MEMORIZE Chapter 846

00846 Meanwhile, Same Time: Seven —————————- —————————–=

The sky, which was clear and cloudless in the morning, turned red as time passed, casting a dark twilight.

I leaned against the sunset-colored terrace railing and stared at the sky, then lowered my gaze as if guided by a sound coming from below.

Even though the sun is slowly setting, the castle garden is full of chaotic footsteps. It’s normal to be leisurely at this time, but today, for some reason, it’s constantly busy.

no. To be exact, I should say it was four days ago.

Suddenly, I saw Nam Da-eun chatting with a man under the terrace. To be precise, every time Nam Da-eun opens her mouth to meet her coldness, her man is bending over her back with a very angry look on his face. Let’s try increasing her hearing a little.


“Yes, yes. Gathering time is around dawn… .”


“Yes, yes. The meeting place is at the main gate of the city… .”

He seems to be a user who received secret library records from Hamill and came to request mercenaries for us. Although Nam Da-eun’s attitude is cocky, she has no intention of interfering with things that stem from her personal personality or style. It’s ironic, but doesn’t his man also have a trusting expression on his face when he sees that? After all, it’s after a sword.

Aside from the personal appearance, the man’s appearance is extremely shabby compared to Nam Da-eun, who is wearing translucent, sensual ice armor. Even if you look at it positively, would you be the leader of a caravan that makes a living every day? In any case, it seems that there is no room to purchase the leader of the Mercenary melee class and an S-rank clan member as a mercenary.

If it’s the way it is.

In other words, it is possible now. I made it possible.

I was able to get a hint from Lee Yu-jeong. Lee Yoo-jeong achieved a rapid rise in rank by carrying out enormous requests in a short period of time. The reason why we were able to take on so many requests is that users who were originally ranked B were lowered to F, so users who value price/performance ratio flocked to the site.

With that in mind, I instructed all clan members to have a minimum grade of F and a maximum grade of C. Of course, the grade was not actually lowered, but only for mercenary fees.

My brother said that he would definitely focus this work on Mercantile, and in fact, countless users came to visit over the course of four days. However, considering that the price may be burdensome, special measures were taken to attract more reliably.

The clan members also had no major complaints. They said they would make up for the amount not received from the original price from the clan’s finances.

In any case, the effect of the rate reduction policy was clear. Just looking at it right now, I could feel that every corner of the castle was busy. Not only Nam Da-eun, but other clan members are also active, including Cha So-rim, who politely sees off the client, Woo Jung-min, who is silently listening to the explanation, and the siblings Ha Seung-woo and Ha Seung-yoon, who beat their chests and tell them to only trust themselves.

I can see it as the best choice for me too. The more quests you take on, the more rewards you can expect upon success, which will include equipment items. In other words, you can raise the level of the Northern Continent and strengthen the Mercantile Clan at the same time, so it’s literally like eating the pheasant and the egg.

“I never thought it would turn out like this… .”

Although no one was listening, I muttered to myself and raised my gaze to the sky again.

I thought about this phenomenon for a while. In a way, the steps we are taking now can be seen as a kind of quick writing.

Originally, a secret library that would be revealed a few years later was discovered and revealed in advance, and the ruins of Atlanta were quickly attacked. And soon, when Atlanta becomes as saturated as the old North Continent… .

“then… .”

… Oh, has it already been this long?

The sun, which was slowly setting, burned brightly like a candle just before it goes out, staining the whole world purple. Perhaps he doesn’t want to stay up all night, but it feels like the garden he was fixing a little while ago is slowly quieting down.

But I didn’t leave right away. Until the sun completely set and the castle became completely quiet, I stood there staring endlessly at the garden as dusk gradually spread over it.


Meanwhile, Same Time: Seven

Meanwhile, same time.

“so… .”

Lucifer stared at the large demon prostrate in front of him and opened his mouth in disgust.

“Are you saying it was successful?”

The Great Devil’s Question. No matter what the question is, if you are a mere creature and not a demon 14 lord of the lower level, it is normal for you to open your mouth immediately.

But for some reason, the demons are not able to speak out easily. He raised his head for a moment, but hesitated with a look of conflict on his face.

Lucifer seemed frustrated, but he wasn’t the type to get angry over something like this. He is rare for an Archdemon.

“You’re saying we’re gathering because we’re successful, right?”

“Well, that…” .”

The demon raised his eyes slightly, then immediately lowered them and continued speaking.

“As you know, the seal is so severe… . I don’t know the details… . Just checking from the outside… .”

“It means the information has been blocked. “Then isn’t it a failure?”

“Well, not really. No unique phenomenon occurring during failure has been identified. Rather, like Belial, the situation is very stable.”

“… … .”

This is neither the case nor anything. I am not sure about anything. Lucifer touched his forehead and sighed, and the demon quickly lowered his head.

In fact, it would be a lie if Lucifer said he wasn’t waiting for this news. But it wasn’t a wait in a good sense. It wasn’t that I was scared, but I was extremely anxious and nervous. It’s like holding a lottery ticket and waiting to win even though you know it won’t work and you will fail.

I felt like I just wanted to give up everything and leave. But eventually Lucifer rose from his throne.

“… “Everyone gathered together.”

“Yes, yes! All five of you except Lucifer… .”

“Guide me.”

“All right!”

In case he changed his mind, the demon hurriedly got up from his seat.

“after… .”

Eventually, Lucifer let out a long sigh as he carefully followed the leading demon. As I walked, I slowly closed my dark-shadowed eyes and slowly fell into deep thought.

‘After the meeting was over… .’


< Reminiscence >

“Satan! Satan!”

A scene that would have made the Demon 14 Lord or lower level demons look shocked occurred. Lucifer, known for his calm and relaxed demeanor, was running down the stairs in a huff. Perhaps, if the demons under his direct command had witnessed it, they might have dared to question whether he was really the Creator.

But as if that didn’t matter, Lucifer just focused on going down the stairs. It’s like chasing a lover who has just broken up.

After a while, Lucifer managed to catch Satan at the end of the stairs. Satan, who was trudging along, must have sensed the presence and slowed down for a moment.


When Lucifer screams like a thunderbolt, he turns around in surprise.

“hmm. Wasn’t it your principle not to raise your voice carelessly in a space where the owner is present? Lucifer?”

Satan spoke calmly, but Lucifer’s momentum did not subside. He glared at me with menacing eyes and tried to compose himself. It’s not that I don’t have anything I want to say, but there’s so much that I don’t know where to start. In the end, I decided on the most implicit question and continued.

“this… . What happened… .”


“The meeting we just had. “Why did you decide to proceed?”

“… … ?”

At the end, the voice rose again. However, Satan looked like he truly did not understand what was happening. When Lucifer said no more, he opened his mouth quietly.

“That’s strange. We held a meeting in the face of a precarious situation, and as a result of the vote, there were many opinions in favor of continuing with this arrangement. “Lucifer, you and I were the only ones left.”

“Didn’t Satan also go ahead and oppose it? And regardless of the voting results, Satan had the power to decide.”

“Not really. “So you’re saying you’re dissatisfied with my decision?”

“If so, what would you do?”

Lucifer flashed a bluish eye. The tone of speech was also quite challenging. But Satan grinned as if it was fun.

“It’s nothing bad. I’m sure the Fallen Angel challenge would be fun. However, given the situation, I would like you to tolerate a little power struggle.”

Lucifer looked stunned at the eerily calm answer. Satan saw that and laughed.

“It’s a joke.”

“Satan. Oh, please… .”

Lucifer cooed, but at the same time felt awkward. This is because he suddenly felt an inexplicable vitality from Satan, who had always been dark and secretive. Lucifer observed closely and soon his body trembled.

It’s just a guess, but… .

I felt it was similar.

After the prophecy of the great world came down, Lucifer was in the position not to pay any particular attention. To be more precise, should we call it neutral?

However, as the situation gradually became more unfavorable, I felt the need to clarify my position. Cool-headed reason demanded judgment based on more certain information rather than unconditional continuation. So he created an incident that wasted the precious resources of the 14 Demon Lords, and failed spectacularly.

As a result, although we obtained a lot of information and decided to withdraw, we cannot deny that the disappearance of Pluton and Proserpina was a huge blow.

However, Lucifer thought of the work at that time as a kind of investment, and the process of arranging it itself felt enjoyable.

However, I felt that the person I was then and the person I am now are similar.

Yes, Satan is clearly having fun.

The moment he felt that way, the thought in Lucifer’s mind was, ‘I have to stop it.’ A thought crossed my mind. This is because no one knows what Satan will do once he decides to do so.

“Satan. You have to think calmly. They don’t even know the current situation. But it’s not Satan. “Didn’t you check with me?”


“Hwajeong and Gyeophwa came together. In a situation where even one person would be shocked, two people ended up stuck together. “Even the mighty Baal sacrificed his precious life without even making a sound.”

“that’s right.”

“It’s not just this. It’s a guess, but I’m sure. I don’t know what happened, but Kim Soo-hyun definitely knows us. Now he seems to know why he predicted that Great World would be defeated. While we were conceited and relaxed, he steadily increased his power by eliminating our arrangements. “If it’s the Demon World, we can’t guarantee it anymore in the Hole Plain.”

“hmm. “That is likely to be the case.”

“To put it bluntly, there is no one on our side. Even time is helping him. To put it bluntly, if you store up enough strength in Atlanta and march to Terra, what do you plan to do then?”


Lucifer, who had been talking at length, stared at Satan with a puzzled face. Even though it is explained in detail, instead of questioning it, it is acknowledged in its entirety. That confident attitude cooled their boiling heads.

After gathering his thoughts for a moment, Lucifer opened his mouth in a more calm voice.

“I know that after the summoning of the Archduke of Hell, all the Archdemons except me gave up on the Northern Continent. And that Satan is watching the southern continent.”

“It’s not Jusi, I already touched it.”

Satan slowly corrected his words with a smile on his face the entire time.

“Anyway, it’s good. “Then is there something there?”


“Whether it’s a thought or a thought, anything is fine. “Does Satan have the confidence to overcome this situation?”

“hmm… .”

Satan drooled and slowly stroked his chin.

“I know it’s rude, but I want to hear it. No, I really need to hear it.”

Lucifer stared at the other person with a stern face, as if he could not give up an inch.

Eventually, Satan burst into laughter. He takes a deep breath and slowly tilts his head back.


Lucifer’s brow furrowed.

“… yes?”

“well… . “I can’t remember anything either.”


“Even if we take control of the southern continent… . Actually, I don’t think there’s much chance of winning. It’s much better than the eastern continent, but there is still a difference. I wonder if the Northern Continents, like us, are so conceited by their success that they don’t settle for Atlanta for a few years… . “All I could think about was this.”

“What… now?” ?”

“Well, anyway, it means that the great world’s prophecy was correct.”

After saying that, Satan suddenly lowered his head and looked directly at the other person.

“okay… . “Lucifer.”

At the moment when Lucifer was startled by the sudden gaze, Satan’s red pupils were torn open and a luminous light was emitted.

“We have already been defeated. is not it?”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The beginning of the incident.

Let’s begin Episode 7.


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not work with dark mode