and were able to achieve some results.”

“The biggest achievement was finding the meaning of the downfall I mentioned earlier. He said that the last picture probably depicts the process of sealing God. “It doesn’t make a lot of sense.”

Olivia glanced at Melinus. Now I’m going to talk about something important, so why are you stealing it from me?

“Anyway, actually, I’m not sure. You can only find out what kind of place it is when you go in. But I think we can at least get a clue.”

After saying that, Olivia tried to catch her breath for a moment, but when she saw Eldora tilt her head, she let out an exclamation.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot the most important thing. In the picture depicting the sealing process that Melinus just mentioned, we discovered an interesting fact. “It’s a sheath.”


“I heard there was a scabbard drawn on it. Think about it. Odin Lord’s Excalibur is a kind of holy relic that appears in mythology, right? And throughout history, there are countless cases where holy relics were used to seal the absolute. … how is it. Do you see the connection between these two facts?”

“… Hum hum.”

Olivia spoke very quickly, fearing that Melinus might interfere again, and the old man cleared his throat awkwardly.

Eldora, who was as clever as ever, quickly figured out what Olivia meant. This was evidenced by the fact that her calm eyes slightly lifted up.

“… no way.”

“Yes, Eldora. If the mural was truly painted during the mythical era, there is a high possibility that the scabbard is also a sacred relic. Um~. “If I tell you this far, you will understand, right?”

“Elphin Road. we… !”

“Of course, I also came because I wanted to borrow Odin’s power.”

After saying that, Olivia narrowed one eye. Eldora gazed at Melina Nus with her eager eyes.

“Hmm. I understand the Clan Lord’s feelings. “You may want to grasp at straws since this is the sheath that has been waiting for you all these years.”

“Are you saying that the information I brought was just straw?”

When Olivia fired back with a sharp voice, Melinus stroked his long beard and calmed down.

“The point is, you shouldn’t be in a hurry. Since this is a difficult situation for the Elfin Clan, we cannot take it easy either. so… . … Fuyu, I understand.”

However, after just one look at Eldora, Melinus let out a long sigh, as if he already felt that there was no use in saying anything. Next, he gently strokes the area around the solar plexus and smiles kindly.

“Clan Lord. “You cannot let down your guard, so please summon all the knights.”

“of course. All right.”

As if the trigger had already been triggered, Eldora suddenly stood up. And just as she was about to turn her body, she suddenly stopped and stared. She was touching her solar plexus earlier, and this time she is subtly stroking her abdomen.


As if he felt Eldora’s gaze, his hand quickly disappeared into his loose sleeve.

“… Still, will you give this old man some time to eat?”

Melinus, who spoke eloquently, smiled empty-handedly.


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not work with dark mode