Memorize Chapter 82

00082 New Face ———————————————– ————————–=

Shin Sang-yong could be seen as a user with a truly introverted personality. I felt a little frustrated seeing him just go around talking without getting into the main topic for over 5 minutes. There were a lot of eyes watching, so they were forced to listen, but little by little the kids were showing bored expressions.


Jeong Ha-yeon, who must have noticed the sign, made a comment in a low voice, and Shin Sang-yong let out an awkward laugh. He took a deep breath for a moment and then opened his mouth, his eyes shining.

“Have you ever heard the word magic square?”

It’s a magic square. Of course I’ve heard of it. However, I concentrated even more because I thought that what Shin Sang-yong was trying to say from now on had something to do with his true name and not just the magic square. And at the same time, I activated my third eye. I was curious what kind of abilities he had that gave him such a true name.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Shin Sang-yong (2nd year)

2. Class: Normal Mage Expert

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. True name · Nationality: One who pursues the truth of Magic Square · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (28)

7. Height/Weight: 183.7cm/69.2kg

8. Tendency: Lawful · Neutral (Lawful · True)

< Abilities >

[Strength 40] [Durability 42] [Dexterity 45] [Stamina 40] [Magic Power 85] [Luck 60]

< Achievements (0) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Magic Square of Harmony (Rank: A Zero)

< Potential (3/4) >

1. Alchemy Magic (Rank: C Plus)

2. Authentic magic (Rank: B Zero)

3. Deciphering ancient languages ​​(Rank: D Zero)

4. -(It has not bloomed yet.)

“I don’t know to what extent everyone has developed their abilities now, but there is one difference between me and regular users. that… There are no special abilities right away. It’s not like it wasn’t there from the beginning. “This is a special case where the original special ability has evolved into a unique ability.”

“that… .”

I stared at him with bright eyes. He calmly received my gaze and continued speaking in an unprecedentedly clear voice.

“I’m sorry for revealing it like this. But I do. They may be good at studying, but they are stupid when it comes to interpersonal relationships and social life, and they have no talent for deceiving others. Moreover, since I am making unreasonable demands on Soo-hyeon in the future, I wanted to at least disclose my user information.”

“… Still, it’s burdensome.”

“You don’t have to worry at all. “I revealed it on my own terms.”

I sighed and nodded. To be honest, the reason I stood out was not because I had any special abilities or unique abilities. Even though it was a rare case in the first round, I remember seeing a few such users. However, I was very curious about what kind of unique ability the magic square of harmony had.

Shin Sang-yong saw my signal and immediately raised both hands. Naturally, everyone’s eyes focused on Shin Sang-yong’s hands. Except for one person.

Ha-yeon Jeong had only been looking at my face ever since Shin Sang-yong started talking. She felt like she was probably making her own judgment in her mind. I focused my attention on Shin Sang-yong’s two hands with a sharper gaze.

“From now on, I will show you the unique abilities I have.”

Good luck! Awesome!

After he finished speaking, I could feel Shin Sang-yong generating a light magical energy. Soon, flames appeared on his right hand and ice formed on his left hand. They were two energies that had compatibility with each other. The magic square of harmony… .

Before I could even finish thinking, Shin Sang-yong put his hands together as if clapping. And now that I have activated my third eye, I am very surprised to see numerous magical calculations taking place between my two palms. I quickly adjusted my expression, but at that moment, I could see Jeong Ha-yeon’s eyes turning to the side darkening.

Shin Sang-yong carefully wrapped his hands around a piece of energy that contained a theoretically impossible energy where ice and fire coexisted. He looked down at the energy with his loving eyes and then opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

“It’s pretty… ? This is my unique ability. The name is Magic Square of Harmony. haha.”

Soon the fire and ice disappeared in my hands. It certainly looked beautiful, as I could hear some exclamations from those around me. Although the exact power was not known, it was clear that the destructive power caused by the compatibility effect was enormous.

I felt like I really wanted the unique ability called Magic Square of Harmony. If Hwajeong and the energy of the supreme nature comparable to Hwajeong can be combined into a magic square of harmony… . I thought about it for a moment, but immediately shook my head. The ancient shaman’s imprint currently applied to my body could be seen as superior to the Magic Square of Harmony in terms of rank and efficiency. Nevertheless, all I could do was hold Hwajeong for a while. If the energy of harmony enters the magic circle of harmony, it will probably be shattered at once.

Shin Sang-yong, who scratched his head with an embarrassed expression for a moment at the children’s exclamations, opened his mouth again in a calm voice.

“Is it a bit grandiose to call myself an inventor? I am originally a person who worked at a research institute in Korea. I like calculating and have a great interest in making things. Among them, my favorite field was the magic square.”

Magic square. A check that arranges natural numbers one by one in a certain order starting from 1 without duplication or omission, making the sum of the numbers in each group constant.

“The magic square principle today seeks harmony and balance. You may not know this, but there are many cases where the magic square principle is applied in real life.”

The kids’ faces were getting sad again. In particular, Anhyun and Yujeong were openly babbling. Those guys really. I gave him an apologetic look, and Shin Sang-yong smiled happily and waved his hand.

“After coming to Hall Plain, I became a wizard as a profession. I wanted to play more as a priest, but the angel in charge recommended the extreme wizard. Honestly, being a wizard suits me well. but… “I can be seen as being a little different from ordinary wizards.”

That is certainly true. Although he has no special abilities and possesses such good unique abilities, looking at Shin Sang-yong’s potential makes you sigh. Let’s just say that traditional magic is something wizards must learn. What on earth did alchemy magic and ancient language decoding, which have no use in battle, become enlightened by?

It looks like he somehow survived because his abilities were decent. It was regrettable that I was not able to utilize the characteristics of my job better and more efficiently. If the orthodox magic rank was high, it would still be useful, but whether alchemy or orthodoxy, both were B rank or lower. For now, I pretended not to know anything and waited for the next words with a calm face.

“As long as you are a wizard in Hol Plain, it is a given that you learn things related to traditional magic. But still. It may be personal nature, but I was very interested in alchemy. People around me tried to stop me from learning alchemy magic, but I ended up learning it because of my personal greed. haha. Are you pathetic? “In a world where lives come and go, I chased after ideals without being able to face reality.”

yes. It’s pathetic. I wanted to answer. But I calmly shook my head.

“But I have no regrets. If I hadn’t had this alchemy for two years, my weak self might have gone crazy… this. The words were too long. “Now, I will tell you why I came to see Su-hyeon.”

Shin Sang-yong exhaled, “Whoa.”

“It was truly by chance that I obtained information about the ancient alchemist’s dungeon. So, I shared information with sisters Jeong Ha-yeon and Jeong Ji-yeon, whom I had known, and secretly set up a caravan. Exploration is currently not recommended due to the influence of the Golden Lion Clan. So, in a way, I can say that I am largely responsible for the user Jeong Ji-yeon becoming like that. If only I hadn’t said it in the first place… “I still regret that.”

is it. It seems like they didn’t just go into the pitch-black forest, but they took with them at least some information. As I lowered my head, Jeong Ha-yeon, who had been quietly listening next to me, received his words in a quiet voice.

“There must be moral responsibility. But in that sense, I am also responsible. And Jiyeon is also responsible. I didn’t follow along reluctantly, but decided on my own because I thought it was possible. so… .”

Shin Sang-yong looked sorry as he listened to Jeong Ha-yeon’s bitter tone. He must have sensed that she didn’t want to continue talking about Jeong Ji-yeon, so he immediately turned his head away from her.

“Even though I failed to conquer the dungeon, I have not yet given up my curiosity about ancient alchemy. I know I feel like an idiot, but if it weren’t for Soohyun and her group, or if I had survived, I might have gone into that dungeon again. But now there is no need for that. because… .”

Shin Sang-yong paused for a moment and then looked at Vivien, who had a blank face next to me. He then folded his sitting legs and soon changed his posture to kneeling. Without me having time to stop him, he placed both hands on the floor and bowed down to me politely.

“I know very well that it is shameless to ask for dungeon rewards or items. And I don’t have any feelings like that. However, when I heard that there was an existing resident alchemist, I couldn’t stay still. Please, please let me be taught under her.”

“Shin Sang-yong. wake up.”

“no. I think this request is shameless enough. But alchemy is not mainstream in the Hole Plain. Even in the non-mainstream world, they are known as scoundrels, so there are no users or ways to get advice. I can only get through it through self-study… Even now, I don’t know if I’m on the right path. Moreover, the feeling of something being blocked by a wall has persisted for half a year. If things continue like this, I’ll probably… .”

Shin Sang-yong was still talking without raising his head. And before I knew it, I could feel that his words were slightly watery. I closed my eyes as a memory suddenly came to mind.

I knew better than anyone else how user Shin Sang-yong was feeling right now. I also did not receive any teachings from anyone. I achieved the level of a sword master through self-study, but when I think back on the process, I still sometimes feel sad.

I feel like there is a huge wall standing in front of me. When you have to jump up that wall, but it’s so hard that you can’t even think of breaking it. The frustration I felt at that time was indescribably despairing.

In particular, there are differences from person to person, but in general, it is safe to say that most abilities have been developed by the second year of growth. Instead of rising day by day like in the beginning, it was at a level where you only had to put in a lot of effort to raise it by 1 point or not. I calmly opened my mouth, feeling as if I was being possessed by something.

“I saw something while reading a book before. And the content of that book was so impressive that I still keep it in my mind.”

It seemed like Shin Sang-yong would never wake up until an answer came out of my mouth. But I could tell he was focused on what I was saying. Still, it was true that, as a 2-year user, I was glad to see him putting in effort in so many ways to the point of bowing down to a 0-year user. I continued speaking in a softer tone.

“When I see that wall, I think a lot about how I can overcome it. And overcoming that wall must be achieved through one’s own strength. But if you somehow get over that wall… .”

Pause for a moment. After a short pause, I spoke again.

“The wall becomes a solid support that supports your feet.”

“ah… .”

I opened my mouth as I looked at Shin Sang-yong, who barely raised his head to see if there was something in what I was saying. Shin Sang-yong’s request. I haven’t heard the details yet, so I can’t judge it, but it was definitely a good opportunity.

“I am… .”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Thanks to the support of many people, I enjoyed the interview today. The words came out smoothly. I felt a little sorry for the woman I was interviewing with. ha ha ha. I really hope the results are good. ha ha ha. After returning home, I immediately checked the comments and worked on it 82 times. Yesterday, many people patted me on the back.

By the way, today I finally experience rating terrorism. When I actually get hit, it feels really weird. 🙂


1. Vegemil: Congratulations on first place. I usually post it at midnight, but I was so busy that I wrote it really hard until 12:18. 🙂

2. Human life: Puk puk puk! Eight eight! (Hahaha. Just kidding.) I was so busy yesterday. I was very busy preparing for the interview and doing various things. I ask for your understanding. (__)

3. Imperial Combat Team: Thank you for the interview! Please enjoy this episode as well.

4. Sunsets: Hahaha. It is difficult to say that it is a higher version. Ha-yeon Jeong has her own strengths, and Han-byeol Kim has her own strengths. ah. I want to make Hanbyul appear as soon as possible.

5. MT Gom: It must be difficult to get first place. There are a lot of interesting works, and these days, there are a lot of people who give me pre-orders, so I was able to briefly rise to a glorious position thanks to the pre-selection buff(?!). ha ha ha. We will work harder in the future.

6. Latina doll: Ouch. Then I’ll get to the finish right away!

7. Hyeonoh: I really like patting my head. Because then I sleep better. Hehehe.

8. Hong Seung-sik: Hehehe. I’m also really curious about who the #1 character in the character popularity poll will be. Personally, I would love it if it became Hanbyul. ha ha ha. This is the character I put the most effort into.

9. Weeping Soul: Oh. You posted it 20 times today! Thank you. Wow 200KB. wow. ha ha ha. I’m serious.(?)

10. Eindsee: There is no ability to see in detail and accurately like the third eye. There will be one or two abilities that can just be estimated. However, the accuracy of such abilities is considerably low.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode