MEMORIZE Chapter 832

00832 We are working hard to break through. ————————————————– ———————-=

After the expedition is successfully completed, the return trip should be light.

But this time it wasn’t like that at all.

After leaving the bottomless pit of death, I felt like I was sitting on a thorn cushion all the way back to Atlanta. Even if I pretended to wake up from her faint, the four women were only concerned about my health and did not say anything to me. There is no change in her outward appearance. But why does it feel like the back of my head is secretly stinging sometimes?

Of course, it’s not that I don’t know the reason. If you think about it backwards, I think I would have been angry too.

On the other hand, when I pretended to open my eyes and looked at the behavior of my clan members, I couldn’t help but feel surprised. Because my clothes were torn, and I was covered in dust and bodily fluids from head to toe, and it was obvious even without looking at how hard I had worked.

That’s why I’m even more shy. In particular, when I tried to keep watch, he just stared at me without saying anything, which made me even more scared. He must have found out what happened.

Well, it would be better if you complained or cursed profusely. No, at least I wouldn’t have been embarrassed if I had just waited quietly.

It was fortunate that Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee, who had both woken up at the same time, noticed the situation and stayed quiet.

Anyway, I endured the silent cries of the four women, but this wasn’t the only thing that surprised me.

On my way back to Atlanta, I often felt strange. Should I say that the atmosphere has changed 180 degrees?

Drudduddudduddudduddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd… .

As we stopped marching and took a break, the bushes suddenly trembled slightly. The vibrations repeatedly started and stopped at regular intervals.

This phenomenon means one thing.

I stood up, quietly looking in the direction of the vibration.

“west… .”

“One hundred meters. “Approaching 45 degrees northwest.”

And just as I was about to open my mouth, a beautiful voice struck me first. Im Hanna chewed the dried meat and grabbed the bow without hesitation. Then, Go Yeon-ju also stands up.

“Any other information?”

“The sound of the ground shaking is strong… . “It’s not as bad as I thought, so it’s more like two feet than four.”

“Is it possible to vibrate this much with both feet?”

“It’s possible if you’re excited. They’re probably pretty starving, right? “It’s coming in the exact direction we are in.”

I stared at Im Hanna blankly. Because it was exactly what I was trying to say. Go Yeon-ju also nodded and spit out the beef jerky he was chewing.

“what a waste. “What if I spit it out?”

“I just sucked the juice and threw it away. “Because you become sensitive right before a battle.”

Even as they talked about what to do, the clan members were standing up one by one. Everyone settles down on their own even before giving instructions.

“So, what should we do?”

Suddenly, Go Yeon-ju looked back at me. Are you looking for instructions?

But even then, the vibrations were already clearly getting closer. I said nothing and pointed west. If you notice it in advance, it is best to intercept it.

The two women seemed to understand the meaning and ran at the same time and quickly climbed up the tree. Go Yeon-joo hides her body by scattering like her smoke, and Im Hanna steps on a tree branch and observes her path closely.

“huh? “Is this the first monster you’ve seen?”

After a while, a voice was heard from above.

“He is two meters tall… . Humanoid… . The flesh looks rough… . My eyes are red… . He’s not carrying a weapon. Oh, I think the number is around thirty.”

Since it can still be considered a semi-stable area, the appearance of new monsters must also be kept in mind. There is no need to panic, and each person prepares to respond based on the information provided by the archer.

… But why is the atmosphere so calm? At this point, it’s normal for a reasonable amount of fuss to be made, but it wasn’t supposed to be this kind of expedition, right?

“Once upon a time… .”

It was then. Suddenly, a cautious voice was heard, and an arrow-shaped cluster of lights flashed and flew into the forest. A small scream caught through my heightened hearing. Are there about fifty meters left now?


The moment a gentle voice that did not fit the current situation rang out, light flashed again.




As three lights flashed in succession, the forest in front of me began to shake little by little. And after a while, those who exactly matched the information provided by Lim Hanna appeared in the form of Ususu.

Strangely, they didn’t let out the monster’s characteristic scream. As soon as it saw us with its red eyes, it ran towards us with a strong snort. It was that moment.

“You got caught?”

The moment Go Yeon-ju’s languid voice was heard from somewhere, dark stems suddenly rose up in a wide range. The shadows were placed by accurately calculating the point where they would enter.

The soaring shadows soon turned into sharp spears and stabbed the monster’s body mercilessly. The moment the formation was disrupted by a mournful scream, I rushed forward.

At such a moment,


… what?

Originally, the plan was to go in from the front, further aggravating the confusion, and then get out. In other words, I was planning on hitting it quickly, tying my feet, and falling right away.

But I wasn’t the only one who ran away.

If I rushed in at an angle from the left, Jin Soo-hyun came from the right, and I don’t know when Nam Da-eun was coming from behind as if he was flying.

Eventually, the guys in front of me cut down and dug into the center, and the other two arrived inside just like me. This is proof that he at least thought the same way as me and read my movements to find an opportunity.

Are you looking at this on your own? A thought crossed my mind.

You want to link up with me? No, you did?

At that moment, I passed by the guy who was collapsing forward, stabbing him in the neck. Suddenly, flesh torn by the shadows hits my body.

There is no time to think. The moment I mechanically cut down the guys who were going crazy with pain, I could feel the flow of terrifying magic power not only in the air but also from all directions. I swung my sword sharply and ran back the way I came in.

It is much easier to escape when three people attack at the same time instead of just being alone. I quickly glanced back and saw Nam Da-eun and Jin Soo-hyun leaving immediately.

Eventually, when the gap suddenly widened, a scene unfolded where glowing arrows and multiple spells exploded between them. Once the wide-area attack swept through, the subsequent battle went smoothly. The melee group, including me, turned around again and was able to quickly finish off those who fell and groaned or were lucky enough to escape.

So, after the battle, which lasted only a few minutes, ended, I looked back at my clan members with a new feeling.

Strictly speaking, it was not a difficult battle. In fact, it’s an unremarkable monster that only needs to be careful with hand-to-hand attacks, but it’s a natural battle to win anyway. However, no matter how easy the game is, there is a clear difference between winning 3:0 and winning 1:0 or 2:1.

Rather than simply defeating them step by step with a phalanx, each individual played a role appropriate to the interception situation. They recognized the attack in advance, succeeded in provoking and attracting it, and the linkage starting from Go Yeon-ju’s trap was very good. If I were to compare it personally, I would say it was a game we won 5-0, or rather 10-0. In a way, this is also natural.


Did he sense my blank stare?

“Well, is there anything you want to say?”

Ko Yeon-joo, with her arms gently crossed, smiled and smiled with ease. It’s like, ‘So, what do you think?’ It seems like he boldly wants evaluation.

… This is what I want to say.

Actually, it does exist. Everyone worked hard. Thank you for saving me and living up to my expectations.

However, I know that it is already too late to say anything and that I do not have the right to say such things.

“… … .”


“… good.”

I smiled slightly and opened my mouth with heartfelt emotion.

“It was a good battle.”


Thanks to Jegal Haesol’s transportation ability, we were able to return to the city in five days.

Since it was an expedition without much meaning, there wasn’t much noise even after arriving in the city. As always, we had a time to announce our performance based on each person’s contributions and rejoice in the rewards we received one by one. Among them, the fact that Lee Yu-jeong finally rose to B grade was definitely encouraging.

Additionally, I declared myself excluded from the most important reward distribution.

Aside from gold and silver treasures, elixirs, and medicinal herbs, the results gained from the bottomless pit of death also included a significant amount of equipment. But there was very little of it that I could use, and even if there was, I had no intention of being greedy. If it were due to the rating system, I would have the first priority, but this time I wanted to give up my rights to the clan members who worked hard.

Was he angry about giving up compensation? Your woman didn’t treat me as harshly(?) as I thought. She occasionally gave him a subtle glance, but that was all she did, and she didn’t make it too obvious. At least when it came to work, they seemed to differentiate between public and private. (In fact, as the days went by, my anxiety got worse. There was no way they could pass by quietly like this, and I often saw them gathering together and arguing.)

Well, even if it was me, I was worried about Kim Han-byeol and Yu Lee. Since the influence of these four women was so strong, I was worried that there might be backlash from places I didn’t know about.

However, after looking carefully for a few days, nothing seemed particularly strange. These aren’t women who would commit such a cowardly act, and if that had really been the case, I wouldn’t have stayed silent.

Anyway, after giving priority to this and that, I contacted my brother, who was the client, and told him that I had finished the strategy. However, contrary to expectations, the reaction was indifferent. All I could say was a soulless greeting such as “That’s right” or “Thank you for your hard work.”

However, just before hanging up, I was told to see you soon, which made me feel suspicious, but before I could ask anything, the communication was cut off. At first glance, I heard that you are quite busy these days, but I heard that you don’t feel sad on the inside.

However, that feeling soon disappeared when I was faced with several tasks waiting for my approval.

First of all, Seungwoo Cho brought good news. We have received information that magic elixirs will soon be listed for auction on ‘Night Streets’. The New Koran Alliance has already completed receiving the goods.

Cho Seung-woo went further and said that he contacted the seller behind the scenes for the purpose of purchasing it immediately, but ended the report by saying that he gave up because the price was so high.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t purchase it right away, but in fact, this information alone was enough of an achievement. Whether it is the original auction list or anything else, it is an iron rule not to leak any items related to the streets at night to the outside world. However, it seems that the New Koran Association was considerate of our situation by breaking its own rules and allowing us to contact the seller in advance.

Although I had acquired a new magic elixir during the expedition to the Bottomless Pit of Death, I decided to participate in the auction and instructed them to secure sufficient funds. In any case, ability-related elixirs are helpful items to have, and if you make good use of the restrictions, you can take two at once. As it is, Vivien is having a hard time due to lack of magical power, but I personally wanted to aim for the latter and solve her problem.

Cho Seung-woo also seemed to have heard my opinion and thought it made sense, and boasted that he would be able to raise enough money as his finances had increased thanks to the results of this expedition.

Of course, this was not the only problem at hand, or rather, the good news.

After returning from the expedition, another good news awaited me.


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not work with dark mode