MEMORIZE Chapter 823

00823 “… “I can’t admit it.” ————————————————– ———————-=

Since you are underground, you cannot tell whether it is day or night. I was told to rest, but most of the clan members were restless. I often went into my sleeping bag and came back out, and wandered around the room aimlessly. Or sit down and stare blankly at the bonfire.

This series of actions was a silent protest. However, the ‘Shadow Queen’ did not move at all. Go Yeon-ju doesn’t want to go and rescue him right away, but he says, ‘I’m so worried, I can’t stand it!’ ‘Everyone get ready!’ It is safe to say that the moment the word comes out, the probability of success drops to less than half. If that happens, problems will arise in the breakthrough itself, let alone rescue.

No one knows how much time is left or what will happen. It was clearly an act of suicide to go in exhausted, even though we did everything we could. There was a good reason why Kim Soo-hyun emphasized physical strength at all times.

Of course, that doesn’t mean there haven’t been unreasonable marches. But the situation is different from then. Kim Soo-hyun only forced a march when safety was secured or there was no reason to stay for a long time. Even if an emergency occurred, there was enough force to resolve it. But to act like I did back then… . For Go Yeon-joo, he was not confident. He is confident that he will perform the role of Kim Soo-hyun 100%. In the end, all he can do is not eat away at my skin.

After what seemed like eons, Go Yeon-ju finally stood up. As I trample on the bug carcass, I look around and see that everyone is glaring. Go Yeon-joo opened his mouth.

“Mr. Hayeon. How did you contact me?”

“I did fifty-two. “I never get it.”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s face suddenly regained its composure. She was holding the communication crystal as if she were trying to distort it.

Go Yeon-ju looked away. Im Hanna was already organizing the tent.

“Any other unusual details?”

“I don’t see a single Chaos Mimic. “It looks like we went into the hole together.”

“I heard that earlier.”

“Other than that, nothing in particular…” .”

“good. then… .” Go Yeon-ju said this and took a deep breath. Finally, “Get ready.” The moment the words came out, the clan members acted as if they had been waiting. In the blink of an eye, the campsite was cleared. With the extinguished campfire creating a black and hazy haze, the expedition team stood facing the door. In the lead, Lim Hanna, Go Yeon-ju, Nam Da-eun, and Jin Su-hyeon formed a triangular formation, and the magicians were positioned in the center, surrounding Geunwon.

Im Hanna looked more cautious than ever. She gently pushed the door open with her nervous hands. Soon the entrance opened wide like the jaws of an animal, and the eight-person expedition finally resumed.

Contrary to Go Yeon-ju’s concerns, the start was not bad. It was effective to force myself to take a break. Not only did the body recover, but each person was able to calm down while resting, which resulted in good results. Filled with magical power, Geunwon used battlefield analysis at the right time and instructed Go Yeonju to lead the way without overdoing it. Thus, the expeditionary force was able to march a considerable distance in a short period of time.

As we progressed like this, the complexion of the clan members also improved compared to the beginning. The tension that was so tight that it seemed like it would explode is gently relieved. At first, I was secretly unsure, but I regained my confidence by facing it directly. The nervousness gradually disappeared and hope began to sprout little by little.

“Is it better than you thought?”

“If it can keep going like this… .”

It was a cautious tone, but now stories like this were coming out. Although the heaviness in their hearts had not yet gone away, the clan members were able to accelerate their march with hopeful faces.

At least until ‘those guys’ come out.


The more I walked, or rather, the closer I got to ‘it’, the more the scenery gradually changed. At some point, the wasteland where sand and wind blew around transformed into a space where red light and darkness mixed together.

A damp, humid scent pierced my nose. The sound of someone screaming at the top of my lungs tickles my ears. Before I knew it, I was walking down a dark prison passage. He stopped walking, exhaling a long puff of inhaled smoke. The hazy smoke disappeared before my eyes, and it finally appeared.

The first thing that caught my eye was light brown hair. It must have been cut with a knife, so the diagonal cuts are scattered on the floor. As I slowly raise my eyes, I see the trembling calf as if it will collapse at any moment, the local area mixed with red blood and white fluid, the bulging breast full of whip marks, and the bulbous brown eyes come into view one by one. The woman was tied to her wall and she was glaring at me like she was going to kill me. She was indeed the ‘Holy Queen’ Yoo Hyeon-ah whom I had not seen in a long time.

“It’s because of you…” .”


“Kim Soo-hyun, it’s because of you! If it weren’t for you, I’d be like this… !”

“no. “I’m not a vagabond.”

I shook my head and firmly interrupted the conversation.

“This scene… . yes. It’s a memory after losing to Istantel Raw. “I’ve heard of you being bullied by a vagabond, but I’ve never seen it in person.”

“… … .”

“how is it. “Isn’t it strange for you to hear it?”

“… … !”

For a split second, Yoo Hyeon-ah’s eyes narrowed. Then the scene before her eyes melted and disappeared. I walked with a half-burned tobacco in my mouth. However, after not much walking, the scenery changed once again. A man accustomed to a fresh, green meadow is lying down. As she gets closer, she barely raises her upper body, looks at me, and struggles to reach out.

“Suhyeon… .”

Is it my brother this time?

– It’s Dummy again.

Know. The hole in the abdomen was well executed, but the surrounding scenery just made me laugh.

“Why are you saying what I said…?” ?”

My brother tried to grab me with a pitiful voice, but I just walked past him. Since it’s a dummy anyway, there’s nothing to see.

“Where are you going! Come back! Come back and me… !”

“I don’t like it, you bastard.”

“W-what? How could you… !”

“I’m playing. Do you think that place is so fresh and fragrant? Did you read and implement it properly?”

As I snorted and answered, my voice broke. I guess he’s starting to feel a little feverish now.

– hey. What are you doing now?


– What if I mock you when pretending to be caught isn’t enough?


– therefore. You have to pretend to be caught so the body will crawl out.

‘That’s good, but there’s also a way to provoke them to come out. There will be limits to the dummy.’

The sound of clicking one’s tongue followed. However, she did not open her mouth any more than Ji-i thought that Hwa-jeong had a point.

It was that moment.


The third vision blocked my path without any foreshadowing. Everything suddenly became dark, both the sky and the ground. Finally, the moment I looked 10 meters ahead, my steps stopped. A boiling voice came out instinctively.

“… Clan Lord?”

It was a woman who was almost naked. In a dark space, she was looking at me, Han So-young tied to her pole. Her usual armor is missing, and her clothes, torn to near tatters, barely cover her body in patches. Her heart sank as she looked at her pupils, whose pupils were dilated and seemed to have lost all sense of reason.

“Suhyeon… .”

When I finally came to my senses, I dropped the tobacco in my hand. Oops, but it was already too late. Because the corners of Han So-young’s mouth rose slightly. If she made a mistake, it was a mistake.

… You would think so, right?

– Truth. You were right.

Hwajeong’s confirmed kill. One word is enough. I immediately used Lee Hyung-hwan to occupy the space behind Han So-young.

“at last… . You came… ?”

Han Soyoung spoke in a weak voice. Of course, while looking at my afterimage that still remains. I said, ‘Yes.’ Instead of saying that, he stretched out his arm without hesitation towards her white and pretty neck. It was almost at the same time that the afterimage disappeared and Han So-young looked back with her wide eyes.

“number… ! “Keeeeeeeeeeee!”

As I grabbed my neck hard, an animal-snapping sound that I could not have imagined coming from Han So-young erupted. The thing wriggled like crazy and faded away at a rapid pace. He seemed to be trying to escape in a hurry, but


Grumble, rumble! Hwajeong, who noticed the man’s movements, immediately spewed flames to block his escape.

Soon, the appearance of Han So-young, who had been consumed by the flames, gradually faded away, and at the same time, the soft feel of her skin also disappeared. Instead, something like squishy jelly was caught in her hands. Before she knew it, she was holding a white lump with a rippling surface in her hands. Is this guy the ‘Vision’s Doppelganger’ who oversees the bottomless pit of death?

Eventually, the thing couldn’t even scream and began to turn into ash. In fact, for the average user, he is not an easy person to deal with. The ability to read an opponent’s memories and leap into fantasy, or the ability to infiltrate the opponent’s mind and destroy it, are quite scary. Didn’t Kim Han-byeol and Lee Yu-jeong collapse without even making a sound?

step. My relationship with him was very, very bad. I admit that I broke through the combination of the mind’s eye and the third eye, but in the end, that’s it. From the time I noticed the illusion, it was only a matter of time before this guy was defeated.

After a while.

Kieeeeeee… .

A small sound, similar to a deathly scream, rang in my ears. The burning fireball turns into a handful of ash and scatters away. When I came to my senses and looked around, there was thin smoke flowing around me. Finally, we entered the real hiding place.

good. With this, the conquering of the Bottomless Pit of Death has been completed.

With that thought in mind, I calmly looked around the area. One surprising thing is that the room is not as dark as expected. But I can’t even see an inch ahead. There is a soft glow coming down from the ceiling, but visibility is quite limited perhaps because of the smoke.

I wanted to clear the smoke from the chimney, but I had work to do first. I looked closely at the floor with my enhanced eyesight.

Fortunately, Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee had collapsed not far away. However, the condition does not look very good. Lee Yoo-jeong’s eyes are rolled back, her waist is lifted as high as she can and she’s trembling, and Kim Han-byeol is lying on her godson’s side with her whole body spread out, like a doll with its threads cut. The dead fish-like eyes are particularly striking. What kind of fantasy are these two seeing?

It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t curious, but it wasn’t the time to relax. Without delay, I approached them and attempted to purify them one by one. When I touched my hand to pour out the power of Hwajeong, I realized that their bodies were drenched in sweat. I think I’m probably experiencing a pretty intense fantasy.

After finishing the purification work, I flopped down on the floor. It felt like hard stone, not soft soil. In any case, since the main body has been defeated, awakening is a foregone conclusion. It just brought up the waking time earlier. Then, as if my thoughts were correct, not long after, Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee came to their senses one after another.

You’re probably stumbling around and thinking, ‘W-this place…’ ?’ I thought it would say something like that, but it wasn’t like that at all.

The two of them raised their upper bodies with a clatter and turned their heads with hazy and sad eyes.

“okay. “How are you feeling?”

Finally, the moment I spoke lightly, two pairs of eyes locked on me like lightning.


“… Oh, brother.”

Kim Han-byeol, who was looking at me in confusion, suddenly shed a tear.

“… brother?”

Lee Yu-jeong suddenly started shedding tears like chicken poop.

Hehehehe, I was taken aback by the sound of heavy breathing. no. I would have killed the monster too. I tried to wake you up, but why are you crying?

“Oppa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… .”

“Obuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… .”

However, before I had time to calm down, Kim Han-byeol and Lee Yoo-jeong crawled into my arms. And then she began to sob hoarsely and cry bitterly. I cried like a child.

I just blinked in vain, but then I wrapped both my hands around the two women and patted them without saying a word. I thought I might have had an unexpected nightmare.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Q 1. 1 + 1 = 2(X)

Q 2. 1 + 1 = 3(O)


Q 3. 1 + 2 = ?


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not work with dark mode