MEMORIZE Chapter 826

00826 Magician Hunter, Returned. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Ugh… !”

Kim Han-byeol woke up in shock. He was out of breath and his back was wet with sweat, making him look like he was having a nightmare. He places his hand on her chest and strokes it continuously, as if trying to calm her pounding heart.

As Kim Han-byeol was doing this for a while, Lee Chae suddenly caught his eye. Are you looking for someone? He looked around and under the bed several times, then quietly got up. I opened the door quietly so as not to wake Kim Soo-hyun, and then carefully closed the door. At that moment, Kim Han-byeol’s steps stopped.

“… sister?”

There was a passenger outside the door. Lee Yu-jeong was standing in one corner. One thing that is unusual is that it looks very painful somewhere. He was bending over with one hand on the wall and it looked like he was going to fall down at any moment.

“Are you okay?”

Lee Yu-jeong glanced and turned her head.

“Finish… . “It came out well.”

He speaks in a boiling voice and barely looks back at Kim Han-byeol. And suddenly, with weak hands, he began to take off his pants. Hanbyeol Kim hesitated. She suddenly took off her clothes and prayed,

“sister… .”

This is because a clear, thick liquid was hanging down along the lowered pants. If you look closely, not only the va**na but also the inside of the thighs, which are clearly exposed, are wet. Moreover, the center part of the underwear was stained with a bright yellow color. The faintly radiating heat was mixed with a slight odor. Hanbyeol Kim frowned.

“… Did you take it easy?”

“no. “Urinary incontinence.”

“That’s it.”

“You didn’t c*m in bed?”

“then… .”

“Shut up and give me some water. Because I feel like I need to wash it. “I feel so uncomfortable.”

Lee Yu-jeong gritted his teeth and growled. Kim Han-byul took off his pants and underwear and stared at Lee Yu-jeong, who was squatting down. For a moment, a look of conflict flashed across my face. But he soon gently placed his hand on his shoulder.

“I asked for some water… . huh?”

Grumble, rumble. The robe and pants fell down one after another. Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes widened. Her pure white underwear was so wet that it almost looked damp, between her crotches, which she pursed as if shy. As I pulled down her underwear, a clear fluid dripped from her tightly closed va**na and dotted her bottom. Lee Yoo-jeong stared at Kim Han-byeol, who was soon crouching down across from her, with her strange eyes.

“… “Are you too?”

“… … .”

“What kind of fantasy was it?”

“If you tell me first, I’ll tell you too.”

Kim Han-byeol, who said that, immediately began to recite the spell. Lee Yu-jeong muttered that it was shameful, but when a stream of water began to come out of her fingertips, she quickly brought her pants and her underwear. Not only her own, but also Kim Han-byeol’s.

There was some silence. Lee Yu-jeong, who had been squeezing and twisting the clothes with her two hands, suddenly lowered her head. Then a voice as big as a mosquito came out.

“… “It was a rite of passage.”

“A rite of passage?”

“Yes, a rite of passage. “Do you remember that kid from there named Park Dong-geol?”

“Of course I remember. What can I do with that mean guy… . … Sister, no way.”

A voice that seemed to realize something. Yujeong Lee nodded her head helplessly, still looking down.

“that’s right. I was really f*cking screwed. “All week long.”

Hanbyul Kim covered his mouth with his free hand.

“f*ck, what kind of rest room is the teaching assistant’s room? If you think about it, it made no sense. yes?”

Lee Yu-jeong twisted her clothes as if they were going to tear. Although she forced herself to act bright, her voice was trembling and slightly wet. Before she knew it, her shoulders were also shaking slightly. ‘yes?’ These words lingered in Kim Han-byeol’s mind. Maybe the reason she brought it up was because she felt a sense of kinship or wanted to be comforted… . I just had that thought.

Lee Yu-jeong rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffed. She looked at Kim Han-byeol as if she felt sorry for him.

“It looked fine earlier… .”

“That was just pretending. “Pretend you’re okay.”


“lets think. My brother is suffering so much… . “You weren’t in the mood for more whining.”

A new light appeared in Kim Han-byeol’s eyes. I thought she just thought nothing of it. She had no idea she knew.

Suddenly Lee Yu-jeong raised her eyes. She stares at Kim Han-byeol with wide eyes.

“So, what about you?”

“yes? ah. Well, what am I… .”

“Don’t even think about lying. “I heard you moaning in your sleep.”

“… “It’s a repayment.”

Hanbyul Kim closed his eyes and confessed. Lee Yu-jeong tilted her head.

“Repayment? “Are you talking about s*xual favors?”

“You know very well.”

“Did something like that happen at Mercenary? who.”

“… “Not the mercenary, but before that.”

Lee Yoo-jeong exclaimed, “Ah!” He remembered Kim Han-byeol’s former clan. Kim Han-byeol glanced up and continued speaking with a gloomy expression.

“still… . It’s better than my sister. “For me, it felt like four days.”

“Where is the cure for something like this? Anyway, when I get out of here, I’m going to find that bastard Park Dong-geol and kill him. Absolutely.”

“That’s how I feel, but… . But then why did you set such an angle in the first place?”

“I told you I came from Hyundai to prepare for the police force, right? When I saw that bastard keep glancing at Sol, I got the feeling. “I don’t know, but he must be a criminal.”

Lee Yu-jeong shook off her underwear and spoke with a confident voice.

After finishing the laundry and chatting behind each other’s backs, the two women sat together at the table with their clothes laid out on one side. Since I didn’t have any spare clothes, my bottoms were unintentionally missing. Kim Han-byeol seemed embarrassed and took off her top to cover her lower body, but Yu-jeong Lee spread her crotch without hesitation and shook her calves.

“Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well… . “I’m worried.”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. There’s Geunwon on the road, and if things happen, there’s Vivien’s army… .”

“still. You know, should I contact my brother secretly?”

“Absolutely not.”

Kim Han-byeol flatly refused. He shook his head resolutely. Lee Yu-jeong’s legs, which had been swinging back and forth like a pendulum, suddenly stopped.


“It seems like you already have a lot of worries… . Don’t make it complicated for no reason. “Is it because you don’t know that it’s scary when you’re angry?”

“hmm. “I think it’ll be okay to do it this time.”

“That’s Okay. “It’s best to just not bring it up.”

Lee Yu-jeong lowered her head. She stared in front of her in confusion for a while, and then she suddenly opened her mouth.


“… well?”

“no. “I wonder if that would be the best.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

Suddenly Lee Yoo-jeong burst into laughter.

“That’s right. There are things I want to forget, and so does your brother. Oh, does that sound a little strange?”

“It’s incredibly strange.”

“therefore. “My brother and I want to help each other out.”

“… … ?”

“And this is the most important thing… . “If I do well after this expedition, I think I’ll move up to B grade, right?”

“So, so?”

Did I feel something uneasy? Kim Han-byeol stuttered and asked a question. Then, Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes drew a mysterious arc and she gently glanced to the side.

Lee Yu-jeong opened her mouth with a slightly flushed face.

“Hey, let me do you a favor.”


Meanwhile, at the same time.

“What, what… .”

The moment I finally came to my senses, I was surrounded by insects on all sides, no, on all eight sides. Ten, twenty, forty, eighty… . It was completely surrounded by an uncountable amount of material. All escape routes were blocked. What’s even more surprising is that swarms of insects are still appearing. Before you know it, guys who seem to be twice as strong, let alone as brave, are constantly crawling out, covering the corpses of their fellow countrymen.

What should I do?

The moment Jin Soo-hyun hesitated, the swarm of insects simultaneously started charging in an S shape.

Crumble, rumble! It’s not at the level of eighteen. The sight of at least three to four times as many people rushing in at once is similar to the scene of an angry black tsunami crashing down. New, more waves are approaching every moment. My mind was painted white by the angry waves that opened their mouths as if they were going to swallow me up like this.

‘This… . I can’t… .’

In the end, Jin Soo-hyun, overwhelmed by the momentum, began to back away without even realizing it. However, before he could retreat, the bugs quickly surrounded Jin Su-hyeon. The back of my head hurts from blind malice. The left and right sides, as well as the rear, were occupied. I thought it was almost over. The number of people I’ve dealt with so far may easily exceed a thousand. But no one would have expected that this much would still be left.

The place was full of shouting and clanging. There is chaos everywhere. There is no leisure in any place. The center had already been invaded a long time ago, and Vivien and Im Hanna were desperately trying to stop it. But even that jersey is nearing its end. This is not a situation to ask for support anywhere.

“… … .”

Did I feel the ‘end’? Jin Su-hyeon, who looked blankly ahead, gritted his teeth for a moment and swung his sword. His bugs also raised their upper bodies as if they had been waiting and darted towards his snout. He then began gnawing at the remaining protective shield with his flashing teeth.

If only the number was a little smaller. No, if you weren’t exhausted. No, if only there was enough horsepower. At least if there was an exit route open. At least, it would have been possible to hold on. However, Jin Soo-hyun, who embraced all these adverse conditions, was literally driven to Groggy. In the meantime, he fought hard, taking down five or six of them, but the protective shield, which was his last bastion, ‘shattered!’ It shattered into pieces with a sound.

There was no way to stop what was going on. Jin Soo-hyeon frantically threw the knife, but in an instant, he was bitten in several places from his neck to his toes. He pulled out all the strength he had and struck down the dog that was clinging to him so stubbornly, but his wounds increased exponentially. There was a limit to what he could do with Gyeonggi Gong (硬氣功).

Then at some point,

“… ah.”

Suddenly the ceiling came into view. A beat later, I realized my body was leaning. A soft, gooey texture touched my back. The soil soaked with body fluids was cold and wet, but Jin Su-hyeon felt softer and softer than any other bed. A group of black people covers the body like a blanket. In an instant, everything turned into comfortable darkness.


Vivien screamed. He was unable to use his nerve to hold on as his defense suddenly collapsed, and he ended up dying for four months. He shouted as he saw a swarm of bugs piling up on top of someone.

“Get it out! “Bring it out!”

The corps commander and dozens of demon beasts turned around at the urgent voice. It spins its huge scythe around and does its best to open the blood path by kicking and cutting bugs. But unfortunately, Jin Su-hyeon was completely unaware of the external situation.

just… .

‘hot… .’

All I could do was struggle helplessly in pain as if my whole body was on fire.

‘here is… .’

There is darkness before my eyes. No matter where I look, all I see is darkness.

After a while, even the hot sensation burning my entire body began to slowly disappear, starting from my ankles.

‘Am I going to die…? .’

Jin Su-hyeon instinctively felt it. He knows that he is dying, that he is dying.

‘Die.’ is a feeling. Strangely enough, it wasn’t as scary or painful as I thought. no. Some people may feel that way. However, the emotion currently filling Jin Su-hyeon’s body was neither fear nor pain.

Only one.


I tried my best to survive, but death was really just a moment. The emptiness felt in this gap was strong enough to drive out all other emotions. At the same time, she felt like her heart was going to explode.

But did I just decide to accept it? Maybe it was already closed, but Jin Su-hyeon quietly closed his eyes. Suddenly, the image of someone came into my mind.


no. It wasn’t Maeng Ara. Cold eyes, sturdy body, jet black armor, red cloak… . The flashback that suddenly flashed was clearly of Kim Soo-hyun. Jin Su-hyeon smiled faintly and self-deprecatingly.

‘Only my brother… . If only I had you… .’

moment of regret,

‘I shouldn’t have died in vain like this… ?’


‘… why?’

The final question has come. And although it was slight, the fuse of the emotion called ‘anger’ was ignited.

When it comes to this situation, it’s not about anger toward the bug that knocked you over. It is anger at oneself, a rage that comes entirely from not understanding oneself. Also, it was anger that could be felt because it was Jin Soo-hyun and not anyone else.

Jin Soo-hyun was once raised into the post-Kim Soo-hyun under the angel’s plan. Although it was interrupted midway, Jin Soo-hyun was clearly the leader at that time. He led his colleagues from a central position rather than following them. Even if the situation was created, he always took the lead in handling crises. okay. That’s Jin Soo-hyun.

If so.

‘Since when… .’

The moment I finally realized, ‘it’ was felt gradually.

‘Since when did I… !’

Just before death, the flame that had been slowly eating away at the wick suddenly ignited greatly and burned the fuse like crazy.

Jin Su-hyeon’s face was distorted like an angry animal.

‘… ‘I can’t admit it.’

The moment I thought so.


Coincidentally, at the same time as the painful scream, the darkness that had been blocking my eyes cleared. Something rough stretches out into the open field of view. Even though he frowned at his suddenly regained vision, Jin Su-hyeon instantly reached out his hand and held it tightly.

A moment later, the buried body was lifted into the air by force.


—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

No, awakening after episode 10… . OTL

Based on yesterday’s episode, this is the awakening after episode 2. ㅜ.ㅠ

Anyway, this part is over, and the next part will probably be the last of this episode.

Oh, anyway, I’m worried.

To confess, I want to write a bed scene that can feel beautiful even if it’s a bit weak, but I keep feeling like I want to write it in a s*xy and erotic way.

I think I lack training.

Is it because I have a lewd devil these days… .

Anyway, I need to control my mind. 🙂


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not work with dark mode