MEMORIZE Chapter 809

00809 However, comparison will be possible. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Ugh… .”

A painful moan comes out, almost like a leak in a dream. It is not that loud, but it is a clear sound.

“Ah… . Good mood… .”

The woman’s muffled moans are heard once more. I calmly closed my eyes, reminding myself to endure. I shook off distracting thoughts and focused all my attention. But it had the opposite effect. As your senses become more sensitive, the soft texture you feel in your palm becomes clearer, but now you want to massage it quickly? It’s going to be crazy~.’ So much so that I can hear an auditory hallucination.

Finally, I couldn’t bear it anymore and opened my eyes to see Sarah lying face down right in front of me. Sara’s almost naked body, with only her buttocks lightly covered by her red cloth, is engulfed in clear flame. However, more than anything else, the disheveled hair falling down her shoulders, the white and pretty neckline that blends fantastically with the blonde hair, and the sight of her fully ripe breasts crushed on the floor keep making me think of her even if I try not to. It catches my eye.

Is this all? As I look at the rapidly swelling line of the buttocks below the white deer-like waist where I place my hand, my other self also swells. It’s a pity that my trembling hands feel like I’m watching the S-pole screaming, asking why they’re not letting me meet the N-pole.

“Haaaa… .”

Suddenly Sarah gently twisted her body. The strange sound, as if you are enjoying the afterglow after an or**sm, gently melts your sorrow. Not only is my lower abdomen already soaring, but I am also convulsing like an angry animal. I sighed inwardly as I looked at my pants, which seemed to be bulging through the fabric.

This is a situation that would be 100% misunderstood by someone who does not know the situation. But for me, it is absolutely unfair. Actually, the reason I am doing this is not to do something like that. Of course, it wasn’t to roast Sarah.

After Gehenna returned, there was a personal request from Sarah for help with her training. In order to increase affinity with fire, he wants to receive help from Hwajeong, who has the power of the divine fire world. It is said that this way, you can feel the energy of fire without being burned, and it is said to be a training method designed by Gehenna.

The reason Sarah took off her clothes was similar. To increase friendliness, it is helpful to be in a natural state and in the most comfortable position. You can complain like Gehenna, but fortunately… . no. Unfortunately, I’m not at that level. You have to keep your hands together like this and constantly send strength.

Anyway, although several conditions subtly came together to make this happen, it is still not a bad situation at all. There is no need to say anything. Didn’t you already feel the power of the Spirit Legion directly in the first episode? It is said that a force that is similar to or exceeds that of Vivien’s army of demonic beasts is added, and I can at least endure the feelings of a high priest practicing face-to-face wall training. Yes, as much as you want… .

hmm. By the way, what happened to the crystal of light and darkness that was given to Mar? I think Jeong Ha-yeon is doing well on her own.

“Whoa…” . exorcism.”

Then, suddenly, I heard the sound of someone exhaling. As Sara, who was lying down, slowly stands up, red cloth flows down. It is a signal that training is over.

“very good. Thank you again today. Clan Lord.”

Sarah got up and smiled as she skillfully wrapped the cloth around her body. He has no hesitation in looking at me, perhaps because he has experienced some exposure as a child.

“Our language has improved considerably?”

“yes. “I studied a lot at Hyundai to begin with, and I continued to learn here as well.”

“It’s nice to see you trying.”

“Hehe. I like that compliment. “It would be great if you could do more.”

Her face is full of color as if she is in a really good mood. Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, Sarah let out an exclamation.

“Come to think of it, Clan Lord. “Isn’t today that day?”

Because that day. Although it is a polysemy, it probably means that. Because training doesn’t only help Sarah.

“Of course.”

“Then didn’t I hold on too long?”

“Not at all. “The time allocation has been made clear.”

“Fortunately, the. “I was worried because I thought I was the only one who was greedy.”

After saying that, Sarah raised her clenched fist and said, “Fighting.” He said. Just when I thought it was somehow cute and was about to smile without realizing it,

“… … ?”

Suddenly, I noticed that the red carpet on the floor was wet.

… Why is the carpet fur stained in circles?



A stinging metal sound rang out. The garden, filled with bitter energy, is becoming hotter than ever. Some people frown at the ear-piercing noise, but are startled by the dull thud of hitting something. However, without even the slightest delay, a black figure fell from the sky to the ground.



A groan filled with pain erupted. The figure didn’t just hit once, it bounced a couple more times and rolled around on the ground. Conventionally, users wearing white robes quickly run towards the round shape. However, except for the priest, everyone did not lose focus on the scene before their eyes.

After a while, as the thick smoke cleared, a man slowly appeared. A man wearing jet-black one-piece armor with pauldrons and a red cape stands quietly in the center of the garden. She just stands still without making the slightest movement. She is a woman measuring the distance around her man. She hesitated as she walked, showing that she was a little scared.

But stepping back is only for a moment. A strange look passed through the woman’s eyes as she quickly looked to her left and right. She stops walking tall and lowers her posture significantly. Soon, her red eyes and her hair glowed with gold. Fear and fear of the other person disappear and simple courage arises. The way she adjusts the katana in both hands is like an animal stalking its prey.

Lee Yu-jeong felt it instinctively. The man in front of me. In other words, no technique will work on Kim Soo-hyun. It never worked against Nam Da-eun, and there’s no way it would work against Kim Soo-hyun. Neither strength, speed, magic, nor technology can reach any of them. But there are corners to be fought. Not only is he here now, but there are also two other archers. I don’t know where he is, but he must be preparing to shoot. Then, you just need to create a clear opportunity for the archers to aim more accurately.

Just as Lee Yu-jeong thought, there were two archers in the garden targeting Kim Soo-hyun.

“Aim line alignment… .”

The voice he exhaled was unusually quiet. Finally, the moment all the cold air flowed out of her nose, Seon Yu-un held her breath. The two wide-open eyes break through all obstacles and stare solely at Kim Soo-hyun. Her bowstring is already stretched to its limit. Preparations for launch were completed a long time ago.

At the same time, on the other side of Kim Soo-hyun, the brilliance of four days emerged from Woo Soo-su. As if decorating the back of the Buddha statue, it rises in a circle behind Imhanna and flashes a dazzling light. Unlike Seon Yu-un, he came out openly, but each and every sparkle that emerged gave off an energy that could not be ignored.

Could it be that the halo of light shining everywhere was considered a signal? Lee Yu-jeong’s body, which had been constantly spinning, reversed for an instant.



Red hair fluttered with excitement. Lee Yoo-jeong’s body, hitting her ground, rushes forward in an instant. The energy radiating from her whole body draws a sharp arc, continuing her golden run. However, Kim Soo-hyun turned around with indifferent eyes. The sword invisible to the naked eye held in her right hand is aimed precisely at Lee Yu-jeong.

At that time, the hilt of the sword in Kim Soo-hyun’s hand suddenly shook like a wave.

While approaching within 1 meter,


Lee Yu-jeong’s wild nature responded. As long as you feel alive, you can prepare. I take a deep breath and grab my twin daggers.

It was that moment.


For a moment, I felt a huge shock to my temple and my head turned. My mind becomes dizzy and tinnitus rings in my ears. The turned view shakes mercilessly.

‘what… ?’

Before Yu-jeong Lee could even think about it, she immediately felt a kick to the chin. “Poof!” Her upper and lower teeth clashed hard, forcing her head to tilt back. The sky she sees slowly becomes distant.

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

It was then. At the same time as Im Hanna shouts out something, the lights floating in the air rush towards Kim Soo-hyun, leaving a solemn sound. Even though it is midday, a ray of light that even the sunlight casts over the garden. Kim Soo-hyun, who was watching Lee Yu-jeong fall, glances to the right in the same kicking posture.

Right at that moment.


Seon Yu-un also protested. The arrow’s feathers fluttered and fluttered like a fresh tail fin.


A strike aimed at only one opportunity. The target is Kim Soo-hyun’s neck. In a split second, the pole-like arrow cut through the air like a beam of light, narrowing the distance to 60 meters. Snipers coming from left and right mercilessly attacked Kim Soo-hyun, who was just regaining his bearings.


There was a loud roar that could not be attributed to simply firing an arrow. The aftereffects of the collision, as loud as they were loud, swept everywhere. The mounds of dirt in the garden are shaking violently, as if they were an angry sea, and the dust that rises up covers the center of the garden. Everyone forgot to breathe in this grand yet destructive scene. Clan members watching from all directions and the two snipers shooting arrows.

A moment later, a black shadow appeared, shimmering in the thick smoke.

Surprisingly, Kim Soo-hyun was standing with both feet on the ground. He didn’t move a single step from where he first stood.

“ah… !”

Eventually, as the smoke cleared little by little, someone let out a shuddering exclamation. I can’t even see where the light that Lim Hanna fired has gone. There are only four familiar swords stuck in the air. But more than anything, it was truly surprising that a long arrow was held in Kim Soo-hyun’s left hand.

The battle was over before I could blink even a few times. The level of the attack was so high that most of the clan members who gathered to watch could not watch properly.

However, I was able to clearly see a few people, including Ko Yeon-ju, Nam Da-eun, Cha So-rim, and Heo Jun-young. It was a very brief moment, but when Kim Soo-hyun gestured, four swords moved around him as if they were alive and struck out the brilliance, disappearing. Next, he lightly caught Seon Yu-un’s arrow, which came in half a beat late, with his left hand. In other words, he received the blow of conversion with just two gestures.

It was a blameless sniper aimed at based on Lee Yu-jeong’s sacrifice. However, Kim Soo-hyun’s response completely deviated from common sense. Maybe it would have been better if I had avoided it. ‘Never avoid it and accept it.’ What if you think of it as a proposition? No one can be sure.

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun dropped the arrow in his hand.

Finally, the sparring that was close to a battle ended.

“Ugh… .”

Ahn Hyeon, who had been watching intently, sat down with a look of disgust on his face. I think most people here probably feel the same way.

However, the person who achieved something almost miraculous does not seem to be like that at all. The indifferent eyes become as narrow as thread, and the eyes that look around reveal a subtle anger. Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth slowly separated, breaking the quiet silence.

“One person rushed in without meaning to and was immediately thrown out.”

Shin Jae-ryong, who was receiving treatment in a corner, looks shocked at the stern voice. It is clear even without looking who he is talking about. The first user to quit was himself and no one else.

“A person panting from exhaustion after using a not-so-funny ability.”

Im Hanna, who was catching her breath while leaning on her knees and bending over, began to tremble.

“I don’t care about my colleagues who are confused, and I will do my best to give them one shot. “A person who, instead of coordinating the battlefield, just hid and waited for an opportunity.”

Seon Yu-un, who was standing there in shock, chewed his mouth.

Soon, Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes turned to Yu-jeong Lee, who was sitting down. She was still tingling as Lee Yu-jeong touched her chin and her body flinched in surprise. Like a child who knows he will be scolded.

“I know what they calculated and moved, but… . The intentions aren’t bad. But in real life, don’t act like that. “Because it’s the perfect move to kill.”

However, for the first time, praise instead of sarcasm came out of Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth. no. It may not be considered a compliment, but at least it wasn’t a criticism. Lee Yu-jeong tried to smile brightly, but hastily adjusted her expression. I know this too. It’s completely different for a test taker who expected a 1st grade to get a 3rd grade, and a test taker who expected a 6th grade to get a 4th grade.

Kim Soo-hyun, who stopped looking, glared at the three people one after another again.

“Are you saying you will inherit the class just to do something like this?”

Something like this. The criticism is more intense than ever. However, Shin Jae-ryong, Im Hanna, and Seon Yu-un quietly lowered their heads. There is nothing left to say.

At that time, Kim Soo-hyun said this. If you are confident that you can surpass Go Yeon-ju, Nam Da-eun, and Heo Jun-young, you can take it. Instead of just jumping over him, he made Kim Soo-hyun unable to take even a single step back. Isn’t this a result that leaves no room for excuses? I hoped to become stronger, but I became weaker. Even if it has ten mouths, it remains silent.


The sound of the blade being gently inserted into the sheath rang out.

After a while.

“Tsk… . This is how it is… . How are you going to deal with them? .”

Kim Soo-hyun muttered to himself and walked briskly toward the entrance as if there was nothing more to see.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Seon Yu-un: ㅅㅂ. I didn’t even think about it being a scam. Kim Soo-hyun is a bitch.

Hanna Lim: That’s right. How can a supporting buff beat a main character buff? Nonsense.

Shin Jae-ryong: Hehehehe… .

Yujeong Lee: Grade B~! B Turn your back~!(?)


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not work with dark mode