MEMORIZE Chapter 834

00834 The Town At Night. ————————————————– ———————-=

The conclusion I came to after reading the note over and over again was to return to the castle. Seo Ji-hwan said he would cooperate, but he couldn’t just blindly trust him, and he thought it would be difficult to pull off a shabby trick on his own. On the one hand, he thought it was appropriate for him to go alone. Coincidentally, the most suitable user came to mind.

Perhaps because it was late, the hallway on the fifth floor was quiet. In the dark passage, there are two rows of dim white doors on either side. I walked quietly, making as little noise as possible. Now that I think about it, where was the accommodation?

I was only able to remember it after wandering around in the dark for 10 minutes. I was wandering around in the wrong place to begin with. I reflected in my mind and moved to the other side. Looking with your back to the stairs, it was the room on the far left, right? smart. When I lightly knocked on the snow, I felt a warm welcome.

“who is this? At this late hour… .”

Oh my, did I wake him up from his sleep? A weak voice was heard from inside. It seemed like he was slightly hoarse. Soon, the door slowly opened and Go Yeon-ju, with a disheveled face, came out. He looked very surprised when he saw me.

“Oh my, what’s going on?”

“Would you like to go to the streets at night together?”

I got straight to the point. Then her straight forehead narrowed slightly and her left eye squinted.

“Would you like to go out on the streets at night together?”


“With me? “Alone?”

“Of course.”


“huh? no, I do not want?”

The voice suddenly became sharper. It’s not like it’s happening in the middle of the night, it’s probably sudden. But Go Yeon-ju shook her head and looked at me with dark eyes. The expression on his face suddenly became pale.

“It’s not that I don’t like it, but it’s too sudden.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

“Soohyun, why are you acting like this all of a sudden? “Did you feel sorry for me when I said that to you today?”

“… no?”


“Something happened that I wanted help with.”

The two eyes that had been drooping became round. It seemed like the lack of prior explanation had caused a misunderstanding, so I took out a note and calmly explained it. They say they really want to have the elixir that will be uploaded today, and that there are people who want to use this to make a fuss, etc. After finishing the short explanation, Go Yeon-ju giggled and laughed quietly for a while. Feeling something strange, I scratched my cheek.

“Um, Go Yeonju?”

“Me again. Yes, this is how Suhyun should be.”


“No, no. “I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.”

“… … .”

“Anyway, okay. “I’ll go with you, so I’m just waiting for thirty to forty minutes.”

After saying that, Go Yeon-ju smiled and closed the door. After being in a daze for about three seconds, I suddenly opened the door. Go Yeon-ju, who must have started getting ready right away, pulled her top up to her neck and looked at me curiously. He first took a look at the silhouette of the chest that was caught by the hem of the dress and was dragged up, and then he quietly opened his mouth.


for a moment. I didn’t mean to say this, no, I didn’t mean to make the sound of swallowing.

“Do you like watching people change clothes?”

“Hmm, that’s not it. “Because of preparation time.”

“huh? “Why is that?”

“Why does it take thirty minutes? “Just put on a robe and come out quickly.”

The moment Go Yeon-ju said that, she looked at me with truly dumbfounded eyes.

“… “Are you serious?”

“No, I’m serious, just sleep…” .”

“I just woke up, and you want me to come out like this?”

“What does it matter… .”

“I am indeed. Don’t say anything. Okay, are you going to go out and wait quietly?”

“go… !”

Before I could say anything, the door closed with a loud bang. He continued, “It’s really weird. There are degrees of rudeness. It’s a shame that you came here so suddenly… .” I heard a voice coming from inside and I grumbled in the same way.

“Well, I don’t understand. How can you prepare for 30 to 40 minutes? “It should take ten minutes, including washing time.”

“I beg your pardon? “Can you hear everything?”

“You asked me to listen?”

“… It’s amazing. Do you know that men and women are the same? “This is also the minimum preparation time.”

I snorted loudly on purpose. Then he lowered his voice even further and opened his mouth in a sarcastic tone.

“Yes, yes. I guess so. I really just want to wash it myself. “Then it will only take five minutes.”


“Are you confident that you can take responsibility for it?”

I quietly turned around to hear the mischievous voice. As I walked back to the front door, I kept sighing inexplicably even when I thought to myself. In the end, will I have to wait alone and lonely? I can only hope that Ko Yeon-joo comes out quickly.

As a result, Ko Yeon-ju betrayed my earnest prayer. It came out ten minutes later than originally said. However, the moment I saw the figure rushing towards me, I lost my mind without realizing it.

The clothes, like a turtleneck that hugged the body with a straight slit at the top of the chest, and the lower part barely covered with luxurious cotton thread that seemed almost see-through, were very erotic and beautiful. A golden bracelet dangled around her right wrist, and a baby Chaos Mimic attached to a silver string hung on her left shoulder.

Also, I don’t know if I’ve seen it somewhere, but my face is covered with a mesh cloth, giving off a dreamy beauty. In addition, her long gray hair was elegantly tied up and neatly tied up, truly… .

“I really can’t live. “Where are you looking?”

I finally came to my senses the moment I heard the sound of giggling. Before I knew it, my eyes were focused on my chest, which was more than half exposed. Wow, there are times when it’s more s*xy to cover up a bit rather than to expose it completely.

“Uhm, let’s go. “It’s too late to start.”

I cleared my throat awkwardly and turned around. Actually, it wasn’t too late. Since I woke up earlier than I thought, if I go now, it will be just in time for the auction. Originally, since it’s been a while since I’ve been there, I was planning to look around and do some eye candy, but this is more of a business.

“Yes, I like it~”

Ko Yeon-ju spoke in a cheerful voice and crossed her arms, pressing against her as if rubbing her body. There was a fragrant smell that made him lose his mind. I shook my head. He was suspicious, then he laughed, then he got angry, and now he seems to be in a good mood. The woman slowly moved into the night street, thinking that she really didn’t know.

Let’s see. Was it the southwest corner of Mercenary Castle?

“Bia… .”

“huh? Why is he suddenly crying like Ansol?”

“Peeeeee… .”

“Hey, why are you doing this? “Why are you crying, huh?”

As I was walking down the street at night, I heard the sound of mournful crying. Suddenly, the entrance is clear! A thought crossed my mind that I wanted to tear it up and silence him, but I decided to just endure it. Because ‘Please stop tormenting the baby Chaos Mimic.’ This is because anonymous comments like this were sometimes posted on the app for approval.

After walking leisurely for about 20 minutes, we finally began to see our destination. Multicolored lights illuminated the streets, and countless people were silently bustling along the main street.

As I was walking along without thinking, users everywhere suddenly turned their heads. The phenomenon quickly became contagious, the clutter in the room subsided and all users looked at us. There is no movement, as if under a ‘Hold’ spell. Suddenly there is an unexpected silence.

“… … .”

I was wearing a robe, and just as I was wondering why I was like this, I realized that my eyes were focused on the woman next to me. Despite covering her face, she perfectly captured the attention of those around her just by the vibe emanating from her outfit. The sensuality was so strong that more than one or two men saw her lower body swell to the point where they could see it without any exaggeration.

As I entered, the users who had been crowded at the entrance hesitantly retreated to both sides, leaving the path open. Thanks to this, we didn’t have to navigate the crowds or wait for our turn, but soon an unexpected difficulty arose.

Men and even women could not take their eyes off Go Yeon-ju, but many of them were also looking at me. Among the gazes, there was something very unfair, or there was a scary look of death, as if stabbing the body with a knife.

However, Go Yeon-ju was actually enjoying the current situation very much. No, I wasn’t enjoying it. Smiling seductively or frowning can be seen as cuteness.

But the act of bending your index finger like a hook and gently pulling down the cleavage area while saying it’s hot… . It’s a personal feeling, but I definitely ask ‘Do you want to eat it? I want to eat?’ Should I say that it seems like he is making fun of me? Umm. They say the most shameful thing in the world is making fun of something to eat.

I finally arrived at the entrance, forcefully leading Go Yeon-ju, who kept slowing down. After paying 30 gold coins for the entrance fee, which was more expensive than expected, we were finally able to enter the street at night.

“Hmm, this is Ehito scent… . No, is it Camarina?”

Go Yeon-ju looked around and sniffed. As I took a deep breath, I felt my vision gradually becoming clearer.

“Hmm. “I don’t think it’s a harmful scent.”

“yes. Nope. I sprinkled it on so I could just taste it… . “It is a drug that elicits a stronger response to what humans perceive based on the five senses that are gradually activated.”


“… However, the problem is that the reaction is caused by primitive emotions.”

“… … .”

“Did you say Seo Ji-hwan? I heard he was a very resourceful merchant, and I think I know a little bit about him. “We understand, or rather utilize, the characteristics of this street to a significant degree.”

I looked around, sympathizing with Go Yeon-ju’s explanation. The first thing I saw was lights shining a soft red light like a red light district, and sparkling crystals hanging on the walls of neatly lined buildings. After passing a little further, we came across a scene of users setting up stalls in groups of one or two at the edge of an open street.

A person who does not know the circumstances may think it is a typical market scene. However, the motto of the streets at night is to embody ‘desire’ and to actually buy and sell.

If you think about it from this perspective, the reason why each person receives fifteen gold coins is also answered. In other words, the cost of watching is included in the admission fee. There are often cases where buyers want to express their desires immediately, so it is fun to walk around and look around.

Anyway, there is only one iron rule that users of this ugly street must follow at all costs.

‘No matter where I go or what I see, I never interfere.’

The street we walk now is only the first street, the beginning. The streets at night have a sort of escalating structure in which the intensity of desire increases the further you go inside. In other words, desires that should never be revealed to the world are fulfilled in a more secret and dark place.

For example, in the case of the auction house, which is our final destination, it can be seen as the very last step or the step just below it.

It is that dangerous, but the temptation is that strong.

After a while.

After passing the first street, a second street full of shops appeared. Looking at the sign on the outside, I could guess what kind of store it was, but it can still be considered to be in a normal stage.

I passed this place and entered the third street, and this time I found Changgwan Street, as expected. There were more users wandering around than the first and second streets combined, and the fact that the street was twice as bustling proved that it was in good shape.

Of course, this cannot be considered abnormal enough to cause extreme rejection. In any case, the legal commercialization of s*x can be seen everywhere.

… In other words, up to this third street can be seen as the street that at least ‘normal people’ or ‘people’ use.


‘Streets at Night’ revealed its true colors in earnest,

“… … ?”

“… … !”

It was when I entered the fourth street, which could be seen as the beginning of the upper level.


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not work with dark mode