Memorize Chapter 84

00084 一瀉千里 ———————————————— ————————=

The group was left speechless as they saw the magnificent majesty of the research institute unfolding before their eyes. In particular, Shin Sang-yong and Jeong Ha-yeon were speechless. It seems that it was a bit difficult for even them to accept the current situation as is.

“mind… Nonsense. Even if it’s just beginner’s luck. This, this… .”

“under. little… “It’s amazing.”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who seemed to have finally come to her senses, turned her gaze to Ansol, who was standing with a blank expression on her face. I smiled slightly, walked closer to Sol, and placed both hands on her waist.

“Our Sol is truly a blessing.”

Even though Sol touched his body, he showed no objection. He just tilted his head and turned his head towards me with innocent eyes.

“Am I lucky?”

“cancer. Anyway. “Our Sol is truly the best.”

Only then did Sol realize that I was praising him, and a wide smile appeared on his face. I just picked Sol-i up, rocked her up and down a few times, and picked her up on the plane.

“Wow. Wow.”

Sol also seemed excited, raising both hands and cheering quietly. I put Sol on the floor for a moment and then turned around again. On the third day after leaving Mule, we found a ruined laboratory.


We had a quick breakfast and left the inn. Everything was fine except that everyone looked at Go Yeon-ju with strange eyes as he came out to the inn door to see him off. The group’s atmosphere was stable, and their power was further strengthened by the addition of two skilled wizards.

“By the way, sister. “I’m a little worried.”


Yu-jeong was following Jeong Ha-yeon very well. Before they knew it, the two were calling each other older sister and younger brother. I felt relieved because it seemed like Yu-jeong, who had been running wild all this time, had a rein on him.

Yujeong took a quick look at my face and continued speaking.

“So far, Soo-hyeon and we have been working together while hunting monsters outside. But my sister and user Shin Sang-yong… .”

As I listened to Yoo-jeong’s words, I felt like my face was getting hot. It became even more so when I heard Jeong Ha-yeon laughing behind me. I wanted to immediately turn around and stretch my cheeks, but I thought it would be better to just pretend not to notice.

So we passed through the North Gate and headed north. If you go northwest, you’ll come across a pitch-black forest, but to the north, it’s just a plain. And if you go beyond that plain, you will come across a barren land with no end in sight. This time I was thinking of going in that direction.

This time, I also had something in mind, so I called Vivien in a quiet tone.


Vivien was in the midst of being bombarded with questions from Shin Sang-yong. She answered one by one with her arrogance, but when I called her, she looked a little dissatisfied. These days, she’s been showing signs of rebellion little by little, saying that she has a taste for life. When I slightly lifted her hand, she smiled brightly and snuggled next to me as if she had never done that before.

“huh. Su-hyun. Did you call me? Hi-Hi.”

“Hehe. “I’m sorry for calling you in the middle of a conversation.”

“So be careful next time… Ho ho ho. “Why do you say that?”

Seeing Vivien breaking out in a cold sweat, I gave her a cold smile and then got to the point. Vivien is currently 24 years old, the same age as me, but she has memories of living as a spider for over 100 years. Even though I had basically researched the information, I was still curious.

“Maybe in the past. So, the time before you became a spider. “Isn’t there a research center north of Mule?”

“laboratory? huh. “There was.”

I felt that the group’s steps slowed down a bit, as if they all heard Vivien’s sonorous answer. I also spoke quickly, looking a little excited.

“Then do you know where it is?”

“Of course, I don’t know the detailed location. It’s not like I remember everything that happened back then. Still, if you keep going in this direction, you will come out. “Didn’t you know that?”

“… … .”

I slumped my shoulders as I listened to Vivien’s answer, which instantly turned my expectations into disappointment. Still, at least I was able to obtain information that the location I had chosen was correct, so it wasn’t a complete loss.

The ruined laboratory was discovered when I wasn’t in Mule, so I didn’t have much memories about it. I was only briefly interested when I saw a bulletin from Mule that another caravan had succeeded in exploring the lab. Vivien returned to her original formation with a shocked expression on her face.

I am confident that I will find it if I use my third eye. However, the issue I am concerned about now is justification. Not once, not twice, but it was obvious that a user who had just entered his 0th year would find it strange when he discovered a lot of dungeons at once that even users with professional exploration skills could not do.

They may have completely settled into the clan, but they haven’t completely settled into our group yet. If you just think positively, like the kids or Shin Sang-yong, everything will be smooth sailing, but it can’t go as planned. From my perspective, it was clear that Ha-yeon Jeong would at least have doubts.

From Jeong Ha-yeon’s point of view, she would be hesitant to join a clan that she has some reservations about, and from my point of view, I have no intention of recruiting users who have doubts. I had told the kids that I would reveal the book and other details later, but the future was a problem.

I heard Sol’s voice comforting me from next to me, as if he saw how worried I was.

“Brother. are you okay.”

I wanted to snap, “What’s okay?”, but I knew I’d end up crying again, so I just gave him a faint smile and turned my head away.

After walking for a full day, we were able to leave the plain on the second day. The further away you are from the Mule. And as I walked, the light green earth became less and less, and I was stepping on earth that had an ocher color.

After entering the wasteland, the group became quiet as if they had never been so friendly. Not to mention Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong, the kids were all looking around with wary eyes to see if they remembered what I had done so far.

As if meeting our expectations(?), the battle with the monsters happened quickly.

We couldn’t just march, so we were taking a break in the middle. As I was sitting quietly drinking water and chewing beef jerky, I noticed a group of monsters coming towards us. One strange thing was that the group was shortening the distance between us by going underground.

“I think the monsters will come soon. Everyone, prepare for battle.”

All the kids looked puzzled at my words. And at that moment, I suddenly saw the ground around me bulging out. I frowned and stood up as I arrived earlier than expected.

“W-what is it? earthquake?”

Could there be an earthquake? There was confusion in the voice, but the kids didn’t stay still. An Hyun was already pulling out his spear, and Yu Jeong was also entering the formation. And as I looked at Sol, who was already holding her cane, I calmly opened my mouth.

“What is an earthquake? “They are land malls.”

“Land Mall?”

“A land mole.”

I answered briefly and then raised my sword. The moles still had a hunting instinct, so they gathered around us in a circle. I could tell by looking at the bulging land that was increasing one by one. In other words, we were now surrounded by them. At first glance, the number of holes I could see was over ten, but when I opened my eyes, I could feel more numbers coming up from below.

Soon, the closed ground split open and a rough, hard-looking hand appeared on the ground. When I saw him put his hands on the floor and raise his body, Land Mall appeared on the ground, just as I expected.

A light brown round body with human-like arms and legs. Looking at them, I quickly planned to form a phalanx.

It was then.

“───. Stream Of Aqua!”

Although it was hard to understand because she was speaking at a high speed, Ha-yeon Jeong finished her spell in just three words and immediately extended her staff forward. Soon, the water balls extending from the wand rose into the air, broke into pieces, and quickly descended toward the ten pits that had formed around us.

The speed of memorizing spells, how to deal with monsters, and the application of magic were all rated as perfect.

Land malls are people who live underground, but since they have turned into monsters, they mainly eat human flesh. It would be a mistake to think of it as a chubby mole, which is what people normally think of. In their own way, they were difficult guys with bodies like rocks, heights similar to humans, and sharp claws.

Because their bodies are hard, ordinary spear knives do not penetrate them well. There are two ways to deal with it: stab it with a weapon full of magical energy, or crush it with overwhelming force. However, that was just a case of confrontation, and there was one easy way to attack Land Mall.

That’s just spraying water on your body. In other words, as soon as Jeong Ha-yeon saw that the opponent’s monster was Land Mall, she made the most appropriate response.

The land malls that broke through the ground with great vigor turned into mice soaked in water as soon as they came up. Eventually, the guys, who were gradually turning reddish-brown, showed signs of a little hesitation, unlike their initial momentum.

Without wasting time, Shin Sang-yong also took a step forward.

“Miss Ansol. I will also prepare magic from now on. Just in case, prepare some protection magic. And please cast protection magic on the Land Malls at the same time I shoot the magic.”

“yes yes?”

Ansol stuttered when asked to cast a protection spell on the land malls. However, seeing Jeong Ha-yeon, who heard those words, quickly cut off his magic and memorize a new spell, he hurriedly began to memorize the spell himself.


Shin Sang-yong started casting right away. The Land Malls, who had been murmuring for a while, soon started screaming and running when they saw the wizard chanting another spell. It seemed like they were aware of their weakness and decided to rush in quickly once the water was wet. But there was one more wizard in our caravan. Also, Land Mall is a fearsome chimera alchemist who cannot inflict even a single wound even if hundreds of people rush at him.

“come! Aranya! “Oh, the web of death that rules the 32nd Legion!”

Vivien also seemed to have been preparing from the beginning, as a magic circle with a metaphysical pattern was summoned beneath her body. And as the magic circle began to shine, I could see a spider I remembered seeing before emerging. It was Araña, a chimerical demon beast spider that Vivian had strengthened, which was different from an ordinary spider.


At Vivien’s shout, Araña opened her lower jaw wide as if she had already read her inner thoughts.


Silver stems extending from Aranha’s lower jaw. Those stems were actually spider webs. Spreading out in all directions like live snakes dancing, they exquisitely avoided our group and soon entangled all of the approaching Land Mall with their threads.

“Couric? Couric?”

The land malls also tried to avoid them or cut the thread with their sharp claws, but they were helpless. The land malls were only letting out pitiful screams as they watched the strings with sticky viscosity tightening their bodies more and more.

And Shin Sang-yong, who had just finished casting, aimed his left hand and opened his mouth.

“Miss Ansol. I’m going now. “I will be as careful as possible, but just in case, please write at the right time.”

“to? yes yes!”

“Chain Lightning!”

As soon as Shin Sang-yong finished his starting speech, we could see zigzag-shaped lightning flashes exploding in succession. The lightning, which had been traveling for a long time, portrayed a truly spectacular scene the moment it reached Land Mall, which was at the forefront.




A chain magic of water and lightning. However, Shin Sang-yong’s order did not end there. He held out his free right hand, still keeping his left hand. Was it really double casting?


The target of Shin Sang-yong’s hold was not the land malls, but the energy he had fired himself. As soon as electricity was applied to the power source of the Land Mall where he appeared, he artificially adjusted it so that it could not spread any further. And that was the time for Sol to step forward.

“Miss Ansol. “Now!”

“I really… .”

“Come on!”

Ansol was still wandering around, but in response to Shin Sang-yong’s urgent words, he pursed his lips and memorized the spell.


Eventually, I could see a round protective shield forming on some, if not all, of the monsters in Land Mall. And Jeong Ha-yeon’s clear voice, who was looking for an opportunity, rang everywhere.



Only when he heard Jeong Ha-yeon’s voice did Shin Sang-yong cut off the link that was connecting his magical power. Could it be that he was aiming for this? I looked at the two with admiration. and… .

The land malls that were under the reverse protection spell were literally turning into pieces of rag. With his body caught in the spider web, the lightning extending out in all directions was blocked again by protection and returned to his body, getting beaten up. Of course, the protection spell was cracking little by little every time Lightning struck, but it could be said to be a fairly good combo. Ansol also had his eyes twitching, as if he didn’t know that her protection would be used like this.

Protection magic blocks external shocks, but can inflict damage from the inside out. That property was reversed and reversed. Reverse is one of the advanced applied magics, and I thought it was quite amazing to see it performed so easily.

The appearance of the land malls, where all the magic had been removed, was truly miserable.

Those inside the protection spell had already turned into rags and were lying on the ground, and the situation for those outside was no different. More than half of them were lying on the ground and writhing. And the other half were on the ground, but they couldn’t even control their bodies and looked like they were on the verge of death. Now it was the turn of the melee classes to step forward.

“Ahn Hyeon. oil well.”

When I called in a low voice, the two people who had been staring blankly suddenly looked up as if they had come to their senses.

“They are no different from those who have already been disarmed. Go ahead and stir it up as much as you want. “I will play keeper here.”

The two looked at each other and then ran forward as if they were flying. It seemed like his competitive spirit had been ignited again. I let out a dry laugh and turned my gaze to where Jeong Ha-yeon was standing, still holding the sword.

Jeong Ha-yeon took one look at me and smiled. It’s like, “This is my level. “Did I do well?” she seemed to say. I also smiled at her.

and. I lifted my sword and rushed at her.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ah. There seem to be so many interesting works these days. Perhaps because I was a novel reader until recently, I always enjoy reading when a work that matches my taste is posted. Is this really fun? Highly recommended. Is there any reader who would recommend a work like this? (Oh, for your information, I have read almost all of the works in the rankings.)


1. Human life: Wow. This is truly a scary self-made drama. Anyway, I took first place today, so I would like to give a small congratulations. ha ha ha. As expected, you are the No. 1 commenter at midnight.

2. MT Bear: Haha. I think it’s time to slowly go down. Thank you for your anticipation, but there are so many interesting works these days. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. Amish: Aha. I’ve seen it now. I’ve corrected it right away. Thank you for pointing out. 🙂

4. God in the Sky: Ahaha. Of course, you may think so, but Su-hyeon is not an entirely unreasonable person. People who do their duty are treated as well as they deserved.

5. zjekfksqlc: Thank you for pointing out the typo. Four unique abilities. I almost got in big trouble.

6. Latina doll: Ahhh. I’m waiting for your message. When will the note arrive~? (Whispering.)

7. A mournful soul: That… that… . Actually, I tend to always add a 0 after the number. So, please hurry up and do 20 consecutive trials! (Forcing it.)

8. Dangryong: You are correct. If you have read the first part deeply, you will naturally have questions. However, there is currently no reason or justification for the main character’s group to catch the two. (Shin Sang-yong has Vivian, but he cannot see her permanently.) Instead of joining our group, never leave. If this happens, very few users will come in. Soo-hyeon thought it would be better to take a little risk and bring her into the group and slowly make her a family. Since the ability is in the small town of Mule anyway, there is no opportunity to reveal it beyond a certain amount of time. And books and things like that have already been banned. I would like to explain a little more for Dangryong’s understanding, but then I will give spoilers about clan creation and Su-hyeon’s inner thoughts, so I will stop here. If you have any questions, please send me a message and I will provide further explanation. Thank you for your question. 🙂

9. Yamii: This is Yeoncham. ha ha ha. Thank you for the coupon. (__)

10. hohokoya1: That’s why I’m worried these days. I need to edit my introduction, vote, and clearly decide on a career path for relationships with women. ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode