MEMORIZE Chapter 828

00828 We are working hard to break through. ————————————————– ———————-=

“────. ────.”


After finishing the chant, the source raised the Somnium of Chaos, and the magic circles in the air resonated violently. After a long time, the Jin stopped rotating and the vibration stopped. So, when all the noise had completely died down, the various magics in the center of Jin finally began to slowly reveal themselves. At that moment, an enormous amount of magic was released all at once, covering the swarm of insects in the blink of an eye.

The bugs that sensed something strange quickly dispersed, but it was already too late. Magic of different shapes and colors poured down like rain and exploded.

A strong explosion hit my ears and a cloud of mud smoke erupted. However, users did not back down and fought hard. Imhanna’s prayer dropped arrows of light like a shower of rain, and Vivien also succeeded in summoning the 4th Legion by squeezing out her last magical power.

Eventually, the situation descended into chaos as demonic beasts rushed in from all directions. This caused great confusion among the bugs. Based on overwhelming numbers, the enemy has been pushed back without a break. However, the opponent, who seemed to be on the verge of breaking, suddenly began to resist fiercely. no. This is a terrifying counterattack that goes far beyond resistance and is enough to turn the situation around.

Suddenly, flames erupt from all over the place. Those who were struggling were overcome by flames that were spreading every moment, screaming and collapsing. As the demonic forces of the 4th Corps jump in between them and attack, it is inevitable that they will become disorganized. As the bugs began to shake, the melee classes naturally became more active.

It was then. The magic that was pouring down from the ceiling suddenly stopped. The cluster of lights that lit up the sky with five brilliant colors also faded. Magia’s magic circle suddenly faded, and the source that was floating in the air fell to the ground and collapsed helplessly. Groggy status. Now I’ve used up all my energy to the point where it’s difficult to even move my hand.

As the bombardment that prevented them from even raising their heads stopped, the insects gradually gained momentum. However, rather than opening their mouths, the expedition team focused frighteningly. Because everyone was feeling it. The fact that we must never lose sight of this victory that we managed to capture. Everyone fighting here right now is pouring out every ounce of their remaining energy.

In the end, it is a fight to see who can last longer. The moment this final strength was exhausted, defeat was a foregone conclusion.

The situation gradually escalated beyond a melee and into chaos. It was truly a fierce battle that reached the peak of dizzying heights. There were screams from all directions, a combination of explosions and loud noises. The smoke rose to the ceiling, making it impossible to see an inch in front of you, and sometimes the walls of the passage collapsed, attacking insects and users alike.

As time passed, the battle that had no end in sight slowly began to come to an end. The corpses of insects piled up like a mountain, but the number of users collapsing increased one by one. Most wizards who had consumed their magic to the limit collapsed, but did not faint. I memorized a spell that gathered even a little bit of magical power, threw it away, and fell down again.

Then the remaining users gritted their teeth and fought tenaciously. Im Hanna fired arrows without stopping even in a half-sitting position, and Nam Da-eun continued to move her sword while leaning against the wall even though she was wounded all over her body.

How much time has passed?

In the end, as Vivian, which had held out until the end, collapsed, the 4th Corps also began to gradually disappear. Although it has already been reduced by more than two-thirds compared to the first summon, the space has opened up to some extent and the battle situation has been settled. Vivien barely rolled her eyes and laughed while lying face down.

Sigh! Jin Soo-hyeon took down the bug that was wriggling on the ground and lifted its head with all his might. The drenched hair was wet, dark red liquid was spraying, and the closed mouth was filled with goo.


Eventually, he got down on one knee while holding the hilt of the sword, and at the same time, he let out a harsh breath mixed with sweetness. Jin Soo-hyun, who had never stopped moving since he woke up, stopped. What this means is clear. Without exaggerating, the dirt floor was so wet that the bodily fluids spit out by the bugs were up to the tops of my feet. So much liquid poured out in such a short period of time that it could not all be absorbed.

But in any case, the victory that emerged from the puddle of this battle went to the expedition team, not to the bugs. Yes, I won. Although it was a battle that was not recognized as an achievement or even recognized by anyone, eight users achieved victory against over 1,000 bugs. It is not just words, it is truly a 100% profit.

“great job.”

A dark shadow suddenly appeared on Jin Soo-hyeon, who was kneeling down and trying to catch his breath. As soon as I barely raised my eyes, her hand was sticking out. Go Yeon-ju was looking down with a faint smile on her face.

“congratulations. “I can’t even call you a baby now, can I?”

Jin Su-hyeon’s eyes narrowed. It’s because I didn’t understand Go Yeon-ju’s words. However, Nam Da-eun, who was also catching her breath, smiled quietly and nodded slightly. Because in the battle just now, Jin Su-hyeon clearly played someone’s role.

“thank you… .”

Jin Soo-hyeon lowered his head with an incomprehensible expression on his face. Then, just as I was holding his hand and struggling to get up, his eyes widened. Because a bug was biting his right neck, which was all that was left of his head.


Ko Yeon-ju was surprised, but Jin Soo-hyun actually stared at her wrist with blank eyes and shook it a few times to shake it off. He bit down so hard that the marks of his teeth were clearly visible, but luckily he didn’t dig into the flesh. He blocked it with Gyeonggi Gong (硬氣功).

“Hmm. “If it’s so dangerous that you lose your senses at this level, I think you should take back what you just said.”

“Oh, no way. “I was so weak that I didn’t know.”


“sure. Oh, where did a bug bite me?”

When Go Yeon-ju playfully asked back, Jin Soo-hyun twitched her wrist and made a joke as if she was saying no. Geunwon, who had been quietly watching from one side, lay down and tilted his head.

“… “Isn’t that a bug?”

At that moment, a look of trembling appeared on Jin Soo-hyeon’s face, which had been showing off to its fullest extent. And about 5 seconds later, someone suddenly said, “Pooh.” I burst out laughing. Starting with that laugh, helpless laughter flows from all directions.

“Kick… . I see… . “It’s a bug.”

“Hahaha… .”

No one knows the meaning of this laughter. However, it was not a negative feeling, but a pleasant, light-hearted laugh.

The laughter soon spread as if it were contagious, and flowed in the quiet passage for a long time.


In a dark room, an old bed. And the two women kneeling in front of me.

“… … .”

First of all, I had a strong feeling of sadness and regret. I’m not saying I’m going to start a campaign now, but anyway, Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee are children I have raised and raised since the rite of passage. In other words, can it be said to be gilt bronze or silver bronze?

Anyway, I have raised gold and jade in my own way, but it is shameful to say that they have grown a bit. One of them opens his eyes and talks back and forth, while the other doesn’t say a single word and even talks back clearly. Maybe this is how different he is from Ahn Hyeon? This is why she seems to say that raising her daughter is of no use.

I sighed deeply and quietly gathered my thoughts. They’re looking at me with a lot of force right now, and I’m not the type of person to be pushed around with words (except for my brother, of course). I think it’s a bit childish, but I’m confident in my ability to persuade.

Okay, then let’s get started.

“Hmm. As I said before, your hearts are truly happy. “This is not a lie.”

“Don’t waste time saying something again.”

“… That’s not it, I’m saying it’s too sudden.”


“okay. Let’s say it’s okay to suddenly come in while you’re sleeping and do this. But since time immemorial, isn’t it right for a relationship between a man and a woman to end so suddenly? I also had enough time to think… .”

“That is nonsense. Why do you want to focus on the current situation? The first time I confessed to my brother was before we even attacked Atlanta, and I kept waiting after that. And my brother made it clear that he would answer. “You’re not saying that you don’t have enough time to think, are you?”

… uh.

“I see. Hanbyul is right. The first time I spoke to my brother was before I even got an F grade. “It’s been a few months already, right?”

Is that so? Has time passed so quickly?

“… Thinking about it makes you angry? brother. “Do you have a tendency to enjoy being pushed and pushed?”


“Then tell me~. I like it, I don’t like it. You can just say it like this. So what can we do? “Is this difficult?”

“… So, if you say no, are you giving up cleanly?”

Feeling like something was pushing me, I raised my voice without realizing it. The two were shocked when they went out strong, but then they nodded resolutely at the same time.

“sure. It may be sad, but you have no choice but to accept it. “I don’t know if I will cry and lose my self-esteem and eventually become depressed and go back to how I was before.”

“huh. I’ll give up too. “I might go crazy after suffering from nightmares of the fantasy I’m about to meet.”

I held my face with both hands. Now he threatens me, no, he threatens me.

– well. I have a hard time with what they say.

Suddenly, Hwajeong’s voice rang in my head.

‘What are you talking about?’

– no. Maybe it’s a little dangerous?


– You said you suffer from nightmares. I don’t know what kind of fantasy it is, but don’t you have a vague idea?

Fantasy, nightmare? Now that I think about it, I think I did something about Park Dong-geol earlier.

“… … !”

I raised my eyes and sighed. When I looked at the two people closely, I could clearly see several traces. The eyes are red, as if they stopped crying, and tear marks are clearly visible on the eyes and cheeks.

… Could it be that you saw that kind of vision? If my predictions are correct, I cannot guarantee a 100% recovery.

– The possibility is very high. Especially because if you get caught in an illusion, you can control the world as you please, right? Even time.


– okay. Because you know, they woke up right away, but they didn’t, right? To put it bluntly, imagine being bullied day and night for days, weeks, months, even years. Don’t you go crazy and hate it? Rather, it is useful to keep your mind focused like that.

‘Uhm… .’

Suddenly, I felt something strange. It feels like Hwajeong has turned into a medicine seller. It’s as if they’re trying to tie me and these two together somehow… . He says she is his real wife and he is not jealous.

I stared at the two for a while with mixed feelings.

– Tsk tsk… .


– good. Gehenna… . Let’s feel what it feels like to be NTRed once… . Huhuhuhu!


– Oh, no! Nothing! Anyway, here’s the answer. lets think. They’re not even on medication, so are they suddenly going to ask me to hug them? I’m doing that because I want to forget those terrible memories through you.

‘… … .’

– You better decide quickly? As you know, psychosis of spontaneous origin is… .

‘okay. Okay, just stop.’

I got angry inside and got up. Then I felt two pairs of eyes following me.

I’m grateful that you like me, but… . I really don’t know if this is right or the best. Because acting after hearing Hwajeong’s words is nothing more than rationalization.

Actually, I’m not confident yet. Clearly, hesitation remains. But am I also a man by nature? I don’t really dislike kids who try to get closer on their own. At least unless you betray me first… . I am confident that we will go together.

The moment I made that decision, I grabbed Lee Yu-jeong’s shoulder, who was looking at me with wide eyes.

“Oh, brother… .”

I don’t know why, but the voice sounds very happy. I dragged Lee Yu-jeong by her shoulders and gently laid her down on the spot where I was sleeping. So, so that you can look at the ceiling.

“iced coffee… . really? It’s my first time, but I’m still in good shape… . no! Normal position is okay too!”

I turned around, thinking I knew pretty well for my first time. And this time, I grabbed Kim Han-byeol’s shoulder and slightly raised her as she looked down. Although she flinched, Kim Hanbyeol stared at me with startled eyes. I quietly let Kim Han-byeol lie down without saying anything. To be precise, so that it overlaps on top of Lee Yu-jeong.

For a moment, there was a bewildered silence.

However, after a while, the two women facing each other turned their heads at the same time.

““… brother?””

Oh, because the bodies overlap, the voices also overlap.

After taking a deep dive into the forest,

“… “Just stay like that for a moment.”

I slowly started taking off my clothes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Q 1. Interpret the following sentence and write the appropriate word.

Bowl of rice served with toppings.


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not work with dark mode