MEMORIZE Chapter 848

00848 Meanwhile, Same Time: Seven —————————- —————————–=

The chest has three or four long furrow-like lines, as if sharp fingernails had skimmed across it. The scar was so deep that even the pale bones were visible. Moreover, the chain must have penetrated deep into the wound, and the iron chain link was stuck deep with flesh stuck to it.

This wasn’t the only thing. One arm was completely separated from the body, as if it could not withstand the tightening chains. The sight of the limbs being torn to pieces and barely connected by stretched muscles was extremely terrifying. The dark red puddle staining the floor showed how much blood had flowed at the time.

This is why I can’t blame the demons for being hesitant earlier. The fact that the chain has stopped moving means that the seed has successfully germinated. But now, as it appears, Satan is nothing more or less than a rag. It is difficult to believe that he is alive. Maybe he would have lost one or both of his lives.

The moment anxiety turned into confidence, darkness suddenly took over Lucifer’s face. His heart suddenly became heavy as he faced the fact that he had always worried about but had tried to ignore. For some reason, I could feel an unexplainable burden on him.

Lilith, who was staring blankly at Lucifer, quietly opened her mouth.

“… “Is he alive?”

“It’s alive.”

Tsk, Astaroth spat out the tobacco he had been mumbling about and answered silently. In some ways, it was not an ordinary conversation. It is certainly an amazing sight to see two demons who used to spark sparks just by looking at each other talking calmly. However, now it is buried in an even bigger surprise.

Astaroth, who was slowly savoring his appetite, glanced to the side.

“So, what do we do now?”

In fact, it was the most important agenda in the current situation. Five pairs of eyes were focused on one place. However, Lucifer does not move and continues to stare into space.


“… … .”


“… … .”

No matter how many times I called, there was no response. Finally, anger began to burn in Astaroth’s eyes. Each and every tangled hair stands on end and distorts the philtrum.

“It’s not even funny. “Isn’t that right?”

Suddenly a high voice came out.

“The situation that was advantageous when we came down to the hole plane was suddenly overturned, and isn’t it funny that we don’t know what to do now? huh? And what was Satan thinking when he did that? “What are you expecting?”


Baal opened his mouth.

“I thought Lucifer at least knew his role.”

However, once the conversation was opened, it flowed like a burst water.

“But what is that reaction? “Why are you looking like you didn’t know this would happen?”

As she watched Astaroth talking harshly, Lilith slowly began to feel jealous.

“Do it in moderation. Were you surprised when you first saw it? And Satan definitely spoke to me, to us. from now on… .”

“All I heard was to follow Lucifer’s words!”

Astaroth suddenly shouted. The dark space rang with angry voices.

“Isn’t it funny? Yes, Satan says so. But Lucifer, who opposed the continuation, takes over as successor? Damn it, why are you standing like that?”


Baal’s voice rose even higher. This time, Astaroth did not pretend not to hear. He quickly turned his head and glared with burning black eyes. Baal does not give up and fights back with a sharp blue eye glow, and the tension rises in an instant.

And the next moment, black sparks flew and Astaroth raised his right hand.

It was that moment.

“Satan did that.”

A low voice suddenly intervened in an imminent situation. Then Baal and Astaroth. Once again, the five pairs of eyes turned. Where all eyes were focused, Lucifer was looking back at the two demons with a calmer expression.

“As long as we know, we can take action.”

The tension that rose at that moment disappeared in an instant. Astaroth still had a stiff expression on his face, but he gently lowered his hand. Lucifer’s voice felt somewhat empty and helpless, but at the same time, he was very calm.

In a space where silence has been restored, Lucifer continues speaking softly.

“As long as we can take measures, we can create opportunities.”

“We, of course, the East, West, and South continents. And if you can, even more power. “You have to use everything you can.”

“If even one thing is off, you can’t create an opportunity.”

“The Prince of Hell’s summoning plan was not a failure.”

After saying that, Lucifer suddenly started looking around.

“… Rather, I saw potential there.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his gaze, which had been moving slowly, suddenly stopped at a certain place.


The moment his name was called, Astaroth flinched.

Lucifer opened his mouth in a strange atmosphere that could not be pinpointed.

“Would you like to?”


“I know what Satan thinks. I will also tell you all about the plan. “If you’re worried about me taking charge of it, I’ll leave it up to you.”

“… … .”

It’s a very calm and peaceful voice.

In reality, Lucifer wasn’t angry. Rather, he was asking sincerely without any hint of sarcasm. Because he understands Astaroth. Since Satan, the king of all demons, has become like that, it is understandable that he is nervous and anxious. No matter how great the devil is. Above all, he looked exactly like that right after the meeting.

Did you feel that emotion at all? Astaroth, who had been staring at Lucifer for a while, quietly looked away. The implications of this action are clear. Lilith secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“so. how.”

Baal, who had calmly caught his breath, also asked. Since he acknowledged that he was second only to Satan, there was no need for him to argue anymore.

“Satan did it.”

The same sound continued once again.

“There is only one chance left, and I will create that opportunity myself… . No, I’m going to make it.”

I will make it, I will try to make it.

At first glance, the two words sound similar, but there is a clear difference.

“When germination failed, I told them to withdraw without thinking twice… .”

Lucifer, who was staring bitterly into space, suddenly opened his eyes.

“… “I will continue.”

In this one moment, Lucifer’s momentum changed completely. Although the facial expression itself appears calm, the two eyes are momentarily colored with a colorful light. Just like that of a madman.

“If Satan’s role is to create opportunities, it is our role to seize them. And until that opportunity comes, each person has a role assigned to them.”

Lucifer emphasized the word role. It was an unfamiliar word to the devil, who always acted independently.

“I intend to act in accordance with Satan’s arrangements at this very moment. However, one thing is clear here: this plan will inevitably fail if we cannot unite the power of our seven forces. From now on, we will not tolerate even a single error. “Like finely meshed gears, if everything doesn’t work the way Satan wants, it might be better to give up here.”

The long conversation has come to an end. Although it was long, the meaning of what Lucifer said was simple. If you can’t trust me and follow me, I’ll just end it.

Naturally, none of the five demons who agreed to continue the action spoke up.

There is a saying that silence is positivity.

After waiting for a while, Lucifer slowly nodded his head and quietly opened his mouth.

“… “Okay then, let’s get started.”

On this day.

In the history of the Demon World, where the law of the fittest rules, the great demons joined hands for the first time.

For just one purpose.


From a mythological perspective, Ragnarok means ‘twilight of the gods’ and refers to the final battle fought by the gods in the distant mythological era.

However, from a geographical perspective, it can be seen as a kind of new continent that appears when you advance north from the southern continent, or more precisely, when you overcome several difficult mountain peaks and the ‘Oak Castle’ located there.

If you travel north from the Orc castle for about a week, you will come across a wide grassland, and the huge city located to the south of the grassland is called Ragnarok, the same name as the new continent.

As it has been a long time since it was built, the exterior of the city remains intact. However, it may have been recently renovated here and there, but it still had a strong old-fashioned feel rather than being old.

Although it has not yet regained its full grandeur, the city streets were overflowing with bustle and bustle, and the scene of countless people coming and going seemed very prosperous.

If this city had something famous, people would not hesitate at all to choose one. A building called the ‘Blue Palace’ in the central city.

In fact, the Blue Palace was the largest building in the city, boasting an enormous scale and the height of luxury. If anyone passes by it even once, their eyes are naturally taken away, and they feel their heart pounding for some reason just by looking at it.

In fact, it was the effect of a huge magic circle placed on the ground, but I only thought that the beautiful blue light flowing softly on the outside meant that it was made of a special stone.

On the balcony of one of the upper floors of this palace, a woman came out and looked at the city.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

There is more content later, but I have to go out early this morning, at 06:00.

I had no choice but to hang up because I felt like I had to get ready quickly.

Please understand this, and I will make up for the parts I missed today in the next episode.

sorry. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode