MEMORIZE Chapter 810

00810 However, comparison will be possible. ————————————————– ———————-=

What is the current level of the North Continent?

If we think about the ‘continent’ as a standard, it is safe to say that most of the results that could be achieved in the former Northern Continent were achieved. Not only the large city of Barbara, but also the regular cities of Prinica, Halo, Monica, and Pamela have achieved a very high level of stabilization. Mule, a small northern city, is underdeveloped, but it cannot be helped since it is an area bordering an unexplored area to begin with.

The situation in Atlanta, the New North Continent, is similar. After conquering the Steel Mountains and breaking through the warp gate, not only the advance team but also the majority of combat users active in the old Northern Continent came over. Using the experience of conquering the North Continent and the Steel Mountains as a stepping stone, exploration activities are more active than ever. Although it is still too early to talk about stabilization, it is undeniable that the pace at which it can be considered stabilized is accelerating day by day.

So what about ‘Castle’? Based on the central management organization that manages the central city, the eastern city is managed by the Istantel Low Clan, the western city is managed by the (former) Northern Union, the southern city is managed by the Mercenary Clan, and the northern city is managed by the Hamill Clan.

They have deep emotional ties with each other, and the phenomenon of inter-clan antagonism has become a thing of the past. After the rise of the Mercenary Clan and the establishment of a central governing body, the relationships between each city were restored to an incomparable degree. Unless heaven and earth change, there is no way Hamill and Mercenary will turn their backs on each other. Istantel Row has maintained friendly relations with Mercantilery since its launch, and the former Northern Alliance does not take any particularly exclusive actions.

So what is the ‘internal status’? The development situation is very good. Not to mention the four outer cities, the inner city has also completed development. When it was first discovered, the old and shabby exterior was gone, and it was reborn as a neatly organized new city. It is obvious that the more solid the basic base is, the easier other activities will be for users.

Considering these perspectives, it is safe to say that the North Continent currently has sufficient capacity to stabilize Atlanta and is becoming stronger day by day.


‘If you look at it positively, this is it.’

bang. The sound of a light hitting the desk was heard. The fingers resting on the desk intermittently tap on the desk as if playing a piano. Although it seems a meaningless action at first glance, it can be seen as a kind of habit. This is Kim Yu-hyeon’s habit that often appears when she is deep in thought.

‘If it’s just to eat well and live well, it wouldn’t be bad now. but… .’

Yes. If you are going to live in Hole Plain for 1,000,000 years, the current situation is perfect. However, if the ultimate goal is ‘return to Earth’, the story is bound to be different. Kim Yoo-hyeon, who was confident about the future in the present cruise, had doubts about the future after hearing the circumstances of the past.

To put it bluntly, it doesn’t look that bright. If it’s just a strategy, why hasn’t Kim Soo-hyun talked about the expedition until now? Even if it’s a bit of a stretch, everything is done as long as you have zero code. In the end, we have no choice but to interpret it as not being ready yet.

Is this all? If you think about the ‘devil’, the future ahead becomes even darker. When Kim Soo-hyun mentioned the devil, he spoke as if he was literally shaking. I don’t know, but they probably aren’t easy guys. If you think about these various obstacles, the current situation, and the users of the first round in the past, you can’t help but feel worried.

It is said that even mice bite cats when cornered. But the devil is not a rat. That’s why it’s scarier. I can’t even guess what kind of crazy thing he’s going to plan, but he actually has the ability to accomplish it. So, when the Devils begin their activities in earnest and clash, will the Northern Continent be able to show the capabilities it had in the first inning?

The answer is ‘no’. If the devil appears and becomes active, there is a high possibility that it will become a ‘war’ rather than an ‘expedition’. The two words have a huge difference in meaning. The Northern Continent has very few actions as a ‘group’. I have too little experience to use the Barbara attack, the Atlanta attack, and the war with the Allied Forces three years ago as examples. In particular, weren’t the problems clearly felt while targeting the Steel Mountains?

‘It can’t go on like this.’

So Kim Yu-hyeon desperately felt the need for change. She is anxious to just let things happen like this, and feels sorry for her younger brother to leave everything to Kim Soo-hyun. She at least knew the situation and should at least help herself, that’s what Kim Yu-hyun thought.

Of course, this does not mean that we are planning to recreate the ‘Spring and Autumn Warring States Period’. Because that’s really stupid. In any case, unless war can be promoted intentionally, combat experience should be increased as much as possible, even in other directions. So, I was secretly happy when they announced that they would release two-thirds of the records in the secret library. I was worried about what would happen if they monopolized it.

However, this alone is not enough. What the North Continent currently needs most is someone who can lead the way, whether it is a user or a clan. Like the Clan Lord of the Golden Lion who led the Barbara raid a few years ago. In other words, a ‘centre point’ is needed.

Of course, plans for this had already been made to some extent. Kim Soo-hyun simply asked to reveal the records in the secret library without conditions, but Kim Yu-hyun had no intention of doing so. This was an opportunity that would never be available again. Moreover, with the Northern Continent Guardian position vacant, wouldn’t this be the best time?

‘I feel a little sorry for Suhyeon, but… . ‘I just can’t think of it.’

Kim Yu-hyeon let out a long sigh. She may be placing an even greater burden on the subjects she said she would help. However, no matter how much I think about it, I cannot think of a user who can replace it. Kim Soo-hyun, who went through the first round and came out on top, was the best candidate.

Preparations to take the first step toward returning have already been completed.

But before that… .

‘I guess I’ll have to try my luck first.’


Perhaps the ‘glacier snowfield’ had been attacked in the past. He probably found the records inside the coffin, quietly woke the woman up, and handled the rest of the day like that. And when he returned, he deliberately manipulated the expedition records out of concern that the evil spirit might be resurrected due to someone’s mistake. Otherwise, there is no way to explain the gap between the expedition records I read and the actual experience I had.

Anyway, the evil spirit has disappeared, so there is no need to worry. What is really important is the process by which the ancient evil spirit was resurrected. At first, I thought I had woken up by mistake between Ansol and I. However, when I later checked the achievement reward message, the name ‘Proserpina’ was displayed. Of course, it is a very, very familiar name. They are the 14 demon lords under Lucifer, so how could you not know? He probably attempted to revive the ancient evil spirit by sacrificing Proserpina.

So my head hurts. The fact that they used the 14 Demon Lords as a sacrifice must be proof that they too were driven to the edge. However, that doesn’t mean we can be completely reassured.

‘One thing you must keep in mind is that the future never goes as you think.’

‘Not to mention the ancient evil spirits, even I could not avoid their magic and ended up moving as intended.’

‘How can we be sure that something similar will not happen anytime and anywhere in the future?’

‘However, we can prepare.’

That is 100% correct. I don’t know if it was thanks to Ansol’s luck, but if I hadn’t opened the box, I would never have even dreamed of it. As Gehenna said, next time I might end up in a place where I can’t do anything. This probably means that the future cannot be twisted, and that is why he warned us to prepare.

But when I try to prepare, I can’t shake off the feeling of uncertainty. Just look at the comprehensive sparring from a few days ago. I passed the awakening secret class to improve my skills, but my skills declined. What if you face the devil in this condition? no. Let alone a demon, even the highest level demons are difficult. How can I catch mid-level or high-level demons?

“Whoa…” .”

In fact, this is not just a problem for our clan members. Objectively speaking, ‘Invincible’ Gong Chan-ho, ‘Steel-Blooded Queen’ Han So-young, and ‘Thunder Emperor’ Hyung. It would be a lie if I said there was no difference from the past. If you gain something, you also lose something. Although it is said that there was an advantage in terms of time, this makes me regret skipping the Spring and Autumn Warring States period.

Anyway, equipment, elixirs, and classes are all good, but more than anything, I desperately and desperately need practical experience. Where would hundreds of demons, or even similar monsters, fall from the sky? Then you will be able to gain good combat experience.

“That can’t be possible.”

I burst out laughing and stood up. As I glance outside, the sun in the sky is slowly setting. Even if you keep thinking about it, you won’t find an answer. Although it was a little early, I walked out the door and into the underground public bathhouse. I’ve been moving my body a lot lately due to sparring, and when I sweat out the hot water, my busy head feels refreshed and refreshed.


“… … .”

The moment I took off my clothes and entered the bathroom, I stopped walking. There is a passenger. In the steamy bathhouse, filled with hazy steam, Jeong Ha-yeon was looking at me with her eyes wide open. I never thought there would be people at this time. Come to think of it, I think I heard that it is often used to increase affinity with water.

“Su-hyun… ?”

The sound of calling immediately brought me back to my senses.

“how… ?”

“I’m sorry. “I didn’t know there would be passengers.”

“Oh, no. I did too much. These days, I’ve been using it exclusively… .”

“it’s okay. It’s part of training. Anyway, sorry for disturbing you.”

The moment I said that and was about to turn away with a slightly regretful feeling,

“ah. Well, it’s okay if you just come in… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s voice as loud as a mosquito was heard.

“is it so?”

I walked forward with great strides and fell into the same bathtub. Seeing Jeong Ha-yeon looking at me in bewilderment, I think she may have said this out of politeness. Still, I guess it’s okay since we’ve seen everything we need to see and not see.

“Uh, uhm… .”

… It doesn’t seem to be okay. During her long silence, Jeong Ha-yeon sank deeper into her body or covered her breasts with her hands, all the while looking helpless. Maybe it was because of the heat in her bathroom, but her cheeks were also flushed. In a way, it was a completely natural reaction, but Jeong Ha-yeon, who was embarrassed and didn’t know where to place her eyes, suddenly felt refreshing. She is at least much more normal than Seon-yul, Yu-jeong Lee, or Je-gal Hae-sol.

Is it because I saw Jeong Ha-yeon? Or did I feel relieved after melting my bones in hot water? Suddenly, my complicated mind calms down. I opened my mouth without realizing it.

“So, how is the progress of your spirit summoning training?”

“… yes? Oh, a spirit?”

“yes. I heard from Sarah that Hayeon succeeded in summoning a low-level spirit one step ahead. “It was pretty disintegrated.”

“ah… . You’ve already heard it. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

Jeong Ha-yeon smiled softly but answered humbly.

“If you’re curious, would you like me to show you?”

Are you happy that I’m interested? The awkward atmosphere that had been going on the entire time died down a little. Jeong Ha-yeon’s attitude also changed slightly. She asks expectantly, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling. She smiled and nodded her head, and Jeong Ha-yeon smiled brightly and quietly chanted her spell.


After a while, the water begins to rise and form a certain shape. It was the size of an adult man’s forearm, and soon its upper body began to come together in the shape of a woman and its lower body in the shape of a fish. So, should I call it a blue mermaid? The surface looks soft like jelly, but the appearance is quite beautiful. Also, looking at the size, it seems to be mid-range. I’ve seen enough of the water spirit in the past, but the fact that it summoned a middle-level spirit instead of a low-level one left me truly amazed.

“That’s amazing. “It doesn’t look like a low-level spirit at all, does it?”

“Hehe. Actually, it is a mid-level spirit. “Please keep it a secret from Sarah.”

Ha-yeon Jeong narrowed her eyes as she slowly stroked the spirit that was looking at her from a distance. The water spirit continued to stare and then suddenly fell into Jeong Ha-yeon’s arms. They look quite friendly with each other as they rub their faces.

I stuck my tongue out. There really is no way to be surprised. He was well versed in fire-type magic, and Gehenna and Sarah, who received my help, were still having difficulty summoning him. However, Ha-yeon Jeong succeeded in summoning even a mid-level spirit by herself. Of course, we know that Jeong Ha-yeon is familiar with water, but how much effort did she put in? I can’t guess.

“Hayeon is really… . “You seem like a hard-working genius.”

“I don’t agree with the term genius, but it’s natural to try.”


“Soohyun has believed in me since we first met, so how can I be complacent? “That is a betrayal.”

“Betrayal… ?”

“ah… . “I guess that was a bit harsh.”

It was then.

“… Su-hyun. “You know.”

As I was thinking about what to say, I suddenly heard Jeong Ha-yeon taking a deep breath.

“I have never thought of myself as a genius. “Genius is a word that only fits a user like Haesol.”

hmm. Jegal Haesol is certainly an extraordinary wizard. I asked, leaning back.

“Why do you think that?”

“Since when… . Suddenly, at some point, I realized that I had stagnated. Knowledge about ancient magic was sorely lacking. Since there is no book to read and learn from, things start to get confusing, right?”

“Why is that… .”

“But Jegal Haesol is really… . Well, a user with 0 years of experience created magic on his own? “He was so surprised when he saw that.”


“actually… . While I was wandering around unable to do this or that, I think I developed a sense of self-destruction without realizing it. The Blue Moon Mage was supposed to be inherited by a user like this, not me. “I even had this thought.”

Suddenly the story became deeper. However, I did not change the topic and just chimed in appropriately. This is because Jeong Ha-yeon’s quiet voice felt like a confession in which she revealed her true feelings and confessed her sins. Maybe I’m saying something I’ve always wanted to say.

“… “Is that why you asked for water crystals?”

“yes. I wanted to find a breakthrough towards the spirits. But honestly, it was greed. Oh my god, dual classing with a secret. “You probably haven’t heard anything good.”

“… … .”

“However, Soohyun believed in me and granted my request. I didn’t show it outwardly at the time, but inside… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon was speechless for a moment. I made a joke on purpose to change the calm atmosphere.

“It would have been nice. It’s always nice when a user inherits a new class. haha.”

“… no. Rather than that, I felt dizzy. So I think she was digging in for her own life. “If he doesn’t succeed this time, he doesn’t think he deserves to be by Soo-hyeon’s side.”

At that moment, why did my breathing stop when I heard the reply? She suddenly felt a burning sensation in her chest.

“No, Hayeon. What can I say… .”

“Hehe. I’m just saying that. Well, it was that desperate.”

He takes it lightly, as if telling him not to worry too much. My voice has become clearer again. Jeong Ha-yeon suddenly hugged the spirit. The spirit seemed to be so happy about the radish that it fluttered its tail fin.

“I talked at length about this and that… . I just wanted to repay Suhyun in some way for believing in me. “I think that was the biggest feeling.”

pay… . Ira.

“Originally, I was going to summon the highest level spirit and show it to you… .”

As I gently lower my eyes, a pair of eyes casting a wise light enters my field of vision. Eyes full of confidence have regained their former cleverness. pretty.

For a moment, there was silence.

But before long,

“Still, I’m glad to see you satisfied.”

Jeong Ha-yeon smiled a clear smile that I had not seen in almost a year.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

yes. A new episode begins next time. You can probably see it as the last episode of the Northern Continent before the story of the Southern Continent and the Devil comes out. 🙂

P.S. Below is Jin Soo-hyeon’s user information requested by Seokyangs.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Jin Soo-hyun (3rd year)

2. Class: Spell Sniper (Secret, Spell Sniper, Master)

3. Nation: Free mercenary

4. Clan: Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero)

5. Jinmyeong • Nationality: Like the wind that does not get caught in a net • Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (27)

7. Height • Weight: 181.2cm • 78.6kg

8. Tendency: Hot Blood • Idiot

[Strength 92(+2)] [Durability 87] [Dexterity 96] [Stamina 89(+4)] [Magic Power 93(+2)] [Luck 88]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

< Achievements (4) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Swordsman (Rank: B Plus)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Gyeonggi Gong (Rank: S Zero)

< Potential (3/3) >

1. Close combat (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus)

2. A sword that sings of the victory of the sword (Rank: C Plus)

3. A sword that shades the rout of demons (Rank: C Plus)

< Comparison of recent abilities >

1. Before: [Strength 91(+2)] [Durability 85] [Dexterity 96] [Stamina 86(+4)] [Magic Power 92(+2)] [Luck 87](Total: 537 Points)

2. After: [Strength 92 (+2)] [Durability 87] [Dexterity 96] [Stamina 89 (+4)] [Magic Power 93 (+2)] [Luck 88] (Total: 545 Points)

< Power (1) >

1. Nullification

(Anti-magic ability. It is a magic resistance ability that is activated ‘unconditionally’ when it comes to magic attacks.

Provides 100% protection against magical events that occur when the magic power level is 75 points or less.

Magical effects that occur when the magic ability level is 85 points or less are unconditionally reduced by 80%.

Magical uses that occur when the magic ability level is 90 points or less are unconditionally reduced by 50%.)


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not work with dark mode