MEMORIZE Chapter 835

00835 The Town At Night. ————————————————– ———————-=

Even up to the third street, the road was luxurious. Lights installed here and there illuminated the building, and the various colors flowing from the windows and entrances of the building created an atmosphere like a colorful downtown.

However, from the moment we entered the next street, the road gradually became darker and the liveliness noticeably waned.

It wasn’t simply that there were fewer users.

First, my vision gradually darkened. All the lights that were often seen have disappeared, and only the occasional torch hanging on the building illuminates the view. And above all, rather than users walking down the street like us, the majority of users are gathered in groups of twos and threes everywhere.

I don’t know exactly why it stopped. Because an individual’s ‘desire’ cannot be defined as one, the content of the business changes every day.

The only thing that is certain is that this fourth street is the real street at night.

okay. A space where the feast of ‘animals’, not people, and ‘abnormal people’ who are somehow broken rather than normal people is held.


Suddenly, I heard a small whispering sound in front of me. After walking a little further, a large street appeared. There, about twenty people were standing in a circle looking around at something.

Meanwhile, one thing that was unusual was that most of the users gathered were women. It wasn’t that there were no men, but there were only three or four.

Just as I was about to quickly pass by, a sight seen between users suddenly passed by. Even though I knew it at that moment, I burst out laughing.

“All the way… . Sigh… .”

“Ugh, huh… ! Ugh… !”

A large man is kneeling and burying his head in someone’s crotch. The sound of her vigorously sucking something rang out. If my eyes are not wrong, the person in the situation was of the same gender.

Her limbs are bound with strong ropes, and she sobs muffledly with a thin stick in her mouth. Although she is not at the white level, her face is white and she looks quite pretty. The scene where a young boy was attacked by a strong furry dog ​​felt very uncomfortable.

And the onlookers watching the scene with eager eyes, and one female user sitting comfortably in a chair. She tilts the wine glass in one hand to her mouth, staring with curious eyes. Perhaps that scene is the embodiment of that woman’s desire.

At that time, the woman put her hands over her mouth and spoke in a coquettish voice.

“I think it’s getting a little boring… . Mr. Dongeoli~. “Now, how about going into the main game?”

“Yes, yes. All right.”

The giant bent down and immediately laid the opponent down on the floor. At that moment, he didn’t want to see anymore and looked forward.

… By the way, I think I heard a familiar name. Is it because of my mood?

After a while.

“Keuuuh? “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!”

A desperately sad scream hit my ears. And then, the sound of giggling and light clapping.

Go Yeon-ju snorted in frustration and clicked her tongue in her mouth, and I licked my lips and increased my walking speed even further.

“Let’s go. “It will take quite some time to even get to the last distance.”

We got off the road in such a short time, but the situation was no different on the next street. no. Could it be seen as worse? If the ratio of women to men was overwhelming before, this time it was the exact opposite.

The moment we entered the fifth street, we were greeted by the sound of a woman crying and cheers mixed with profanity.


“Well done! Just rip it to death! That damn bum bitch!”

“Open it! Open the door! Ah, ahhh!”

“Fight! I’m telling you to stand up and fight! Oh, you can’t wake up? “Kill, kill, kill!”

The square, which was open in four directions, was bustling with activity.

In the center, a rectangular iron cage measuring about five to six meters was erected, and around fifty people were shouting. If she listened closely, she could hear a lot of voices mocking her woman or cheering for her opponent. The fishy smell that gets worse as she gets closer irritates her nose.

When we finally arrived at the square, it was already almost over. Inside the cage, two monsters that look like wolves are wandering around and strangling someone. It is clear that he is excited when you see his red eyes and drool dripping.

Likewise, inside, a woman was lying on the ground wearing only a piece of old cloth that barely covered her body. Her legs are tied with rope, and her right hand is hung from the rope along with her shackles. The only thing she has free is her head and left arm.

Suddenly, a wooden sword that was broken and split on one side caught my eye. It seems like the woman has some level of ability to say that she has set this level of restriction.

Eventually, the wolf began to slowly close the distance. Although he looks very tired, does he somehow want to live? The woman desperately crawled with her teary eyes. She screamed as she wriggled like a bug.

“Si, I hate it! I hate it! This is too much! “Please save me, please save me!”

As the screams grew, so did the cheering. The woman resisted with all her might, but there was little she could do with only her left arm, or even with her bare hand. Soon the monster opened her maw wide and thrust the woman’s head into her maw. And she chewed as hard as she could, to no avail.


“Kak… !”

The woman’s body jumped violently along with a deathly scream. The sound flowing around suddenly stopped. Every time the monster moved its well spout, bloody, crushed brains flowed down her chin. The woman’s trembling body gradually began to spasm intermittently, and she soon became limp and helpless.

Eventually, when we completely passed the square, a huge roar broke out.

“… “It’s a really fun arena.”

Go Yeon-ju finally uttered a single word.

“It’s not an arena. “It’s just a one-sided joke.”

“Hey, I also remembered the Japanese Ijime broadcast.”

After saying that, Go Yeon-ju quietly looked back.

“Su-hyun. You know what? “In the Western Continent, things like this are everyday life.”

“Who says that?”

“I heard it from Sarah. It’s even worse there… .”

“… … .”

Go Yeon-ju’s voice was calm. However, there was a bit of an undesirable light on his face.

Do you feel some kind of feeling while walking down this street? I’m not feeling any emotions. Because in a battle like this, you can at least die cleanly.

In fact, tonight’s distance is considerably weaker than expected. The most intense memory of the night I experienced during the first episode was a match called ‘Endure’. The woman is tied up so that she cannot move, and dozens or hundreds of monsters that are forcibly brought into heat are unleashed to engage in a s*x battle.

As long as she survives until the end, she wins, but of course I have never seen her win. Most of them lost their lives to overly excited monsters, and there were also cases where their stomachs burst and they died because they could not bear the pouring semen. Did Banda-hee die like that after being captured?

Well, it’s probably proof that it hasn’t fallen that far yet.

I decided not to think too much and moved on to the next street.

Sixth Street was quieter than any other street. The number of users has clearly decreased, making it very quiet, and only the occasional pounding noise can be heard.

But ironically, the street had the worst smell of any place I had ever passed.


It was then. Just when I thought we would arrive soon, Goyeonju made a weak sound. I looked ahead, wondering why, and saw four or five users. Nearby, a pole as tall as a person is stuck in the ground, and things that look like black envelopes are neatly placed on a display stand.

… Looking closely, I saw that there was a user hanging from the end of the pole with both hands tied. It was like seeing meat hanging around in a butcher shop. She was still alive, but her eyes were unfocused and blurry. They probably gave him medicine.

“I thought you were going somewhere else, but I guess you got caught?”


“No, it’s nothing. Come on, let’s go. “I think we’re almost there.”

“… … ?”

This time, Go Yeon-ju grabbed me and led me.

“I just want something…” . Aren’t you doing this because you have something to use? .”

“Oh, I told you… . They say you can’t take it out alive… . It’s not that I don’t believe it, but that’s the law… . Someone who should know this… .”

“Well then, why don’t you take the bag over there? I’ll give it to you cheaply… .”

“Those are sheep. What I want are users from the Northern Continent… .”

As I was passing by, I heard the sound of people talking. Is there something wrong?

“I would like to do whatever you want, but I can’t do that. They say you can legally use them as slaves… .”

“When did I ever say I would make you a slave? It’s better to bring it fresh… .”

“It’s because I’m anxious, I. Think about it. If word gets out that I caught a kid who just graduated, what happens to me? “At that time, the problem is not that I will close my business, but that I will die!”

“Wow, this person… .”

“Come on, don’t be like that. I’m not going to use it as experiment material anyway. “I will take the utmost care and cut it into pieces.”

“Ah, then… .”

The faster I walked, the faster the sound moved away. We passed through the streets in silence, and after about 10 minutes we reached a road that split into two directions.

I quietly stopped and looked left and right.

On the left, the road gradually narrowed, and it seemed like it was leading to an entrance somewhere. It feels like something is being secretly hidden.

Conversely, on the right, there were sparse buildings and the road was clear. However, there is not a single user in sight, and only silence and darkness flow.

A very dangerous atmosphere flows here. It feels like if we go in like this, even mice and birds will disappear without us noticing… .

“So, what do you think?”


It may have been a sudden question, but Ko Yeon-ju asked back with a look on his face that woke him up from his thoughts.

“I’d like to hear the opinion of the queen who once ruled this street.”

“… “Kick.”

Go Yeon-ju burst into laughter and shook her head.

“That’s all a thing of the past. And the streets of the old Northern Continent at night weren’t even this big.”

Then he raised his eyes and glanced at me.

“Rather than that, I would like to hear the opinion of the currently reigning king?”

“yes? You mean me? I don’t really… .”

“why? Now that I have stepped down, Salmun is probably in control. But Salmun starts shaking every time he sees someone… ?”

“… “You ignore the New Koran Coalition.”

“They are only managers, they cannot actually rule and rule. And even if that’s the case, shouldn’t this night’s streets be stopped immediately if someone says something?”

“… … .”

is it?

I shrugged my shoulders and walked away.

Not to the right, but to the left.

How much time has passed?

The street, which had been narrowing little by little, had suddenly become narrow enough for three or four people to barely pass. And after a while, at the end of the road, a structure larger than any building I had ever passed came into view.

In fact, it may be difficult to see it as a building. Because the exterior was completely surrounded by a black curtain. In any case, the fact that that place is the destination does not change.

The entrance passage had a curtain hanging like the entrance to a tent, and two users stood in front like bodyguards. As soon as they saw us, they looked at each other and strode forward.

“customer. Sorry, but the robe… .”

The moment a man started speaking, the woman next to him quietly stretched out her arm and stopped him. The woman stared at her performance for a moment, then looked at me and bowed her head politely.

“Excuse me. “I was waiting.”

“no. “Anyway, I think it’s a little late.”

“Not at all. “It’s starting soon, so you came at the right time.”

“Thank goodness.”

Then the woman with a business smile pointed to the dark entrance with her hand.

“Then, I will take care of you personally from here on out.”

Nodding her head, the woman turned around and quickly disappeared inside. Go Yeon-ju and I followed along at a calm pace.

The veiled seventh street,

To the auction house where the ‘war of gold’ will soon take place.


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not work with dark mode