MEMORIZE Chapter 838

00838 Master Of Performance. ————————————————– ———————-=


The moment the man bid, a loud noise echoed throughout the hall. In no time, the auditorium became cluttered. A few people even looked back at this floor with surprised faces.

The man breathed slowly and glanced at the marble. Kim Soo-hyun’s face was contorted in shock and anger, and his clenched fist hit the call box. Soon, people who appeared to be managers were caught running hurriedly.

– Request a stop. Thirty minutes, no, twenty minutes will do. Isn’t it the same city? Contact us and we will get it right away.

– Mercenary Road. That’s the reason for the discontinuation… .

– No, it’s not that I don’t have money.

– Once you have entered the auction house, you can only use the funds you brought with you. I’m truly sorry.

The man grinned as he watched them bickering with each other. The other three people also had beaming smiles on their faces as if they had seen the beads. One of them secretly sent a signal. The man quickly came to his senses. The auction isn’t over yet.

“5.3 million! “Are you not going to proceed?”

“ah… !”

The woman let out an elastic moan. He glances at this floor with a perplexed face, clearly looking like he doesn’t know what to do. However, after her man repeatedly urged her, she finally declared her winning bid in a hushed voice.

“Oh, 5.3 million gold coins…” . I’ll do it… .”

Only then was the man able to lean back comfortably on the chair. She smiled softly as she grabbed the glass on her armrest.

For a moment, I thought we were going to be driven to the edge of a cliff, but we managed to turn things around at the last minute. As a result of the unusual cooperation of the operational forces, the giant called Mercanary was brought down. The liquid in the glass was a bit bland, but it felt very sweet as it gently moistened my parched throat.

The remaining items started to go through very quickly. The eighth item, a rich feather-like shaman costume, was sold for 3,500 gold coins, and the ninth item, stylish jet black boots, was sold for 2,800 gold coins.

The operational forces used up all the funds they had brought in, and users who participated as individuals watched and remained silent. It had to be that way. Unless you were an idiot, you would have realized what just happened. I had no desire to participate in the gold war, which was conducted in units of at least 100,000 units, just because shrimp would explode in a whale fight.

As the tenth and final item, pills were released once more. It was a small, round, but mysterious white pill with a subtle energy flowing through it.

The man looked at the marble to see if anything, but was soon reassured. Kim Soo-hyun just gritted his teeth with an angry face and did not bid in the end. As the operational forces were quiet, individual participants did not pay attention as they were guessing at leverage, and in the end, they were successful at the first bid of 500 gold coins.

Thus, the fierce blind auction finally came to an end. As soon as the auction ended, Kim Soo-hyun walked out of the entrance without even looking back.

The man laughed bitterly. Anyway, this world is like this. No matter what he does, he who is desperate survives. It was Kim Soo-hyun’s fault for not noticing even though he was watching the reaction through the beads. In fact, rather than feeling sorry, I felt more relieved that I had defeated the best clan called Mercanary.

‘Merchionary Road. Don’t feel too upset. In order to win, we pulled in everything except the minimum operating funds.’

The man who thought this hummed and started walking. She had to retrieve the orb she had secretly installed, and more than anything, she couldn’t bear it because she was curious about the efficacy of the purple pill.

The process of placing a bid and receiving the winning item did not take long. Although his hands trembled slightly when he handed over the large sum of 5.3 million, his mouth fell open when he saw the purple pill in a luxurious wooden box.

When handing over the goods, the organizer included a goose applique as a service. I accepted it without hesitation because I felt relieved to have the company check it in person.

As I walked out of the auction house at a leisurely pace, three users gathered around me as if they had made an appointment. These are the people who joined forces together earlier. The man opened his mouth and gave her a goose-a-fray.

“I have no intention of eating and running away. But before I hand it over, I have something to say.”

“yes. I know that they paid the most amount. “I will send you the difference later.”

The woman wearing a robe spoke quickly. Now that I know, she said, go ahead and use Goose-A-Pray.

After receiving the same confirmation from the remaining two people, the man began preparing to use the goose appraiser. She stares at her man, who is chanting a spell into her mouth, with her eyes filled with excitement and excitement. Thoughts of arrogance crossed everyone’s mind, but this is probably the common expectation at the moment.

Why did Mercenary try to buy this even after paying more than four million gold coins? How effective is it?

Eventually, at the same time as the man finished ordering, the goose applique began to shine. The empty record was filled with letters. The breathing of not only the man but also the three of them became heavy. I hold the record with trembling hands and look at it calmly.

After a while.

“… … .”

For a moment, the man’s face became shocked. She blinked rapidly, then closed her eyes tightly once and then opened them. And she peruses once more.

However, even if you read it with your eyes wide open, the content of Goose Appreasel does not change. It is the same even if you read it two or three times.

The moment the man recognized this fact, he suddenly felt his vision becoming blurry. The moment the 5.3 million gold coins flashed through her mind, a feeling of disbelief spread through her like a spider web, and her strength sank. Eventually she collapsed and sat down.

“This, this… ?”

“how is it? yes? “Oh, please speak quickly.”

“Uh, uh, uh, uh… ?”

“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

The woman looked at him with suspicious eyes and quickly snatched up the record. This is what was written on Goose Appraisel.

『Elixir of Vitality』

This is an elixir created by a female alchemist who calls herself the greatest genius in Hol Plain. It was created with the purpose of increasing her magical power as she was lamenting her own lack of abilities, but the result was slightly different from the original intention. Even so, it is not a failure. When taken, the body’s senses become more sensitive and the flow of magical power becomes 0.5 times faster. Improved abilities slowly revert to normal over twelve hours.

Elixir of activity.

When taken, physical senses become more sensitive and magical power flow increases by 0.5 times for twelve hours.

First of all, the elixir is correct. Looking at the revealed facts, it is not a very bad effect. It can be useful in situations where a chase or battle is about to occur.


“OMG… ?”

“W-what is this? What is this? “How did this happen!”

If you ask me if it’s worth paying 5.3 million gold coins… . well?

“Ugh… ?”


Even if you hit a lot, it probably won’t be traded for less than 1,000 gold?


『Elixir of Increased Magic Power』

It is an ancient elixir made by combining several rare herbs. Over the years, the secret recipe has been lost, and some of the herbs needed to make it have become extinct, making it nearly impossible to recreate it. If a user (resident) with a magic ability score of 95 points or less takes it, their ability score can be increased by 2 to 4 points.


Seeing the explanation printed out in the air made me smile. I can’t help but feel good. I can’t believe I bought this much elixir for 500 gold coins. At this level, it is worth the price, so it is no different from getting something completely free. To the point where I feel sorry for the seller who played a trick or the operational power that spent money in vain.

In any case, is this the solution to Vivien’s concerns? There is one more magic elixir obtained from the ‘Bottomless Pit of Death’ expedition, so it will definitely be possible to solve the problem. I might be able to summon three legions, as well as this legion, or perhaps even one legion, to see Gehenna and Sunnah… . Oh, is this kimchi soup?

I put the pure white elixir in a wooden box and carefully kept it in my arms. I tried my best to hold back, but laughter kept coming out. Looking to the side, Go Yeon-ju also seemed to be in a good mood. A pleasant humming sound comes from inside the cotton yarn as I read Goose Appreasel. It looks like he’s just finished shopping, as he’s holding a bunch of items in his arms.

“What did you buy so much for?”

“huh? Oh, it’s a gift.”

Go Yeon-ju turned around as if showing off and made a grinning voice. In her arms was a set of black and red arrows and a white shrine maiden costume.

“Are you going to give the arrow to Imhanna?”

“no? He doesn’t need arrows. Seon Yu-un will like it.”

“hmm. “What about those clothes?”

“This is Heeyoung’s. “I inherited the Awakening Secret Class and will give it to you as a congratulatory gift.”

I nodded my head at Go Yeon-ju’s explanation. Since the Queen of Shadows has great insight, she must have had some decent performances.

“Ah, congratulations on purchasing the elixir.”


“At first, I didn’t know why I was asking for help… . Really, we need to know about Soohyun’s resourcefulness. “I wonder what kind of facial expression the user who committed that trick will make when he receives the payment tomorrow.”

“You’ll be lucky if you don’t get stabbed on the street at night.”

I smiled bitterly and fiddled with my right hand. Go Yeon-ju, who had been talking like that for a while, suddenly tilted her head.

“But what is that?”


“Hold it in your right hand. “Did you buy something, Su-hyeon?”

“… … .”

Although I was a little hesitant, I cleared my throat and held out my hand. Black diamonds connected by a thin jet-black chain sprinkled a yo-yo light.

“Focus Admas… . “It’s a necklace called.”

“Focus Admas? “Do you think you have some kind of good ability?”

“that is… . I just poured my magic into this gem… .”

“Oh~. Are you going to use it for Soohyun? I don’t know about its performance, but it seems too pretty for a man to wear around his neck. Ho Ho.”

“Uhm. This gem permanently preserves the absorbed magic power… .”

“huh? yes yes.”

“In other words, there is only one case where the preserved magic disappears… . So, only when the user who first released magic power dies… .”

“Um, Suhyeon? I’m sorry for interrupting you, but why are you acting like this all of a sudden? “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I’ll give it to you.”

“… yes?”

Eh, I don’t know. In the end, she turned her eyes the other way and held out her necklace. Damn, why can’t I speak properly all of a sudden?

“… … .”

I waited like that for ten seconds, but the feeling of the necklace on my hand did not go away. When she glanced around, she saw Go Yeon-joo who had stopped walking. Of course, her feet also stopped.

Go Yeonju did not open her mouth for a long time. In some ways, she seemed to be getting over her shock. For some reason, I felt embarrassed for her, so I quietly walked up to her and hand-made the necklace for her. The black diamonds flowing down the thin and pretty neckline went well with Go Yeonju. Should I say that the erotic atmosphere is accompanied by elegance?

However, Go Yeon-ju still doesn’t move a single inch. I lifted the cotton thread and checked my face.


The moment I finally saw his face, I was surprised. Ko Yeon-ju was literally in perfect ice condition. Her eyes look distant and her mouth is open, slightly mesmerized. Finally, the moment their eyes met, Go Yeon-ju’s body suddenly collapsed into his arms.

“Go, Go Yeonju?”

“… yo. this.”


“… “Hang on.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Now, just a moment. Please stay like this for a moment. Don’t say anything. “Please.”

Suddenly, both arms hugged me and gently pressed my back. Go Yeon-joo buried her head in her chest and gently closed her eyes. I don’t know why, but her breathing is heavy and her shoulders are shaking. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, I stared at the distant mountain.

It was then.

“Pie… .”

I felt a vibration near my waist and let out a weak cry.

“Pianpiang… .”

At first I tried to ignore it, but the vibrations and noise gradually grew louder.

“Oh really.”

Did Go Yeonju feel it too? He chews his mouth and falls slightly, nervously looking down at his waist. Below, a baby Chaos Mimic was whining, hanging on a shoulder strap.

“Why, why are you crying again?”

“Pouting… .”

“Really, it’s an opportunity that comes once in a hundred years. “What if I disturb you like this?”

“Biaaaaa… .”

“Ugh, I really can’t survive… . Su-hyun. Sol, please do something.”

“… yes?”

I hesitantly accepted Ansol, or rather, the baby Chaos Mimic. When I touch it, the vibrations become more intense and it cries even louder. I shrugged my shoulders. I have no way of knowing why this is happening, but I think it would be a good idea to first pick up the things Go Yeon-ju threw away.

“Beep, beep?!”

When I grabbed it hard with both hands, the baby Chaos Mimic trembled. She could see her mouth pursed tightly.

And I,

“beep… … … … ?”

I relaxed as much as I could and gently opened it left and right.

“Wait a minute, just stay still.”


“That’s right… . kind… .”


It felt like a question mark was moving back and forth before my eyes, but I decided to just move on. After gathering up the loose arrows and folding up the shaman costume, he gently closed her mouth. Her vibrations and crying soon subsided considerably.

“I’ll take this with me.”

“yes? No, that’s not necessary… .”

“I have a father and a mother Chaos Mimic. “I think I find stability by being with my parents.”

“Ah, then.”

After saying that, Go Yeon-ju snuggled up next to me on the road. Is it that good for radish? Red-tinted eyes are staring at me, and a happy smile is on the corner of her mouth.

After a while.

“necklace… . thank you. “I will treasure it for the rest of my life.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“But, can I ask you for one more thing?”

“What is it?”

“Would you please walk slowly? As slow as possible… .”

“… “Let’s do that.”

We walked through the dark streets in silence.

I think it took about twenty to thirty minutes to come in, but it took about an hour to leave.


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not work with dark mode