MEMORIZE Chapter 825

00825 Magician Hunter, Returned. ————————————————– ———————-=

Kim Soo-hyun says, ‘I will not contact you.’ After declaring this, the room fell into silence. In fact, even if you stay like this, there isn’t really anything to do. You can literally just ‘wait’.

Although he said it very strongly, the two were in no position to disobey Kim Soo-hyun’s words in the first place. Kim Han-byul tried to change Kim Soo-hyun’s mind, but all was in vain. ‘How long do I have to wait?’, ‘What do you plan on eating or drinking water while waiting?’ I responded a little bit to those words, but in the end it was a useless effort. This is because one of the two Chaos Mimics brought on the expedition was found in Lee Yu-jeong’s sleeping bag. The man and woman wondered why this was in Lee Yu-jeong’s sleeping bag, but the person in question looked at the distant mountains and said, “I don’t know.”

After solving the food problem, the three walked around the room. I was able to chat for a while after looking at the devices that allowed me to use the convenience facilities I found here and there, and the achievements accumulated in the two rooms. However, unless you know its efficacy, it was a pie in the sky. There was no Goose Appreasel in Chaos Mimic. ‘It might be cursed, so you’d better be careful.’ When the words came out, the two women took off their cranes and retreated.

As time passed, there was really nothing to do.

“Hey, I’ve been thinking about it. “Then, until the expedition finds us, you and I can go on a date, right?”

Kim Han-byeol looked at Lee Yu-jeong, who was laughing while clenching her lips, with pitiful eyes.

‘I don’t know how fast my brother is.’

Hanbyeol Kim looked away as he picked up the dried beef jerky taken from Chaos Mimic and ate it. In the room, Kim Soo-hyun, who had finished eating early, was lying on the bed. He takes off his armor and lies down on his back, rolling the communication crystal he holds in one hand. He sometimes closes his eyes and sighs like a sigh. His facial expression is quite calm, but you can tell from his actions. At least Kim Han-byeol could feel it.

‘Just give me a call… .’

That’s what I thought, but on the other hand, it wasn’t that I didn’t understand Kim Soo-hyun’s feelings. Rather, my heart ached the whole time I listened to him. ‘I can’t admit it.’ This is because I realized that the words were not only directed at the expedition team. These words were aimed not only at himself and Lee Yu-jeong, but also at the entire Mercantile Clan. Perhaps Ansol, who is the only ‘EX level’ member of the clan, is excluded… .

If you think about it carefully, this is an expedition team with nothing to regret. Each member is a powerful user and has the ability to lead a group wherever they go. If you look at the facts revealed on the surface, this is clearly the case. However, if we look back at the actual details of the expedition one by one… .

The moment the thought reached that point, Kim Han-byeol jumped up from his seat. He walked forward at a brisk pace, leaving behind Lee Yu-jeong, who had his eyes wide open.


As soon as the door closes, Kim Soo-hyun looks on with wide eyes.

“Why again… .”

“Do not worry too much. “He will definitely come to rescue me.”

“… huh?”

“No one lost, everyone.”

The eyes that had been staring blankly became blank. ‘What nonsense?’ Rather than saying, there is a strong feeling of surprise. Kim Han-byeol stood and waited, her heart pounding for no reason. After a while, Kim Soo-hyun slowly put his marble into his bosom. He held the back of his head with his clasped hands and opened his mouth indifferently. One thing is clear: I laughed, even if only slightly.

“okay… . thanks.”

The words, “Thank you,” came out. It was a word with many complex meanings. This is enough. Kim Han-byeol thought so and decided not to pester him any more while he was here. Of course, ‘just this’.

After a while, Kim Han-byul, smiling at him, slowly lay down next to Kim Soo-hyun. Perhaps because he had taken off his armor, a strong masculine scent filled his nostrils. If I had to wait anyway, there was one thing I had to take advantage of this opportunity to solve. As Lee Yoo-jeong said, there is a high possibility that an opportunity like this will not come again if you return to Atlanta. I feel sorry for the expedition team who are going through a hard time right now, but for Kim Han-byeol, this was the answer he had been waiting for for a very long time. So I couldn’t miss it.


Kim Han-byeol managed to get the words out while controlling his heart that was pounding like crazy.

“Do you have anything to say to me?”

“huh? “What?”

I also forgot. Kim Han-byeol bit her tongue for a moment, but endured it with superhuman patience.

‘i love you.’

‘Oppa, I love you.’

This time, this time, I had to listen somehow. Only then will your position become clear. Should I accept it, or should I just give up and find a new relationship?

“When I was dragged into that dimension… . “You said you would tell me when you come back to this world.”

“… … ?”

“How much time has passed since then?”

“… … !”

My eyes, which were repeatedly closing and opening, suddenly grew as big as a flower lantern. Kim Han-byeol, who was quietly watching the reaction, crossed her arms with polite cold eyes. Kim Soo-hyun hurriedly raised his upper body with a puzzled look on his face. He had completely forgotten about it all this time. Even Kim Soo-hyun of the world had nothing to say even if he had ten mouths right now. It was then.

“Ha, Hanbyul. “That’s it.”

bang! With the sound of the door opening loudly, someone appeared. Kim Hanbyul reflexively chewed his mouth. Come to think of it, I wasn’t the only one here.

“… under?”

Lee Yu-jeong, who appeared like an outlaw, screamed in horror as he saw the two men and women standing close together. And she just jumped up and took the remaining seat next to Kim Soo-hyun.

“What do you mean? “Can I listen too?”

And he snuggled up next to Kim Soo-hyun and chirped happily. Hanbyeol Kim let out a long sigh.

“… sister. Do you know the term ‘Nunssi-nun’?”

“Then do you know the saying that a well-behaved cat goes up to the stove first?”

“then… !”

“Stop, please stop.”

Partz tsk tsk! As an intangible electric current began to flow between the two, Kim Soo-hyun quickly intervened. He looks at them both once, then calmly shakes his head.

“I think you both should sleep first. “It looks so difficult.”

It’s not that they weren’t, but the faces of the two women who came out of their respective hallucinations were covered in fatigue.


Thanks to Jeong Ha-yeon’s lead attack, the battle between the expeditionary force and the bugs signaled the beginning of the war. The melee class had a square centered around the wizard. Jin Su-hyeon slammed his sword into the ground to shake off the bodily fluids, and Jeong Ha-yeon was aiming his staff and immediately muttering a spell.

Meanwhile, the bugs were writhing and approaching like water. Eventually, they began to gape, and the signal for a full-scale battle finally sounded.


Jin Soo-hyeon swung his sword non-stop at the guys flowing towards him.

‘why… . ‘Why is it so hard?’

The thought that it was difficult crossed my mind. I am not talking about a simple physical burden. It’s truly an unfamiliar sensation that I haven’t felt in a long time, but it’s not welcome at all.

They are definitely nothing special. When faced with one on one, Jin Soo-hyun’s abilities are much better than those of the bugs. However, there is an old saying that there is no business in quantity. This was a phrase currently used by all members of the expedition team. No matter how good the user information was, they were so outnumbered that they had no choice but to gradually be pushed out.

“every! “Close your eyes, stop breathing, and cover your ears!”

At that time, Jegal Haesol shouted in a high voice. It was a warning to the melee group that was fighting directly to commit suicide, but Jin Su-hyun quickly retreated and obediently followed the instructions. In such an urgent battle situation, there was nothing wrong with following the wizard’s instructions. Rather, it is likely to become a lifeline.

“────! ────!”

Jegal Haesol shouted loudly. He covered his ears most of the time, so he couldn’t hear much. It felt like something was bothering me and my tinnitus was ringing. Eventually, when he opened his eyes, he was able to see insects scurrying around in front of him, unable to figure out where to turn. It was magic I had never seen before. What really happened?

“I do not have time! hurry!”

The moment Jin Soo-hyun heard those words, he ran forward without hesitation. I don’t know why, but the bugs seemed like they couldn’t recognize who was who. Thanks to this, Jin Su-hyeon was able to swing his sword freely. It was a bit difficult for him to cut through the hard shell, but he still had strength left, so he was able to lay down ten in no time. It was then.


Just as I was about to relax a little, a sad scream hit my ears. The satyr that Vivian had summoned, blocking one side, was staggering and collapsing. He was surrounded by insects that had just come to their senses and were biting his entire body. It looked like he wouldn’t be able to hold out for long, with hazy smoke flowing from his entire body.

“Ugh! hey! “What kind of magic did you use?”

Vivien jumped up and down. Jin Soo-hyun instinctively sensed the situation. The satyrs who did not listen to Jegal Haesol’s words also fell under the influence of magic. In the first place, since the demonic beast only followed the summoner’s orders, it was difficult for him to say whose fault it was.

Jin Su-hyeon quickly looked at the situation. First of all, the left side I was in charge of had the fewest bugs. Go Yeon-ju is blocking in the front, and Nam Da-eun is blocking in the back. There were more than twenty corpses rolling nearby, but the bugs were still pushing in.

After a while, black smoke burned like fire and the satyr was summoned back. Jin Soo-hyeon kicked the ground without looking any further.

“Shut up and summon me quickly!”

After pushing Vivien hard, who was grinding her teeth, she faced a wave of bugs. Just before they collided, several fireballs flew in a curved line and hit the swarm of insects precisely. Recognizing Jin Su-hyeon’s support, Geunwon fired a support shot with good timing.

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak! A thick pillar of fire rises along with an explosion that shakes the eardrums. However, there were definitely some that jumped out through the fire. In particular, some of them rushed at me tenaciously even though their whole bodies were golden brown. Jin Soo-hyeon also gritted his teeth and struck down the knife, but stopped at the line that penetrated halfway through his shell. In the ongoing battle, the blade lost its sharpness.

Empty! Without giving me time to breathe, a sudden crashing sound rang out. Is it about 50 centimeters? Right next to me, a bug is moving its snout like crazy and gnawing at something. If someone hadn’t applied a protective shield in time, an effective hit might have been allowed.

“shit… !”

However, instead of panicking, Jin Su-hyeon chose to deal with the enemy while the shield was maintained. The magical energy that has been saved so far is exploded all at once.


Jin Soo-hyeon screamed and swung his sword at random. Sword lights flashed in all directions, and bodily fluids gushed out like fountains everywhere. In a charge that is literally reminiscent of a cavalry charge, the swarm of insects is split in half like the miracle of Moses. Jin Su-hyeon suddenly forgot about his breathing and threw his sword in all directions and struck.

After running around like a crazy person, the attack seemed to have waned a bit. Jin Soo-hyun let out a breath that had built up to the tip of his chin and looked around. His whole body was covered in cracked and burst corpses of bugs. He suddenly burst into laughter.

‘If only I had you… .’

It would be a lie if I said I didn’t think of Kim Soo-hyun at least once during the battle. If only he had had his brother, he would have wiped out all of them. When I thought about it this way, it was no wonder that I felt unfamiliar with the current situation. Moreover, the people Kim Soo-hyun has faced so far are not these insignificant insects.

Fourteen Demon Lords, Kushan Thor, Astral Plane, Ancient Evil God… . In front of much stronger guys, in front of guys who thought they could really win, he led his clan members without losing an inch, and ultimately won.

‘What did I do then?’

Even if you ask yourself, you won’t find an answer. This means one thing.

That means nothing was done.

To put it bluntly, I just watched. There was a time when I just watched Kim Soo-hyun’s life-threatening battle for the same reason that it was not a battle worth intervening in.


… So, it was funny.

My brother is so strong, but someone else is just gasping in front of an insect like this.

‘Brother too… . ‘Did you feel like this?’

The mouth opened and white teeth were revealed. Perhaps because I was out of breath, my saliva kept accumulating and dripping. Jin Soo-hyun closed his mouth and tried to control his trembling breath.

But even for a moment.

Soon, a new swarm of insects appeared from ahead. Crunching, making sounds that I don’t want to hear.

“… Damn it!”

A curse came out spontaneously. But the bugs didn’t care at all and kept calling.

“Vivien! why… !”

Jin Su-hyeon hurriedly looked back and growled, but he had no choice but to stop talking. The demon beast had already been summoned. Not only the corps commander but the entire corps was summoned. However, the Demonic Beast Corps was already engaged in a fierce battle on the left side that they had vacated.

“… … !”

It was at that moment that I felt strange.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I finally came to the part I wanted to write about.

What is it?


Inside, inside, inside.


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not work with dark mode