MEMORIZE Chapter 842

00842 The First Step Toward Return, Eight. ————————————————– ———————-=

At first there was light laughter such as giggling. On the outside, Kim Yoo-hyun is a handsome man with a very cold and rational impression who will never tolerate a mistake. The situation in which such a man made the so-called joke is quite funny. However, the person involved was staring into the distant light with his eyes slightly raised.


Finally, when the laughter was slowly fading away, murmurs were suddenly heard from everywhere. What was noisy in the back at first gradually spread to the front, and even Gong Chan-ho and Han So-young, who were in the front row, turned their heads.

Soon the tightly gathered crowd split in half, revealing a man. Kim Yu-hyun’s face brightened noticeably as she saw Kim Soo-hyun walking towards her.


As I shouted in joy, countless eyes fell on me. Kim Yu-hyeon, who recognized the mistake, immediately corrected his words.

“Oh, it’s a little late.”

“sorry. “I went to the summoning room.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who bowed his head, quickly came up to the podium and sat down next to Kim Yu-hyun. And the two brothers looked at each other once. There was no long conversation. The fact that you participated is enough. After a while, the official announcement resumed with Kim Yu-hyun shaking her head.

“Then let me finish answering. “Who just asked the question?”

Kim Yu-hyeon picked up the provided records and looked down.

“Yes, yes.”

The man who asked the question agreed. However, it was a vaguely shaky voice. To be precise, while answering Kim Yu-hyun’s words, I was watching Kim Soo-hyun indifferently looking around. The crowd gathered in this square must have easily exceeded 10,000, but instead of feeling burdened, I even felt an energy that was overwhelming the surroundings.

“The reason I’m revealing this is… .”

Kim Yu-hyeon continued.

“In fact, the ownership of this record belongs to the Mercenary Lord, not me.”

“In other words, I am only an agent, and the person who discovered this and proposed to make it public is the Mercenary Lord.”

At that moment, all the eyes that were looking at Kim Yu-hyeon moved to the left. Kim Soo-hyun, who was quietly listening, glanced to the side, but the younger brother, who was just smiling, smiled. Finally, he opened his mouth with a short sigh.

“I just came here and don’t know much about the situation. “Are you curious as to why the records of the secret library are being made public?”

It was just a simple question. However, the man who asked the question ‘asked for no reason.’ And she regretted it. She actually said, ‘Sire, command.’ It was an influence, but she could barely say yes anyway.

“Eh, I don’t mean that in a bad way. “If what Hamill Lord said is true, the value of the records would be truly enormous.”

“Of course.”

“Then, one way or another, since an individual has discovered something, the results should be seen as belonging to the user who discovered it. It may make me feel a little sick to my stomach to be honest, but this is an unwritten rule that no one can say anything about. … However, I am curious about the true intention of making it public and sharing it together, even while giving up the right. “Actually, I don’t have any feelings of anxiety.”

“Oh, that’s simple. “Because I couldn’t do that.”

Despite the lengthy explanation, the answer was literally very simple. Embarrassment spread across her man’s face.


“To be more specific, there was a force that did not want me to dominate.”

“Influence… . “What?”

“It’s an angel.”

The moment the word angel was mentioned, a look of puzzlement appeared on the faces of the crowd. In a way, it was a natural reaction. It was said that the angels, who had up until now maintained a strictly helper position, had directly interfered. While the commotion gradually grew, someone quietly raised his hand. It was Han So-young.

“Are you saying that an angel forcibly restricted it?”

“no. “There was no coercion at all.”


“hmm… . “The angel made an offer and I accepted, let me just say this much.”

As the opponent was the opponent, Kim Soo-hyun spoke euphemistically so as not to be caught by ‘extra senses’. Then, questions started pouring in from all directions, starting with Han So-young.

“A suggestion? Can you tell me what your proposal is?”

“no. “I can’t reveal that in detail.”

“wait a minute. “If the angel said that, does that mean those records are really valuable as achievements?”

“Maybe so?”

Kim Soo-hyun still does not know the exact intention of why this event was created. He just knows that he is in the process of fulfilling his vow to Gabriel.

In other words, how much weight does a single word say in a place where such a huge crowd gathers? And they don’t know how regular users perceive their every word.

“wait a minute. Anyway, aren’t you saying that Mercenary Lord was the first to discover it?”

“you’re right.”

“… I don’t know. Are you saying that you are going to release the results for free without any conditions? “Really?”

“I will answer that.”

At that time, Kim Yu-hyeon, who had been quietly watching, slowly stepped forward. I was waiting for an opportunity and when the question I wanted came up, it came out right away.

“Well, it’s for everyone, joy is doubled when shared…” . I won’t say something embarrassing like this. That is not the true intention of me or the Mercenary Lord.”

“We are users.”

We are users before we are people. These were the first words taught at the user academy, and they were words that could not be taken at face value.

“I’ve said this several times, but I definitely said I would release it for free and without any conditions. “I’m not saying I’m going to change this.”

“However, this is an action that I also want to gain, and it is not an action done out of good intentions.”

“Of course, I was greedy at first. There’s no way I wouldn’t be greedy. If this is a record… .”

“However, following the Mercenary Lord’s persuasion, I decided to take a step back in order to achieve greater success.”

Kim Yu-hyeon, who had spoken up to this point, took a moment to catch his breath. She wasn’t finished speaking yet.

“because… .”

After pausing for a few seconds while slowly looking around, he finally opened his mouth.

“Because we discovered a passage to the new continent.”

It was that moment.

“… … !”

“… … !”

The moment the word “new continent” was mentioned, the square immediately became cluttered. A commotion quickly spread through the crowd, creating one loud murmur. The words of so many users were mixed together that it was difficult to understand them properly. Kim Yu-hyeon raised his right hand as he saw the users opening their mouths.

“Be quiet… ! I don’t know much at the moment, so this is still just a guess. And even if I give you the information, will you at least try to attack me?”

As I shouted loudly, the hall gradually became quiet. If you think about it, what Kim Yu-hyun said is correct. You can tell just by looking at the Steel Mountains. Even with 15,000 of the most elite, it was barely enough. It was not an area that could be conquered even if several large clans united.

Although it was barely quiet, the square was already heated up. Heavy breathing could be heard here and there. The atmosphere is so inflated like a balloon filled with air that it feels like it will explode just by touching it with a needle. This was also the atmosphere Kim Yu-hyun intended.

“Back to the point, we want to invest in you.”

“As an investor, I will share these records free of charge. Then, you can explore and obtain achievements based on this record. And in the future, when information about the new continent is fully revealed, be sure to show off your skills that have become stronger during regular expeditions. This is what I and the Mercantile Lords want.”

Kim Yu-hyeon looked around the hall, which had become as quiet as a mouse, and opened his mouth.

“Of course, some of you may still have doubts.”

“If you don’t want to believe it, don’t do it. I won’t say something like this in a childish way.”

“However, you may be aware that the Mercenary Clan recently attacked a ruin called the Bottomless Pit of Death.”

“If the record about him also comes from this record… . Would you believe it?”

Somewhere, “Are you sure?” The saying came out. Kim Yu-hyun turned to her side as if to ask her directly, and Kim Soo-hyun nodded her head with her eyes closed.

This wasn’t the only thing. After a while, Kim Yu-hyeon started calling several users by name. Soon, starting with Lee Hyo-eul, about ten famous users emerged, including Gong Chan-ho, Kim Deok-pil, Seonyul, Seong Hyun-min, etc. And they also testified that they achieved results based on records from the secret library. Today, for this very moment, Kim Yu-hyeon had prepared it in advance.

It is said that all of these more than ten records were successful. There was no longer any doubt.

Then did he think the time was ripe? When there seemed to be a commotion brewing again, Kim Yu-hyeon suddenly raised his hand. After receiving the signal, two Hamill Clan members brought an old study about four meters high and placed it in front of the podium. Although it was not tightly packed with water leaks, the study was divided into a total of 20 rooms and contained an uncountable number of records.

Kim Yu-hyeon got up from his seat, walked to the front of the podium, and took a seat in the study.

“What results can be achieved with which records. “I don’t know that much.”

When I shook the study slightly, the fallen records hit the floor and became disorganized. The piercing gaze immediately turns downward.

“But not only gold and silver treasures, but also equipment, elixirs, classes… . There are so many, so how many can there be? Moreover, I heard that the Mercenary Lord obtained a magical elixir during an expedition not long ago.”

At that moment, a light lit up in the users’ eyes.

There are no conditions and you don’t have to pay anything.

Several clans also vouched for it.

If you want it, just go and get it.

So, I want you to achieve results, become stronger, and play an active role in the expedition to the New Continent in the future.

Are there better conditions than this?

“Users, caravans, clans, and alliances are all good. “I promise, I will not discriminate against anyone.”

Just as those thoughts crossed my mind, everyone started to stand up one by one at the sound of a voice coming from the podium. Even though no one told me to, I followed my own lead and craned my neck to stare into the study. The crowd was already mostly insane.

“As long as you have the passion to become stronger.”

Kim Yu-hyeon said that and smiled slightly. Then, raising her magic power, she shouted with a powerful voice.

“All the records and achievements here will be yours.”

The moment a voice full of magical power flowed through the hall,


A huge cheer erupted and the hall shook. Users raised their fists and screamed for the square to leave. The sound was so loud that the clear sky seemed to shake.


Meanwhile, Kim Yu-hyeon called my name in a low voice. Kim Soo-hyun glanced ahead and slowly stood up.

Then the shouts did not die down, but instead jumped up and lifted up the sky. Then, applause began to mix with the cheers. He applauded here and there, much like residents welcoming a hero. Even Han So-young and Gong Chan-ho, who was caught up in the atmosphere, were clapping their hands in an awkward manner.

In the midst of a shower of applause, Kim Soo-hyun raised his hand and waved with a calm face.

In this way.

One day, fourteen years after Kim Soo-hyun became a user.

Finally, the first step toward the final choice has been taken.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

(While reading the comments.)

Rashelty / Author, question is that at this point in the second playthrough, if Suhyeon dies and Yoohyeon uses the zero code to go back in time and start over, will Suhyeon’s memories return to the memories from the first playthrough?

Royu ‘Jin’: Well, this is… .

Rashelty / Why are you hanging up again? ㅠ But what does the review mean?ㅅ? Anyway, humans have both feminine and masculine ideas. Roy Yu-mi is Roy Yu-jin and Roy Yu-jin is Roy Yu-mi, so that’s it. Ro Yu-jin + Ro Yu-mi = Ro Yu-jin-mi

Royu ‘Jin’: … yes?


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not work with dark mode