MEMORIZE Chapter 818

00818 Bottomless pit of death. ————————————————– ———————-=

It was officially declared today.

The war is over. And he said he would stop chasing the escaped Vulcans and letting soldiers into their hiding places.

The managers kept asking if it was true, but they couldn’t seem to hide their inner joy.

Of course, I have no intention of giving up just yet.

To be precise, ‘we’ gave up on tracking down and catching them ourselves.

But we don’t have to catch it ourselves, right?

no. There’s no need for people to go in, right?

So, a new order was issued today.

Catch the monsters.

Mainly ‘undead’ or being able to survive in any adverse conditions… . Hehehehe.

『Atlanta Secret Library ‘History of the Fall of the Balkan Kingdom – Jinjung Diary’』


I was going down slowly, step by step, but the stairs were quite long. It seems like 10 minutes have passed and the distance is about 250 meters, but the door is still not visible. Moreover, not a single ray of light comes in, so the surroundings are filled with pitch-black darkness, to say the least. It feels like I’m standing alone in a vast ocean with no end in sight. Kim Han-byeol, who must have been feeling the same way, could be heard quietly reciting a spell.

“────. ────. Azurite White. “Light.”

After a while, the dark vision suddenly became brighter. A fist-sized sphere rises upward, shining a dazzling light. Perhaps because ‘Jewel Amplification’ was used, the sphere emitted light that was twice as bright as normal light magic. When Kim Hanbyul slightly waved his wand, the sphere floated in the air and moved forward. As soon as the view below became clear, she sighed and smiled sweetly.

“thank you. “I was really nervous, but I feel better.”

“huh? nervous? “Why are you nervous?”

Im Hanna, who was about to step down the dirt stairs again, suddenly stopped in response to Vivien’s question. When she looked back, there was an awkward and anxious look in her eyes.

“Maybe it’s just me that’s weird?”


“huh. So every time I go down… . I thought there were stairs, but should I say it felt like I was stepping on something that wasn’t a stairs? Anyway, it’s quite annoying.”

“… What are you talking about?”

Vivien tilted her head. But I felt like I knew what it felt like, and I was secretly impressed by Im Hanna’s senses. okay. Even though he is an archer by name, it doesn’t make sense since he isn’t even this sensitive.

Of course, I know why I feel that way. Because I was already activating my third eye.

“I don’t find it very strange, do I? The feeling of stepping on it is also clear. “Look at this.”

At that time, Jin Soo-hyun took a long stride forward and started walking down the stairs. Knock, knock! Every time his feet hit the stairs, hard dirt flew everywhere. It was when we bumped into each other once, twice, three times and fourth time.


Suddenly, there was a sound of something breaking, and a large crack appeared in the stairs vertically and horizontally. Jin Su-hyeon, the large flagship, hurriedly took off his feet and retreated. However, the crack that had been created was already slowly, but accelerating, spreading in all directions. What this means is bright medicine gwanhwa (明若觀火).

“Hey you crazy guy!”

“Oh, no! “That’s not what I meant to do!”

“That’s enough, let’s run… !”

“It is too late! Hanbyeol, Mr. Haesol! Hurry up and put on a shield… !”

The clan members were immediately engulfed in confusion, perhaps expecting to fall soon. It was then.

“────. ────.”

In the midst of the confusion, I suddenly heard the sound of a spell being chanted. Although he hadn’t taken off his hat yet, it was a mechanical voice that didn’t show even the slightest high or low. Geunwon is muttering quickly while slightly holding a cone hat that is larger than his head.


A short but powerful cry. The source lightly hit the dirt steps with the Chaos Somnium in his left hand. Then a strange phenomenon occurred. The stairs, which seemed like they might collapse at any moment, suddenly stopped. no. It wasn’t enough that it stopped, and the cracks on all sides began to quickly disappear. The gaping crack closes again, and the cracks that had spread in all directions return to the original source. It was as if time had been rewound. In the blink of an eye, everything was back to normal.

Everyone’s eyes, including mine, were focused on one place.

“… “Ten minutes.”

Geunwon put on his conical hat and opened his mouth.

“Ten minutes?”

“This staircase is a magic staircase created by magic. “When an intruder crosses the middle, it collapses on its own and falls, and the fallen creature is then disposed of by falling rocks.”

In other words, Jin Soo-hyun’s kick was just a coincidence and the same thing would happen 10 minutes later.

That one word was enough. We quickly formed a formation and ran quickly downward. The sound of dirt splashing in the middle sounded ominous for no reason, but after about 5 minutes, fortunately, I was able to find what appeared to be a door. Is it about 2 meters high? The lone, faded iron gate in a world made entirely of dirt felt quite foreign.

“for a moment… .”

Im Hanna must have felt the same way, so she began to carefully examine the iron gate. However, she didn’t seem to notice anything strange and immediately turned her head, gently placing her hand on her door. As Jeong Ha-yeon cast a protection spell on her, she began to push her door with force. . Gwag, nok, nok! A rusty noise echoed through the quiet mine shaft.

With everyone on guard, the door finally opened wide. Finally, the beginning of the bottomless pit of death is just around the corner.

The inside, as expected, was filled with pitch-black darkness. Kim Han-byeol sent the previously created sphere inside, and Jeong Ha-yeon and Jegal Hae-sol followed suit and memorized the light spell. Although it was originally an action that would have been considered a waste of spells, even if it meant securing visibility, both of them said they were confident that they could do more than double cast.

Eventually, as the interior became brightly lit, Im Hanna slowly entered inside, looking around. But before she could take a couple of steps, she stopped again. Looking to her left, Im Hanna’s brow furrowed and she covered her mouth with her hand.

“oh my god… .”

“What’s going on?”

The moment I walked through the open door, a foul smell suddenly hit my nose. It was a very disgusting smell, a mixture of the humid smell unique to the basement and the smell of a rotting corpse.

As I held my breath and looked around, a large and wide open space about 400 meters in diameter came into view. It was an intersection-like space with a total of six doors leading in all directions, including the door we entered through.

The problem was that there was a place in the center that looked like a small square. There were piles of faded, pale things piled up there. In particular, I noticed tattered things with flesh still attached to the slopes. That part is particularly stained red.

“That… .”

“They are probably the users who came in earlier.”

As I answered someone’s question, I heard a series of weak exclamations behind me. I think I finally understand what Geunwon said earlier. Because there was a staircase attached to the ceiling above the hill of bones and corpses.

Eventually, as I got closer and slowly looked around, I was able to confirm that my prediction was correct. Aside from the skeletons that had died hundreds or even a thousand years ago, the bodies of quite a few users were visible on the outside. From as long as a month to as short as just five days ago.

One thing that is unusual is that bodies with equipment and clothes removed are rarely seen. It is unlikely that he entered the ruins naked, and it would be correct to assume that someone took it. Even though there were so many bone fragments piled up, there were cases where people were lucky enough to survive. If it had been buried deep, it would have acted as a buffer.

Eventually, I heard Go Yeon-ju’s voice saying that he had found traces of entering through several doors, which confirmed my thoughts.

Such a moment.

– You’re in? It’s in again!

– Really? How many people this time?

Suddenly, a sound like a whisper rang in my ears from somewhere.

“Who are you?”

Jin Su-hyeon shouted loudly and took a stance, but the noise did not stop. Instead, she started talking even louder, sending snickers from all directions. It was a very annoying laugh.

– Kkkkikkkkkkkkkkkk! The mortals have crawled to their feet again.

– But these guys… . A little different? I passed those stairs!

– really? Really?

– Really!

When Jin Soo-hyeon, who could not stand it anymore, tried to scream once more, I raised my hand and signaled. Jin Su-hyeon gritted his teeth and the sound suddenly disappeared. However, the strange gaze was still felt.

After gathering the clan members in one place, I looked at Jin Su-hyeon and quietly opened my mouth.

“Don’t worry too much. “We just have to focus on what we have to do.”

“but… !”

“It’s an order. From now on, I think of these voices as outcasts. Yujeong Lee? “What did I tell you to do if you see a bum?”

“huh? yes? ah. Never mix words and just ignore them… .”

Although she stuttered a little, Yujeong Lee answered brilliantly.

“yes. You just have to ignore it. “There is no need to be swayed at all.”

– Kikikiki! I wondered what he was talking about… .

“Anyway, they are the ones you can’t even see. It cannot cause direct harm. “What these guys want is to mess with our minds.”

– Puhehehe! Do you really think so? really?

Every time I spoke, the noise continued to speak back. The clan members looked uncomfortable, but completely ignored them and stayed silent as well.

– Do you see these guys? Yes, that’s right, right?

– I guess I’ll have to give it a little bitter taste! Kill, kill, kill!

It was that moment.



Suddenly, a loud metal sound that scratched my ears hit my eardrums. To be exact, it was heard from the front, towards the right, from inside the door. It was an unpleasant noise, as if a solid iron bar had been forcibly pulled out.

But the noise wasn’t heard just once.







It rang everywhere three times in a row with a little time difference.

Grrrrrrrrr… .

Many, many, many… . Many, many, many… .

What follows is a long, boiling howl and the sound of horses’ hooves.

– It’s death! The Death Knight is coming! Woohihihihihi!

– Run away! This means that if you escape through one door, you can survive! of course! I won’t tell you which door it is, though~.

“shit. “Can’t you just shut these bastards up?”

“I want to do that too.”

As Jin Soo-hyun covered his ears and gritted his teeth, I shrugged my shoulders. Meanwhile, Go Yeon-ju and Lim Hanna were doing their own thing. The two women are kneeling and quietly closing their eyes. He’s probably concentrating on catching his presence. I ignored the commotion and waited. Im Hanna was the first to open her eyes.

“They’re right. Except the door we came in through. Excluding the front door here. “They’re coming from the other four doors.”

“How many?”

“Six or seven per door. A total of about 30 animals. “I don’t know if it’s a death knight, but I can hear the sound of horses’ hooves, so it’s highly likely.”

“A death knight on horseback… . “Well, you’re almost at the level of a Lich.”

As Kim Hanbyeol added in confusion, the complexions of several clan members turned grim. As the saying goes, death knights and lichs on horseback were not easy to see. It’s not that I’ve never dealt with a group of undead, but it’s common for the leader-level undead to be either not in the group at all or to be mixed in with three or four at most. But if all 30 of them were death knights, it wouldn’t be easy… . hmm. no. I guess it’s easy.

– Huh? What are these? How do you know?

– These are the ones who went through the stairs. hmm… . I’m serious?

Let’s ignore it. ignore.

Ha-yeon Jeong must have sensed that I was worried and spoke carefully.

“Su-hyun. Intercepting is good, but there is also Hannah… . At least try opening the front door… .”

At that time, a strange sight suddenly caught my eye. The darkness on the ground flowed like smoke, then moved and was absorbed into the ground. When I lifted my eyes in a daze, I saw a woman slowly standing up. Only then did the late Yeonju raise her body.

“Soo, Suhyeon.”

I frowned reflexively, but I was not mistaken. The voice calling me was clearly trembling. Go Yeon-ju was staring ahead with eyes full of fear.

After a while, his slightly trembling index finger pointed to the door in front.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Forgive me for being late.

The reason it’s late today is… .

no way… .

still… .

Do I still look like Ro Yujin?



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not work with dark mode