Memorize Chapter 81

00081 New Face ———————————————– ————————–=

As expected, the users who opened the inn door and entered were Ha-yeon Jeong and Sang-yong Shin. When I turned around and looked at them, it was difficult to say it was good even with empty words. Shin Sang-yong looked fine, but Jeong Ha-yeon’s face was very haggard, as if she had been through a lot of mental distress. Still, her eyes were clear and alive, so it didn’t seem like her heart was dead.

Ha-yeon Jeong was a user who had an impression of being attracted to me for some reason. It’s not just about looks. She had 10 years of experience going through the hole plane and my subjective eye for seeing people told me that this woman was Jin Kook. It was a feeling that was difficult to explain, as she literally had to catch this user.

However, I can’t reveal my true feelings. I stood up and said hello, keeping my expression as calm as possible.

“I heard you came to visit in the afternoon.”

“yes. Then I heard that he went out of the city with his companions.”

“It’s not an expedition, I just went out for a while to gain combat experience. Anyway, I made you do something in vain. I’m sorry.”

“no. “If you say that, it makes us even more sorry.”

You are polite. He humbles himself but does not lose his dignity. I bowed my head in response to the dignified answer. Yu-jeong, who was quick to notice, was already pulling two more chairs. We briefly exchanged greetings with Ha-yeon Jeong and Sang-yong Shin and then sat down.

For a moment, Ha-yeon Jeong and Vivien looked at each other. But soon Vivien looked away. The atmosphere became a little awkward and I quickly offered them a meal, but they euphemistically refused, saying they had already eaten.

“Have you put your mind in order?”

“To be honest, no. It’s difficult to sum it up so simply because it’s my younger brother’s death. “I still feel so heartbroken, sad, and angry.”

The kids all gasped at Jeong Ha-yeon’s honest answer. In particular, Vivien sunk her face.

Jeong Ha-yeon’s straightforward answer whetted my appetite. But this answer isn’t bad. If you lied to hide your sadness, you might have been disappointed. When she saw Shin Sang-yong poking her robe next to her, Jeong Ha-yeon continued speaking with a weak smile.

“After I said goodbye to you all, I went into the inn where I last stayed with my younger brother. I went and hugged the robe Jiyeon was wearing and cried. “I think she cried almost all day.”

Right now, Jeong Ha-yeon’s face was so calm and orderly. The fact that she cried felt like a lie. All the kids were looking at Jeong Ha-yeon with sympathy, but not me. An unknown goosebump rose inside her.

I also had the experience of losing my older brother in the first episode. At that time, for a week, he turned into a person, or rather, a murderous demon who went on a rampage. He was barely able to calm his anger after killing numerous enemy users and going on a rampage to the point where blood formed a river. And, because Yuhyeon could not forget his older brother and Han Soyoung, he was now standing in this place again.

Her attitude was such a contrast to who I am now. If Jeong Ha-yeon’s current attitude is fake, she was definitely a scary talent. But by the time they came, I was activating my third eye and telling her that what was inside her was sincere now.

I stared at Jeong Ha-yeon with a blank face for a moment. “How on earth can I control my emotions like you do?” I wanted to ask, but I could barely swallow it. She quietly accepted my gaze and soon turned her head to look at Vivien.

“I am. We killed your men, we killed your children. And they killed my brother and his companions.”

“… yes.”

“I won’t say sorry for killing your children and subordinates. And I’m not sorry. Because humans are inherently like that. “But I hope you will admit that you did something terrible to the group, or at least my brother, and apologize sincerely.”

“… … .”

“I still don’t understand it. However, if the favor that Soohyun showed us and the words she said were true. And if your feelings as a human being, not a monster, have returned, show me the proof sincerely now.”

Jeong Ha-yeon opened her mouth with a solemn look on her face. And Shin Sang-yong was looking at Hayeon and me alternately with a restless face next to her. The soft charisma that enveloped those around me in an instant made me draw a light line with my mouth.

and. Vivien bowed her head far too easily compared to Jeong Ha-yeon’s determination.

“sorry. I am really sorry.”

“… … ?”

“I know and remember everything I did when I was a monster. And my will was also included. But if I were human, and if I still had any intelligence left as a human, that would never have happened. I don’t mind the fact that he came into my dungeon and killed my subordinates at that time. I don’t even think of him as a subordinate right now. But what I did to your group and your younger brother. I don’t know how on earth to ask for forgiveness. I sincerely apologize. “I know these words aren’t enough, but I still hope you understand my true feelings.”

Vivien’s face was different from usual. Instead of the fierce face he always showed, he was showing an attitude of truly asking for forgiveness. Her lover, who always longed for her Vivian, was also looking at her with her mouth open. I also admired her appearance for the first time, and then turned my gaze back to Jeong Ha-yeon.

“… … .”

Jeong Ha-yeon said nothing. Open your lips once, then close them again. And then open it again, then close it again. It looked like he wanted to speak, but his throat was so tight that no words came out. She eventually closed her eyes. It seemed like she was putting a lot of effort into controlling her swirling emotions.

There was an awkward silence for a moment. But the silence did not last long. Jeong Ha-yeon opened her eyes immediately and opened her mouth in a dry voice. Vivien still had her head down.

“Raise your head.”

“sorry. sorry.”

“I don’t know what’s on your mind. But at least the outward attitude leaves me speechless. Raise your head. And Su-hyeon. I’m sorry for treating your group so carelessly. but… .”

I raised my hand to stop her. Ha-yeon Jeong saw my signal and gently closed her mouth.

“It’s okay if you don’t say more. I am also protecting Vivian now, but I do not look kindly on what she has done. We also fully sympathize with and sympathize with user Ha-yeon Jeong’s feelings.”

“… Thank you.”

Ha-yeon Jeong did not even look at Vivien after she finished speaking. But to me, he politely bowed his head and then sighed deeply.


After wrapping up one case like that, we went up to the room Anhyun and I were using. What I will say in the future may be misunderstood by other users, so I intentionally came up to the room. As soon as I came out and opened the door that Ahn Hyeon was using, I noticed records rolling around and a map with something densely written on it. Ha-yeon Jeong and Sang-yong Shin both opened their eyes and entered under my guidance.

She asked for my understanding for a moment and looked at the records and maps I had examined. I laughed to myself as I saw Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong looking at them with interest for a while. The map they were looking at now showed exactly how I discovered the ancient alchemist’s dungeon and the process of finding the ruined laboratory I was currently exploring.

If their minds worked the way I thought, they could serve as a standard for measuring my exploration capabilities.

“Stand, stand, no way. “Is this what you found when you were looking for the ancient alchemist’s dungeon?”

“That’s basically how it gets close. Of course, there was some luck involved.”

“Whoa, whoa. This is truly amazing! Without any clues or information, to get this close with only these records… Whoa.”

Shin Sang-yong continued to exclaim and make a fuss. Shin Sang-yong seemed to have a bit of an introverted personality, was clumsy in dealing with people and stuttered, but he seemed like the type of person who showed passion in areas he was interested in.

Jeong Ha-yeon also looked at the map with a lively expression and then looked at me with admiration.

“That’s amazing. “Did you really investigate this on your own?”

“It’s a foolish thing to do.”

“To put it in a bad way, yes. Don’t lower your abilities. “These methods are difficult to put into practice even if you think about them.”

“sister. “Is it really such a great thing that Soohyun oppa did?”

Yu-jeong effortlessly clung to Jeong Ha-yeon. She had been anxious to talk to me since a while ago, so she intervened. Come to think of it, it was my first time seeing Yoo-jeong be so friendly from the beginning. Jeong Ha-yeon looked at Yoo-jeong with a slightly embarrassed face, but then she smiled brightly and continued her words.

“Many users refer to this method as picking stars in the sky, finding a needle in the sand, or playing the lottery. However, Su-hyeon’s method increased the odds to the level of finding a pebble in a sand field or winning a regular lottery.”

It’s kind of a subtle compliment. But Yujeong looked at me with new eyes and opened her mouth.

“Hey… .”

“You asked me if it was a big deal. yes. This is great. “Soo-hyeon is going through a really hard time.”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s last words contained a bone. She looked at her companions for a moment, then turned her gaze to me. The way she looks at her companions. And at that time, I was able to see a little bit of Jeong Ha-yeon’s inner self. When I wondered where she felt very familiar, I realized that she had many similarities with Kim Han-byeol.

Of course, she is not alone with Kim Han-byeol, and there are aspects of her personality that are different. But it’s similar. However, Jeong Ha-yeon experienced her world earlier than Kim Han-byeol, and she was a user who knew how to bend her pride. In other words, if Kim Han-byeol experienced the world a little more, there was a possibility that she could become like Jeong Ha-yeon. Of course, it was just my opinion.

The two of us looked at my records for a while and then sat in a circle in the room. It looked a little funny, but it wasn’t a very nice inn, so there weren’t enough chairs to sit on. However, you can’t sit on the bed.

Ha-yeon Jeong and Sang-yong Shin looked at each other, nodded, then looked at me and opened their mouths.

“The reason I came here today is because of Vivien’s work, but I actually came because I had a favor to ask of Soo-hyeon.”


Jeong Ha-yeon kept her mouth shut. She wondered why she suddenly did that, but then she saw Shin Sang-yong pushing up her glasses. From now on, I thought it would be Shin Sang-yong, not Jeong Ha-yeon, who would start talking.

“Wow, we have received a lot of grace from our user Kim Soo-hyun. Oh, my life was saved and… to. therefore… .”

Jeong Ha-yeon smiled bitterly as she looked at Shin Sang-yong, who was sweating profusely and constantly stuttering. I maintained a calm face and opened my mouth in a soft tone.

“You can speak comfortably. And if that were the case, everyone would have done the same.”

“ah. Thank you. Phew. I have a habit of stuttering when I’m nervous. It’s something that’s been in my nature since I was born, so it’s not easy to fix. ha ha ha. and.”

Shin Sang-yong cleared his throat for a moment.

“Soohyun, you may not know this because you are still in year 0, but in such cases, not everyone acts the same. to… hmm. His life may be spared, but using that as an excuse… There are also users who make slightly embarrassing requests… It’s natural to think of the items you acquire as your own loot. hmm… It may sound a little strange, but at least on the hole plane, it’s true. So, those are things we can be fully thankful for.”

of course. The reason they are so grateful to me now is because they say, “If you don’t want to die, thank me for saving your life and get the hell away.” or “Hmm? Isn’t the girl pretty? Guys. Wake this bitch up. Let’s taste it. “Instead of saving his life, let’s at least taste his body.” I wasn’t doing these things.

If I were me during the first round. Or, if I had been alone, I would have taken off everything I was wearing and never given it back. Because that’s natural. If the kids didn’t have eyes for them, and if they liked Jeong Ha-yeon and had no intention of recruiting her, they might have just thrown the items away out of annoyance.

I also liked Shin Sang-yong. I would have been really offended if he had been bragging about us, who were in his 0th year, by claiming that he was in his 2nd year, but he was speaking quietly and in a cautious tone. It’s like an older brother gently teaching his younger sibling how to live in the world. Thinking about the tendencies of those I saw with my third eye, I waited for the next words.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ha ha ha. Since I have an interview tomorrow, it would have been difficult to publish the series at midnight today. When I finally finished preparing for the interview, it was very late. Still, I wanted to live up to the expectations of my readers, as they have received a lot of interest and support these days. Hahaha. (Please pat me on the back. 🙂 )

I’m not confident with my quill because I’m typing so quickly, but I’ll fix any odd parts later. I think the next episode will probably start with a new chapter right after this chapter ends. We ask for your continued interest in Memorize.


1. Hamina: Congratulations on first place. omg. You saw it all in one go. ha ha ha. I hope you enjoy this episode as well.

2. Aikaize: This summons Yeoncham by sacrificing the famous coupon! That’s right. ha ha ha. I have an interview tomorrow, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to attend. We will try our best. Thank you for the coupon. 🙂

3. juan: What is the future direction of Ko Yeon-ju? ha ha ha. Go Yeon-joo is also surprisingly popular. I’ll have to do a character popularity vote soon.

4. Groin: Aha. Thank you. It was said that even if two Yubins came, they couldn’t beat Vivien. The content has been modified to make it easier to understand. Thank you for your valuable advice. 🙂

5. Human life: Hahaha. You don’t have to feel too burdened. I have no doubt that Human Life will always take first place, at least for the midnight series (huh?)

6. MT Gom: Your recommendations and comments are the driving force of Yeoncham. This is absolutely true. Just knowing that there are people reading this article gives the writer great strength.

7. Arylilia: Hahaha. Hoi becomes Dooly. I burst out laughing at the wordplay. Thank you for pointing out the typo. 🙂

8. GradeRown: Sure. Although there are procedures in place, they can be changed. However, the change process is quite difficult. Of course, the protagonist knows how to do it the easy way. A method will come out later.

9. A mournful soul: I was devastated! Please take a look at Norse mythology!

10. Artequus: I see. Su-hyeon, who is old and sick, takes care of the children… uh? Could it be the old man in the back room?!

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode