MEMORIZE Chapter 822

00822 “… “I can’t admit it.” ————————————————– ———————-=

Just, just… . Just, just… .

The sound of someone hitting something hard resonated intermittently in the cavity.

After the fleeting attack was over, there was only an eerie silence in the campground. Go Yeon-ju is looking at Lim Hanna and Jeong Ha-yeon, who are casually sitting down.

No one opens their mouth. Occasionally, the noise of nervous teeth grinding could be heard, but most people were staring at the hollow hole with blank faces.

As a result, it is a clear and white matter with no room for anything. Damage occurred to the expedition team that failed to prevent the unexpected attack. Two melee members and one wizard left the expedition. no. Should I say that I suffered?

Anyway, the content is simple, but the current situation is by no means light. Kim Han-byeol’s sleeping bag disappeared, and Yu-jeong Lee’s sleeping bag also disappeared. And above all, Kim Soo-hyun’s sleeping bag disappeared. This fact was the decisive reason for the current clan members’ silence.

There is no need to elaborate on who Kim Soo-hyun is or what he is. Especially for Mercenary Clan members.

“live… . “You must be there, right?”

Suddenly, someone suddenly opened their mouth. However, there is not even the slightest hint of power in the voice. It is a voice that is not sure of itself and wants someone to say so.

However, even after waiting for a long time, the crackling sound only got worse, and no reply was heard that lived up to expectations.

Everyone imagines things. The advantage and disadvantage of imagination is that infinite leaps are possible. And the moment a pathological misjudgment or conviction enters the picture, imagination turns into a delusion. In other words, it could be said to be an abnormality in thinking.

As a result, in an effort to somehow recover, they end up doing things they would never have thought of doing before. It’s like Jeong Ha-yeon is biting her nails with her trembling mouth.

As the quiet silence continued, Ko Yeon-ju’s expression changed little by little. At first, they looked as devastated as the two women, but gradually their facial expressions returned to normal. Something similar to this had happened in the past, and I was quickly gathering myself by reflecting on that experience. Continuing to stand like a pumice stone was literally the worst choice.

“First of all, Geunwon go in and rest. “You may not be able to sleep well in this atmosphere, but you will somehow recover your magic power.”

At that moment, all eyes of the remaining personnel were focused. At first glance, looks of incomprehension fell on her from all directions. Go Yeon-joo, who must have sensed her gaze, continued speaking immediately.

“Of course, rescue… . I’ll get it back. “Not only the clan lord, but also Hanbyeol and Yujeong.”

As I am not sure about this yet, I refrained from saying anything. To be precise, she changed her words to reclaim, not rescue. ‘Rescue people from dangerous situations.’ and ‘I will find my way back.’ The meaning is not the same. Although they seem similar at first glance, there are clear differences.

“You’re alive, right? “I guess so?”

Someone asked the same question again.

“The chances are high. “Even though he was taken to another dimension, he came back alive as if he were mine.”

Although he said hopeful things, Go Yeon-ju was grasping the situation more calmly than anyone else. Whether he’s alive or not, it doesn’t change the fact that he now has to move forward with only his remaining clan members.

Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee are the same, but Kim Soo-hyun’s absence is, without question, a huge blow. So he ordered a forced rest. An expedition team without Kim Soo-hyun. The source is the only key that opens up any possibility of breaking through the ruins.

“It’s my fault… . My fault… .”

Even while Go Yeon-ju was organizing his thoughts, Im Hanna was constantly muttering. They are blaming themselves for not being able to respond properly despite being on alert. The same was true for Nam Da-eun, Jeong Ha-yeon, and Jin Su-hyun. Go Yeon-ju’s eyes narrowed like thread.

“Hannah Im. Stop talking nonsense and go and set up the tent. “We will be analyzing the body, so let us know if you find anything strange while cleaning it up.”

“Uh, sister… .”


“… … .”

A short but harsh story. Even though he said this, Go Yeon-ju also couldn’t shake off the feeling of despair. As a side note, there is no guarantee if the trap you passed before appears again, and even if you somehow manage to pass it, you must keep in mind the fight against the monster.

I don’t know their characteristics, I don’t know how many there are, and I have no idea what’s lurking ahead. My shoulders were getting heavier by the minute, but I felt distant.

But, even in the midst of this.

“… … .”

Zhuge Haesol, who had taken a step back, was deep in thought.

Sometimes I glance at the spot where Kim Soo-hyun was lying.


Clang, Crack, Crack!

The sound of the soil rubbing against the ground constantly assaulted my ears. I can’t tell which direction I’m going, and I can’t even guess how much time has passed. I can only guess that they are going to the room where the final boss monster is, that a lot of time has passed, etc. Because the current phenomenon is completely consistent with the ‘fluke’ I was aiming for.

Just once, something thin and sharp in the middle slightly stabbed my neck. It seemed like a very sharp needle as it pierced my internal organs, but it had no effect. This is because as soon as it came in, it was burned with the power of Hwajeong. Judging from the momentary stiffness, it seems like they were trying to paralyze him. I felt like things would go wrong if I wriggled for no reason, so I stayed quiet and let the monster lead me. He must have thought I was paralyzed, so he just accelerated his movements.

Maybe it’s a pretty funny situation. The monster’s long body wraps itself tightly around me in my sleeping bag and swims without hesitation underground. To say it flows like water is actually quite rough. My vision goes up and down repeatedly, and my body shakes. It feels like riding a train at an amusement park.

Also, how fast is it? The perceived speed is equivalent to the level of running at 70% power when I was in my 0th year. As I kept my eyes open, I felt nauseous, so I quietly closed them.

At least for a little while, it feels like the shaking is gradually disappearing. Occasionally the dust would sting, but it was much better. It can’t be a straight line; is it moving through a hole that was previously dug? Anyway, except for the fact that it’s boring, it’s quite bearable.

How much time has passed?

Since I don’t know when I’ll arrive, I was contemplating whether I should just close my eyes and take a quick nap.


Suddenly, I felt the sensation of my body stretching out. no. I must say she soared. Then, along with the feeling of being lightly thrown, my vision suddenly became fixed.

After blinking three or four times, I could barely tell that I had passed out. In front of me, I could see sand with an ocher-colored color.

Thinking it was surprising that it wasn’t dark, I got out of my sleeping bag. When I took a deep breath, the stale air, not the wet and humid air, hit my uvula.

Finally, the moment I calmly stood up, I was startled. By two reasons.

The first is because, instead of the space I thought was the boss monster’s room, I saw an endless wasteland, and second… .

yes… . Why are you here!

Because it was someone else’s voice other than mine. That’s also shouted in a quite desperate voice.

When I turned my eyes, I saw Lee Yu-jeong lying on the ground, not far to the left, flailing with both arms. It looks as if he is desperately trying to run away from someone. Could it be that it came with a reason?

Oh, don’t come! Don’t come!

I’ll kill you! Park Dong-geol!

Oh, no… . brother! Oppa!

Ah, ah, ahhh!

Lee Yu-jeong was literally putting on a show. As she struggled, her head whipped around as if she had been slapped, then she started flailing around like crazy, and then her whole body trembled and went limp, as if she had been shocked by an electric current.

On the other hand, the voice I heard was quite strange. It’s not something you can hear clearly, but it feels like it’s being conveyed through your head and chest. I looked around closely to see if anyone was there, but I could only see thick fog and nothing else… . what?

“… … !”

The moment I thought that, I reflexively closed my eyes and opened them. It still looked like an endless wasteland, not a room. There is no such thing as smoke. okay. If that’s the case… .

Ugh… . Ugh… .

Another sound suddenly reached my ears. This time it was Kim Han-byeol. He is curled up on his right side, crying very sadly.

It seems like he’s muttering something to himself, but it’s hard to hear because he’s speaking silently. A thick fog was flowing around Kim Han-byeol as well. He walked quickly, but as soon as he got closer, he suddenly disappeared. Kim Han-byeol and fog.


I let out a sigh.

I thought the plan’s success was just around the corner. How did this happen?

– There is a high possibility that you are seeing an illusion.

Hwajeong’s voice rang in my head.


I know that. The fact that there is a gap in my vision probably means that something strange has happened to me. Among them, there is a high possibility that he is seeing an illusion as Hwajeong said.

What was truly unexpected was the fact that I was watching this. This is because the combination of the mind’s eye and the third eye is at a level that is not even close to achieving a decent illusion.

– indeed? I guess I can’t be 100% confident.


– lets think. It was like that in the ancient magic city of Magia.

‘ah… . at that time… .’

I’ve definitely had a similar experience. The moment I tried to force my way through the entrance, a reversal occurred and all the power of the barrier was concentrated in one place, and as a result, I had to see an illusion, even if only for a moment. Was it the voices of Belphegor, Da-yeon Park, and So-young Han? ? Anyway, it’s not a very pleasant memory.

– If it was a phenomenon caused by semi-elasticity then, now it seems to be an encroachment phenomenon caused by high concentration?

‘If it is highly concentrated… . ‘Are you talking about acting?’

– yes. The scent or smoke that has accumulated over time is at a level that cannot be ignored. Still, it won’t be perfect. Even though you couldn’t completely block it, your ability is definitely sending a signal.


– You better move quickly. Those two people from earlier are not lies. If you don’t hurry, you might get eaten first.

‘well. There’s even a reason to rush… .’

– … what? So you’re saying it’s okay for Gene to suffer?

‘That’s not it. That means there’s no need to go around looking for it.’

After laughing lightly, he took out a cigar from his arms. As she lights up and tilts her chin back, the scorching sun and dust-filled sky come into view.

A warm wind swept past me. The plan went a little off track, but I don’t think there’s any need to fret. I slowly began to walk through the wasteland, letting out a long puff of smoke.

As I walked step by step, many thoughts crossed my mind. The first thought that came to mind was, of course, the clan members. I’m most curious about how they will react. I’m sure it won’t be so ugly.

On the contrary, it is difficult to blindly chase after them. First of all, you have to be cool-headed. The best way is to get enough rest and then gradually work your way through the remaining passages. Since there is a source, I don’t have to worry about traps, but I can’t be 100% confident about other things.

… Well, since there is a high performance, I guess I can handle it on my own.

It was then.

While walking through a wasteland where I couldn’t see anything, I stopped and closed my eyes.

“… … !”

I knew it. I was right.

There was no need to wander around looking for ‘the guy’. Because I thought it would soon appear before my eyes.

In the distant light, someone is squirming.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

sorry. There are about two or three chapters left in this episode, and as the end approaches, my thoughts and concerns increase.

I remember seeing something like this about novels before. Anyone can start, but not everyone can finish.

I actually didn’t feel it much at the time. I know that it will be difficult to complete, so I planned it out in advance before serializing it. But these days, I feel like I’m starting to understand what he’s talking about. In some ways, it seems similar to this saying. Studying is not easy, but studying is the easiest way to make a living in our society.

I established a plot based on the synopsis, but why do I feel so regretful about it? Is this okay? No, wouldn’t it be better to go like this? I keep looking at it, thinking about it, and touching it.

No matter what kind of novel it is, I think the author is truly amazing for completing it according to his initial idea and intention. haha. 🙂


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not work with dark mode