MEMORIZE Chapter 844

00844 The First Step Toward Return, Eight. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was that moment.

‘… sorry.’

Suddenly, a memory crossed my mind.

‘My abilities were not enough.’

‘Everything went as expected… . I thought it would be like that this time too… .’

‘I think I understand now. What a frog-in-a-well thought that was… .’

‘I am… . ‘I am not qualified to be commander-in-chief.’

Were they attacking the Steel Mountains? After the battle with Kushan Tor, my brother reproached himself in front of me. The image of him sitting against a tree, helplessly blaming himself, clearly appears before his eyes. Why does it suddenly overlap with my memories of that time?

Suddenly silence fell. In a silence that felt a little awkward, I calmly organized my thoughts. First of all, I know that my brother thought a lot while I was out and about. So, rather than being emotionally driven, it would be better for me to think rationally.

Guardian of the Northern Continent.

It’s definitely a good idea. Of course, there are more than 80% of people who do not know that there are guardians, but this is only the case for ordinary users. Many of the large clans currently established in the northern continent have benefited from the Guardians and are aware of their existence.

In other words, the part I pointed out is neatly resolved. Users are basically profit-seeking beings, but if you suddenly become friends by giving them a few records after being strangers to each other, they will naturally be suspicious. However, if I secretly reveal my identity here, everything is OK. Because historically, there are countless examples of Guardians helping the Clan unconditionally.

In the end, everything was as my brother said. While the guardians of the past only had a ‘justice’ by moving between various clans, I already have the ‘force’ of the Mercenary Clan and an alliance with Istantel Row and Hamill. And what if your brother’s actions win over ‘public sentiment’? It would not be impossible to hold more authority than any previous guardian.

However, it is not without problems. There were two major obstacles to thinking only about a rosy future.

First of all, the relationship between me and the angels is not very good. (Of course, it is largely my fault for being one-sidedly hostile.) And another thing is that I do not have the strength to play the role of a guardian at the same time. I felt sorry for Lee Hyo-eul, who was always suffering from fatigue, but in reality, there are many difficulties in holding both the Mercenary Clan and the central management organization.

After weighing things back and forth for a while, the pendulum eventually tipped to one side. I opened my mouth cautiously.

“well. My brother probably knows this, but the role of a guardian itself has a strong angelic tendency… .”

“That’s why I ask you to do it. It seems like even an angel can’t do anything wrong to you, and if Su-hyeon were you, wouldn’t you be able to claim your legitimate rights instead of blaming others? “More than anyone else.”

“Uhm. Still, the Guardian is a bit… .”

“hmm… . why?”

“First of all, me and the angel hate each other… .”

“That’s no reason.”

My brother spoke calmly, but shook his head firmly.

“That may not work.”


He looked worried for a moment, but then calmly continued speaking.

“Now that I’ve said it, let me add. To put it bluntly, since we have a common enemy, the devil, I want you to be on good terms with the angel.”

“… So anyway, I’m not saying you should become an angel’s follower.”

“That’s not it. “You don’t understand anything I’m saying.”

“… … .”

My older brother looked frustrated and continued speaking soothingly.

“I understand why you are hostile to angels. And I didn’t tell you not to hate it. But there is a saying like this, right? It is said that the enemy of my enemy is my comrade. As things stand, we need to cooperate with the angels and make the most of them. Of course, you should never believe it on the inside, but at least pretend to it on the outside. “Maybe if I were you, I would do the same.”

The moment I heard the long explanation, I suddenly felt speechless. shit. This is why I don’t want to fight verbally with her older brother. It seems like I came here today with a firm intention, but I am logically blocking the hole through which I could escape. It is so right in every detail, should I say that I have nothing to say?

“Yes, but. It’s hard for me to also serve as a guardian now… .”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that either.”


“I already told you. Even if you become a guardian, Lee Hyo-eul will handle the basic tasks and will continue to hold the position of head of the central management organization. Of course, you will be responsible for deciding the lines, but there will be no need to worry about the little details.”

Have you already made it that far? I couldn’t help but laugh. At this point, I have no choice but to follow my brother’s opinion.

“… “I feel really sorry for you.”

My brother must have seen my expression and smiled bitterly.

“It would already be complicated, but I feel like it’s putting too much burden on me.”

“No, not that.”

I don’t think so. Although they had made a plan to return, the reality was that no one knew about it and they had no one to rely on. But while he was busy taking care of things, his older brother was taking care of everything. In fact, I felt even more thankful as I felt like my vague plan was gradually becoming concrete.

At that moment, I suddenly heard a slight vibration and my brother took out a small crystal ball from his pocket.

– Clan Lord… . now… .

“Um, um. okay?”

– yes… . already… .

“okay. “I’ll go right away.”

After briefly contacting me, my brother sighed deeply with a look of regret on his face.

“Suhyun. I’m sorry… .”

“No, go ahead. Because it’s okay.”

There is no reason to be sorry at all. Since you made such an announcement today, it is abnormal that you are not busy. Since my brother is also the lord of a clan, there must be a position he needs. In a way, this is my fault too. Because I asked my brother for it.

“Okay, thank you. “Then think about it.”

My brother touched the thick envelope and turned around.


However, just before opening the door, he stopped and looked back at me.

“Come to think of it… . Since I attended, can I just assume the answer I heard?”


“Choose one or the other.”

“Oh~. “No, not yet.”

As I smiled and shook my head, my brother’s eyes widened.

“You still haven’t decided?”

“well. “Is there really a need to choose now?”


“That’s right. I’m not in a situation where I can make a decision yet, and there’s a lot of work to do. “It’s not like gulping down kimchi soup.”

Seraph said. Don’t be afraid of change due to differences in experience. This is a word that strangely fits my situation. Isn’t that right? Unlike the first episode, which was only filled with pain and sadness, this episode where I am now is definitely different.

“Anyway, I don’t know. If I experience it a little more, my thoughts might change. I plan to keep thinking about it until then. “Why can’t we do this?”

My brother lifted his chin slightly and nodded his head slowly as if he was thinking about something.

After a while.

“Nothing can’t be done.”

The sound of the door opening and a calm voice overlapped.

“No, I was hoping you would at least say something like that.”

Before leaving the door, my brother looked at me and smiled charmingly.


After my brother left, I also got ready to leave right away. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but now that I’ve made a decision, I have no intention of being slow to act. I didn’t want to mess around and miss this opportunity.

In fact, thoughts of arrogance crossed my mind as I went to the temple. No matter how correct it may be, it is far-fetched to hope that prejudices that have persisted for over a decade will disappear in an instant. I still don’t think very well of being a ‘guardian’… .

Still, I understood what my brother meant. My brother didn’t want me to become a king in the true sense of the word. To sum it up in one word, he was hoping to play a central role. From beginning to end, all focus was on ‘me’.

Anyway, with the mats laid out this way, there’s nothing they can’t do.

Anyway, what should a guardian do? It’s a bit difficult to contact Lee Hyo-eul. Since the position is vacant anyway, would you mind meeting in person and talking about it first?

While thinking about this and that, the moment I finally entered the summoning room, I unconsciously stopped walking. Because the angel sitting on the central altar, or rather lying face down, was not a Seraph.

In fact, Seraph was standing somewhat behind the altar. He along with three other archangels.

‘We will meet again soon.’

Suddenly, the words I heard earlier flashed through my mind.

“Are you really here?”

At that time, a vivid voice resonated loudly in the space. The angel lying at an angle on the altar was none other than Gabriel. Without even looking at me, he is carefully trimming his nails with a slight smile on his face.

“To come this way… . “Are you thinking of becoming a guardian?”

Oh my, are you trying to get straight to the point?

“or not… . “Because you want to hang out with Seraph again?”

Just as I was thinking that, Gabriel glanced up at me and asked in a playful voice.

“Go, Gabriel.”

While Seraph was confused, I took a halting step forward. I sat down on the gray floor and calmly stared ahead. Michael had his eyes closed, Raphael was squatting down and smiling, and Uriel was glaring at me with his arms crossed.

Seraph didn’t know what to do, but when he made eye contact with me, he turned his head away as if embarrassed. Gabriel burst out laughing and went back to fixing his nails.

“So, what are you going to do? “If it’s the latter, I’m willing to avoid the situation.”

A tone of voice that seems uninterested. However, both eyes are completely sunken.

“first of all… . “Have you met my brother?”

“Oh, it’s electronic.”

Gabriel chuckled and naturally nodded. The constant flapping of my legs is strangely annoying.

“That’s right. Actually, I was a bit surprised at that time. “I was curious what made the Emperor the Terrible suddenly blow and see us.”

“… … .”

“But it’s even more surprising now. I was skeptical, but I never thought it would really come. “What happened to you?”

“what… .”

I barely finished speaking. I can’t bear to say anything. Just seeing it like this makes me feel nauseated. Abominable bitches.

… but.

“little… .”

You have to endure it. It must be suppressed, at least for now. Let’s admit that unconditional emotional exhaustion is not good, and remember what our brother said.

“I would say my thoughts have changed.”

At that moment, Gabriel’s calf, which had been moving chaotically, suddenly stopped. Michael opened his eyes and Raphael’s eyes sparkled.

I could barely tell at that moment. In other words, it could be said that this is a place for testing. Because I haven’t become a guardian yet. He’s probably watching me closely right now to figure out my true intentions.


Gabriel finally responded. He slowly raised his upper body and sat down lightly on the altar.

“Would you like to hear more details?”

The opponent is the Archangel. Poor acting or lies don’t work. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way. All you have to do is mix a little bit of falsehood with almost perfect facts.

“What do you want to hear? I still hate you guys. “This is an undeniable fact.”

“what… !”

I knew it. As soon as I said that, Uriel got angry. It would be better to stop this.

“However, I admit that I misunderstood you guys a little.”

“misunderstanding? Ha, it’s a misunderstanding?”

“okay. misunderstanding.”

“Uriel, shut up. No, just be quiet for a moment.”

As Uriel fumed like an angry animal, Gabriel cut him off sharply.

“bouncer! Gabriel! What did I say!”


“The moment that bastard woke up, Seraph pitched his tent! They said they cast a protection spell to prevent the conversation from leaking out! Even now! I’m up to something… !”


Nevertheless, the moment I growled without stopping,

“… “Didn’t I tell you to shut up?”

Gabriel slightly turned his head and spoke in a cold voice. Then, in less than a second, Uriel’s body became as hard as ice. Since I didn’t feel anything, I guess I was only focusing my life on one object.

Gabriel, who subdued Uriel with just his eyes, immediately looked back at me and smiled softly. He seemed to be telling me to keep saying it. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t normally have a hobby of self-torture, but in fact, I think I’ve been caught up in blind emotions. When I think about it, it was a simple thing. “I hate the devil more than I hate you.”

“Hmm~. “How much more do you hate it?”

“To the point where I want to rip it to shreds and kill it if it’s in front of me. In fact, it would be correct to say that I hate it.”

“Um, um.”

Following Gabriel’s question, Michael’s exclamation was heard. He seems to like what I say, as he is an angel who always leads the battle from the vanguard.

“But isn’t this the same for you too?”

“To say the least, nagging!”

The moment the question was asked again, Michael shouted as if it was obvious.

At that time, I suddenly felt a staring gaze. For some reason, the Seraph was standing slightly behind the Archangels and was looking at me with extremely tense eyes. And the moment our eyes met, he nodded his head ever so slightly. It was then.

“… … ?”

The moment Uriel momentarily looked back at Seraph,

“good. “Then the conversation is over.”

I quickly looked away and put my hand into my arms.

“Extinction of the devil. As long as this purpose is met… .”

He put the tobacco he took out in his mouth and grinned. It was a good laugh. The die has already been cast and the water has been completely spilled. There is no turning back once we have come this far.

Yeah, I… .

“I could cooperate with you as a guardian.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Kim Yoo-hyun’s position has actually already come out once.

It appears at the beginning of episode 810, but I think many people will find it annoying.

So, I will copy and paste that part directly into the review.

Reviews are not included in the serial capacity, so we ask for your understanding.


What is the current level of the North Continent?

If we think about the ‘continent’ as a standard, it is safe to say that most of the results that could be achieved in the former Northern Continent were achieved. Not only the large city of Barbara, but also the regular cities of Prinica, Halo, Monica, and Pamela have achieved a very high level of stabilization. Mule, a small northern city, is underdeveloped, but it cannot be helped since it is an area bordering an unexplored area to begin with.

The situation in Atlanta, the New North Continent, is similar. After conquering the Steel Mountains and breaking through the warp gate, not only the advance team but also the majority of combat users active in the old Northern Continent came over. Using the experience of conquering the North Continent and the Steel Mountains as a stepping stone, exploration activities are more active than ever. Although it is still too early to talk about stabilization, it is undeniable that the pace at which it can be considered stabilized is accelerating day by day.

So what about ‘Castle’? Based on the central management organization that manages the central city, the eastern city is managed by the Istantel Low Clan, the western city is managed by the (former) Northern Union, the southern city is managed by the Mercenary Clan, and the northern city is managed by the Hamill Clan.

They have deep emotional ties with each other, and the phenomenon of inter-clan antagonism has become a thing of the past. After the rise of the Mercenary Clan and the establishment of a central governing body, the relationships between each city were restored to an incomparable degree. Unless heaven and earth change, there is no way Hamill and Mercenary will turn their backs on each other. Istantel Row has maintained friendly relations with Mercantilery since its launch, and the former Northern Alliance does not take any particularly exclusive actions.

So what is the ‘internal status’? The development situation is very good. Not to mention the four outer cities, the inner city has also completed development. When it was first discovered, the old and shabby exterior was gone, and it was reborn as a neatly organized new city. It is obvious that the more solid the basic base is, the easier other activities will be for users.

Considering these perspectives, it is safe to say that the North Continent currently has sufficient capacity to stabilize Atlanta and is becoming stronger day by day.


‘If you look at it positively, this is it.’

bang. The sound of a light hitting the desk was heard. The fingers resting on the desk intermittently tap on the desk as if playing a piano. Although it seems a meaningless action at first glance, it can be seen as a kind of habit. This is Kim Yu-hyeon’s habit that often appears when she is deep in thought.

‘If it’s just to eat well and live well, it wouldn’t be bad now. but… .’

Yes. If you are going to live in Hole Plain for 1,000,000 years, the current situation is perfect. However, if the ultimate goal is ‘return to Earth’, the story is bound to be different. Kim Yoo-hyeon, who was confident about the future in the present cruise, had doubts about the future after hearing the circumstances of the past.

To put it bluntly, it doesn’t look that bright. If it’s just a strategy, why hasn’t Kim Soo-hyun talked about the expedition until now? Even if it’s a bit of a stretch, everything is done as long as you have zero code. In the end, we have no choice but to interpret it as not being ready yet.

Is this all? If you think about the ‘devil’, the future ahead becomes even darker. When Kim Soo-hyun mentioned the devil, he spoke as if he was literally shaking. I don’t know, but they probably aren’t easy guys. If you think about these various obstacles, the current situation, and the users of the first round in the past, you cannot help but feel worried.

It is said that even mice bite cats when cornered. But the devil is not a rat. That’s why it’s scarier. I can’t even guess what kind of crazy thing he’s going to plan, but he actually has the ability to accomplish it. So, when the Devils begin their activities in earnest and clash, will the Northern Continent be able to show the capabilities it had in the first inning?

The answer is ‘no’. If the devil appears and becomes active, there is a high possibility that it will become a ‘war’ rather than an ‘expedition’. The two words have a huge difference in meaning. The Northern Continent has very few actions as a ‘group’. I have too little experience to use the Barbara attack, the Atlanta attack, and the war with the Allied Forces three years ago as examples. In particular, weren’t the problems clearly felt while targeting the Steel Mountains?

‘It can’t go on like this.’

So Kim Yu-hyeon desperately felt the need for change. She is anxious to just let things happen like this, and feels sorry for her younger brother to leave everything to Kim Soo-hyun. She at least knew the situation and should at least help herself, that’s what Kim Yu-hyun thought.

Of course, this does not mean that we are planning to recreate the ‘Spring and Autumn Warring States Period’. Because that’s really stupid. In any case, unless war can be promoted intentionally, combat experience should be increased as much as possible, even in other directions. So, I was secretly happy when they announced that they would release two-thirds of the records in the secret library. I was worried about what would happen if they monopolized it.

However, this alone is not enough. What the North Continent currently needs most is someone who can lead the way, whether it is a user or a clan. Like the Clan Lord of the Golden Lion who led the Barbara raid a few years ago. In other words, a ‘centre point’ is needed.

Of course, plans for this had already been made to some extent. Kim Soo-hyun simply asked to reveal the records in the secret library without any conditions, but Kim Yu-hyun had no intention of doing so. This was an opportunity that would never be available again. Moreover, with the Northern Continent Guardian position vacant, wouldn’t this be the best time?

‘I feel a little sorry for Suhyeon, but… . ‘I just can’t think of it.’

Kim Yu-hyeon let out a long sigh. She may be placing an even greater burden on the subjects she said she would help. However, no matter how much I think about it, I cannot think of a user who can replace it. Kim Soo-hyun, who went through the first round and came out on top, was the best candidate.

Preparations to take the first step toward returning have already been completed.

But before that… .

‘I guess I’ll have to try my luck first.’


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not work with dark mode