MEMORIZE Chapter 824

00824 “… “I can’t admit it.” ————————————————– ———————-=

2nd basement floor.

I don’t know how much time has passed. no. It would be accurate to say that there is no time to worry. The trudging steps seem very heavy, and the shoulders are slumped. His face is full of exhaustion. The expedition team marching steadily does not look very good. The seed of hope that had sprouted for a moment bowed its head again.

After the monster’s appearance began in earnest, the expedition’s marching speed slowed significantly. In some ways, this is a natural procedure, but the severity is quite severe. After less than 100 meters, a monster appeared and we had to fight. Even if you barely get through the battle, you have to be careful about the traps lurking everywhere. Every moment was a series of battles, and the moment I let my guard down, I fell headlong into a trap.

Is that all? To put it mildly, monsters that I recognized as ghosts flocked from all directions. Everyone felt it secretly.

The monster’s behavior became strange. Until recently, I felt quite cautious, but at some point that changed 180 degrees. Just like a broken machine, they just keep repeating search and attack. There are so many numbers. The number of those killed by the expedition team so far must have exceeded four hundred. This is why it’s rather strange that I don’t get tired.

“How about contacting you?”

“yet… . huh?”

Immediately after a battle I don’t even know how many times it has already been. Go Yeon-ju, who was quietly fiddling with the crystal while taking a break, tilted her head. The wide-open eyes soon became as narrow as thread. What that expression means is clear.

“After a while… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was looking at him with a pale face, got up with a sigh. Is it because I used a lot of magical energy? The hand holding her cane is shaking.

“… “We’re surrounded again.”

Lim Hanna, who was gulping down the potion, muttered as she wiped the liquid that had spilled on her chest. She didn’t seem to have the energy to speak, but she gritted her teeth and held on to her bow.

“Damn it!”

Clink! Jin Su-hyeon, who was also drinking the potion, nervously threw away his bottle and stood up. The condition of the melee units on the front lines was even more serious. There are no serious wounds visible, but there is dark red bodily fluid all over his body. Moreover, Jin Soo-hyun’s clothes were blackened and torn in several places, which seems to have allowed for quite a few effective hits.

There was no need to move since we were already resting in a dustproof position. The clan members stood up, grabbed their respective weapons, and stood guard in all directions. And not long after, dark shadows appeared everywhere. At the same time, a crunching sound, as if something was being written, echoed through the space.

“… come.”

As we already know, users reflexively raised their magic power. Three or four spheres appeared behind Lim Hanna, followed by the sound of three or four people quickly chanting spells. Soon, something began to appear not only in the open passage, but also in the ground. They were at least 4 meters long, and began to narrow the siege at a rapid pace, swimming along the ground like snakes.

Next moment,

“────. ────. Ice Lance! “Repeatedly!”

Dozens of ice spears spread out in all directions, and at the same time, long black waves attacked the expedition team.

A moment later, crazy shouts and loud noises echoed through the dark underground passage.


As the ‘fantastic doppelganger’ disappeared, the smoke gradually faded. The scene that had been hidden through the gradually fading haze began to become visible, albeit dimly.

The deepest part of the ‘bottomless pit of death’ was definitely a space different from any other room. On the arch-shaped ceiling, which is about 10 meters high and draws a gentle curve, more than half of the beads are still emitting light. The gray wall made of angled bricks is old, but doesn’t show any signs of damage.

There are a total of six more doors inside, excluding the living room we entered, and considering that it is a hiding place, it seems to have been created as a multi-purpose room. Although there were holes in the ground and there was a musty smell, the room maintained its original appearance despite the passage of time. Since it is a hiding place for the royal family, it would not have been designed sloppily.

If you come this far and don’t open it, it would be rude. There must be a warehouse among these.

“hmm. Was this a food warehouse? “It’s empty.”

“Ugh! Hmm!”

“Oh~. I think this is a bedroom. Guys, check this out. “I think there’s a bed and a bathroom, right?”

“Ugh… . Ugh… .”

Every time I opened the door one by one, I exaggerated my exclamation. I shook the door slightly to tell him to look here, but I couldn’t help but sigh.

“Ugh, huh!”


Kim Han-byeol sits down in a mermaid pose, shedding tears like a woman in sorrow. Lee Yu-jeong is now lying face down, burying her head and crying. The crying still shows no signs of stopping. Since I woke up, I’ve been crying and crying, and I also raised both my hands and feet. No matter how much I tried to coax him, he wouldn’t stop. In the end, I stopped exploring and sat down again.

“Stop crying. huh? Not a chick, but a user with 4 years of experience… .”

One interesting thing is that whenever I sit like this, two people do the same thing. It was the same just now. Even after crying a lot, it doesn’t come crawling towards me. Is this all? When their paths collide in the middle, they push each other with their shoulders or hold on to each other, which is behavior that I truly don’t understand.

Soon, the two women buried their heads in my arms and started crying again. Maybe he knows me as his mother. A very cute kitten was born.

– Just understand. They are different from you. You probably suffered a lot? How dare you do that?

I know that. But even when I ask him what vision he had, he won’t say anything. It can be said to be counterproductive because every time you say something, the crying only gets louder. In the end, I quietly patted him again. It was then.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Suddenly, a vibration rang out in my arms. When I reached in and took it out, the communication crystal was emitting a brilliant blue light. With a little magic, you can find out who contacted you. no. It is obvious even without looking who did it.

“… … .”

For a very short time, a thought of arrogance crossed my mind. A long time passed, but the crystal seemed to have no intention of turning off the light. I looked at the crystal for a while and then put it back into my arms. Then Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee opened their eyes round even though they were crying.

“… Huh?”

“… crying?”

okay. Have you decided to use crying as your language now?

As soon as they put it away without answering the call, the two slowly stopped crying. It seems that he has finally realized the situation as he looks around with wet eyes. Kim Han-byeol, who had been looking at her for a while, quietly opened her mouth.

“here is… .”


“… The end, yo?”

“Do you remember being dragged in while you were sleeping?”

The two nodded cautiously.

“I’m not sure, but… . “I think this room is probably the deepest part of the ruins.”

Lee Yu-jeong had been blinking blankly since earlier. However, Kim Han-byeol frowned slightly and suddenly said, “Ah.” She let out an exclamation. I think I understood it quickly because I heard it from Geunwon and me during the border crossing.

“no way… !”

“don’t worry. “It’s not a monster’s food storage.”

“What about the boss?”

“It’s already been done. “That’s why you woke up.”

Kim Han-byeol gently closed his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief. However, it seems that there are still doubts about the fact that he is looking at me with complicated eyes. You’re probably wondering why you haven’t heard back.

“then… .”

I made a prediction, but I was speechless. It’s unexpected that these two come together. I was planning to just bring him in alone and deal with it on my own. But the situation has become quite strange. How should I say this?

“brother. Wouldn’t it be better to keep in touch? Your sisters must be extremely worried… .”

Lee Yu-jeong said, twisting her hair with her fingers. Hanbyeol Kim also agreed.

“that’s right. Or should I do it? We’re alive. Because it’s okay… .”

“well. “I wonder if there’s any need to do it.”

“… yes?”

“Does anything change if I contact you? We don’t even know the way anyway. “It’s better to just wait here.”

I did it just in case, but still. They both frowned at the same time. Even if you think about it yourself, this explanation makes no sense.

“brother. “Are you the kind of person who enjoys having someone worry about you?”

“Am I a pervert?”

“Then why? Think about it. How many people are left now… .”

“That way, I will search more desperately.”

In the end, I ended up telling the truth at least a little.

There was silence for a moment. I deliberately didn’t look at the two. He took out a piece of tobacco and bit into it, tilting his chin back and raising his gaze. The ceiling mixes with light and comes into sight. As I slowly closed my eyes, several voices passed through my mind.

‘What is it? I was worried for no reason. So, I guess I can just trust you this time too? lol.’

Why are you leaning on me? You can trust yourself. You have skills, right? He’s the ‘mage hunter’ I wanted to be like the most, who single-handedly annihilated the magician unit in the first round, right?

‘I… ? Ah, yes. ‘That’s how it should be.’

why? I’m definitely a melee type and you’re an archer. Isn’t it normal for an archer to lead an expedition? But why are you looking at me so awkwardly?

‘is it? Well, if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have come this far.

Why do you think so? Even if it wasn’t for me, I would have been able to come. Especially since you are a master of swords.

‘that’s right.’

Why, why, why, why.

Why do we take it for granted?

The moment I thought that,

“… “I can’t admit it.”

I opened my mouth without realizing it.

“Damn it, I won’t admit it.”

A growling sound comes out. My eyes are closed, but my eyes keep getting stronger. I thought it was a mistake, but it was Kim who threw it away.

“There are eight of us.”

“… … .”

“The Shadow Queen, the Sword Queen, the spell sniper, the twilight shaman, the legion summoner are two, the super information collection, and even Jegal Haesol. Five secrets, one rare that isn’t even rare, and two rare wizards. This number of people can’t break through the bottomless pit of death? “Do you think this makes sense?”

“… … .”

Once I got the word out, it poured out like water from a burst dam. I don’t think it’s easy to break through these ruins. It was once a place that almost gained a notoriety similar to the mountains where dragons sleep. But anyway, it was eventually conquered. By user.

Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee no longer opened their mouths. I know that you are watching me. All you have to do is say that you are alive. You probably can’t understand me like this. However, I also felt uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I felt that this situation was a little funny. After choosing the second round, the things I thought I would prepare one by one started to feel strange at some point. I can’t put my finger on it, but as time passed and the end came closer, I felt it more clearly. To be exact, since the time I was dragged into hell, no. I felt this way from the moment I thought about it.

‘Shouldn’t we have skipped the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period? .’

Actually, I didn’t even realize it until it was too late.

I thought I would take care of it, and I drew the line at what I could do on my own.

On the other hand, you may have been ignoring it even though you knew it.

Perhaps, it may be no different from admitting it from the moment you regretted it.

… So, I was hoping.

I hope my clan members prove me wrong.

In my absence, how far can my clan members show?

I wanted to check it out here for sure.

Is this clan called Mercenaries the right group to achieve the ‘plan’? .

Or is it a failed group?


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not work with dark mode